Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

American Muslim Children Taught To Hate

In the last five years I have personally visited over 250 Islamic Centers, mosques, and Islamic Schools throughout America. The goal of my research has been to determine what Islamic leaders are teaching the young and innocent Muslim children. The findings are abhorrent, sad, unbelievable and frightening. Most disturbing is the fact our government is keeping this dangerous fact from the American people.

American Muslim Children Taught to Hate | Clarion Project
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For
Don't support Muslims at all....I DO support the 1st Amendment. Don't you?

Actually, there are some Muslims I support. There are also some Christians I support, some Sikhs I support, some Wiccans I support, some Buddhists I support, even a Satanist or two I support. I don't support their religion or agree with their beliefs, but I love them and support their individual right to practice their religion.

It boils down to stop demonizing entire religions for the actions of individual followers. It's like hating Elvis because a bunch of his fans are nucking futs.

You probablly would have said the same thing about Nazism aka we cannot demonize nazism because a few nazis like to kill jews etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

You essentially are sterotyping...aka....claiming all ideologies and religions are worthy of support.

Muslim Opinion Polls

You need to listen to Bill Maher>>>>Bill Maher: There’s a False Equivalence Between Muslim and Christian-Inspired Terrorist Attacks

No, that's the exact opposite of what I'm saying. All ideologies and religions are equally worthy of ridicule. Here, I'll give you an example:

May Jesus fuck Moses in the ass like a bitch while he's blowing the Lingam of Shiva!

All religions are equally deserving of ridicule, their followers equally deserving of the right to follow their ridiculous religions.
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Why Conservatives Support Muslims who stand for everythng they love?
Old Bush jr was having a love affair with the Saudis and the right didn't seem to mind then...

Indeed they were and probably still are. Bush family is a bunch of oil whores.

Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.

Irrational and slightly ill in the brain....That's how you would define the last 30 or so mass murderers in this country. Would you like to point out which one of them were liberals?
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
I suggest you speak for yourself since you do not know every liberals heart, or brain...
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For
Rich Republicans are always looking for ways to divide us. While this liberal realizes Islam is worse than Christianity, i hate all religions. So don't ask us to make this a Christian nation either.

And don't forget why we have immigration. Corporations want the workers and consumers. Otherwise let's stop immigration altogether.
I for one, am ashamed that that dick John is a member of my family...He's more of a dick than my third wife.......
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
Dumbest post you've ever written. I used to think you had common sense but this is pure right wing bullshit.
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
Prove it.

Name some liberals of consequence who support Muslims killing gays.
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
Prove it.

Name some liberals of consequence who support Muslims killing gays.
I like a nice Muslim american family that minds it's own business better than any right wing Christian. If that's what taz meant I agree. I'll take a moderate Muslim over Pat Robertson anyday.

But I'll take Pat Robertson over radical Muslims all day everyday
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
I have a very nice Muslim family living next door to me. On the other side I have a pat Robertson God hates fags Christian. You're God damn right I hate the Christians more. You Christians are very hateable.

The only thing I hate worse is radical Islam. My Muslim neighbors agree with me.

Do you see the difference? You hate the nice Muslim and don't condemn Pat Robertson.
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
I have a very nice Muslim family living next door to me. On the other side I have a pat Robertson God hates fags Christian. You're God damn right I hate the Christians more. You Christians are very hateable.

The only thing I hate worse is radical Islam. My Muslim neighbors agree with me.

Do you see the difference? You hate the nice Muslim and don't condemn Pat Robertson.

You can find nice and likeable people in any ideology......aka black muslims, communism, fascism, and I am sure that even in Nazism you would have found people like your very nice neighbor.....how is any of that relevant?

The simple truth: it is not relevant...when confronted with a dangerous ideology or religion you should do a 'threat assessment'....and that is where obama and the liberals and even many pc republicans have failed........they have not done a good or proper threat assessment of Islam much less muslims living in America.

To understand Islam to begin with you should study a little history of Islam...you do not even have to read that much to see the danger posed by that religion. It is not a tolerant religion to begin with(those so called muslims who are tolerant...simply are not that religious,,,the more religious a muslim is the greater the threat he is.

Click here>>>>I will start with practical aspect of Islam to prove Islam is incompatible with the norm and values of the liberal democracy a

Apologists would tell us that militant Islam is a distortion of Islam, but that is not true; it emerges out of the religion, constituting a radically new interpretation. It adapts an age-old faith to the political requirements of our day.
– Daniel Pipes

Click here>>>What Turns Some Western Muslims Into Terrorists? The Causes of Extremism

Why Muslim converts can be so dangerous...not even to mention the children of muslims who are very susceptible to radicalization.

Converts are among the most fervent adherents to any faith. In the age of ISIS, Muslim converts are increasingly vulnerable to adopting a creed of extremism and violence.

Why Converts To Islam Are So Susceptible To Becoming Terrorists
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Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
I have a very nice Muslim family living next door to me. On the other side I have a pat Robertson God hates fags Christian. You're God damn right I hate the Christians more. You Christians are very hateable.

The only thing I hate worse is radical Islam. My Muslim neighbors agree with me.

Do you see the difference? You hate the nice Muslim and don't condemn Pat Robertson.

You can find nice and likeable people in any ideology......aka black muslims, communism, fascism, and I am sure that even in Nazism you would have found people like your very nice neighbor.....how is any of that relevant?

The simple truth: it is not relevant...when confronted with a dangerous ideology or religion you should do a 'threat assessment'....and that is where obama and the liberals and even many pc republicans have failed........they have not done a good or proper threat assessment of Islam much less muslims living in America.

To understand Islam to begin with you should study a little history of Islam...you do not even have to read that much to see the danger posed by that religion. It is not a tolerant religion to begin with(those so called muslims who are tolerant...simply are not that religious,,,the more religious a muslim is the greater the threat he is.

I will start with practical aspect of Islam to prove Islam is incompatible with the norm and values of the liberal democracy a
Christianity had the same violent history. I've seen enough on the history channel to know Christianity was crammed down out throats until it was just accepted.

I think/believe/hope Muslims will assimilate into America. I hope we don't have a problem with them like we do with African Americans. Although those are two different things. At least they are now. Poor Blacks are treated like 2nd class citizens. So a small % of them become violent. But radical Christianity can make cons shoot up abortion clinics or Gabby Gifford.

So we have to worry about a small % of Muslims who might be radicalized. We need to make sure we don't let radicals in. But then their kids might be radicalized. Depends on how America treats them but they do need to assimilate better. If we see first generation Muslims are becoming radicalized we will go after them with a fury.

There's this pro isis Muslim trying to push free speech limits and they charged him.

I would stop immigration from Islam countries too but corporations would never allow it unfortunately. They want more workers and more consumers and no one else wants to come here anymore.

I say turn to china. They have millions of men who can't find wives.
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
I have a very nice Muslim family living next door to me. On the other side I have a pat Robertson God hates fags Christian. You're God damn right I hate the Christians more. You Christians are very hateable.

The only thing I hate worse is radical Islam. My Muslim neighbors agree with me.

Do you see the difference? You hate the nice Muslim and don't condemn Pat Robertson.

You can find nice and likeable people in any ideology......aka black muslims, communism, fascism, and I am sure that even in Nazism you would have found people like your very nice neighbor.....how is any of that relevant?

The simple truth: it is not relevant...when confronted with a dangerous ideology or religion you should do a 'threat assessment'....and that is where obama and the liberals and even many pc republicans have failed........they have not done a good or proper threat assessment of Islam much less muslims living in America.

To understand Islam to begin with you should study a little history of Islam...you do not even have to read that much to see the danger posed by that religion. It is not a tolerant religion to begin with(those so called muslims who are tolerant...simply are not that religious,,,the more religious a muslim is the greater the threat he is.

I will start with practical aspect of Islam to prove Islam is incompatible with the norm and values of the liberal democracy a
Christianity had the same violent history. I've seen enough on the history channel to know Christianity was crammed down out throats until it was just accepted.

I think/believe/hope Muslims will assimilate into America. I hope we don't have a problem with them like we do with African Americans. Although those are two different things. At least they are now. Poor Blacks are treated like 2nd class citizens. So a small % of them become violent. But radical Christianity can make cons shoot up abortion clinics or Gabby Gifford.

So we have to worry about a small % of Muslims who might be radicalized. We need to make sure we don't let radicals in. But then their kids might be radicalized. Depends on how America treats them but they do need to assimilate better. If we see first generation Muslims are becoming radicalized we will go after them with a fury.

There's this pro isis Muslim trying to push free speech limits and they charged him.

I would stop immigration from Islam countries too but corporations would never allow it unfortunately. They want more workers and more consumers and no one else wants to come here anymore.

I say turn to china. They have millions of men who can't find wives.

First of all I do not think you know much about Christianity or Islam and you certainly will learn little about Christianity from the History Channel.....if you really want to learn something....turn off the T.V. go to the Library and get a book on The History of Islam or Christianity and compare the two...actually you do not even have to go to the library...there is much online about the history of the two very different religions.

I am loathe to address many of your comments...so discombobulated and incoherent. And you end it by the China nonsense....quite pathetic.
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For

Why do the warmongers, Likudnicks, interventionists support warhawk law?
Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Well, being a liberal in the first place means you're irrational and slightly ill in the brain. That aside, they hate white Christians more than Muslims so Muslims and their attrocities get a pass.
I have a very nice Muslim family living next door to me. On the other side I have a pat Robertson God hates fags Christian. You're God damn right I hate the Christians more. You Christians are very hateable.

The only thing I hate worse is radical Islam. My Muslim neighbors agree with me.

Do you see the difference? You hate the nice Muslim and don't condemn Pat Robertson.

You can find nice and likeable people in any ideology......aka black muslims, communism, fascism, and I am sure that even in Nazism you would have found people like your very nice neighbor.....how is any of that relevant?

The simple truth: it is not relevant...when confronted with a dangerous ideology or religion you should do a 'threat assessment'....and that is where obama and the liberals and even many pc republicans have failed........they have not done a good or proper threat assessment of Islam much less muslims living in America.

To understand Islam to begin with you should study a little history of Islam...you do not even have to read that much to see the danger posed by that religion. It is not a tolerant religion to begin with(those so called muslims who are tolerant...simply are not that religious,,,the more religious a muslim is the greater the threat he is.

I will start with practical aspect of Islam to prove Islam is incompatible with the norm and values of the liberal democracy a
Christianity had the same violent history. I've seen enough on the history channel to know Christianity was crammed down out throats until it was just accepted.

I think/believe/hope Muslims will assimilate into America. I hope we don't have a problem with them like we do with African Americans. Although those are two different things. At least they are now. Poor Blacks are treated like 2nd class citizens. So a small % of them become violent. But radical Christianity can make cons shoot up abortion clinics or Gabby Gifford.

So we have to worry about a small % of Muslims who might be radicalized. We need to make sure we don't let radicals in. But then their kids might be radicalized. Depends on how America treats them but they do need to assimilate better. If we see first generation Muslims are becoming radicalized we will go after them with a fury.

There's this pro isis Muslim trying to push free speech limits and they charged him.

I would stop immigration from Islam countries too but corporations would never allow it unfortunately. They want more workers and more consumers and no one else wants to come here anymore.

I say turn to china. They have millions of men who can't find wives.
Go ahead and whitewash your horrible past. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

So just the same way they got you Catholics and Protestants to kill each other, they'll get you Christians to kill Muslims and they'll get Muslims to kill us.

Same old shit

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