Why more and more people distrust Biden and the BIASED MSM..."GA bans volunteers from delivering water, etc. BIG ASS LIE!

Poll workers jobs are to ensure the voters get to vote and laws are followed. IE, make sure Dems are electioneering. It's hardly a undo burden to set a extra table up to place food or drink on..
And if poll workers just don't Feel like doing that?
No water allowed
No the Board does...the Sec of State still very much has a role. Obviously you didn't read the link. There was always a board of elections, and appointed the same way...the only difference is the SoS is not a voting member...taking politics further out of it.
Taking the Sec of State out of it...and making decisions opaque and more partisan than ever
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.

You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
et within
2poltical process...this makes it less political...and actually more like our Federal Eleet of afe5 ction Commission

No you cannot. The law says you cannot get within 25 feet of a voter standing in line. Why should anyone be barred from giving someone a bottle of water or a snack bro?
And they issue is the giver has a political influence on the voter. That is illegal.

There is no evidence of that. In Georgia, bottles of water were handed out to anyone standing in line.
and they still can be made available for anyone standing in line. You are free to donate as much as you want

Why can you not just hand it to someone?
You can....so long they aren't in line, or you are within 150 feet.

Here is what the SCOTUS said in their reasoning for upholding Minn law that forbids people from handing out water and the like...I hope their reasonings helps you: We see no basis for rejecting Minnesota’s determination that some forms of advocacy should be excluded from the polling place, to set it aside as an island of calm in which voters can peacefully contemplate their choices. . . . Casting a vote is a weighty civic act, akin to a jury’s return of a verdict, or a representative’s vote on a piece of legislation. It is a time for choosing, not campaigning. The State may reasonably decide that the interior of the polling place should reflect that distinction. Minn. Voters Alliance v. Mansky
A. You are wrong or simply lying. Regardless of how far from the polling place you are the GA law prohibits anyone from supplying water to ANYONE unless you are a poll worker.

B. Your Minn example is on reference to the “interior of the polling place

But go ahead and make more nonsensical claims as usual
1) I am not lying about at. That's simply untrue.
No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter] … This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.

So...150 feet from the building...or if they are IN LINE, beyond that..within 25 feet. So as long as you are outside 150 feet...or the people aren't in line waiting...you are free to hand out water.

But you are also free to go ahead and donate the water, so that the poll workers can make it available to folks within 150 or waiting in line.

2) Geez...reading is hard for you: No one except an election official or an individual who is waiting to register or to vote or an individual who is conducting exit polling shall stand within 100 feet of the building in which a polling place is located. Minn. Stat. § 204C.06

But go ahead and make your lies up....the propagandist in chief will be proud his little bots keep the lies going

The Supreme Court ruling had nothing to do with water. It threw out a Minnesota law that banned wearing political shirts at polling places. It was determined the law was too broad. Apparently you are the one who can't read. The Minnesota law does not ban water. It does not even mention water.

You are the liar. You are lying about the Supreme Court's ruling.
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.
You can NOT take a hand out if you are in line to vote unless it comes from a poll worker. Period
You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
In Georgia...in Dem districts (where the are not enough machines) you are there or HOURS. Why do this? Was there a problem with electioneering? No? They're just trying to make voting harder in Dem Districts? Yea.
None...you can't get anything for less then a dollar in NYC.
When that law was written you could get water. And you can STILL fill a jug from your tap and hand out cups of water in NY.

In Georgia even THAT you can not do
Where in the bill does it say you can not hand out water?
The below is from the bill and
ttps://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/201121 GA election laws

"No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter]
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.

Now to give you dummies some common sense understanding.
What person was being described other than the person who solicits votes by handing out water!
The common sense interpretation is if you are soliciting votes YOU can't give out water, food,money,etc.
If you are NOT doing it to solicit votes... NOT a problem.
The minute an idiot like you hands water to someone and YOU are wearing a "Vote for dummy" hat or shirt... you are ejected.
Simple as that but dummies like you don't have any common sense!

Several groups in Georgia handed bottles of water out to voters standing in line. They were not affiliated with any campaign. You know nothing about common sense. Even Lindsay Graham admits it makes no sense.

Doesn't matter if they were known to be affiliated with a specific campaign. The problem is that no one can know for sure that they aren't part of some other politically active group, or even that they're just talking up their own personal political hobby horse. Newsflash, shitforbrains: the law prohibits ANYONE from electioneering at the polls, not just official campaigns.

Exactly what is this vested interest you appear to have in allowing people to go talk to total strangers in line to vote? You seem REALLY offended and outraged that you can't do something no one without an agenda would WANT to do.

I am offended and outraged at ho2w blartant the attempt to prevent people from voting is. There is nothing wrong with people talking to each other. When i stood in line I talked to total strangers.

You are a kook. You don't know. That person might be a SPECTRE agent. Maybe they are a Russian spy. You are a fool with nonsensical arguments.

No, you aren't. You're playing at outrage because your masters told you to, and you're citing the "reasons" they gave you to cite.

You are the one who uses fake outrage. You are more interested in dividing this country. You are the one who is a weak minded member of a cult.
1) sorry I should have said before you were in line. The polls can simply put them on a table, and you are free to walk up and grab one. It's really not that big a deal..
When you are in a two hour line to vote you can't even SEE the polling place where the water. And gee wouldn't it be great to have fights about who lost his place in line right?
WHY AGAIN ARE WE DOING THIS? Has there been a rash of electioneering issues? No? It's just one more stupid way to make voting hard in Dem Districts
2) this law goes a long way to address the long lines..
By shutting down polling places at 5:00 in the afternoon on working days?
NY hasn't change it has it??
Because it's stupid to change laws that are evident. It was clearly put in place BECAUSE water was excepted. There is no other reason for that exception.

And again..you can give out tapwater if you want to strictly follow that NY law.
You can NOT do so in Georgia
thankfully the law will make it so you don't have to wait that long....but if you are that concerned bring your own water with you. Why would you go to a voting place expecting them to give you food and drink? It's not McDonalds.

No there hasn't...because there have been laws against it for quite some time. Yes, there was an issue with if water and food were included in the ban.

So, it's stupid? But I thought making sure people got free water while in line was a big issue for you?

You are a idiot as usual. Why should there be a ban on giving someone water? There was no law against it in the past.

Because people were using it to break the law that DID exist.

Seriously, needing to be told something 2135 times really makes you look either stupid, or determined not to know the truth, or both.

There is exactly no evidence of that. Another Trumpian lie. Trump supporters who lie 2135 times shows you are the fool who can't read or a liar.

*squawk!* "No evidence! Truuuuump! Talking points!" *squawk!*

Go tell your masters that you deserve a cracker. And should you ever morph from a parrot into a human, come back and I'll tell you what I'M talking about, rather than what you're programmed to think everything is about.
1) sorry I should have said before you were in line. The polls can simply put them on a table, and you are free to walk up and grab one. It's really not that big a deal..
When you are in a two hour line to vote you can't even SEE the polling place where the water. And gee wouldn't it be great to have fights about who lost his place in line right?
WHY AGAIN ARE WE DOING THIS? Has there been a rash of electioneering issues? No? It's just one more stupid way to make voting hard in Dem Districts
2) this law goes a long way to address the long lines..
By shutting down polling places at 5:00 in the afternoon on working days?
NY hasn't change it has it??
Because it's stupid to change laws that are evident. It was clearly put in place BECAUSE water was excepted. There is no other reason for that exception.

And again..you can give out tapwater if you want to strictly follow that NY law.
You can NOT do so in Georgia
thankfully the law will make it so you don't have to wait that long....but if you are that concerned bring your own water with you. Why would you go to a voting place expecting them to give you food and drink? It's not McDonalds.

No there hasn't...because there have been laws against it for quite some time. Yes, there was an issue with if water and food were included in the ban.

So, it's stupid? But I thought making sure people got free water while in line was a big issue for you?

You are a idiot as usual. Why should there be a ban on giving someone water? There was no law against it in the past.

Because people were using it to break the law that DID exist.

Seriously, needing to be told something 2135 times really makes you look either stupid, or determined not to know the truth, or both.

There is exactly no evidence of that. Another Trumpian lie. Trump supporters who lie 2135 times shows you are the fool who can't read or a liar.

*squawk!* "No evidence! Truuuuump! Talking points!" *squawk!*

Go tell your masters that you deserve a cracker. And should you ever morph from a parrot into a human, come back and I'll tell you what I'M talking about, rather than what you're programmed to think everything is about.
Thanks for adding nothing
Poll workers jobs are to ensure the voters get to vote and laws are followed. IE, make sure Dems are electioneering. It's hardly a undo burden to set a extra table up to place food or drink on..
And if poll workers just don't Feel like doing that?
No water allowed
No the Board does...the Sec of State still very much has a role. Obviously you didn't read the link. There was always a board of elections, and appointed the same way...the only difference is the SoS is not a voting member...taking politics further out of it.
Taking the Sec of State out of it...and making decisions opaque and more partisan than ever
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.

You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
et within
2poltical process...this makes it less political...and actually more like our Federal Eleet of afe5 ction Commission

No you cannot. The law says you cannot get within 25 feet of a voter standing in line. Why should anyone be barred from giving someone a bottle of water or a snack bro?
And they issue is the giver has a political influence on the voter. That is illegal.

There is no evidence of that. In Georgia, bottles of water were handed out to anyone standing in line.
and they still can be made available for anyone standing in line. You are free to donate as much as you want

Why can you not just hand it to someone?
You can....so long they aren't in line, or you are within 150 feet.

Here is what the SCOTUS said in their reasoning for upholding Minn law that forbids people from handing out water and the like...I hope their reasonings helps you: We see no basis for rejecting Minnesota’s determination that some forms of advocacy should be excluded from the polling place, to set it aside as an island of calm in which voters can peacefully contemplate their choices. . . . Casting a vote is a weighty civic act, akin to a jury’s return of a verdict, or a representative’s vote on a piece of legislation. It is a time for choosing, not campaigning. The State may reasonably decide that the interior of the polling place should reflect that distinction. Minn. Voters Alliance v. Mansky
A. You are wrong or simply lying. Regardless of how far from the polling place you are the GA law prohibits anyone from supplying water to ANYONE unless you are a poll worker.

B. Your Minn example is on reference to the “interior of the polling place

But go ahead and make more nonsensical claims as usual
1) I am not lying about at. That's simply untrue.
No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter] … This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.

So...150 feet from the building...or if they are IN LINE, beyond that..within 25 feet. So as long as you are outside 150 feet...or the people aren't in line waiting...you are free to hand out water.

But you are also free to go ahead and donate the water, so that the poll workers can make it available to folks within 150 or waiting in line.

2) Geez...reading is hard for you: No one except an election official or an individual who is waiting to register or to vote or an individual who is conducting exit polling shall stand within 100 feet of the building in which a polling place is located. Minn. Stat. § 204C.06

But go ahead and make your lies up....the propagandist in chief will be proud his little bots keep the lies going

The Supreme Court ruling had nothing to do with water. It threw out a Minnesota law that banned wearing political shirts at polling places. It was determined the law was too broad. Apparently you are the one who can't read. The Minnesota law does not ban water. It does not even mention water.

You are the liar. You are lying about the Supreme Court's ruling.
explain how someone can give out water if they are not allowed to even be there?
You can....so long they aren't in line
So it applies to ANYONE IN LINE TO VOTE

You know this so stop lying

Yeah...you can't hand it to anyone in line...I never suggest otherwise.

If they aren't in line, and you are 150 feet from the building you are free to hand it to them.

If in line, or beyond 150 feet, you need to donate your water to the polling station so they can make it available to anyone
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.
You can NOT take a hand out if you are in line to vote unless it comes from a poll worker. Period
You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
In Georgia...in Dem districts (where the are not enough machines) you are there or HOURS. Why do this? Was there a problem with electioneering? No? They're just trying to make voting harder in Dem Districts? Yea.
None...you can't get anything for less then a dollar in NYC.
When that law was written you could get water. And you can STILL fill a jug from your tap and hand out cups of water in NY.

In Georgia even THAT you can not do
Where in the bill does it say you can not hand out water?
The below is from the bill and
ttps://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/201121 GA election laws

"No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter]
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.

Now to give you dummies some common sense understanding.
What person was being described other than the person who solicits votes by handing out water!
The common sense interpretation is if you are soliciting votes YOU can't give out water, food,money,etc.
If you are NOT doing it to solicit votes... NOT a problem.
The minute an idiot like you hands water to someone and YOU are wearing a "Vote for dummy" hat or shirt... you are ejected.
Simple as that but dummies like you don't have any common sense!

Several groups in Georgia handed bottles of water out to voters standing in line. They were not affiliated with any campaign. You know nothing about common sense. Even Lindsay Graham admits it makes no sense.

Doesn't matter if they were known to be affiliated with a specific campaign. The problem is that no one can know for sure that they aren't part of some other politically active group, or even that they're just talking up their own personal political hobby horse. Newsflash, shitforbrains: the law prohibits ANYONE from electioneering at the polls, not just official campaigns.

Exactly what is this vested interest you appear to have in allowing people to go talk to total strangers in line to vote? You seem REALLY offended and outraged that you can't do something no one without an agenda would WANT to do.

I am offended and outraged at ho2w blartant the attempt to prevent people from voting is. There is nothing wrong with people talking to each other. When i stood in line I talked to total strangers.

You are a kook. You don't know. That person might be a SPECTRE agent. Maybe they are a Russian spy. You are a fool with nonsensical arguments.

No, you aren't. You're playing at outrage because your masters told you to, and you're citing the "reasons" they gave you to cite.

You are the one who uses fake outrage. You are more interested in dividing this country. You are the one who is a weak minded member of a cult.
I really am enjoying this more than I should be. :popcorn:
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.
You can NOT take a hand out if you are in line to vote unless it comes from a poll worker. Period
You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
In Georgia...in Dem districts (where the are not enough machines) you are there or HOURS. Why do this? Was there a problem with electioneering? No? They're just trying to make voting harder in Dem Districts? Yea.
None...you can't get anything for less then a dollar in NYC.
When that law was written you could get water. And you can STILL fill a jug from your tap and hand out cups of water in NY.

In Georgia even THAT you can not do
Where in the bill does it say you can not hand out water?
The below is from the bill and
ttps://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/201121 GA election laws

"No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter]
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.

Now to give you dummies some common sense understanding.
What person was being described other than the person who solicits votes by handing out water!
The common sense interpretation is if you are soliciting votes YOU can't give out water, food,money,etc.
If you are NOT doing it to solicit votes... NOT a problem.
The minute an idiot like you hands water to someone and YOU are wearing a "Vote for dummy" hat or shirt... you are ejected.
Simple as that but dummies like you don't have any common sense!

Several groups in Georgia handed bottles of water out to voters standing in line. They were not affiliated with any campaign. You know nothing about common sense. Even Lindsay Graham admits it makes no sense.

Doesn't matter if they were known to be affiliated with a specific campaign. The problem is that no one can know for sure that they aren't part of some other politically active group, or even that they're just talking up their own personal political hobby horse. Newsflash, shitforbrains: the law prohibits ANYONE from electioneering at the polls, not just official campaigns.

Exactly what is this vested interest you appear to have in allowing people to go talk to total strangers in line to vote? You seem REALLY offended and outraged that you can't do something no one without an agenda would WANT to do.

I am offended and outraged at ho2w blartant the attempt to prevent people from voting is. There is nothing wrong with people talking to each other. When i stood in line I talked to total strangers.

You are a kook. You don't know. That person might be a SPECTRE agent. Maybe they are a Russian spy. You are a fool with nonsensical arguments.

No, you aren't. You're playing at outrage because your masters told you to, and you're citing the "reasons" they gave you to cite.

You are the one who uses fake outrage. You are more interested in dividing this country. You are the one who is a weak minded member of a cult.
says the guys that is repeating known lies from their Dear Leader about this law.
You can....so long they aren't in line
So it applies to ANYONE IN LINE TO VOTE

You know this so stop lying

Yeah...you can't hand it to anyone in line...I never suggest otherwise.

If they aren't in line, and you are 150 feet from the building you are free to hand it to them.

If in line, or beyond 150 feet, you need to donate your water to the polling station so they can make it available to anyone
You are talking in circles.

The ban makes it illegal to directly give water to ANYONE in line to vote....FULL STOP
You can....so long they aren't in line
So it applies to ANYONE IN LINE TO VOTE

You know this so stop lying

Yeah...you can't hand it to anyone in line...I never suggest otherwise.

If they aren't in line, and you are 150 feet from the building you are free to hand it to them.

If in line, or beyond 150 feet, you need to donate your water to the polling station so they can make it available to anyone
You are talking in circles.

The ban makes it illegal to directly give water to ANYONE in line to vote....FULL STOP
How am I talking in circles....I never suggest otherwise. You can however donate the water to the poll station, so the poll workers can make it available for the folks in line.

Or give it to people before they get in line, so long as it's 150 feet from the polling station.
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.
You can NOT take a hand out if you are in line to vote unless it comes from a poll worker. Period
You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
In Georgia...in Dem districts (where the are not enough machines) you are there or HOURS. Why do this? Was there a problem with electioneering? No? They're just trying to make voting harder in Dem Districts? Yea.
None...you can't get anything for less then a dollar in NYC.
When that law was written you could get water. And you can STILL fill a jug from your tap and hand out cups of water in NY.

In Georgia even THAT you can not do
Where in the bill does it say you can not hand out water?
The below is from the bill and
ttps://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/201121 GA election laws

"No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter]
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.

Now to give you dummies some common sense understanding.
What person was being described other than the person who solicits votes by handing out water!
The common sense interpretation is if you are soliciting votes YOU can't give out water, food,money,etc.
If you are NOT doing it to solicit votes... NOT a problem.
The minute an idiot like you hands water to someone and YOU are wearing a "Vote for dummy" hat or shirt... you are ejected.
Simple as that but dummies like you don't have any common sense!

Several groups in Georgia handed bottles of water out to voters standing in line. They were not affiliated with any campaign. You know nothing about common sense. Even Lindsay Graham admits it makes no sense.

Doesn't matter if they were known to be affiliated with a specific campaign. The problem is that no one can know for sure that they aren't part of some other politically active group, or even that they're just talking up their own personal political hobby horse. Newsflash, shitforbrains: the law prohibits ANYONE from electioneering at the polls, not just official campaigns.

Exactly what is this vested interest you appear to have in allowing people to go talk to total strangers in line to vote? You seem REALLY offended and outraged that you can't do something no one without an agenda would WANT to do.

I am offended and outraged at ho2w blartant the attempt to prevent people from voting is. There is nothing wrong with people talking to each other. When i stood in line I talked to total strangers.

You are a kook. You don't know. That person might be a SPECTRE agent. Maybe they are a Russian spy. You are a fool with nonsensical arguments.

No, you aren't. You're playing at outrage because your masters told you to, and you're citing the "reasons" they gave you to cite.

You are the one who uses fake outrage. You are more interested in dividing this country. You are the one who is a weak minded member of a cult.

Yeah, accusations of "YOU just want to divide the country!!!" ring so true, coming from an obedient minion of the "I'm offended by EVERYTHING!! We will silence all dissent!!" left.
I don't know why anyone would trust Biden and the biased media in the first place.
As the law states, it would be illegal for my wife (a person) to provide me (an elector) her water bottle and I'd be at the mercy of a poll officer having to had set up a public receptacle.
Where in the exact Georgia bill does a person who gives water to a voter in the election line?
Where is YOUR proof?
Now here is the Georgia LAW!!!
no person shall "participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established; (2) Within any polling place; or (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."
Now WHERE IN THE LAW does it say a husband would be breaking the law by giving her a water bottle?
Georgia's state leadership and elections officials have largely ignored complaints about poll consolidations even as they tout record growth in voter registration. As secretary of state from 2010 to 2018, when most of Georgia's poll closures occurred, Brian Kemp, now the governor, took a laissez-faire attitude toward county-run election practices, save for a 2015 document that spelled out methods officials could use to shutter polling places to show "how the change can benefit voters and the public interest."

Kemp's office declined to comment Thursday on the letter or why poll closures went unchallenged by state officials. His spokesperson referred to his previous statements that he did not encourage officials to close polling places but merely offered guidance on how to follow the law.
Now here is the law with a direct link!
Now here is the Georgia LAW!!!
no person shall "participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established; (2) Within any polling place; or (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."

Now WHERE IN THE LAW does it say a husband would be breaking the law by giving her a water bottle?
guess that makes colonel anus a fucking liar
Now here is the Georgia LAW!!!
no person shall "participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established; (2) Within any polling place; or (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."
Now WHERE IN THE LAW does it say a husband would be breaking the law by giving her a water bottle?
Where is WATER prohibited???
Water on a hot day is not "goodies.


WTF is wrong with you?

Some asshole in a Trump hat walks up to me with free water when I'm parched ...I say thanks...drink it and vote Dem.

I posted the contents of the law...I highlighted the part that makes simply giving out water a crime.

If you're too stupid to be able to read it, that's on you
Now here is the Georgia LAW!!!
no person shall "participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established; (2) Within any polling place; or (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."
Where is the law saying giving water????

still prohibited under Georgia law, even if they identify themselves

You are a fine assistant, thank you. Not the best reader, though.
Now here is the Georgia LAW!!!
no person shall "participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established; (2) Within any polling place; or (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."
Now WHERE IN THE LAW does it say a husband would be breaking the law by giving her a water bottle?
Where is "water" prohibited?
"(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any

person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give,

or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and

drink, to an elector,
nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any

person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables

or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast:
(1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is
(2) Within any polling place; or
(3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."
BUT is "water" specifically mentioned? NOPE!!!

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