Why more and more people are believing the MEDIA has blown COVID out of proportion for political purposes!

No he didn’t. He showed he's an idiot.
You're a good poster, and while I don't agree with jack I do not think he is an idiot, he has his opinion and we have ours

An "opinion" is something along the lines of "I like the house with the swimming pool, not the one without". A denial of facts and reality and labelling it a "hoax", is not an "opinion". It's a baseless conspiracy theory.

We are all allowed our own opinions, but people can't function if they don't have a basic consensus on the facts. That's the root problem in America today. One party has consistently fed their voters mis-information and lies which have no basis in fact. This has been going on since Reagan's "welfare queen" lie.

Republicans can't run on their record of having crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years. Their idea of "law and order" is to lock up black and brown men for possession of pot. The USA has become a police state after 40 years of "law and order" policies. 1000 people shot and killed by police every year for the past five years. #2 - France, shot and killed 26 last year. The USA now has more people incarcerated than Russia and China COMBINED.

The Trump Administration has tried to label these "differences in basic information" as "alternative facts". We call them what they are: "lies and disinformation". Trump has used lies and disinformation to try to confuse the American people as to what is true and what isn't. He's doing this because facts don't support his narrative.

There is no time in history when the nation has need facts more than right now. The OP is an example of what happens when you can no longer rely on your leaders to tell the truth. During the 2016 campaign, the media failed to call Trump on his lies, and since his election, the lying has only increased. Right wing media has backed up Trump's lies by parroting many of them.

Trump's current big lie is the "law and order" agenda he's pushing. All while getting all of his friends out of jail. And sending Michael Cohen back to jail because he wants to write a book. Last night, his storm troopers tear gassed the Mayor of Portland.

This is not going to go over well. This is authoritarian dictator bullshit.
Last edited:
Again, what is your end game here? How does bloviating get people back to work?..or children back to school?
Your rant just seems to want to reassure the election of your lord and savior in November.
What is it that you give a shit about? Don't quote the same bold embossed lines.
What is it that you think is a blown out of proportion conspiracy here??
The point of the thread as made clear in the title is how and why we know it is a hoax, the OP made that point and you recognized how obvious it was and quickly tried to pretend "I don't get it"...the OP showed this whole thing is a hoax...the only ones buying into this are those that want and need to buy into it for its political value.

Again, why would you deny things that you can see going on every single day on the news with your own eyes? Some vast left wing conspiracy? I asked the OP what they care about because the entire post was a screed about labeling the virus as a conspiracy, a hoax, and a media driven charade..all culminating in some nefarious plot to take down Donald Trump, who in the end is just a skid mark on a small page in history. Bloviating about conspiracy theories and hoaxes will not get people back to work or children back to school. Local leaders made tough decisions in the absence of any guidance from federal agencies. Like it or not, the response to the virus starts at the top. At the desk of the guy who alone has the authority to mobilize agencies, free up resources, and give orders for those agencies to aid the states in their response. And he did exactly NONE of that until he was forced to on March 13th.

COVID is not a HOAX! BUT you did exactly as the MSM does...EXAGGERATE! Blow out of proportion!
It IS not a conspiracy. Is this just a "coincidence"?
It is a fact. And contrary to your uninformed anecdotal, and definitely unsubstantiated(see the links I provided?) a growing number of people are pissed at this MSM's gross manipulation of government policies...all because they hate Trump!
At the same time, though, a majority also thinks the news media have exaggerated the risks associated with the virus. About four-in-ten (37%) say the news media have greatly exaggerated the risks, and another quarter say the risks have been slightly exaggerated.

FACTS not guesses.!
No he didn’t. He showed he's an idiot.
You're a good poster, and while I don't agree with jack I do not think he is an idiot, he has his opinion and we have ours

An "opinion" is something along the lines of "I like the house with the swimming pool, not the one without". A denial of facts and reality and labelling it a "hoax", is not an "opinion". It's a baseless conspiracy theory.

We are all allowed our own opinions, but people can't function if they don't have a basic consensus on the facts. That's the root problem in America today. One party has consistently fed their voters mis-information and lies which have no basis in fact. This has been going on osince

The Trump Administration has tried to label these "differences in basic information" as "alternative facts". We call them what they are: "lies and disinformation". Trump has used lies and disinformation to try to confuse the American people as to what is true and what isn't. He's doing this because facts don't support his narrative.

There is no time in history when the nation has need facts more than right now. The OP is an example of what happens when you can no longer rely on your leaders to tell the truth. During the 2016 campaign, the media failed to call Trump on his lies, and since his election, the lying has only increased. Right wing media has backed up Trump's lies by parroting many of them.

Trump's current big lie is the "law and order" agenda he's pushing. All while getting all of his friends out of jail. And sending Michael Cohen back to jail because he wants to write a book. Last night, his storm troopers tear gassed the Mayor of Portland.

This is not going to go over well. This is authoritarian dictator bullshit.

BUT your above comment PROVES my point... exaggeration! Gross misrepresentation!
For example " All while getting all of his friends out of jail."
How many of Obama's pardons were "friends"... or maybe payoffs?
So I guess you are against the US Constitution because MY Tax dollars were being used to protect FEDERAL property MY TAX
dollars helped buy and build against people evidently exactly like you! YOU truly don't believe in law and order. The US Constitution clearly states the President's responsibility and unlike YOU I'll quote it!
Article II, Section III where the Framers told us, “he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”
Now tell me WHAT laws did the Mayor of Portland and other rioters break?
Here is a picture for your simple mind! ARE YOU one of these so called Protestors/Rioters?
Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 8.05.52 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 8.03.12 AM.png

Again, what is your end game here? How does bloviating get people back to work?..or children back to school?
Your rant just seems to want to reassure the election of your lord and savior in November.
What is it that you give a shit about? Don't quote the same bold embossed lines.
What is it that you think is a blown out of proportion conspiracy here??
The point of the thread as made clear in the title is how and why we know it is a hoax, the OP made that point and you recognized how obvious it was and quickly tried to pretend "I don't get it"...the OP showed this whole thing is a hoax...the only ones buying into this are those that want and need to buy into it for its political value.

Again, why would you deny things that you can see going on every single day on the news with your own eyes? Some vast left wing conspiracy? I asked the OP what they care about because the entire post was a screed about labeling the virus as a conspiracy, a hoax, and a media driven charade..all culminating in some nefarious plot to take down Donald Trump, who in the end is just a skid mark on a small page in history. Bloviating about conspiracy theories and hoaxes will not get people back to work or children back to school. Local leaders made tough decisions in the absence of any guidance from federal agencies. Like it or not, the response to the virus starts at the top. At the desk of the guy who alone has the authority to mobilize agencies, free up resources, and give orders for those agencies to aid the states in their response. And he did exactly NONE of that until he was forced to on March 13th.

AGAIN a LIE refuted by LINKS! Why do you idiots continue to put up MADE UP stuff? YOU have absolutely NO CONSCIOUS! No sense of right from wrong. YOU are a rioter. An anti-American.
After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic, Dems and media have changed tune
The Trump administration first made the announcement Jan. 31, 2020, announcing they would restrict foreign nationals recently in China from entering the U.S.

For many news outlets, the about-face has been stark.
A Jan. 31 article in The New York Times quoted epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm as saying that Trump's decision to restrict travel from China was "more of an emotional or political reaction."

Weeks later, though, the paper reported that dozens of "nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus," and did not criticize any of them for the move.
AGAIN a LIE refuted by LINKS! Why do you idiots continue to put up MADE UP stuff? YOU have absolutely NO CONSCIOUS! No sense of right from wrong. YOU are a rioter. An anti-American.
After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic, Dems and media have changed tune
The Trump administration first made the announcement Jan. 31, 2020, announcing they would restrict foreign nationals recently in China from entering the U.S.

For many news outlets, the about-face has been stark.
A Jan. 31 article in The New York Times quoted epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm as saying that Trump's decision to restrict travel from China was "more of an emotional or political reaction."

Weeks later, though, the paper reported that dozens of "nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus," and did not criticize any of them for the move.

Your entire post is filled with exactly the kinds of lies and bullshit you claim that I'm posting. SCREAMING your lies in BIG BOLD CAPS, DOESN'T MEAN THEY AREN'T LIES.

Trump's travel restrictions DID NOTHING TO STOP THE VIRUS. In fact, the travel "restrictions" actually brought the virus back to the USA, and ignored the arrival of the virus from Europe. TRUMP'S TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS SPREAD THE VIRUS THROUGHOUT THE USA BY BRINGING HOME ALL 40,000 AMERICANS IN CHINA WITHOUT TESTING THEM BECAUSE YOU HAD NO TESTS.

Trump keeps claiming he saved hundreds of thousands of lives by instituting this "travel ban", when in fact he did nothing of the kind. Bringing 40,000 people into the USA from China without testing spread the virus.


Again, what is your end game here? How does bloviating get people back to work?..or children back to school?
Your rant just seems to want to reassure the election of your lord and savior in November.
What is it that you give a shit about? Don't quote the same bold embossed lines.
What is it that you think is a blown out of proportion conspiracy here??
The point of the thread as made clear in the title is how and why we know it is a hoax, the OP made that point and you recognized how obvious it was and quickly tried to pretend "I don't get it"...the OP showed this whole thing is a hoax...the only ones buying into this are those that want and need to buy into it for its political value.

Again, why would you deny things that you can see going on every single day on the news with your own eyes? Some vast left wing conspiracy? I asked the OP what they care about because the entire post was a screed about labeling the virus as a conspiracy, a hoax, and a media driven charade..all culminating in some nefarious plot to take down Donald Trump, who in the end is just a skid mark on a small page in history. Bloviating about conspiracy theories and hoaxes will not get people back to work or children back to school. Local leaders made tough decisions in the absence of any guidance from federal agencies. Like it or not, the response to the virus starts at the top. At the desk of the guy who alone has the authority to mobilize agencies, free up resources, and give orders for those agencies to aid the states in their response. And he did exactly NONE of that until he was forced to on March 13th.

COVID is not a HOAX! BUT you did exactly as the MSM does...EXAGGERATE! Blow out of proportion!
It IS not a conspiracy. Is this just a "coincidence"?
It is a fact. And contrary to your uninformed anecdotal, and definitely unsubstantiated(see the links I provided?) a growing number of people are pissed at this MSM's gross manipulation of government policies...all because they hate Trump!
At the same time, though, a majority also thinks the news media have exaggerated the risks associated with the virus. About four-in-ten (37%) say the news media have greatly exaggerated the risks, and another quarter say the risks have been slightly exaggerated.

FACTS not guesses.!
View attachment 366333

I'm not looking for conspiracy theories under every rock and crevice. Or looking for distractions. Or looking to shift blame to the media because someone I politically support has taken a dump all over the office he was elected to. I'm looking at what's right in front of me. What I see on the news everyday. What I read about both in the papers and online. What I see is an absolute disaster. I'm looking to see just a scintilla of compassion, caring, or empathy from our President. I'm also looking for some sign he's taking this seriously. And I've seen nothing like that from him over the last 6 months. That's because he really, truly doesn't give a shit. No one is exaggerating the scope of this pandemic. This virus spreads faster than anything we've seen in our lifetimes. People forget their mask just one time going out and boom...infected! The media is there to report on it. And also to question our leaders. That's what a free press does.

I'm sorry, I get the feeling that the only thing you're interested in here is exonerating Trump. And it's no use trying to blame the media. They didn't make his issues. He did. They just reported on them.
1 in 98 people in California are reportedly sick. Not only do I not know anyone sick I don't know anyone who knows someone sick. Even democrats aren't sick. Hospitals are reportedly overwhelmed. Two local hospitals don't have anyone sick with the flu. An infection rate of 1 in 98 is an impossibility.
They claim that Siberia has a population of 33 million people but I don't know anyone from Siberia. Clearly since I don't know anyone and none of my friends know anyone from Siberia, those 33 Million people they claim to live there are made up.

View attachment 366269
Right! Why do they keep claiming Siberia is real when clearly the data is being faked??
I've also never seen the great wall of China. They claim it's thousand of miles long but I've never seen it. How can it claim to be great and yet I've never seen it once. Again, more media lies.
I've never seen an honest Democrat, but they say they're out there.
AGAIN a LIE refuted by LINKS! Why do you idiots continue to put up MADE UP stuff? YOU have absolutely NO CONSCIOUS! No sense of right from wrong. YOU are a rioter. An anti-American.
After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic, Dems and media have changed tune
The Trump administration first made the announcement Jan. 31, 2020, announcing they would restrict foreign nationals recently in China from entering the U.S.

For many news outlets, the about-face has been stark.
A Jan. 31 article in The New York Times quoted epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm as saying that Trump's decision to restrict travel from China was "more of an emotional or political reaction."

Weeks later, though, the paper reported that dozens of "nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus," and did not criticize any of them for the move.

Your entire post is filled with exactly the kinds of lies and bullshit you claim that I'm posting. SCREAMING your lies in BIG BOLD CAPS, DOESN'T MEAN THEY AREN'T LIES.

Trump's travel restrictions DID NOTHING TO STOP THE VIRUS. In fact, the travel "restrictions" actually brought the virus back to the USA, and ignored the arrival of the virus from Europe. TRUMP'S TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS SPREAD THE VIRUS THROUGHOUT THE USA BY BRINGING HOME ALL 40,000 AMERICANS IN CHINA WITHOUT TESTING THEM BECAUSE YOU HAD NO TESTS.

Trump keeps claiming he saved hundreds of thousands of lives by instituting this "travel ban", when in fact he did nothing of the kind. Bringing 40,000 people into the USA from China without testing spread the virus.


The first number was over 2 million dead, less than 200,000. Trump saved millions of lives!
Again, what is your end game here? How does bloviating get people back to work?..or children back to school?
Your rant just seems to want to reassure the election of your lord and savior in November.
What is it that you give a shit about? Don't quote the same bold embossed lines.
What is it that you think is a blown out of proportion conspiracy here??
The point of the thread as made clear in the title is how and why we know it is a hoax, the OP made that point and you recognized how obvious it was and quickly tried to pretend "I don't get it"...the OP showed this whole thing is a hoax...the only ones buying into this are those that want and need to buy into it for its political value.

Again, why would you deny things that you can see going on every single day on the news with your own eyes? Some vast left wing conspiracy? I asked the OP what they care about because the entire post was a screed about labeling the virus as a conspiracy, a hoax, and a media driven charade..all culminating in some nefarious plot to take down Donald Trump, who in the end is just a skid mark on a small page in history. Bloviating about conspiracy theories and hoaxes will not get people back to work or children back to school. Local leaders made tough decisions in the absence of any guidance from federal agencies. Like it or not, the response to the virus starts at the top. At the desk of the guy who alone has the authority to mobilize agencies, free up resources, and give orders for those agencies to aid the states in their response. And he did exactly NONE of that until he was forced to on March 13th.

AGAIN a LIE refuted by LINKS! Why do you idiots continue to put up MADE UP stuff? YOU have absolutely NO CONSCIOUS! No sense of right from wrong. YOU are a rioter. An anti-American.
After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic, Dems and media have changed tune
The Trump administration first made the announcement Jan. 31, 2020, announcing they would restrict foreign nationals recently in China from entering the U.S.

For many news outlets, the about-face has been stark.
A Jan. 31 article in The New York Times quoted epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm as saying that Trump's decision to restrict travel from China was "more of an emotional or political reaction."

Weeks later, though, the paper reported that dozens of "nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus," and did not criticize any of them for the move.

It wasn't a ban. It was a restriction. Well, at least you're not throwing the whole "he was called racist" trope around anymore. But I hate to tell you that the xenophobic comment was thrown around because of Trump's propensity for needing a scapegoat.
And by the way, the restriction didn't actually go into effect until February 4th. And in that 5 day stretch, a lot of Americans got on planes and flew home in a panic. They crowded into long lines at airports in major cities with little to nothing in the way of testing, contact tracing, and quarantining. And it appears that the restriction was indeed more political than it was based in science.

Have you noticed the new lie? For months it was well known that children did not get this virus. They didn't get it and there was no case in which a child passed it to an adult. Now that its time to open the schools child victims are all over the place. Children are dying within hours of exposure. All of a sudden. Just when democrats need child cases to prove their point.
People look around and they don't know anyone sick. There are no people in the hospital sick with the flu. They start to doubt.

I know exactly one person who has Covid: my nephew. He's 35, and works as an installer for the cable company. I'm not exactly surprised, under those circumstances, since his job brings him into contact with a lot of strangers every day, even with the safety rules his company has imposed.

He's at home, feeling kinda crappy, but that's about it.
1 in 98 people in California are reportedly sick. Not only do I not know anyone sick I don't know anyone who knows someone sick. Even democrats aren't sick. Hospitals are reportedly overwhelmed. Two local hospitals don't have anyone sick with the flu. An infection rate of 1 in 98 is an impossibility.

I posted this on other threads and will keep posting it.


Create a VIRUS to scare people. Place them in quarantine. Count the number of dead every second of every day in every news headline. Close all businesses. 40,000,000 out of jobs. Peak unemployment. Remove entertainment: parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports. No dating. No touching. Mask people. Dehumanize them. Close temples and churches. Create a vaccine. Let depression and anxiety and desperation set in.
THEN... ignite hatred and civil war. Civil unrest. Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals. Send in Antifa to vandalize property as if they are freedom fighters. Undermine the law. Loot. Attack law enforcement, but tell government to order a stand-down. We are all being baited by an adversarial government who wants to destroy America - And, in an election year, have Democrats blame all of it on the President.
Can’t take America in a war, destroy it from within.
We are being conditioned, manipulated, and programmed by multiple agendas as never before.....time to DO OUR OWN RESEARCH and MAKE UP OUR OWN MINDS rather than eating everything being spoon-fed to us! SOCIAL MEDIA is going to kill us!
If you love America, our Constitution, and the Rule of Law, get ready to fight for them.
Rebellion is brewing. Laura Ingraham had a reporter on who went to various hospitals in Houston. He was researching the claim that Houston hospitals were overwhelmed. He found no such thing. People are starting to do their own research. That's what is fueling the rejection of the story. Story it is.

Our idiot mayor was going on about Arizona hospitals being "overwhelmed", and pointing at Abrazo Healthcare buying refrigerated trucks for bodies because - she said - their morgue was full. Abrazo's CEO came out and said, "Um, we bought the trucks because the government said we had to do it, so we'd be ready in case we needed them. Our morgue isn't full."
AGAIN a LIE refuted by LINKS! Why do you idiots continue to put up MADE UP stuff? YOU have absolutely NO CONSCIOUS! No sense of right from wrong. YOU are a rioter. An anti-American.
After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic, Dems and media have changed tune
The Trump administration first made the announcement Jan. 31, 2020, announcing they would restrict foreign nationals recently in China from entering the U.S.

For many news outlets, the about-face has been stark.
A Jan. 31 article in The New York Times quoted epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm as saying that Trump's decision to restrict travel from China was "more of an emotional or political reaction."

Weeks later, though, the paper reported that dozens of "nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus," and did not criticize any of them for the move.

Your entire post is filled with exactly the kinds of lies and bullshit you claim that I'm posting. SCREAMING your lies in BIG BOLD CAPS, DOESN'T MEAN THEY AREN'T LIES.

Trump's travel restrictions DID NOTHING TO STOP THE VIRUS. In fact, the travel "restrictions" actually brought the virus back to the USA, and ignored the arrival of the virus from Europe. TRUMP'S TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS SPREAD THE VIRUS THROUGHOUT THE USA BY BRINGING HOME ALL 40,000 AMERICANS IN CHINA WITHOUT TESTING THEM BECAUSE YOU HAD NO TESTS.

Trump keeps claiming he saved hundreds of thousands of lives by instituting this "travel ban", when in fact he did nothing of the kind. Bringing 40,000 people into the USA from China without testing spread the virus.


You are aware that the "40,000 people into the USA from China without testing spread the virus. " were Americans???
But you never said this:
The president banned foreign nationals from entering if they had been in China the past two weeks,
while exempting American citizens and green-card holders to prevent family separations.
OF COURSE you and your ignorant ilk make that dumb ass comparison without considering the realities! American citizens!

And of course who do you quote??? The BIASED MSM!!! LA Times.. FACTCHECK.ORG an organization owned Annenberg Public Policy Center of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.
The same group that Obama was chairman of their Chicago Annenberg Challenge Chicago Annenberg Challenge - Wikipedia
Again, why would you deny things that you can see going on every single day on the news with your own eyes? Some vast left wing conspiracy? I asked the OP what they care about because the entire post was a screed about labeling the virus as a conspiracy, a hoax, and a media driven charade..all culminating in some nefarious plot to take down Donald Trump, who in the end is just a skid mark on a small page in history. Bloviating about conspiracy theories and hoaxes will not get people back to work or children back to school. Local leaders made tough decisions in the absence of any guidance from federal agencies. Like it or not, the response to the virus starts at the top. At the desk of the guy who alone has the authority to mobilize agencies, free up resources, and give orders for those agencies to aid the states in their response. And he did exactly NONE of that until he was forced to on March 13th.
"AND THIS IS CNN" cut to commercial
An "opinion" is something along the lines of "I like the house with the swimming pool, not the one without". A denial of facts and reality and labelling it a "hoax", is not an "opinion". It's a baseless conspiracy theory.

We are all allowed our own opinions, but people can't function if they don't have a basic consensus on the facts. That's the root problem in America today. One party has consistently fed their voters mis-information and lies which have no basis in fact. This has been going on since Reagan's "welfare queen" lie.
Well if ya want to call jack an idiot then I suggest you post to someone else, name calling is the callingcard of the uninformed
Again, what is your end game here? How does bloviating get people back to work?..or children back to school?
Your rant just seems to want to reassure the election of your lord and savior in November.
What is it that you give a shit about? Don't quote the same bold embossed lines.
What is it that you think is a blown out of proportion conspiracy here??
The point of the thread as made clear in the title is how and why we know it is a hoax, the OP made that point and you recognized how obvious it was and quickly tried to pretend "I don't get it"...the OP showed this whole thing is a hoax...the only ones buying into this are those that want and need to buy into it for its political value.

Again, why would you deny things that you can see going on every single day on the news with your own eyes? Some vast left wing conspiracy? I asked the OP what they care about because the entire post was a screed about labeling the virus as a conspiracy, a hoax, and a media driven charade..all culminating in some nefarious plot to take down Donald Trump, who in the end is just a skid mark on a small page in history. Bloviating about conspiracy theories and hoaxes will not get people back to work or children back to school. Local leaders made tough decisions in the absence of any guidance from federal agencies. Like it or not, the response to the virus starts at the top. At the desk of the guy who alone has the authority to mobilize agencies, free up resources, and give orders for those agencies to aid the states in their response. And he did exactly NONE of that until he was forced to on March 13th.

COVID is not a HOAX! BUT you did exactly as the MSM does...EXAGGERATE! Blow out of proportion!
It IS not a conspiracy. Is this just a "coincidence"?
It is a fact. And contrary to your uninformed anecdotal, and definitely unsubstantiated(see the links I provided?) a growing number of people are pissed at this MSM's gross manipulation of government policies...all because they hate Trump!
At the same time, though, a majority also thinks the news media have exaggerated the risks associated with the virus. About four-in-ten (37%) say the news media have greatly exaggerated the risks, and another quarter say the risks have been slightly exaggerated.

FACTS not guesses.!
View attachment 366333

I'm not looking for conspiracy theories under every rock and crevice. Or looking for distractions. Or looking to shift blame to the media because someone I politically support has taken a dump all over the office he was elected to. I'm looking at what's right in front of me. What I see on the news everyday. What I read about both in the papers and online. What I see is an absolute disaster. I'm looking to see just a scintilla of compassion, caring, or empathy from our President. I'm also looking for some sign he's taking this seriously. And I've seen nothing like that from him over the last 6 months. That's because he really, truly doesn't give a shit. No one is exaggerating the scope of this pandemic. This virus spreads faster than anything we've seen in our lifetimes. People forget their mask just one time going out and boom...infected! The media is there to report on it. And also to question our leaders. That's what a free press does.

I'm sorry, I get the feeling that the only thing you're interested in here is exonerating Trump. And it's no use trying to blame the media. They didn't make his issues. He did. They just reported on them.

FIRST of all NOT ONE statement you made is backed up by FACTS or links. So how believable are you?
Why are people like you attempting to convince people with YOUR personal, anecdotal and totally subjective comments?
It is so easy to get the FACTS and then support with links to back up the FACTS!

BUT the FACTS refute your position entirely!

Here are the FACTS...

YOU can't have supposedly Objective news when the below happened!

Rich Noyes of the Media Research Center found that from March 4 (when Joe Biden had basically wrapped up the Democratic nomination) through May 31, Trump coverage on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts was 94% negative.
In May, it was 99.5% negative, an all-time low.

There were 474 evaluative comments about President Trump during this period, and 445 were negative. By contrast, there were only 85 evaluations of Biden, and 51 were negative (61%). They were nine times more negative about Trump.

This sounds a lot like the warp and woof of the 2016 campaign coverage, during which Trump drew the lion’s share of media attention and it was overwhelmingly negative, while Hillary Clinton seemed like an afterthought. Even in the last three months of the campaign, Trump was evaluated four times as much as Clinton.

AND the REASON for the Negatives from supposedly "objective" fair and balanced MEDIA???

President Barack Obama's coverage in early 2009 was 42 percent positive and 20 percent negative, the study said.
Among recent presidents, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush had higher negative than positive coverage early in their administrations, but not nearly to Trump's degree.
Clinton had 28 percent negative coverage and 27 percent positive in 1993,
while Bush had 28 percent negative and 22 percent positive in 2001.
Finally LET your eyes prove the bias of the MSM specifically when compared to Obama's coverage.
Just a simple magazine cover as it has been said..."A picture is worth a 1,000 words"!
Again, what is your end game here? How does bloviating get people back to work?..or children back to school?
Your rant just seems to want to reassure the election of your lord and savior in November.
What is it that you give a shit about? Don't quote the same bold embossed lines.
What is it that you think is a blown out of proportion conspiracy here??
The point of the thread as made clear in the title is how and why we know it is a hoax, the OP made that point and you recognized how obvious it was and quickly tried to pretend "I don't get it"...the OP showed this whole thing is a hoax...the only ones buying into this are those that want and need to buy into it for its political value.

Again, why would you deny things that you can see going on every single day on the news with your own eyes? Some vast left wing conspiracy? I asked the OP what they care about because the entire post was a screed about labeling the virus as a conspiracy, a hoax, and a media driven charade..all culminating in some nefarious plot to take down Donald Trump, who in the end is just a skid mark on a small page in history. Bloviating about conspiracy theories and hoaxes will not get people back to work or children back to school. Local leaders made tough decisions in the absence of any guidance from federal agencies. Like it or not, the response to the virus starts at the top. At the desk of the guy who alone has the authority to mobilize agencies, free up resources, and give orders for those agencies to aid the states in their response. And he did exactly NONE of that until he was forced to on March 13th.

COVID is not a HOAX! BUT you did exactly as the MSM does...EXAGGERATE! Blow out of proportion!
It IS not a conspiracy. Is this just a "coincidence"?
It is a fact. And contrary to your uninformed anecdotal, and definitely unsubstantiated(see the links I provided?) a growing number of people are pissed at this MSM's gross manipulation of government policies...all because they hate Trump!
At the same time, though, a majority also thinks the news media have exaggerated the risks associated with the virus. About four-in-ten (37%) say the news media have greatly exaggerated the risks, and another quarter say the risks have been slightly exaggerated.

FACTS not guesses.!
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I'm not looking for conspiracy theories under every rock and crevice. Or looking for distractions. Or looking to shift blame to the media because someone I politically support has taken a dump all over the office he was elected to. I'm looking at what's right in front of me. What I see on the news everyday. What I read about both in the papers and online. What I see is an absolute disaster. I'm looking to see just a scintilla of compassion, caring, or empathy from our President. I'm also looking for some sign he's taking this seriously. And I've seen nothing like that from him over the last 6 months. That's because he really, truly doesn't give a shit. No one is exaggerating the scope of this pandemic. This virus spreads faster than anything we've seen in our lifetimes. People forget their mask just one time going out and boom...infected! The media is there to report on it. And also to question our leaders. That's what a free press does.

I'm sorry, I get the feeling that the only thing you're interested in here is exonerating Trump. And it's no use trying to blame the media. They didn't make his issues. He did. They just reported on them.

FIRST of all NOT ONE statement you made is backed up by FACTS or links. So how believable are you?
Why are people like you attempting to convince people with YOUR personal, anecdotal and totally subjective comments?
It is so easy to get the FACTS and then support with links to back up the FACTS!

BUT the FACTS refute your position entirely!

Here are the FACTS...

YOU can't have supposedly Objective news when the below happened!

Rich Noyes of the Media Research Center found that from March 4 (when Joe Biden had basically wrapped up the Democratic nomination) through May 31, Trump coverage on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts was 94% negative.
In May, it was 99.5% negative, an all-time low.

There were 474 evaluative comments about President Trump during this period, and 445 were negative. By contrast, there were only 85 evaluations of Biden, and 51 were negative (61%). They were nine times more negative about Trump.

This sounds a lot like the warp and woof of the 2016 campaign coverage, during which Trump drew the lion’s share of media attention and it was overwhelmingly negative, while Hillary Clinton seemed like an afterthought. Even in the last three months of the campaign, Trump was evaluated four times as much as Clinton.

AND the REASON for the Negatives from supposedly "objective" fair and balanced MEDIA???

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Three posts. Same conspiracy theory spouting screed in bold.Again, Trump makes his own bad press coverage. He's his own worst enemy when it comes to his relationship with the press. Why? 1) He's a moron. 2) He's corrupt. Corrupt morons usually have no sense of self-awareness. Especially since this one is a malignant narcissist on top of it all. All backed up by facts. Sorry if they are inconvenient for you. Find someone else more worthy of your support if you feel that strongly about it.

You'd do better to tout Trump's many accomplishments over the last 3.5 years rather than constantly looking to shift blame to another entity or individual...I almost typed that out with a straight face. :auiqs.jpg:

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