Why libertarians need to vote Republican next week...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Well, if you truly want a libertarian victory one day...you need to vote Republican next week, why...to slow down the advance of obama....you didn't vote for Romney...and you now have obamacare...it you want to keep the judiciary at least somewhat free of obama...you need to keep the democrats from keeping the senate...here is a libertarian to explain why libertarians need to vote Republican...

Articles Why it s time for Libertarians to Vote for Republicans

Voting for Libertarian Party candidates today serves only to divide the vote between those who would slow (Republicans) or reverse (libertarians) the trend towards increasing statism. Splitting the vote allows those who would accelerate that trend to win by default. We need to support -- dare I say it? -- the lesser of the evils.

While most votes require me to hold my nose, I get lucky now and then and truly support a candidate. I would love the opportunity to vote for a Rand Paul, a Ted Cruz, a Marco Rubio -- and suspect I will soon have such an opportunity. But we need to ensure Republicans -- even those we would never vote for in a sane world – win the Senate so that we can hold the line in the interim. We can’t afford to give another seat on the Supreme Court to a pseudo-liberal. The reign of Harry Reid, one of the most despicable statists ever to hold elected office, must end.
What's the point of being of a party who never has candidates with a serious chance at winning that you then vote for some other party?
They have to start winning elections down the ticket and win primaries...if they win the primary as a libertarian in the Republican party...they are in the door...and in a position to help more libertarian candidates to win...They need to start taking over the Republican party...saves a lot of resources...
Is this one of those stealth
Well, if you truly want a libertarian victory one day...you need to vote Republican next week, why...to slow down the advance of obama....you didn't vote for Romney...and you now have obamacare...it you want to keep the judiciary at least somewhat free of obama...you need to keep the democrats from keeping the senate...here is a libertarian to explain why libertarians need to vote Republican...

Articles Why it s time for Libertarians to Vote for Republicans

Is this one of those stealth ad campaigns for "Dumb and Dumber To"?
Voting libertarian is dumb

Unless one is truly a libertarian

That that is even dumber
Libertarians have far more in common with conservatives than they do with lying ass liberals that's for sure. Fill congress with conservatives and libertarians and we'll fix this damn country faster than flies on a liberal.
Libertarians have far more in common with conservatives than they do with lying ass liberals that's for sure. Fill congress with conservatives and libertarians and we'll fix this damn country faster than flies on a liberal.

Democrats and republicans aren't all that different. They can both sure spend.
In theory, Democrats have much more in common with Libertarians.

In practice, the modern Libertarian cares only about a single thing, which is tax cuts for himself. Everything else is a sideshow. The modern Libertarian would happily live in a dictatorship, so long as he got that tax cut. Hence, most Libertarians will vote Republican.
n theory, Democrats have much more in common with Libertarians.

In What world...? democrats are the exact opposite of libertarians...democrats are statists...all power to the state....
In theory, Democrats have much more in common with Libertarians.

In practice, the modern Libertarian cares only about a single thing, which is tax cuts for himself. Everything else is a sideshow. The modern Libertarian would happily live in a dictatorship, so long as he got that tax cut. Hence, most Libertarians will vote Republican.

LOL. The modern progressive wants to live in a dictatorship, as long as it is a like minded dictatorship.

Libertarians stress local rule, with minimal federal oversight.
n theory, Democrats have much more in common with Libertarians.

In What world...? democrats are the exact opposite of libertarians...democrats are statists...all power to the state....
excuse me? Which President oversaw the creation of the most onerous Big Brother state apparatus in world history (DHS :eusa_shhh: ) and start wars-for-profit? :up: A Republican. When they go Big Brother, they go BIG w/ TRILLION $$$ give-aways (on the backs of future taxpayers mind you ;) ) to their offense contractor buddies. !!! :banana: They are crony capitalists to the nth degree :lol:
There's a pot legalization bill in OR now. Democrats are for legalization. Republicans, against. It goes the same way in every state that tries to legalize.

Reigning in law enforcement? Mainly Democrats.

Reigning in the surveillance state? Mainly Democrats.

Keeping the internet open? Mainly Democrats.

Less militarisim? Mainly Democrats.

But libertarians will still all kiss Republican ass, solely for the tax cuts.

Libertarianism would look less like simple greed if Libertarians embraced even a single policy that didn't line their own pockets. While everyone goes for the greed to some extent, Libertarians specialize in lying about it by calling the greed "principles".
You mean these democrats?

Hmmmm...law enforcement...like Fast and Furious, using the power of the I.R.S. for the first time to target private citizens...and then using osha, the epa, and every other alphabet to go after politicial opponents?

Surveillance state....you mean going after the press like no other administration, the use of the NSA to go after private citizens?

The internet...the democrats want to control it...they want to tax it...?

Less militarism....until they see a need for it...then like every other socialist state...the military will become their primary tool...

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