Zone1 Why Most People End up in Hell (Jesus himself said this)

I see much more good than evil in the world.

The statistics agree.

That aside.

Who creates all this evil, God?

If so, should we not take the bastard to task?

Should that God not be in hell himself?

i kind of laugh.. it's a sad laugh this time (not like the LOLs I get reading Politics threads...)

Sad bc I have had similar thoughts.. When a person goes through hard and even seemingly impossible times.. one wonders what the heck God is doing.. notdoing.

But anyhow.. I justdon't know what elseto say except that I understand your point more or less... so I offer empathy but no answers to the universal Q all humans have: If God is good, why all this evil?

can't answer it except to say that God gave us free will and then.. well, he probably just backed off after creating us and let us go.. to see what we would do .. I dunno.. seems like it
you dumb fucker, thanks for the chuckle
You do not want to deal with the question of why we animals should look for sexual mores from a sexless God.

Apologists, even the poorest like here, always run from what they cannot do apologetics on.

Nice that Christians no longer have inquisitions to silence the brighter and more moral.

The numbers are showing the good sense of our better educated children.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
what do you call it when a given human mind (person) discusses all those things?

Maybe sometimes a person has a great mind, at other times, like when he is tired.. he focuses on events or people.. ?

yeh, I think that'strue.. that we all do all 3

When they think about God, they have a great mind. When they think about bidum.. not so much because too much anger & disgust.. .

and etcc...
If God is good, why all this evil?
Because in evolution and the original non-supernatural believing Christianity, there was no problem of evil as the small bit that competitions produced was way less than the harm if competition was ended.

Human life depends on human against human competition, and these are the cause of all human generated evil on Earth, save insanity.

Your bible does not say God is good. How can it when it has him ordering so many evil things.

In fact, if you follow the first commandment, you will not put anyone above Yahwe for doing evil.

Just think of Noah.

Satan ---- Pfft. Yahweh sings

what do you call it when a given human mind (person) discusses all those things?

Maybe sometimes a person has a great mind, at other times, like when he is tired.. he focuses on events or people.. ?

yeh, I think that'strue.. that we all do all 3

When they think about God, they have a great mind. When they think about bidum.. not so much because too much anger & disgust.. .

and etcc...
No clue what you are talking about in any of my three languages.

That might be a sign of your mind, but I'm not sure what.

I think a lot about God and poor apologists.

Where does that put me?

Because in evolution and the original non-supernatural believing Christianity, there was no problem of evil as the small bit that competitions produced was way less than the harm if competition was ended.

Human life depends on human against human competition, and these are the cause of all human generated evil on Earth, save insanity.

Your bible does not say God is good. How can it when it has him ordering so many evil things.

In fact, if you follow the first commandment, you will not put anyone above Yahwe for doing evil.

Just think of Noah.

Satan ---- Pfft. Yahweh sings


dont get what your point is.. or even the words u use supposedly getting there..
OK, technically what Jesus said was that FEW find the Narrow way that leads to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13)

Lk 13:24 makes the point that most attempting to enter Heaven at death "will not be strong enough." My guess is they won't be strong enough to fight off Satan and all his accusations, etc..

My experiences would tell me this (that very few make it) even if Jesus (and canonized saints) did not say so because you look around at all the heinous evil going on (homosexual acts, divorce for no valid reason, murdering the unborn) and things getting worse by the day and .. What? People who do these vile things are going to be allowed into Heaven (?)-- where all is good and holy and pure and just?


My guess is they won't be strong enough to fight off Satan and all his accusations, etc..

Man you have some twisted theology.
OK, technically what Jesus said was that FEW find the Narrow way that leads to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13)

Lk 13:24 makes the point that most attempting to enter Heaven at death "will not be strong enough." My guess is they won't be strong enough to fight off Satan and all his accusations, etc..

My experiences would tell me this (that very few make it) even if Jesus (and canonized saints) did not say so because you look around at all the heinous evil going on (homosexual acts, divorce for no valid reason, murdering the unborn) and things getting worse by the day and .. What? People who do these vile things are going to be allowed into Heaven (?)-- where all is good and holy and pure and just?

Christians don't go to heaven. They inherit the EARTH -- the Kingdom of God, who's headquarters will be Jerusalem.

Furthermore, after the ONE THOUSAND YEARS, the Father will come down and make Jerusalem HIS home for all eternity
The Church of Rome has not shown itself to have exclusive access to revelation. Rome's Church has, in fact, been quite a stumbling block to many who would understand the message of Jesus. "Christianity", in general and including the non-Roman branches, has not provided the best in fulfilling Jesus' wishes.
You are absolutely on the right track. Things are getting worse and worse. This was predicted.

You are also correct that the unholy, unjust, unpure will not be allowed into Heaven.

Tragically, that is all of us. The Bible says, "none are righteous. No, not one." (Romans 3:9). Left to ourselves, we are ALL going to Hell. This is the part most people get very wrong. They measure their good v. bad by "worldly" standards: like, "well, I gave to charity and raised my kids well. I didn't really hurt anyone. Surely God will let me into Heaven."

But that is not God's standard. God's standard is perfection. He can't change that about Himself. He is perfection. He is also love. Being loving, He made a way for His love, justice and holiness to be reconciled:

Jesus Christ.

Claiming Him as Savior is like a legal remedy for God. Jesus paid our fine for sin, so justice is fulfilled, and we take on Christ's perfection. There is no us "fighting" Satan or our sin. Christ has already won the battle, ultimately. We only need to claim the prize as ours.
Do you ride a bike and carry a poodle ?

Start looking. It will make you smarter.

Millions are on living on 'life support' (drugs and medical procedures). I don't think this qualifies as "health". And, annual income isn't a reflection of wealth/net worth, which is a more accurate measure of financial health, and is sadly inadequate for most.

Our 'health and wealth' is being upheld by medications and credit. A shaky foundation at best.
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