Why Medicare Advantage costs taxpayers billions more than it should

I'm anti-one size fit all person. I believe in unique characteristics and not cookie-cutter approach dictated by cubicle workers telling me how much
health services I can have.
So consequently in a nation of 320 million DIVERSE ethnic, life-style people that have come to a country that encourages "diversity" it is nearly
an impossibility to have a "single payer" system UNLESS we all wear the same uniform, get paid a universal salary and have NO chance to be
the unique personality that America was founded on.

okay, let's unpack that little bit of stupidity. What you are saying is that some people are more deserving of good health care than others.

You see, I'd rather have a system run by a cubicle workers whose bosses I can vote out if they don't perform, than one run by cubicle workers whose bosses make eight figure salaries if they can figure out ways to cheat me after they have my money.

So with that premise, explain where we have a problem with health insurance in this country today?
We have 91% of Americans covered by employer, Non-group, Medicaid,Medicare, other public.

And we have 9% who aren't. And that is after the ACA. More to the point, before the ACA, we had 46 million people with no insurance, and 25 million with inadequate insurance.

What 46 million uninsured Americans?
Please explain how there ever were AFTER reading the FACTS!!!
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Obama didn't fail, the GOP states refused to expand Medicaid, which before the ACA, Medicaid was only for family with kids or disabled and one had to be so dirt poor, well its still that way in Texas, a family of 3 needs to make under 8700 a year. The GOP did and still does everything it can to cut any and all social programs, they are for big business.

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