Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump

Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Your stupidity really has no limits the saddest thing is you actually believe the stupid shit you post.
Aides who work in the WH have told reporters that 45 is obsessed with the Russian investigation and screams and yells more than his usual tantrums.

Does this sound like an innocent man, cult- boys?

Please show us your reliable source and link. Your usual source for news, The Green Onion, will not be considered as being a reliable source.
Proof I ever linked to the Green Onion.
Got your fuhrer’s lying habits.

I’ve heard what I wrote countless times by WH reporters. Funny you haven’t. Must be a Fox watcher.
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Your stupidity really has no limits the saddest thing is you actually believe the stupid shit you post.
So you don’t think Mueller has Cohen’s tapes even though he raided his home and office.
You’re a special type of idiot aren’t you.
View attachment 211400
Drump is like a cornered animal who puts himself before our country

And the leftists still couldn't beat him. Sad really. Speaks volumes.

Who will beat him in 2020 darling?

My money is on Terminator Hillary .. the relentless ballot stuffing machine.


Will she live that long?

Slick Willie prays not.

Hillary or her reanimated corpse.
Hillary is watching the pussygrabber being embroiled in scandal after scandal and hundreds of lawsuits.
I’m sure she’s laughing her ass off at idiots like you since she warned you about him.

We know she sure isn't getting porked by Slick Willie or any non-blind man.
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.
That post went right over your head.
I'll wait for the Greatest Hits CD.
Drump is like a cornered animal who puts himself before our country

And the leftists still couldn't beat him. Sad really. Speaks volumes.

Who will beat him in 2020 darling?
Who will beat him in 2020? Mueller will have released his report by then so the criminal in chief will be lucky to stay out of prison or get impeached.

Guess why fatty hired Paul Manafort. He admired his foolproof method of money laundering.
Wasn’t very foolproof was it.
Trump is so fucking dirty, has been all his life and low hanging fruit like you thinks he’s innocent with everything.
Not much of a critical thinker are you.

It's so adorable that you believe that.
^^ thinks 45 is an honest upstanding citizen, even though he never has been.
Do you dream of unicorns at night?

You thought your current POTUS had no path to victory and Hillary The Hag was a lock.

Accordingly, you have ZERO credibility tinker belle.
I lived thru this the first time. The current 2nd time won’t end any better.
The only difference is Tricky Dicky didn’t have a network constantly lying for him like 45 has. View attachment 211405

I lived through Nixon as well. In fact, I have a photo of myself with G. Gordon Liddy, one of the men that broke into the Democrat headquarters. There was an underlying CRIME. Today, as you know, there is NO UNDERLYING CRIME. Richard Nixon would have easily served out his full second term had he not tried to cover up what he knew on day one. Had he gone on prime time TV, told the public what had happened and that he knew nothing about it in advance and those guilty would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It would have been over within a week, maybe two.

Same with Bill Clinton. Had he not gone on TV, looked straight into the camera, pointed at the American voter and said: "I did not have sex with THAT WOMAN". If he had said: "Yes, I had sex with Monica Lewinski". Begged for mercy and forgiveness in his best quivering lip way, it too would have been over in a matter of weeks instead of leading to his Impeachment.

With President Trump, there is no underlying crime and no one has come forth with one iota of proof. Trump is fully justified in demanding the witchhunt be concluded.
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View attachment 211400
And the leftists still couldn't beat him. Sad really. Speaks volumes.

Who will beat him in 2020 darling?

My money is on Terminator Hillary .. the relentless ballot stuffing machine.


Will she live that long?

Slick Willie prays not.

Hillary or her reanimated corpse.
Hillary is watching the pussygrabber being embroiled in scandal after scandal and hundreds of lawsuits.
I’m sure she’s laughing her ass off at idiots like you since she warned you about him.
She’s just laughing because she’s drunk. She will pass out soon.

Do you think Slick Willie will mount and pork her once she is blacked out drunk?
They are making these tapes as fast as they can.

So you admit that Trump is still doing illegal shit and setting others up to take the blame. That’s a big step for you Tipsy.
I admit that the leftists have every tape of every speech Trump ever made and are busily recutting and editing them as fast as their little sound editors can..

It's easy

Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump

Love him or hate him, at least he's an interesting guy. You're up all night reading all of his tweets! NO ONE could care less to listen to a thing that Hillary or Obumma has to say. People will come forward with tapes of Donald Trump even if they have to totally make them up! :D
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

View attachment 211400
My money is on Terminator Hillary .. the relentless ballot stuffing machine.


Will she live that long?

Slick Willie prays not.

Hillary or her reanimated corpse.
Hillary is watching the pussygrabber being embroiled in scandal after scandal and hundreds of lawsuits.
I’m sure she’s laughing her ass off at idiots like you since she warned you about him.
She’s just laughing because she’s drunk. She will pass out soon.

Do you think Slick Willie will mount and pork her once she is blacked out drunk?
No chance.
Proof I ever linked to the Green Onion.
Got your fuhrer’s lying habits.

I’ve heard what I wrote countless times by WH reporters. Funny you haven’t. Must be a Fox watcher.

I never said you linked to the Green Onion, only that you looked to it for your news.

Now show us your reliable source and link to your allegations. What you doubled down on is a lie. If it is as you say, you should be able to provide dozens of sources.
View attachment 211400
Will she live that long?

Slick Willie prays not.

Hillary or her reanimated corpse.
Hillary is watching the pussygrabber being embroiled in scandal after scandal and hundreds of lawsuits.
I’m sure she’s laughing her ass off at idiots like you since she warned you about him.
She’s just laughing because she’s drunk. She will pass out soon.

Do you think Slick Willie will mount and pork her once she is blacked out drunk?
No chance.

Who would?
Nixon’s lawyer has message for current White House staffers: GET OUT.

John Dean:
Memo To Trump’s White House Staff: FYI. Very few people who worked at Nixon’s White House later included that fact on their resumes. It doesn’t do much for a career to be on the wrong side of history, nor to have worked for the worst president in American history.
Why more people will come forward with tapes on President Trump.

Comey takes notes.
Michael Cohen records Trump.
Amarosa tapes Trump.

How many more?

Who taped Clinton, Carter and Obama ?
Nobody did.

This is the sign that Trump has serious character flaw and the total lack of trust from people who work for Donald Trump.

The question is how many more people will come forward with recordings of Donald Trump? How else are they going to protect themselves from his lying?
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.
View attachment 211400
My money is on Terminator Hillary .. the relentless ballot stuffing machine.


Will she live that long?

Slick Willie prays not.

Hillary or her reanimated corpse.
Hillary is watching the pussygrabber being embroiled in scandal after scandal and hundreds of lawsuits.
I’m sure she’s laughing her ass off at idiots like you since she warned you about him.
She’s just laughing because she’s drunk. She will pass out soon.

Do you think Slick Willie will mount and pork her once she is blacked out drunk?
Lets review the Comey notes were going to take Trump down the Cohen tapes were going to take Trump down the Omarosa tapes were going to take Trump down I have no idea who Amarosa is or what they recorded but much like these other three it will be quickly forgotten as well.
^^ Don’t know who Omarosa is.
Thanks for proving what I always say about you DEPLORABLES.
You’re the dumbest people on earth.

The only one who knows what’s on the Cohen tapes is Bob Mueller, so you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why are you lying and flopping around like a dying fish. The Cohen case is in the Southern District of NY, Mueller might know what's on the tapes but he's far from the "only one". So peddle your shit elsewhere, no one here is buying.

Just think the two people who possibly have ample evidence to ruin your fat fuck lying prez are not democrats.
They’re former confidents of his.
Omarosa and Cohen.
How funny is that!

This is the most chaotic, corrupt White House in history..
We warned you idiots how bad it would be but..... emails emails.

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