Why Mitt Romney only does Fox News Interviews

God forbid he goes on another network to get asked the hard questions...like "what do you read?"


He's smart enough to know that the lame stream lefties don't want to ask him questions, they just want to smear him. He watched what happened to Mrs. Palin. At this point in time it makes no difference. Most minds have been made up. It's all about a referendum on the failed policies of obummer..
Barry Hussein knows all too well that an ambush question can be embarrassing and that's why he sticks to friendly interviews and relies on a teleprompter. We saw what the hysterical liberal babes did to nice guy Bill O'Reilly on their morning show with their antics and running off the stage. It's a shame to have to say it but the left wing is desperate and angry and hysterical and they will try any trick in the book.

Willard is afraid to answer anything but softball questions that his campaign has fed the interviewer. God forbid there is a followup question to Willards talking points

I thought we got away from this crap when Bachmann and Palin dropped out

Please tell us what benefit to the Romney campaign would be realized in having Romney interviewed on an MSNBC program?
Barry Hussein knows all too well that an ambush question can be embarrassing and that's why he sticks to friendly interviews and relies on a teleprompter. We saw what the hysterical liberal babes did to nice guy Bill O'Reilly on their morning show with their antics and running off the stage. It's a shame to have to say it but the left wing is desperate and angry and hysterical and they will try any trick in the book.

Willard is afraid to answer anything but softball questions that his campaign has fed the interviewer. God forbid there is a followup question to Willards talking points

I thought we got away from this crap when Bachmann and Palin dropped out

how long can Romney (R) hold out and only do interviews w/ RuperTV? :eusa_eh:

For the same reason Obama doesn't go on O'Reilly's show.

Comparing Chris Wallace with Maddow? :cuckoo:

Romney did an interview on ABC with Diane Sawyer in April, just like Obama did with Wallace,in April of 2008.
He's gone on O'Reilly twice, you little liar!
For the same reason Obama doesn't go on O'Reilly's show.

Comparing Chris Wallace with Maddow? :cuckoo:

Romney did an interview on ABC with Diane Sawyer in April, just like Obama did with Wallace,in April of 2008.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6HyXCHndmk]NFL on FOX: O'Reilly interviews Obama - YouTube[/ame]

At what point do you guys stop being so fucking wrong.


At what point does the OP admit it's a lie that Romney doesn't do interviews with anyone but FOX?

Dumb ass.

Because that's not the contention of the OP.

The OP contends that Romeny avoids, by in large, doing interviews on stations besides FOX. It does not contend he never does those interviews.

Mitt Romney Flocks To Fox News As General Election Season Ramps Up

Romney has appeared six times on Fox News -- more than on all other national broadcast and cable networks combined. Romney also recently gave his first interview following a controversial Washington Post piece, which reported that he had bullied closeted gay classmates in high school, to "Fox & Friends" co-host Brian Kilmeade, who questioned the paper's motivations on his radio show.

In nearly six weeks, Romney has done four other national TV interviews -- CNN, CNBC, ABC and CBS -- two of which were joint interviews with his wife, Ann Romney. He's also spoken to numerous local TV stations.

Romney's latest Fox News appearance was on Thursday's "Fox & Friends," where he fielded several questions about President Barack Obama that would likely appeal most to so-called "true believers."

"Would you go as far as Rush Limbaugh did yesterday in saying this is the first president in modern time who's going to run a campaign against capitalism?" co-host Gretchen Carlson asked.

"Well, it certainly sounds like that's what he's doing," Romney responded

Doesn't get any better than this
God forbid he goes on another network to get asked the hard questions...like "what do you read?"


He's smart enough to know that the lame stream lefties don't want to ask him questions, they just want to smear him. He watched what happened to Mrs. Palin. At this point in time it makes no difference. Most minds have been made up. It's all about a referendum on the failed policies of obummer..

How is asking what the Bush Doctrine (pre-emptive war [unpaid-for too BTW]) is or what papers you read "smears" Willow? :eusa_eh:
Mitt Romney Flocks To Fox News As General Election Season Ramps Up

Romney has appeared six times on Fox News -- more than on all other national broadcast and cable networks combined. Romney also recently gave his first interview following a controversial Washington Post piece, which reported that he had bullied closeted gay classmates in high school, to "Fox & Friends" co-host Brian Kilmeade, who questioned the paper's motivations on his radio show.

In nearly six weeks, Romney has done four other national TV interviews -- CNN, CNBC, ABC and CBS -- two of which were joint interviews with his wife, Ann Romney. He's also spoken to numerous local TV stations.

Romney's latest Fox News appearance was on Thursday's "Fox & Friends," where he fielded several questions about President Barack Obama that would likely appeal most to so-called "true believers."

"Would you go as far as Rush Limbaugh did yesterday in saying this is the first president in modern time who's going to run a campaign against capitalism?" co-host Gretchen Carlson asked.

"Well, it certainly sounds like that's what he's doing," Romney responded

Doesn't get any better than this

lol, first the week now the hufferpost, you're on a roll..
Mitt Romney Flocks To Fox News As General Election Season Ramps Up

Romney has appeared six times on Fox News -- more than on all other national broadcast and cable networks combined. Romney also recently gave his first interview following a controversial Washington Post piece, which reported that he had bullied closeted gay classmates in high school, to "Fox & Friends" co-host Brian Kilmeade, who questioned the paper's motivations on his radio show.

In nearly six weeks, Romney has done four other national TV interviews -- CNN, CNBC, ABC and CBS -- two of which were joint interviews with his wife, Ann Romney. He's also spoken to numerous local TV stations.

Romney's latest Fox News appearance was on Thursday's "Fox & Friends," where he fielded several questions about President Barack Obama that would likely appeal most to so-called "true believers."

"Would you go as far as Rush Limbaugh did yesterday in saying this is the first president in modern time who's going to run a campaign against capitalism?" co-host Gretchen Carlson asked.

"Well, it certainly sounds like that's what he's doing," Romney responded

Doesn't get any better than this

Fox & Friends is "fluffer central" :lol:
I think preaching to the choir by any presidential candidate is a waste of time, particularly with this election. Maybe with this election, Obama doing so would help him as he has lost his luster with many moderate Democrats more so than Romney, who the GOP (hard right -to-moderate) has embraced despite his moderate history. For Obama to go on Fox, he would not be wasting his time, even though he in no way his going to convince a hard right Republican to vote for him. But it would show some balls. Where as Romney has a chance at capturing the moderate/conservative Democratic vote, so it would benefit him more so to go into enemy territory
I have no idea how many moderate/conservative Democrats watch Maddow, but I have heard she does a good job interviewing folks on the right. I think Rand Paul has been on her show numerous times. So maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Romney to step into the circle with Maddow.
This presidential election again hinges on the independent/moderate vote. Whoever carries that vote will be president in 2012. That said, both Romney and Obama should step in the fire and appear within the media that appeals to that said demographic.
Since Obama was interviewed by Wallace on Fox isn't it time for Romney to allow Maddow to interview him?

For the same reason Obama doesn't go on O'Reilly's show.

Comparing Chris Wallace with Maddow? :cuckoo:

Romney did an interview on ABC with Diane Sawyer in April, just like Obama did with Wallace,in April of 2008.
He's gone on O'Reilly twice, you little liar!

he ain't got the guts to go now does he, he'll do letterman,, but he won't do O'Reilly.
god forbid he goes on another network to get asked the hard questions...like "what do you read?"


he's smart enough to know that the lame stream lefties don't want to ask him questions, they just want to smear him. He watched what happened to mrs. Palin. At this point in time it makes no difference. Most minds have been made up. It's all about a referendum on the failed policies of obummer..

how is asking what the bush doctrine (pre-emptive war [unpaid-for too btw]) is or what papers you read "smears" willow? :eusa_eh:

s m e a r
I think preaching to the choir by any presidential candidate is a waste of time, particularly with this election. Maybe with this election, Obama doing so would help him as he has lost his luster with many moderate Democrats more so than Romney, who the GOP (hard right -to-moderate) has embraced despite his moderate history. For Obama to go on Fox, he would not be wasting his time, even though he in no way his going to convince a hard right Republican to vote for him. But it would show some balls. Where as Romney has a chance at capturing the moderate/conservative Democratic vote, so it would benefit him more so to go into enemy territory
I have no idea how many moderate/conservative Democrats watch Maddow, but I have heard she does a good job interviewing folks on the right. I think Rand Paul has been on her show numerous times. So maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Romney to step into the circle with Maddow.
This presidential election again hinges on the independent/moderate vote. Whoever carries that vote will be president in 2012. That said, both Romney and Obama should step in the fire and appear within the media that appeals to that said demographic.

Sooner or later, Romney will have to leave the safety of Fox asking him anti-Obama questions and have to start fielding hard questions on his positions

For now, he is trying to avoid a YouTube moment

You did NOT just compare Chris Wallace to Rachael Maddow... did you?

Wallace has won three Emmy Awards (Maddow 1), the Dupont-Columbia Silver Baton Award (Maddow nada), and a Peabody Award (Maddow nada), and hosted Meet The PRess (Maddow nada). It's a bogus comparison.

Don't act like a fucking moron. Wallace has never hosted Meet The Press.

How many years has Chris Wallace been a "journalist". How many for Maddow?

And if a Lefty had been touting number of awards, you would have dismissed it as meaningless, because it's all a big club.

Still waiting for some intellectual honesty from you. I know you can muster it if you want, but things like blatant lies in your sigline show that you haven't matured enough yet.
he's smart enough to know that the lame stream lefties don't want to ask him questions, they just want to smear him. He watched what happened to mrs. Palin. At this point in time it makes no difference. Most minds have been made up. It's all about a referendum on the failed policies of obummer..

how is asking what the bush doctrine (pre-emptive war [unpaid-for too btw]) is or what papers you read "smears" willow? :eusa_eh:

s m e a r

Bible Spice was/is a cardboard cut-out of a candidate. Admit it Willow. :(
NFL on FOX: O'Reilly interviews Obama - YouTube

At what point do you guys stop being so fucking wrong.


At what point does the OP admit it's a lie that Romney doesn't do interviews with anyone but FOX?

Dumb ass.

Because that's not the contention of the OP.

The OP contends that Romeny avoids, by in large, doing interviews on stations besides FOX. It does not contend he never does those interviews.


Did you even READ the thread title, dumb ass???
Why Mitt Romney only does Fox News Interviews
As the Right scrambles to defend their new messiah

Romney is following the Palin playbook by avoiding those tough "What newspapers do you read?" questions in favor of a stream of softballs

Where is Romney on Meet the Press? or Face the Nation?

It is the new Republican......avoid hard questions at all costs

Has he been invited on Meet the Press or Face the Nation? My understanding is that such invites are usually reserved for actual nominees.... point of order... he ain't the fucking nominee yet.

Apparently, this is another fact that you sacrifice for 'theory'. You are embarrassingly dumb. But, thank you for not being a conservative... Stupid conservatives annoy me more than stupid liberals.

Your stupidity knows no limit on this board, does it, dumbass?

All the GOP nominees who have appeared on MTP and Face The Nation this past year:


Everyone EXCEPT Bishop Romney.

Could you be any more of an ignoramus?

Comparing Wallace to Maddow is quite comical. I will admit I would like to see that though.

And for the record I haven't seen Obama on the Sunday news shows either so what's the big deal? I'm sure as the campaigns ramp up they will both make the rounds so chill.
Since Obama was interviewed by Wallace on Fox isn't it time for Romeny to allow Maddow to interview him?

You did NOT just compare Chris Wallace to Rachael Maddow... did you?

Wallace has won three Emmy Awards (Maddow 1), the Dupont-Columbia Silver Baton Award (Maddow nada), and a Peabody Award (Maddow nada), and hosted Meet The PRess (Maddow nada). It's a bogus comparison.

Don't act like a fucking moron. Wallace has never hosted Meet The Press.

How many years has Chris Wallace been a "journalist". How many for Maddow?

And if a Lefty had been touting number of awards, you would have dismissed it as meaningless, because it's all a big club.

Still waiting for some intellectual honesty from you. I know you can muster it if you want, but things like blatant lies in your sigline show that you haven't matured enough yet.
Chris Wallace (journalist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christopher "Chris" Wallace (born October 12, 1947) is an American journalist and the host of the Fox News program Fox News Sunday. Wallace has won three Emmy Awards, the Dupont-Columbia Silver Baton Award, and a Peabody Award. Wallace has been with Fox News since 2003. As a previous moderator of Meet the Press, Wallace is the only person to date to have served as host/moderator of more than one of the major Sunday political talk shows.[citation needed]

Meet the Press - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The program then went through a series of hosts as it struggled in the ratings against ABC's This Week with David Brinkley. Roger Mudd and Marvin Kalb (as co-moderators) followed Monroe for a year, followed by Chris Wallace in 1987 and 1988, and Garrick Utley from 1989 through December 1, 1991.

That makes YOU the fucking moron, fucking moron.

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