Why No Arrests For All of the Fraud?

Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?

That isn't the question. The proper question is "Why no executions over all of the fraud."
You’re going to execute the republican governor of Georgia for fraud?
Sealy is an absolute idiot.
Merry Christmas Macaca
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
There has been, even a Mayoral candidate who comitted fraud, CNN and NY Times did pieces on the fraud before the election. You just get media silence about this election fraud even as people get caught and charged for their multi voting or voting under dead people's identity. Also with the affidavits and informants coming forth investigations have to take place before indictments, which you won't hear about through leaks, that's a leftist media issue and they have a blackout of any such news. -imagine that.
Your post only proves the censorship issue which validates the widespread fraud issue, since media becomes part of the process.-woops!
View attachment 433230
So then: What kind of person refuses to receive evidence of voter fraud and censors reporting on it?
Media silence doesn't mean anything...

The affidavit should say, "John Doe voted 3 different times" or "I witnessed Jane Doe run 10,000 ballots through the machine twice." It should name names. It should be presented to the police. The police should investigate.

Surely the right wing media would hastily report any of these investigations.
Then you better not see what the media is hiding from you-whereby even Biden admits fraud happens as is worse with these machines.....

but the kicker is where he talks about the paper trail-ballot authorization tickets that are important to keep track of ballots to audit for fraud, the very thing thst is magically missing from those mystery ballots that came from that under table suitcase in GA(it's missing it's ticket/paperwork) describing who over seen the count and authorized them and where they are stored).

100% Fed Up? Only the BEST sources for loony birds!

100 Percent Fed Up - Extreme Right Bias - Propaganda - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate 100 Percent Fed Up Questionable, based on extreme right-wing bias through story selection, use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda through the use of loaded emotional wording, several failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers, and a complete lack of transparency.
What are you babbling on about, can you please be more explainatory and on topic?
Count how many stories on Yahoo news is anti Trump vs pro Trump or even compared to positive news in general and you'll find media has TDS 24/7 obsessed with demonizing the person that caused them to have egg on the face instead of addressing the topics at hand.-your post fails
1)because it's off the rail made no sense
2)because it was wrong, it spewed propaganda to talk about propaganda.

No babbling. Just pointing out that your source sucks and the election is OVER.
Stop acting like a desperate loser and move on please.
What’s the matter Dr Love you can’t take tough “ Love” by the things he is bringing out... The election is far from over don’t be a hypocrite and try to bury what he is pointing out . Biden is showing he talks out of both sides of his mouth how about you ...

"The election is far from over"

Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
Give it up, your premise or topic is idiotic. And your childish attack shows just what kind of leftist you really are. Riding the deep state wave of injustice only serves to include you into the blind leading the blind group, who are waltzing straight into hell with gasoline pants on.

ROTFLMFAO, The Deep State!!!!

Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
There has been, even a Mayoral candidate who comitted fraud, CNN and NY Times did pieces on the fraud before the election. You just get media silence about this election fraud even as people get caught and charged for their multi voting or voting under dead people's identity. Also with the affidavits and informants coming forth investigations have to take place before indictments, which you won't hear about through leaks, that's a leftist media issue and they have a blackout of any such news. -imagine that.
Your post only proves the censorship issue which validates the widespread fraud issue, since media becomes part of the process.-woops!
View attachment 433230
So then: What kind of person refuses to receive evidence of voter fraud and censors reporting on it?
Media silence doesn't mean anything...

The affidavit should say, "John Doe voted 3 different times" or "I witnessed Jane Doe run 10,000 ballots through the machine twice." It should name names. It should be presented to the police. The police should investigate.

Surely the right wing media would hastily report any of these investigations.
Then you better not see what the media is hiding from you-whereby even Biden admits fraud happens as is worse with these machines.....

but the kicker is where he talks about the paper trail-ballot authorization tickets that are important to keep track of ballots to audit for fraud, the very thing thst is magically missing from those mystery ballots that came from that under table suitcase in GA(it's missing it's ticket/paperwork) describing who over seen the count and authorized them and where they are stored).

100% Fed Up? Only the BEST sources for loony birds!

100 Percent Fed Up - Extreme Right Bias - Propaganda - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate 100 Percent Fed Up Questionable, based on extreme right-wing bias through story selection, use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda through the use of loaded emotional wording, several failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers, and a complete lack of transparency.
What are you babbling on about, can you please be more explainatory and on topic?
Count how many stories on Yahoo news is anti Trump vs pro Trump or even compared to positive news in general and you'll find media has TDS 24/7 obsessed with demonizing the person that caused them to have egg on the face instead of addressing the topics at hand.-your post fails
1)because it's off the rail made no sense
2)because it was wrong, it spewed propaganda to talk about propaganda.

No babbling. Just pointing out that your source sucks and the election is OVER.
Stop acting like a desperate loser and move on please.
What’s the matter Dr Love you can’t take tough “ Love” by the things he is bringing out... The election is far from over don’t be a hypocrite and try to bury what he is pointing out . Biden is showing he talks out of both sides of his mouth how about you ...
Wow Is that what happens when a woman looks at you... No wonder you named yourself “Dr. Love “ as you seem to have a tough time finding it...
"The election is far from over"

Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
Give it up, your premise or topic is idiotic. And your childish attack shows just what kind of leftist you really are. Riding the deep state wave of injustice only serves to include you into the blind leading the blind group, who are waltzing straight into hell with gasoline pants on.

ROTFLMFAO, The Deep State!!!!

You do know who they are correct ?? They are the underminers of the President of the United States, and the underminers of everyone who voted to change America back to some semblance of reality, otherwise that suits the majority, and not the special interest or a small set of groups wanting change against the majorities will.
Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
Give it up, your premise or topic is idiotic. And your childish attack shows just what kind of leftist you really are. Riding the deep state wave of injustice only serves to include you into the blind leading the blind group, who are waltzing straight into hell with gasoline pants on.

ROTFLMFAO, The Deep State!!!!


It explains everything when the blob supporter can explain nothing.
Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
Give it up, your premise or topic is idiotic. And your childish attack shows just what kind of leftist you really are. Riding the deep state wave of injustice only serves to include you into the blind leading the blind group, who are waltzing straight into hell with gasoline pants on.

ROTFLMFAO, The Deep State!!!!

You do know who they are correct ?? They are the underminers of the President of the United States, and the underminers of everyone who voted to change America back to some semblance of reality, otherwise that suits the majority, and not the special interest or a small set of groups wanting change against the majorities will.

You call what you're living in "reality"? Your reality is that there are thousands of cases of voter fraud and zero arrests.
Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
Give it up, your premise or topic is idiotic. And your childish attack shows just what kind of leftist you really are. Riding the deep state wave of injustice only serves to include you into the blind leading the blind group, who are waltzing straight into hell with gasoline pants on.

ROTFLMFAO, The Deep State!!!!


It explains everything when the blob supporter can explain nothing.
You wouldn't except an explanation if your own family brought it to you, and told you it's the truth. TDS is real.
You wouldn't except an explanation if your own family brought it to you, and told you it's the truth. TDS is real.
That didn't make a lick of sense.

Still no explanation on why none of these people committing felonies are being rounded up and arrested?
Innocent until proven guilty - - -in- -a- - - court- - -of- - -LAW....... What part of this don't you understand ? Many can be accused of anything up until actually being indicted, but after that it's time to let the courts work through it all. Most if not all arrest aren't made on accusations, but they are made by officer's that witness a crime themselves. Hearsay doesn't get people arrested, but it could get them investigated.
Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
Give it up, your premise or topic is idiotic. And your childish attack shows just what kind of leftist you really are. Riding the deep state wave of injustice only serves to include you into the blind leading the blind group, who are waltzing straight into hell with gasoline pants on.

ROTFLMFAO, The Deep State!!!!

You do know who they are correct ?? They are the underminers of the President of the United States, and the underminers of everyone who voted to change America back to some semblance of reality, otherwise that suits the majority, and not the special interest or a small set of groups wanting change against the majorities will.

I am sure everything ewe say is correct. I got that out without breaking out in laughter...almost.

Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
Give it up, your premise or topic is idiotic. And your childish attack shows just what kind of leftist you really are. Riding the deep state wave of injustice only serves to include you into the blind leading the blind group, who are waltzing straight into hell with gasoline pants on.

ROTFLMFAO, The Deep State!!!!


It explains everything when the blob supporter can explain nothing.

We post video’s, the drones claim they don’t see anything wrong. Countless come forward with eye witness testimony and the drones say they are lying. There is no way to actually discuss or even have a reasonable conversation with brain-dead, indoctrinated, leftist drones who are incapable of even considering anything that contradicts their programming.
You wouldn't except an explanation if your own family brought it to you, and told you it's the truth. TDS is real.
That didn't make a lick of sense.

Still no explanation on why none of these people committing felonies are being rounded up and arrested?
Innocent until proven guilty - - -in- -a- - - court- - -of- - -LAW....... What part of this don't you understand ? Many can be accused of anything up until actually being indicted, but after that it's time to let the courts work through it all. Most if not all arrest aren't made on accusations, but they are made by officer's that witness a crime themselves. Hearsay doesn't get people arrested, but it could get them investigated.
"I wouldn't expect an explanation if your own family brought it to you..." That made no sense.

You're really dumb.
Arrests are made on probable cause. The origin of a probable cause is often witnesses calling the police when you see someone committing a crime.
Apparently nobody saw any of these "thousands" of instances of fraud you guys are whining like little girls about because apparently there have been no arrests.
Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
Give it up, your premise or topic is idiotic. And your childish attack shows just what kind of leftist you really are. Riding the deep state wave of injustice only serves to include you into the blind leading the blind group, who are waltzing straight into hell with gasoline pants on.

ROTFLMFAO, The Deep State!!!!


It explains everything when the blob supporter can explain nothing.

We post video’s, the drones claim they don’t see anything wrong. Countless come forward with eye witness testimony and the drones say they are lying. There is no way to actually discuss or even have a reasonable conversation with brain-dead, indoctrinated, leftist drones who are incapable of even considering anything that contradicts their programming.

Perhaps you may be stumbling on to why you're so impotent. Bitching on an obscure message board doesn't do anything.

Go to the local police station or sheriff's office, file a complaint; when they ask what proof you have, you tell the officer your story.

As for having a conversation...yes...you guys are brain dead and indoctrinated.

Do you really believe the US Army staged a raid in Germany to seize Dominion servers and lost 5 soldiers?
Do you really believe that North Korea printed ballots and sent them to Maine of all places?
Do you really believe that if the voting machines themselves could be manipulated....that the conspirators would risk running thousands of ballots through the machines in front of observers who swear they saw "someone" do it.?
Do you really believe that all of these affidavits were valid when most (if not all) name no one?
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Think of all the crackpots at super-spreader jamborees screeching about political opponents being locked up.

Think of the 3-5 million invisible dastards who all cast bogus ballots against Loser in 2016.

Why has none of these hordes of miscreants ever been indicted by the Trump Justice Department or any Trumpy prosecutors across the nation?

There are vast legions of card-carrying card carriers out there!

Screen Shot 2020-12-27 at 9.39.03 AM.png
You wouldn't except an explanation if your own family brought it to you, and told you it's the truth. TDS is real.
That didn't make a lick of sense.

Still no explanation on why none of these people committing felonies are being rounded up and arrested?
Innocent until proven guilty - - -in- -a- - - court- - -of- - -LAW....... What part of this don't you understand ? Many can be accused of anything up until actually being indicted, but after that it's time to let the courts work through it all. Most if not all arrest aren't made on accusations, but they are made by officer's that witness a crime themselves. Hearsay doesn't get people arrested, but it could get them investigated.
"I wouldn't expect an explanation if your own family brought it to you..." That made no sense.

You're really dumb.
Arrests are made on probable cause. The origin of a probable cause is often witnesses calling the police when you see someone committing a crime.
Apparently nobody saw any of these "thousands" of instances of fraud you guys are whining like little girls about because apparently there have been no arrests.
And you are dumber than a box of rocks if you want to convince us that police just show up and arrest any individual on hearsay. They conduct an onsight investigation in order to hopefully make sure that someone isn't being set up, and that the one maybe doing the setting up isn't using them in an unjust way by arresting someone that is actually innocent.

Yes if proof is presented on the scene, then the officer's can make an arrest based on that proof being presented to them, but that isn't what happens in an election and you know it, because the weird stuff wasn't being reported until questions started being asked, and if they were being reported, they weren't being reported to 911 operators. Duh.

One has to keep it all in context, and in perspective, but of course you come up with this lame attempt at trying to suggest that the law should have immediately showed up on the scene to just start arresting people because someone saw something or said something... Rotflmbo.

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