Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump

All that criminal conduct and no one can prove a thing. Could it be a delusion?
So Bob Mueller has shared his findings with you?
You cultists make me laugh, like 45, when you insist NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSION when you have no idea what the very thorough Bob Mueller has.
Didn’t you just post he had mountains of evidence? How the fk do you know? Back at you with your own question!
I the FK know ,,he and 17 other experts working on this trump bs have mounds of evidence Someone with his GREAT reputation isn't a fn dummy like Guiliani or others of trumps pals
So you don’t know if he has anything more than toilet tissue to wipe his ass! It was rhetorical
Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

The loser Cowboy fan pretends the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians never happened and Mueller is not in possession of Junior’s emails proving conspiracy.
You guys crack me up.

Damn, you seem to have only loaded blanks tonight, you have yet to hit a point with a single provable fact. Run along bullshit artist, you're boring me.

He needs a pack of charmin

No, I'd recommend about 3,000 hours on a competent psychiatrist couch. But I do wake in the morning smiling, knowing how miserable the he is. LMAO


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