Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump

Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump

Love him or hate him, at least he's an interesting guy. You're up all night reading all of his tweets! NO ONE could care less to listen to a thing that Hillary or Obumma has to say. People will come forward with tapes of Donald Trump even if they have to totally make them up! :D
View attachment 211400
And the leftists still couldn't beat him. Sad really. Speaks volumes.

Who will beat him in 2020 darling?

My money is on Terminator Hillary .. the relentless ballot stuffing machine.


Will she live that long?

Slick Willie prays not.

Hillary or her reanimated corpse.
Hillary is watching the pussygrabber being embroiled in scandal after scandal and hundreds of lawsuits.
I’m sure she’s laughing her ass off at idiots like you since she warned you about him.

We know she sure isn't getting porked by Slick Willie or any non-blind man.
I see Hillary’s sex life is prominently on your mind.
Now isn’t that special!
Wasnt another republican president brought down from tapes?
Didn’t he insist he was innocent like the pussygrabber?

I so love this front page news. Kinda topical isn’t it.
View attachment 211417 Wasnt another republican president brought down from tapes?
Didn’t he insist he was innocent like the pussygrabber?

I so love this front page news. Kinda topical isn’t it.
But that was a real crime. Democrats have been looking for a crime for two years now.
The only one who knows is Bob Mueller and he’s too professional to talk. You wouldn’t understand being a disciple of President Disgrace.
But there’s a mountain of evidence suggesting obstruction of justice and conspiracy. I say money laundering too. The deadbeat couldn’t get anyone in America to give him a loan so the family has been doing business with Russia since the 80’s.
This guy is as dirty as they come. No wonder you’re a cult member.
I’m sure Omarosa isn’t the only one in the WH with tapes. It was every man for himself and morale has been the pits for the last year.
It’s screw or be screwed.
What a way to run a White House!
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

All that criminal conduct and no one can prove a thing. Could it be a delusion?
So Bob Mueller has shared his findings with you?
You cultists make me laugh, like 45, when you insist NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSION when you have no idea what the very thorough Bob Mueller has.
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

The loser Cowboy fan pretends the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians never happened and Mueller is not in possession of Junior’s emails proving conspiracy.
You guys crack me up.
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

The loser Cowboy fan pretends the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians never happened and Mueller is not in possession of Junior’s emails proving conspiracy.
You guys crack me up.

Damn, you seem to have only loaded blanks tonight, you have yet to hit a point with a single provable fact. Run along bullshit artist, you're boring me.

Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

Of course you are.
He’s letting polluters run wild, Mexico is still not paying for the wall, our roads and bridges are still abominable, immigration policies are a mess, he’s trying to cut billions from Medicaid to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and still no healthcare of any sorts coming from him. More promises broken.
Plus he’s divided this country nothing like since the Civil War.
Of course you think he’s doing a great job.
You’re a fool’s fool.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

The loser Cowboy fan pretends the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians never happened and Mueller is not in possession of Junior’s emails proving conspiracy.
You guys crack me up.

Damn, you seem to have only loaded blanks tonight, you have yet to hit a point with a single provable fact. Run along bullshit artist, you're boring me.

Idiot doesn’t know those emails of Junior’s is a provable fact. It’s admissable evidence.
Fox News watcher no doubt.
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

Of course you are.
He’s letting polluters run wild, Mexico is still not paying for the wall, our roads and bridges are still abominable, immigration policies are a mess, he’s trying to cut billions from Medicaid to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and still no healthcare of any sorts coming from him. More promises broken.
Plus he’s divided this country nothing like since the Civil War.
Of course you think he’s doing a great job.
You’re a fool’s fool.


I wake up smiling every morning, thinking people like you wake in an extremely high state of pisstivity. You got no evidence of a crime and instead of just putting on your big boy panties on and accepting the bitch got beat again, you and your ignorant ilk have been on a near two year temper tantrum. The division of the country is on you regressives and it won't be forgotten. ROFLMAO

Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump.

Comey takes notes.
Michael Cohen records Trump.
Amarosa tapes Trump.

How many more?

Who taped Clinton, Carter and Obama ?
Nobody did.

This is the sign that Trump has serious character flaw and the total lack of trust from people who work for Donald Trump.

The question is how many more people will come forward with recordings of Donald Trump? How else are they going to protect themselves from his lying?
Who gives a shit.
Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

Get back to me when you can say "the people who HAVE evidence", otherwise you're just peddling more BS. BTW, I perfectly happy with his accomplishments.

The loser Cowboy fan pretends the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians never happened and Mueller is not in possession of Junior’s emails proving conspiracy.
You guys crack me up.

Damn, you seem to have only loaded blanks tonight, you have yet to hit a point with a single provable fact. Run along bullshit artist, you're boring me.

Idiot doesn’t know those emails of Junior’s is a provable fact. It’s admissable evidence.
Fox News watcher no doubt.

Conspiracy to take a legal meeting, I'm sure DJ is shaking in his boots. Alert the fucking NY Slimes. LMAO

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Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump

Because the November elections are coming and Dems are desperate: their chances don't look to good and they hope those idiotic tapes may help them to gain a few cheap [and dirty] political points.
Lol...yep, they're shifting gears...
Pussy grabbing bragging, sexual assault woodwork roaches,
golden showers and Russian collusion, hasn't done the trick.
the tapes make the base like him even more. as a Trump supporter, i hope there's unlimited tapes!
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Your stupidity really has no limits the saddest thing is you actually believe the stupid shit you post.
So you don’t think Mueller has Cohen’s tapes even though he raided his home and office.
You’re a special type of idiot aren’t you.
The only special kind of stupid is you and those like you who claim every time someone close to Trump sneezes exclaims they have him now. Mueller has been investigating for over a year and half no charges against Trump or anyone in his family and the only charges against people close to Trump are unrelated to the stated purpose of this investigation. These are the facts you may now continue to display your idiocy.

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