Zone1 Why Most People End up in Hell (Jesus himself said this)

Our 'health and wealth' is being upheld by medications and credit. A shaky foundation at best.
One that has your age of death sliding the wrong way as compared to first world stats.

That is not shaky. That is fallen down.

You are now having to use second world methods.

Your right wing will make it worse if it can.

One that has your age of death sliding the wrong way as compared to first world stats.

That is not shaky. That is fallen down.

You are now having to use second world methods.

Your right wing will make it worse if it can.

Health and wealth are a personal choice in America. Nothing political there.
Only to the less astute who do not know history.

Of course, not everyone was so blessed.

Psalm 90:10
The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
OK, technically what Jesus said was that FEW find the Narrow way that leads to Heaven (Mt 7, Lk 13)

Lk 13:24 makes the point that most attempting to enter Heaven at death "will not be strong enough." My guess is they won't be strong enough to fight off Satan and all his accusations, etc..

My experiences would tell me this (that very few make it) even if Jesus (and canonized saints) did not say so because you look around at all the heinous evil going on (homosexual acts, divorce for no valid reason, murdering the unborn) and things getting worse by the day and .. What? People who do these vile things are going to be allowed into Heaven (?)-- where all is good and holy and pure and just?

Jesus said nothing about heaven in that teaching about the narrow gate. He said-the road that leads off into life. The bible only promises heaven to the little flock( Luke 12:32)=the anointed=144,000( Rev 14:3) = the bride of Christ
No where is heaven promised to the great crowd that no man can number( Rev 7:9)-These are only other ones getting saved. thus get this promise from Jesus=Matt 5:5- Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
Jesus said nothing about heaven in that teaching about the narrow gate. He said-the road that leads off into life. The bible only promises heaven to the little flock( Luke 12:32)=the anointed=144,000( Rev 14:3) = the bride of Christ
No where is heaven promised to the great crowd that no man can number( Rev 7:9)-These are only other ones getting saved. thus get this promise from Jesus=Matt 5:5- Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
There will be two spiritual harvests. The first is the called-out church at Christs' return, the second takes place during the millenial rule of Christ when those not called in the past will be raised and given a chance at life. "God is not willing that any should perish..."
Everyone knows that the reason most people end up in Hell is excessive Masturbation

Define excessive...

My guess is they won't be strong enough to fight off Satan and all his accusations, etc..

Man you have some twisted theology.
Tell that to Jesus and the Church He founded.

I'm sure He will be amused on your judgment day
There will be two spiritual harvests. The first is the called-out church at Christs' return, the second takes place during the millenial rule of Christ when those not called in the past will be raised and given a chance at life. "God is not willing that any should perish..."
But the fact remains-only the little flock is promised heaven, to rule as kings and priests on thrones beside Jesus( Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6)
But the fact remains-only the little flock is promised heaven, to rule as kings and priests on thrones beside Jesus( Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6)
Those resurrected from the church age will reign over those resurrected and converted during the millenium. You are correct in that it is unclear who will be saved and who will not among the nations. It is clear that all Israel will be saved.
Jesus said nothing about heaven in that teaching about the narrow gate. He said-the road that leads off into life. The bible only promises heaven to the little flock( Luke 12:32)=the anointed=144,000( Rev 14:3) = the bride of Christ
No where is heaven promised to the great crowd that no man can number( Rev 7:9)-These are only other ones getting saved. thus get this promise from Jesus=Matt 5:5- Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
I would respond but I don't know what the heck you are saying here. So I will mosey along.

I will say this to what I think you are saying in 1st sentence:

If you are saying Jesus "said nothing about Heaven" in that teaching.. you are seriously blinded by the devil. That is exactly what he was talking about.. He said the Way to Heaven is Narrow and there are "few who find it."
I would respond but I don't know what the heck you are saying here. So I will mosey along.

I will say this to what I think you are saying in 1st sentence:

If you are saying Jesus "said nothing about Heaven" in that teaching.. you are seriously blinded by the devil. That is exactly what he was talking about.. He said the Way to Heaven is Narrow and there are "few who find it."
The destiny of the saved is eternal life in paradise, the kingdom of heaven, not heaven itself.
The destiny of the saved is eternal life in paradise, the kingdom of heaven, not heaven itself.
oh... like, whatever

When a person dies, he is immediately judged and then he goes to eternal reward or to Purgatory which is a place of purification so that he CAN go into Heaven.

There is no other option.. Jesus's Church says so
oh... like, whatever

When a person dies, he is immediately judged and then he goes to eternal reward or to Purgatory which is a place of purification so that he CAN go into Heaven.

There is no other option.. Jesus's Church says so
Judgment doesn't occur until the resurrections take place, and that is yet in the future.
Judgment doesn't occur until the resurrections take place, and that is yet in the future.
Everyone is personally judged after death. I don't know where you get your information but even if the Original Church did not teach this, it is only common sense.

Why would God bother to make all these different 'places' (paradise, but it's not heaven, according to you) when.. you had a chance to choose Truth (Jesus) on this earth and if you didn't.. or if you did.. it's simple: you go where you belong. Purgatory is not something some Catholic clergy made up hundreds of years ago. There is a book in the Old T (for all you who go by bible alone or claim to) that speaks of how, after a war and the dead were lying about on the battlefied, someone suggested praying for them.. dead people, that they be "loosed from their sins." (I'm pretty sure it was the "general" who suggested that or some higher up person)

but of course the human who started HIS church (Luther and all the protestants coming after him because Christ's Church wasn't good enough 4 them) didn't like that book, so they threw it out.. it's part of the Apocrypha that was rejected by one sect of the Jews and by Protestants, but is included in Catholic bibles
Everyone is personally judged after death. I don't know where you get your information but even if the Original Church did not teach this, it is only common sense.

Why would God bother to make all these different 'places' (paradise, but it's not heaven, according to you) when.. you had a chance to choose Truth (Jesus) on this earth and if you didn't.. or if you did.. it's simple: you go where you belong. Purgatory is not something some Catholic clergy made up hundreds of years ago. There is a book in the Old T (for all you who go by bible alone or claim to) that speaks of how, after a war and the dead were lying about on the battlefied, someone suggested praying for them.. dead people, that they be "loosed from their sins." (I'm pretty sure it was the "general" who suggested that or some higher up person)

but of course the human who started HIS church (Luther and all the protestants coming after him because Christ's Church wasn't good enough 4 them) didn't like that book, so they threw it out.. it's part of the Apocrypha that was rejected by one sect of the Jews and by Protestants, but is included in Catholic bibles
Whatever is in your bible you are certainly justified in believing. It's not in mine.
Those resurrected from the church age will reign over those resurrected and converted during the millenium. You are correct in that it is unclear who will be saved and who will not among the nations. It is clear that all Israel will be saved.
Jesus clearly told the Israelite religion-they are cut off of being Gods chosen unless they do Matt 23:39, verse 38 assures they are cut off. They have outright refused to do verse 39, they never will. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen.
I would respond but I don't know what the heck you are saying here. So I will mosey along.

I will say this to what I think you are saying in 1st sentence:

If you are saying Jesus "said nothing about Heaven" in that teaching.. you are seriously blinded by the devil. That is exactly what he was talking about.. He said the Way to Heaven is Narrow and there are "few who find it."
He clearly said-The road that leads off into Life. The little flock( Luke 12:32) are the ones promised heaven, these are numbered-144,000 Rev 14:3) they are the anointed=the bride of Christ. The only other ones being saved = the great crowd which no man can number( Rev 7:9)--Thus get this promise from Jesus-Matt 5:5-Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. They will stand on earth before the throne( Gods ruling govt) no other rulerships will ever be( Daniel 12:4) so no matter where one stands it will be before the throne.
Jesus clearly told the Israelite religion-they are cut off of being Gods chosen unless they do Matt 23:39, verse 38 assures they are cut off. They have outright refused to do verse 39, they never will. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen.
The church was called of Israelites. The 144,000 are national Israelites, 12,000 from each tribe. When the Jews rejected Jesus he went to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel" living in Galilee and Samaria, who along with some Jews formed the early church.

Paul makes clear in Romans 9, 10, and 11, that Israel is not lost and will be saved.
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