Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump

Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump.

Comey takes notes.
Michael Cohen records Trump.
Amarosa tapes Trump.

How many more?

Who taped Clinton, Carter and Obama ?
Nobody did.

This is the sign that Trump has serious character flaw and the total lack of trust from people who work for Donald Trump.

The question is how many more people will come forward with recordings of Donald Trump? How else are they going to protect themselves from his lying?
nancy drew1b.jpg
Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump.

Comey takes notes.
Michael Cohen records Trump.
Amarosa tapes Trump.

How many more?

Who taped Clinton, Carter and Obama ?
Nobody did.

This is the sign that Trump has serious character flaw and the total lack of trust from people who work for Donald Trump.

The question is how many more people will come forward with recordings of Donald Trump? How else are they going to protect themselves from his lying?

How is it a president resigned because of secret tapes yet the left celebrate's them now?

Kind of against the law.

Do some reading Republican Dupes

House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia
Craig UngerAugust 14, 2018
Penguin Random House Audio
Narrated by Jason Culp

11 hr 43 min
Switch to the ebook

"The story Unger weaves with those earlier accounts and his original reporting is fresh, illuminating and more alarming than the intelligence channel described in the Steele dossier."—The Washington Post

House of Trump, House of Putin
offers the first comprehensive investigation into the decades-long relationship among Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Mafia that ultimately helped win Trump the White House.

It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, money-drenched world of New York real estate, and ends with Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States. That moment was the culmination of Vladimir Putin’s long mission to undermine Western democracy, a mission that he and his hand-selected group of oligarchs and Mafia kingpins had ensnared Trump in, starting more than twenty years ago with the massive bailout of a string of sensational Trump hotel and casino failures in Atlantic City. This book confirms the most incredible American paranoias about Russian malevolence.

To most, it will be a hair-raising revelation that the Cold War did not end in 1991—that it merely evolved, with Trump’s apartments offering the perfect vehicle for billions of dollars to leave the collapsing Soviet Union. In House of Trump, House of Putin, Craig Unger methodically traces the deep-rooted alliance between the highest echelons of American political operatives and the biggest players in the frightening underworld of the Russian Mafia. He traces Donald Trump’s sordid ascent from foundering real estate tycoon to leader of the free world. He traces Russia’s phoenixlike rise from the ashes of the post–Cold War Soviet Union as well as its ceaseless covert efforts to retaliate against the West and reclaim its status as a global superpower.

Without Trump, Russia would have lacked a key component in its attempts to return to imperial greatness. Without Russia, Trump would not be president. This essential book is crucial to understanding the real powers at play in the shadows of today’s world.

Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump.

Comey takes notes.
Michael Cohen records Trump.
Amarosa tapes Trump.

How many more?

Who taped Clinton, Carter and Obama ?
Nobody did.

This is the sign that Trump has serious character flaw and the total lack of trust from people who work for Donald Trump.

The question is how many more people will come forward with recordings of Donald Trump? How else are they going to protect themselves from his lying?
The tRumpkins really tried to jump on this with both feet didn't they.

You must have struck a nerve.
Trump has engendered so little loyalty or respect among those close to him that it would not surprise me if Jared and Ivanka, Mike Pence, Sarah Sanders, Melania, MIke Pompeo, and even Little Baron, were not recording him.
View attachment 211417 Wasnt another republican president brought down from tapes?
Didn’t he insist he was innocent like the pussygrabber?

I so love this front page news. Kinda topical isn’t it.
But that was a real crime. Democrats have been looking for a crime for two years now.
The only one who knows is Bob Mueller and he’s too professional to talk. You wouldn’t understand being a disciple of President Disgrace.
But there’s a mountain of evidence suggesting obstruction of justice and conspiracy. I say money laundering too. The deadbeat couldn’t get anyone in America to give him a loan so the family has been doing business with Russia since the 80’s.
This guy is as dirty as they come. No wonder you’re a cult member.
How fking funny. You just said mueller’s too professional to talk and then act like he told you he has mountains of evidence. How does that work exactly? He could have cases of Charmin to wipe his ass and that’s all. Right? Cause he didn’t talk.
All that criminal conduct and no one can prove a thing. Could it be a delusion?
So Bob Mueller has shared his findings with you?
You cultists make me laugh, like 45, when you insist NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSION when you have no idea what the very thorough Bob Mueller has.
Didn’t you just post he had mountains of evidence? How the fk do you know? Back at you with your own question!
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

The loser Cowboy fan pretends the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians never happened and Mueller is not in possession of Junior’s emails proving conspiracy.
You guys crack me up.
Why hasn’t he been indicted then? Hly fk, you need a lobotomy
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

The loser Cowboy fan pretends the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians never happened and Mueller is not in possession of Junior’s emails proving conspiracy.
You guys crack me up.

Damn, you seem to have only loaded blanks tonight, you have yet to hit a point with a single provable fact. Run along bullshit artist, you're boring me.

He needs a pack of charmin
Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

The loser Cowboy fan pretends the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians never happened and Mueller is not in possession of Junior’s emails proving conspiracy.
You guys crack me up.

Damn, you seem to have only loaded blanks tonight, you have yet to hit a point with a single provable fact. Run along bullshit artist, you're boring me.

Idiot doesn’t know those emails of Junior’s is a provable fact. It’s admissable evidence.
Fox News watcher no doubt.
And? He hasn’t been indicted why? Come on fk, have at least one fking answer to your nightmare

That’s what I was thinking too!

The people with the character flaws are the ones doing the taping!

Derp starts at least a thread a day with nonsense like this

His TDS is a little worse than the rest of the loons
Because Cohen and Amorosa didn't tape Trump?

Duh! We've heard the tapes.

It has to be a severe case of sh!t for brains? How else can you explain such total denial?
Wow, the way these Republicans refuse to see what is right in front of their face.

They don't believe Trump lies. They think it's everyone else.

This is way beyond denial deep into some kind of psychotic determined ignorance.
Your team has cried wolf too many times. Democrats would demonize Mother Theresa if she self identified as a conservative. People just simply tune you out now.
Crying wolf is saying Obama was born in Kenya or Obama taped Trumps phone.
Trump standing up in front of the entire world and asking Russians to help in our election or saying you believe Russia over our entire intel community is much closer to treason than unpatriotic. Especially with all the evidence.
We know obammy was born in Kenya, his brother said so!
Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump.

Comey takes notes.
Michael Cohen records Trump.
Amarosa tapes Trump.

How many more?

Who taped Clinton, Carter and Obama ?
Nobody did.

This is the sign that Trump has serious character flaw and the total lack of trust from people who work for Donald Trump.

The question is how many more people will come forward with recordings of Donald Trump? How else are they going to protect themselves from his lying?

True believers. trump could be caught raping an underage girl and his base would say 'she came onto him first, or maybe 'what about George Soros?'.

Not "hogwash". The same Trump "dead enders" ( like you) who weepingly lament the prospect of men going into women's bathrooms then look the other way when president pussy barges into a dressing room for underage girls. So your actions show that the other poster is spot in, depsite the blubbering that comes from your mouths.

Ah Fart In Indiana chimes in

The two reasons I voted Trump, SCOTUS and political correctness BS. The economy is a bonus. My vote paid off handsomely

Other than that IDC.
For you, it's all about the PC.

You want to call an African American the N - word and feel good about it. Admit it.
That seems to be you
Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump.

Comey takes notes.
Michael Cohen records Trump.
Amarosa tapes Trump.

How many more?

Who taped Clinton, Carter and Obama ?
Nobody did.

This is the sign that Trump has serious character flaw and the total lack of trust from people who work for Donald Trump.

The question is how many more people will come forward with recordings of Donald Trump? How else are they going to protect themselves from his lying?
The tRumpkins really tried to jump on this with both feet didn't they.

You must have struck a nerve.
Bring them in! We’ve been fking waiting eighteen months. Fk, why sooo long?
Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump.

Comey takes notes.
Michael Cohen records Trump.
Amarosa tapes Trump.

How many more?

Who taped Clinton, Carter and Obama ?
Nobody did.

This is the sign that Trump has serious character flaw and the total lack of trust from people who work for Donald Trump.

The question is how many more people will come forward with recordings of Donald Trump? How else are they going to protect themselves from his lying?
If and when that happens...it's gonna be AWESOME! :71:
/——/ And if you get a pony for your birthday the other kids will finally like you.
Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump.

Comey takes notes.
Michael Cohen records Trump.
Amarosa tapes Trump.

How many more?

Who taped Clinton, Carter and Obama ?
Nobody did.

This is the sign that Trump has serious character flaw and the total lack of trust from people who work for Donald Trump.

The question is how many more people will come forward with recordings of Donald Trump? How else are they going to protect themselves from his lying?
So they get Trump on tape talking about how to make America great again

All that criminal conduct and no one can prove a thing. Could it be a delusion?
So Bob Mueller has shared his findings with you?
You cultists make me laugh, like 45, when you insist NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSION when you have no idea what the very thorough Bob Mueller has.
Didn’t you just post he had mountains of evidence? How the fk do you know? Back at you with your own question!
I the FK know ,,he and 17 other experts working on this trump bs have mounds of evidence Someone with his GREAT reputation isn't a fn dummy like Guiliani or others of trumps pals

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