Why Mr. President.....???? The DNC let your ass down, not visa versa, sir!!

Obama Says He Takes ‘Some Responsibility’ For Democrats’ Loss Of Power
He feels good about the governing, but wishes he’d done more politicking.

Maybe he could have done more, but how? Time and time again, Obama was asked not to be apart of elections campaigns because of ACA, so he was shut out. Insted of defending their votes for it, they all ran from it. This happened over and over and over by Democrats across the country running for office. A white mop in Ky. running against McConnell was leading up until she refuse to answer whether or not she voted for the guy...I mean, where is the responsibility of democrats in all this??? They were cowards, they dissed this president to no end, they never once touted the good they along with the president had done, but instead tried to go mainstream in a country clearly divided along race and party lines.

No, Mr. President, you are not at fault here, we are. We backed Hillary without realizing her damaging bagaged, we dismissed all the positive you gave to this nation, we down played your killing Bin-Laden and we let you down.

Democrats are to complacent, to stuck on playing a rigged game fairly and are not worthy in my opinion of anyone's support until they realize rules have changed and bowing to the right, gets you no where with us!!

I have yet to see anything that damaging about Hillary in her emails or otherwise. The biggest things Pres. Obama did was the ACA and Iran Deal. He will go down in history as one of the best, regardless of Trumps and the Pubs abnormal hatred of him.
Delusional butthurt^^^^

Now now, I am not delusional, if anything, I'm not impressionable or gullible.
You're a libtard, you are delusional. Obamacare sucks and the Iran deal worst deal ever. Obuthole will go down as one the worst presidents if not the worst.
Listen, I am no longer a democrat because of how we handled Hillary and this campaign. No matter how innocent she is and she is innocent by all means....none the less, as a party, you do not throw all your support, your efforts, everything on just one candidate....just because. Hillary never came to my home state, although Obama did. She took my black vote for granted and tried to patronize me and my people with these has been rappers as though that along will appease us as a race. I never liked this woman and when she had a chance to really galvanize the base with a good solid VP pick, she goes after a bi lingual saint, Kaine...who's about as exciting as watching paint dry...and she did this arrogance not wanting to be upstage. Everything about the Clintons is messy, elitist and planned.

If she was truly a wise woman, she would have kept her tired old white ass in the senate and perhaps emerged as one of the most powerful women in US history..instead, she will go down in the history books as an overly qualified white women, who lost to a unknown black man, almost to a 90 year old progressive jew and the most alarming of all, to the worst candidate ever to run for President, Donald Tweet....that will be her hall of shame for being so damned ambitious and arrogant!!


Comey testified in congress that hitlary was in unlawful possession and transferred classified shit illegally.

Just because he wasn't going to fall on the sword and charge her, he passed the buck.

Except a prosecutor may come along now and look into the violations of the espionage act and haul hitlery and your meat puppet faggot to court.

That will be fun to watch.

The best part is, your meat puppet faggot made the entire DNC so corrupt and contemptible that the last honest political whore in the party was knee capped by the DNC itself and everyone knows it.

Obama Says He Takes ‘Some Responsibility’ For Democrats’ Loss Of Power
He feels good about the governing, but wishes he’d done more politicking.

Maybe he could have done more, but how? Time and time again, Obama was asked not to be apart of elections campaigns because of ACA, so he was shut out. Insted of defending their votes for it, they all ran from it. This happened over and over and over by Democrats across the country running for office. A white mop in Ky. running against McConnell was leading up until she refuse to answer whether or not she voted for the guy...I mean, where is the responsibility of democrats in all this??? They were cowards, they dissed this president to no end, they never once touted the good they along with the president had done, but instead tried to go mainstream in a country clearly divided along race and party lines.

No, Mr. President, you are not at fault here, we are. We backed Hillary without realizing her damaging bagaged, we dismissed all the positive you gave to this nation, we down played your killing Bin-Laden and we let you down.

Democrats are to complacent, to stuck on playing a rigged game fairly and are not worthy in my opinion of anyone's support until they realize rules have changed and bowing to the right, gets you no where with us!!

I predicted Hillary would lose if they ran her way back during the midterms. And pretty much nailed the reasons why. And I took quite a beating for that too. I got kicked off the dem underground board just for the mere mention of Hillary losing if they ran her. Stupid fuckers.
Obama Says He Takes ‘Some Responsibility’ For Democrats’ Loss Of Power
He feels good about the governing, but wishes he’d done more politicking.

Maybe he could have done more, but how? Time and time again, Obama was asked not to be apart of elections campaigns because of ACA, so he was shut out. Insted of defending their votes for it, they all ran from it. This happened over and over and over by Democrats across the country running for office. A white mop in Ky. running against McConnell was leading up until she refuse to answer whether or not she voted for the guy...I mean, where is the responsibility of democrats in all this??? They were cowards, they dissed this president to no end, they never once touted the good they along with the president had done, but instead tried to go mainstream in a country clearly divided along race and party lines.

No, Mr. President, you are not at fault here, we are. We backed Hillary without realizing her damaging bagaged, we dismissed all the positive you gave to this nation, we down played your killing Bin-Laden and we let you down.

Democrats are to complacent, to stuck on playing a rigged game fairly and are not worthy in my opinion of anyone's support until they realize rules have changed and bowing to the right, gets you no where with us!!
The fuckin' idiot has left the dimocrat party in shambles all across America, so, yeah, he got one thing right during his reign. Thank you, Barry.
Obama Says He Takes ‘Some Responsibility’ For Democrats’ Loss Of Power
He feels good about the governing, but wishes he’d done more politicking.

Maybe he could have done more, but how? Time and time again, Obama was asked not to be apart of elections campaigns because of ACA, so he was shut out. Insted of defending their votes for it, they all ran from it. This happened over and over and over by Democrats across the country running for office. A white mop in Ky. running against McConnell was leading up until she refuse to answer whether or not she voted for the guy...I mean, where is the responsibility of democrats in all this??? They were cowards, they dissed this president to no end, they never once touted the good they along with the president had done, but instead tried to go mainstream in a country clearly divided along race and party lines.

No, Mr. President, you are not at fault here, we are. We backed Hillary without realizing her damaging bagaged, we dismissed all the positive you gave to this nation, we down played your killing Bin-Laden and we let you down.

Democrats are to complacent, to stuck on playing a rigged game fairly and are not worthy in my opinion of anyone's support until they realize rules have changed and bowing to the right, gets you no where with us!!
The fuckin' idiot has left the dimocrat party in shambles all across America, so, yeah, he got one thing right during his reign. Thank you, Barry.

Jesus Christ dude. Do you always wear your stupidity on your sleeve?

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