Zone1 Why Most People End up in Hell (Jesus himself said this)

Let us know what you think. I was left shaking my head. o_O
so what if they know about it?

so what if they know from experience

Does that automatically exempt them from teaching others it is wrong?

sheez.. great logic there. If anything, it is just the opposite
OK, technically what Jesus said was that FEW find the Narrow way that leads to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13)

Lk 13:24 makes the point that most attempting to enter Heaven at death "will not be strong enough." My guess is they won't be strong enough to fight off Satan and all his accusations, etc..

My experiences would tell me this (that very few make it) even if Jesus (and canonized saints) did not say so because you look around at all the heinous evil going on (homosexual acts, divorce for no valid reason, murdering the unborn) and things getting worse by the day and .. What? People who do these vile things are going to be allowed into Heaven (?)-- where all is good and holy and pure and just?

Do you believe Jesus or the bible more?

The Father, Yahweh, says no one is lost to hell and death.

FRPOV. Gods should not be seen as losers, given that they began as masters of all.

how can an omni-everything God be a loser?

Of course, there are no supernatural Gods, but they are sometimes interesting to ponder.

There is a path to Heaven, and a highway to Hell. That sort of tells us about the amount of traffic they are expecting... :20:
You have to wonder about God's competence in creating souls, when he has more defects in his factory than good products.

Do not buy his stock. He is a losing company.

Not in the way that you do. I don't mean to offend anyone who is of Christian Faith. As I've posted before I was raised by devout Christian parents and I believe in Christian ethics and morals and have conducted my life in that way. I have my own beliefs.
Fuck. I hope not.

As we speak, they are preaching homophobia and misogyny in their churches, while our government is preaching the superior law of equality for all.

You might want to rephrase, or apologies for supporting their immoral actions, if I am reading you wrong.

Fuck. I hope not.

As we speak, they are preaching homophobia and misogyny in their churches, while our government is preaching the superior law of equality for all.

You might want to rephrase, or apologies for supporting their immoral actions, if I am reading you wrong.

Our Lefty government is advocating equity, because they believe that equality has failed. Big difference.
Fuck. I hope not.

As we speak, they are preaching homophobia and misogyny in their churches, while our government is preaching the superior law of equality for all.

You might want to rephrase, or apologies for supporting their immoral actions, if I am reading you wrong.

You are confusing the 10 Commandments for how some people have used Christianity for illicit purposes. I was speaking only for myself and not offering "support" for anyone else.
Our Lefty government is advocating equity, because they believe that equality has failed. Big difference.
While the Righty is advocating inequity.

That is a part of why moral people are running away from their religions and the God religions, are shrinking.

Who is more moral?

The Letfties who will only discriminate when there is a just cause.

You are confusing the 10 Commandments for how some people have used Christianity for illicit purposes. I was speaking only for myself and not offering "support" for anyone else.
I am not confused in speaking out against the religious homophobes and misogynous moral misfits.

No need. Inequity is a fact of life.
One of God's better qualities.

Note that the first to gain that gift was Satan.

She is Wisdom in the Gnostic Christian tradition.

That is why, like in Job 2;3, God allows himself to be moved to do evil and sin.

God knows that to resist Satan is to resist gaining wisdom.

To resist Satan would not have the gift of God come to you.

Gen3;22 Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil;

Would you give that up and screw up God's plan?

One of God's better qualities.

Note that the first to gain that gift was Satan.

She is Wisdom in the Gnostic Christian tradition.

That is why, like in Job 2;3, God allows himself to be moved to do evil and sin.

God knows that to resist Satan is to resist gaining wisdom.

To resist Satan would not have the gift of God come to you.

Gen3;22 Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil;

Would you give that up and screw up God's plan?

We're all swept along within God's plan.

No being has equity with God, not even Jesus.

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