Why must this forum speak in absolutes about conservatives and liberals?

So often I will see generalizations like "liberals are hypocrites", or "conservatives are dumb", etc.

I feel like this lack of critical thinking only creates further polarization rather than middle ground and compromise. I think people do it because it makes it easy to reinforce their beliefs. They would rather avoid the cognitive dissonance and remain uninformed about the ideas of the other side. To say that there are not intelligent ideas in both ideologies is patently false. There is a reason why millions of people subscribe to both. Are we to believe that millions of people are stupid and misinformed?

I am not conservative, but that does not mean that there are not conservative ideas that i favor. It's just for the most part, I believe in the liberal philosophy. I think many conservatives are intelligent people (the moderates anyway).

There is a gray area in everything. Politics especially. If people would just accept that, maybe we can actually things accomplished in our government. Fox News and MSNBC are irresponsible news networks. I advise anyone not to watch them.

I will be the first to admit that I sometimes word my threads unfairly, but that is really just to get your attention. It's tongue in cheek.

Idk I am one of the few posters in these forums that look at both sides of an issue think about it, reaserch it and make up thy owns mind, like I did and changed my opinion on gun control.
But most folks are dead set in their opinions and you could rub their nose in their own poop and they will still say it dont smell bad.
here is another one who will never speak about the flaws in her own party....

Don't you find it ironic that you're demanding self reflection from others?

no.....i have said things about both parties.....i have said they both should go to hell....have you?.....

No I haven't...Going to hell wouldn't or doesn't solve anything. I'd want the repub party to be more flexible instead of shouting down any and everyone with a differing opinion
So often I will see generalizations like "liberals are hypocrites", or "conservatives are dumb", etc.

I feel like this lack of critical thinking only creates further polarization rather than middle ground and compromise. I think people do it because it makes it easy to reinforce their beliefs. They would rather avoid the cognitive dissonance and remain uninformed about the ideas of the other side. To say that there are not intelligent ideas in both ideologies is patently false. There is a reason why millions of people subscribe to both. Are we to believe that millions of people are stupid and misinformed?

I am not conservative, but that does not mean that there are not conservative ideas that i favor. It's just for the most part, I believe in the liberal philosophy. I think many conservatives are intelligent people (the moderates anyway).

There is a gray area in everything. Politics especially. If people would just accept that, maybe we can actually things accomplished in our government. Fox News and MSNBC are irresponsible news networks. I advise anyone not to watch them.

I will be the first to admit that I sometimes word my threads unfairly, but that is really just to get your attention. It's tongue in cheek.

Now, if there's a flaw in the OP's thinking, it's that you're putting out a "false equivalency".

Progressives, liberals, moderate people, they're not absolute about any number of things. They wish to balance the budget with an equal mix of smart spending cuts and modest tax increases. Their math checks out.

Which "balance the budget" plan are you referring to?
Mutually exclusive thinking.

Everything is either black or white. It's one end of the spectrum or the other, even when it's defending the indefensible.
So often I will see generalizations like "liberals are hypocrites", or "conservatives are dumb", etc.

I feel like this lack of critical thinking only creates further polarization rather than middle ground and compromise. I think people do it because it makes it easy to reinforce their beliefs. They would rather avoid the cognitive dissonance and remain uninformed about the ideas of the other side. To say that there are not intelligent ideas in both ideologies is patently false. There is a reason why millions of people subscribe to both. Are we to believe that millions of people are stupid and misinformed?

I am not conservative, but that does not mean that there are not conservative ideas that i favor. It's just for the most part, I believe in the liberal philosophy. I think many conservatives are intelligent people (the moderates anyway).

There is a gray area in everything. Politics especially. If people would just accept that, maybe we can actually things accomplished in our government. Fox News and MSNBC are irresponsible news networks. I advise anyone not to watch them.

I will be the first to admit that I sometimes word my threads unfairly, but that is really just to get your attention. It's tongue in cheek.

Here is why, the liberal left is so damn predictable. Anything that puts down America they seem to really love.

Global Warming is an attack on our way of life, never a mention of the vast more pollution of China or India.

The Boston attack. There was never any doubt that the left would defend the attackers if they turned out to be Muslims. I assume because they see Muslims as anti-Christian.

Every subject discussed on this board can be predicted as to how the liberal left will answer.
Don't you find it ironic that you're demanding self reflection from others?

no.....i have said things about both parties.....i have said they both should go to hell....have you?.....

No I haven't...Going to hell wouldn't or doesn't solve anything. I'd want the repub party to be more flexible instead of shouting down any and everyone with a differing opinion

well that i don't think is going to happen anytime soon CC......until they change they wont get any support from me.....they are not very good at defending what is said about them....sometimes their explanation seems to verify what is being said....
So often I will see generalizations like "liberals are hypocrites", or "conservatives are dumb", etc.

I feel like this lack of critical thinking only creates further polarization rather than middle ground and compromise. I think people do it because it makes it easy to reinforce their beliefs. They would rather avoid the cognitive dissonance and remain uninformed about the ideas of the other side. To say that there are not intelligent ideas in both ideologies is patently false. There is a reason why millions of people subscribe to both. Are we to believe that millions of people are stupid and misinformed?

I am not conservative, but that does not mean that there are not conservative ideas that i favor. It's just for the most part, I believe in the liberal philosophy. I think many conservatives are intelligent people (the moderates anyway).

There is a gray area in everything. Politics especially. If people would just accept that, maybe we can actually things accomplished in our government. Fox News and MSNBC are irresponsible news networks. I advise anyone not to watch them.

I will be the first to admit that I sometimes word my threads unfairly, but that is really just to get your attention. It's tongue in cheek.

Here is why, the liberal left is so damn predictable. Anything that puts down America they seem to really love.

Global Warming is an attack on our way of life, never a mention of the vast more pollution of China or India.

The Boston attack. There was never any doubt that the left would defend the attackers if they turned out to be Muslims. I assume because they see Muslims as anti-Christian.

Every subject discussed on this board can be predicted as to how the liberal left will answer.

Wow you are the poster child of what i am referring to. Do you use Wikipedia? Read the article on critical thinking skills and get back to me.
So often I will see generalizations like "liberals are hypocrites", or "conservatives are dumb", etc.

I feel like this lack of critical thinking only creates further polarization rather than middle ground and compromise. I think people do it because it makes it easy to reinforce their beliefs. They would rather avoid the cognitive dissonance and remain uninformed about the ideas of the other side. To say that there are not intelligent ideas in both ideologies is patently false. There is a reason why millions of people subscribe to both. Are we to believe that millions of people are stupid and misinformed?

I am not conservative, but that does not mean that there are not conservative ideas that i favor. It's just for the most part, I believe in the liberal philosophy. I think many conservatives are intelligent people (the moderates anyway).

There is a gray area in everything. Politics especially. If people would just accept that, maybe we can actually things accomplished in our government. Fox News and MSNBC are irresponsible news networks. I advise anyone not to watch them.

I will be the first to admit that I sometimes word my threads unfairly, but that is really just to get your attention. It's tongue in cheek.

Here is why, the liberal left is so damn predictable. Anything that puts down America they seem to really love.

Global Warming is an attack on our way of life, never a mention of the vast more pollution of China or India.

The Boston attack. There was never any doubt that the left would defend the attackers if they turned out to be Muslims. I assume because they see Muslims as anti-Christian.

Every subject discussed on this board can be predicted as to how the liberal left will answer.

Putting down America includes what?

Global warming is an attack on your way of life...Once the planet goes to shit you'll be thinking about the good old days before it got worse

Yes, the left loves anti-Christians...There are no Christians that are liberal, cept Jesus

Ever response by you will blame someone else for your problems and filled with bullshit conjecture like Liberals hate Christians rofl
Well you have to look at who the offenders are. Most of them are purposefully trolling or trolling by accident by not knowing anything more about a subject than what their party tells them

While its not an absolute, it's widely known that Cons usually vote lock step on issues much more than Dems. Dems have more differing opinions on topics.

1. Which "topics" are you referring to?

2. Do you believe it is possible to be a conservative without being a racist?
It's called Splitting. Reducing the other person to a binary abstraction of all good or all bad, is a primitive, or regressive, defense mechanism used when the emotional level and complexity is greater than a person's capacity to interpret it. Who splits? Someone with a lot of unfocused rage and frustration, i.e. the "primitive" emotions.

But splitting is rarely about the target, it's to get the subject out of having to accept the complexity and totality of the other, and of their own emotions about their environment. In short, when things get heavy, it's easier to just label black and white and work from there.

Splitting is the reaction to intense anger and frustration in those people who discover themselves to be powerless.
Well you have to look at who the offenders are. Most of them are purposefully trolling or trolling by accident by not knowing anything more about a subject than what their party tells them

While its not an absolute, it's widely known that Cons usually vote lock step on issues much more than Dems. Dems have more differing opinions on topics.

1. Which "topics" are you referring to?

2. Do you believe it is possible to be a conservative without being a racist?

Topics like...topics

Yes...WTF? are you talking about? Gawd, you're looking to be a victim so bad that you initiate it
It's called Splitting. Reducing the other person to a binary abstraction of all good or all bad, is a primitive, or regressive, defense mechanism used when the emotional level and complexity is greater than a person's capacity to interpret it. Who splits? Someone with a lot of unfocused rage and frustration, i.e. the "primitive" emotions.

But splitting is rarely about the target, it's to get the subject out of having to accept the complexity and totality of the other, and of their own emotions about their environment. In short, when things get heavy, it's easier to just label black and white and work from there.

Splitting is the reaction to intense anger and frustration in those people who discover themselves to be powerless.

or when your oponent has denied facts for so long and so frequently that the only way to stop them from denying facts is to shame them.

The right in this country ( on here ) deny cold hard court documented facts to retain their historically failed ideas

at some point you have to point to the liar and tell everyone within hearing that the person is a lair
It's called Splitting. Reducing the other person to a binary abstraction of all good or all bad, is a primitive, or regressive, defense mechanism used when the emotional level and complexity is greater than a person's capacity to interpret it. Who splits? Someone with a lot of unfocused rage and frustration, i.e. the "primitive" emotions.

But splitting is rarely about the target, it's to get the subject out of having to accept the complexity and totality of the other, and of their own emotions about their environment. In short, when things get heavy, it's easier to just label black and white and work from there.

Splitting is the reaction to intense anger and frustration in those people who discover themselves to be powerless.

or when your oponent has denied facts for so long and so frequently that the only way to stop them from denying facts is to shame them.

The right in this country ( on here ) deny cold hard court documented facts to retain their historically failed ideas

at some point you have to point to the liar and tell everyone within hearing that the person is a lair


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