Why must some right wingers insist in calling an anti-socialist fascist a "socialist?"

Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?

Wow...the stupid is strong with this one.....

Why did Stalin purge communists in his government...after all.....weren't they also communists? This silly idea that because the national socialists fought with the international socialists, that that means they were not socialists themselves is just childish thinking.

the national socialists were socialists all the way through, they believed in government control of the means of production......they just didnt' believe in direct seizure of all private property....they just controlled all private property from the central government......
good job! Thats called FASCISM.
Remember reading about the "march of berlin?"
Tell me, since he was a socialist all the way through, maybe give some examples of actions?
I can name MANY that support fascism. Cant name many that would support socialism except maybe welfare and the name.
englighten me

Complete control of the German economy.....that is socialism.
fascism doesnt control industry? Hmmm thats weird :dunno:
In which example?

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty
Hmm sounds a lot like how I described fascism...which also sounds a lot like socialism. Let me quote since I doubt you'll actually read

"Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.) Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically. In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace. Entrepreneurshipwas abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.

Fascism is to be distinguished from interventionism, or the mixed economy. Interventionism seeks to guide the market process, not eliminate it, as fascism did. Minimum-wage and antitrust laws, though they regulate the free market, are a far cry from multiyear plans from the Ministry of Economics.

Under fascism, the state, through official cartels, controlled all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture. Planning boards set product lines, production levels, prices, wages, working conditions, and the size of firms. Licensing was ubiquitous; no economic activity could be undertaken without government permission. Levels of consumption were dictated by the state, and “excess” incomes had to be surrendered as taxes or “loans.” The consequent burdening of manufacturers gave advantages to foreign firms wishing to export. But since government policy aimed at autarky, or national self-sufficiency, protectionism was necessary: imports were barred or strictly controlled, leaving foreign conquest as the only avenue for access to resources unavailable domestically. Fascism was thus incompatible with peace and the international division of labor—hallmarks of liberalism."
Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?
Don't bother. The tards drank way too much of that "Hitler is left wing" piss to ever recover from their brain damage. You are wasting your time.
There are two types of socialists, STATE socialists, and CORPORATE socialists.

That latter is known as as fascists. When the government allows state sanctioned corporate cartels to force citizens to purchase goods and services, it is socialized, but via corporations approved, hand in glove by the state. In essence, that is what we have now with the ACA, and with many other industries in the US, it is a form of socialism known as fascism.


Benito Mussolini (named by his father who loved Benito Juarez), would ask all corporate heads in Italy, along with professors and other members of Italy's intelligentsia to offer Il Duce, a LOYALTY OATH.......

Do you know of anyone else who may be asking for an oath of loyalty to him personally???

Actually, there IS ONE major difference between Benito and Donaldo.....

Whereas Benito asked his acolytes for a loyalty oath TO fascism.......the orange charlatan asks for a loyalty oath TO Trumpism......

I was looking at our universities the other day, and I noticed something was missing.


"Herr Goring", I said. "We do not have enough Negroes in our universities! We must put into place an affirmative action plan to correct this terrible situation."


Heil multiculturalism!!


But I was just getting started!


"I want homosexuals in the Wehrmacht first thing in the morning!!!", I said.


Heil diversity!!!

You DID NOT just dis Obama! Tell me you did not go there or I'm coming over there to kick your ass, you right wing piece of trash!
Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?


You mean the guy who was the leader of national-socialist party?

I think, the name of the party might explain it.
If you believe Nazi propaganda and ridiculous "Liberal Fascism" drivel of the last 12 years. STUPID, ignorant propaganda, for dupes only. Same deal with everything totalitarian is leftist STUPID political spectrum. RW means freedom, LW is dictatorship. My ass. Poor America. So many brainwashed functional morons...
Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?

Actually he was pro socialism, but the communist at the time threatened his power, which is close to socialism. He enacted many socialist policies (while saying they weren't socialist policies), that Bernie admittedly would love to pass in today's America. The simple truth is there isn't a huge difference between socialism and fascism. They both require heavy governmental control, both heavily regulate industries... I mean if a government still retains great control of say a "private" car company, or a state ran "public" car company...is that much different from socialism? Same methods, same end results, just wearing different masks. Hitler wanted power, hitler went after those who threatened that power, hitler rose to power by praising and passing socialist policies, when the communist threatened his power, he attacked them and anything close to them (socialist) to send a message. Yes hitler was also nationalistic, but who says you can't also be a socialist? Look at our president now, he's both a nationalist and socialist. I'm not saying he's the next hitler, BC I don't think he is, but he definitely loves both nationalism and socialism. Really, what are the differences between the methods of fascism and socialism? Not very different. This is why I'm not the biggest fan of the European political spectrum, because far right and far left look way too similar, with way too much government control....and they both turn out bad for their citizens and the nations around them.
I mean if a government still retains great control of say a "private" car company, or a state ran "public" car company...is that much different from socialism?
That is known as state capitalism and yes it is different from socialism. What you have described is a system that retains all the qualities of the capitalist mode of production which the socialists wish to abolish. You have only traded one hierarchical mode of production for another. You have not altered the conditions of the workers in regards to the produce of their labor.
What you just described is an oxymoron, on the level of a rainforest desert. Can't have a desert along with lush vegetation dependent on very frequent rain. There is no such thing as state run capitalism...they are diametrically opposed. Once the state takes control, it is no longer capitalism, and it's more like what I described as fascism...which is essentially socialism by a different name. There's interventionism, this is also not to be confused with capitalism. Then there's socialism, which is direct government control, or fascism which is indirect but control non the less.
Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?

He focused on religion. Judaism is not a race.
Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?


You mean the guy who was the leader of national-socialist party?

I think, the name of the party might explain it.
If you believe Nazi propaganda and ridiculous "Liberal Fascism" drivel of the last 12 years. STUPID, ignorant propaganda, for dupes only. Same deal with everything totalitarian is leftist STUPID political spectrum. RW means freedom, LW is dictatorship. My ass. Poor America. So many brainwashed functional morons...
Liberal fascism. Another oxymoron. One cannot be liberal and fascist at the same time. I can call myself ceaser of Rome, doesn't make it true.
Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?

He focused on religion. Judaism is not a race.
This should clear that up
Nazi Racism
Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?

Actually he was pro socialism, but the communist at the time threatened his power, which is close to socialism. He enacted many socialist policies (while saying they weren't socialist policies), that Bernie admittedly would love to pass in today's America. The simple truth is there isn't a huge difference between socialism and fascism. They both require heavy governmental control, both heavily regulate industries... I mean if a government still retains great control of say a "private" car company, or a state ran "public" car company...is that much different from socialism? Same methods, same end results, just wearing different masks. Hitler wanted power, hitler went after those who threatened that power, hitler rose to power by praising and passing socialist policies, when the communist threatened his power, he attacked them and anything close to them (socialist) to send a message. Yes hitler was also nationalistic, but who says you can't also be a socialist? Look at our president now, he's both a nationalist and socialist. I'm not saying he's the next hitler, BC I don't think he is, but he definitely loves both nationalism and socialism. Really, what are the differences between the methods of fascism and socialism? Not very different. This is why I'm not the biggest fan of the European political spectrum, because far right and far left look way too similar, with way too much government control....and they both turn out bad for their citizens and the nations around them.
I mean if a government still retains great control of say a "private" car company, or a state ran "public" car company...is that much different from socialism?
That is known as state capitalism and yes it is different from socialism. What you have described is a system that retains all the qualities of the capitalist mode of production which the socialists wish to abolish. You have only traded one hierarchical mode of production for another. You have not altered the conditions of the workers in regards to the produce of their labor.
What you just described is an oxymoron, on the level of a rainforest desert. Can't have a desert along with lush vegetation dependent on very frequent rain. There is no such thing as state run capitalism...they are diametrically opposed. Once the state takes control, it is no longer capitalism, and it's more like what I described as fascism...which is essentially socialism by a different name. There's interventionism, this is also not to be confused with capitalism. Then there's socialism, which is direct government control, or fascism which is indirect but control non the less.
There is no such thing as state run capitalism
Why not? If you replace the private owner of a business and the state takes control does the state not fulfill the same role as the private owner? Does the worker still have to report to the boss in the morning? Whether the boss is a private owner or a bureaucrat would matter little to the worker. Socialism is about freeing the worker from his condition of exploitation by the private system, not being shackled to a system run by state bureaucrats.

The Economist ran a story that suggests there is such a thing as state capitalism. And in it they describe a little about it and how popular it is these days.
The rise of state capitalism
Why not? If you replace the private owner of a business and the state takes control does the state not fulfill the same role as the private owner

Interesting "support" for a U.S. single-payer health care system.....
I'm sorry but I don't understand the point you are making?

Work it out.......You stated that a state (government) would duplicate the service of a private owner..........Ergo, my response.
I guess I'm a bit confused, are we talking about Fascism and Nazism as they were in the 1930s or are we talking about Fascism as it exists today in America. Cuz I don't think it's the same thing, maybe we need to start with a definition of what we're talking about. The terms 'fascist' and 'socialist' get tossed around a lot, I suspect that many times we are talking about different meanings to the same terms.

For starters, I would say that a fascist is someone who believes in total gov't control of pretty much everything; such a person wants to constrain our thoughts and actions to only those in agreement with the gov't meme by regulation or force if necessary. Religion, education, social and economic policy, etc. must all be aligned with the gov'ts objectives and non-conformity is not an option.

One might think that fascism would be diametrically opposed to fascism, and yet I see modern American progressive liberalism as having ALL of these characteristics. Socialism means gov't ownership or control of the economy, well that is basically what the lib/dems have been striving for since the days if FDR, the 1930s. Oddly enough, the Antifa movement in the US opposes domination and oppression and yet the very ideas they hate are what they're fighting for. They're just too dumb to realize it.
Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?

Wrong. He tried to eradicate one form of socialism while supporting another. There are two types of governmental system. Collectivist, and individualist. The ultimate form of collective government is authoritarian dictatorship. The ultimate form of individualist government is no government or anarchy. Left wing government. Right wing no government. Thus ANY form of socialist government, socialist, fascist, agrarian communist, ALL of those, are left wing. The government has the control, the individual doesn't.

Fabian socialists have spent decades trying to propagandize the world population into believing that there is a difference between fascism and Soviet style socialism. The reality is there is very little difference. Or, as I like to say it, they are all the same house, just a different color.
These morons actually think Communism and Fascism are opposites just because Hitler killed communists.

They are not morons, nor are they stupid for the most part. They are simply uninformed and that has been a goal of the fabians for decades. They don't care if it's a "rightwinger" or a "leftwinger" who is in power. The over riding goal is to have a socialist in control.
Fascism arose in Europe at a time of economic turmoil. A time when dissatisfaction with the capitalist system was very high and socialism was taking roots in the minds of many. The fascists gained power aided by the capitalists for the purpose of suppressing the socialist movements. Which they did fairly ruthlessly.
Fascism arose in Europe at a time of economic turmoil. A time when dissatisfaction with the capitalist system was very high and socialism was taking roots in the minds of many. The fascists gained power aided by the capitalists for the purpose of suppressing the socialist movements. Which they did fairly ruthlessly.

And then the fascists took over the corporations and dictated to them what, how, how much, and who to offer jobs to. In other words the government took control of the corporations that had helped get them into power. In other words, SOCIALISM!
Hitler tried to ERADICATE socialism and communism. He even set up gangs to attack socialists in the street.
He focused on race NOT class.
Hell, his pan-german theories couldnt survive with socialism.
He tried to dismantle trade unions, was pro-industry ETC ETC ETC
Why? What purpose is there to sound like such a moron?

Actually he was pro socialism, but the communist at the time threatened his power, which is close to socialism. He enacted many socialist policies (while saying they weren't socialist policies), that Bernie admittedly would love to pass in today's America. The simple truth is there isn't a huge difference between socialism and fascism. They both require heavy governmental control, both heavily regulate industries... I mean if a government still retains great control of say a "private" car company, or a state ran "public" car company...is that much different from socialism? Same methods, same end results, just wearing different masks. Hitler wanted power, hitler went after those who threatened that power, hitler rose to power by praising and passing socialist policies, when the communist threatened his power, he attacked them and anything close to them (socialist) to send a message. Yes hitler was also nationalistic, but who says you can't also be a socialist? Look at our president now, he's both a nationalist and socialist. I'm not saying he's the next hitler, BC I don't think he is, but he definitely loves both nationalism and socialism. Really, what are the differences between the methods of fascism and socialism? Not very different. This is why I'm not the biggest fan of the European political spectrum, because far right and far left look way too similar, with way too much government control....and they both turn out bad for their citizens and the nations around them.
I mean if a government still retains great control of say a "private" car company, or a state ran "public" car company...is that much different from socialism?
That is known as state capitalism and yes it is different from socialism. What you have described is a system that retains all the qualities of the capitalist mode of production which the socialists wish to abolish. You have only traded one hierarchical mode of production for another. You have not altered the conditions of the workers in regards to the produce of their labor.
What you just described is an oxymoron, on the level of a rainforest desert. Can't have a desert along with lush vegetation dependent on very frequent rain. There is no such thing as state run capitalism...they are diametrically opposed. Once the state takes control, it is no longer capitalism, and it's more like what I described as fascism...which is essentially socialism by a different name. There's interventionism, this is also not to be confused with capitalism. Then there's socialism, which is direct government control, or fascism which is indirect but control non the less.
There is no such thing as state run capitalism
Why not? If you replace the private owner of a business and the state takes control does the state not fulfill the same role as the private owner? Does the worker still have to report to the boss in the morning? Whether the boss is a private owner or a bureaucrat would matter little to the worker. Socialism is about freeing the worker from his condition of exploitation by the private system, not being shackled to a system run by state bureaucrats.

The Economist ran a story that suggests there is such a thing as state capitalism. And in it they describe a little about it and how popular it is these days.
The rise of state capitalism
Because capitalism is based on FREE MARKETS, markets cannot be free when the state takes over, it goes against the actual definition of capitalism. Capitalism is outside of the state. Which is why I called it an oxymoron.

"an economic system in which a country’s businesses and industry are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government"

You, nor this author do not understand what capitalism actually is. What you two are describing is actually socialism, just not full blown hardcore socialism, but still socialism.

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