Why No Arrests For All of the Fraud?

Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Simply put, Americans like the new C-19 conformity plans put in place..... it brings a new level of conformity to life.
Currently employers can FORCE their employees to conform and wear a mask...... by wearing the mask you are showing proper submissiveness to your employer.
Because your employer can fire you for refusing to wear a mask.
As before Covid 19, if an employer required everyone to wear a Dunce Hat showing proper submissiveness or be fired...... that employer would get sued by the employees.
NOT to mention you also have a temperature reader to screen everyone before work starts, then you send everyone home with a high temp ( so..... you have the person doing the screening have 2 devices, one that actually works, the other always showing 100.5 , this way you can send home WITHOUT PAY all the Ugs, Fatties, Niggs ), whats left are young & beautiful mask wearing submissives that are very thankful and appreciative employees that know how to keep their mouths SHUT....... basically now as an employer you can go ALL OUT Squid Pro Quo on the whole lot of them.
Quit frankly, both Demicrates and Republicans both don't appreciate Donald Trump displayment of non conformity and defiance that could possibly INFECT the American population..... we all wanted him out..... thus HE IS OUT reguardless how the American Sheeple voted.
Wow..... You make absolutely valid points on how things are or can be utilized in these ways by corrupt evil thinking people. Good job, and keep on participating. Merry Christmas.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Would it do any good with all the liberal judges out there? Sheriffs would put in a lot of hard work just to see their time wasted when liberal judges let the guilty Democrats go free.

Investigations and arrests would certainly bolster the cases that the blob and his laughable legal team have made. Why didn't you believe Christine Blasey Ford? I didn't believe her because she didn't file a police report and said, at the time, that something that wasn't assault in 1976 or whenever it was doesn't become assault in 2016 or whenever she was trying to say how injured she was.

If you have some people getting arrested, that helps the case of fraud taking place. If you have multiple arrests in 6 states, that helps the case of widespread fraud. When there are no arrests for the FELONIES...one has to assume that the felonies didn't take place. Unlike, for example, drug use at Coachella--everybody knows its happening or prostitution in the New Orleans red light district. These are felonies that are being alleged...thousands of felonies.

You've got to name the names of whose committing them.
You know something, you are absolutely right. However in the intimidation climate lived in, and in the bribery climate lived in, and with the foriegn actors or players involved (watch NTD news it's great), and with the socialist brainwashing that's gone on, the populist movement going on, it's so wonder that we got any shred of common sense, decency or ability to fight injustice left at all in this nation these days......

Allowing China to become so intertwined and influential in our body politic is completely unexceptable, and what it has done to the world with this virus is criminal. A take over of the world in order to control it for survival of it's mega military and economic reasoning, could be the very thing that caused it to loose the virus upon it for those reasons.

What did China stand to loose or gain in the environment or climate developed through a resurgence of patriotism around the world, especially after the world saw the long term destruction of it's countries that had become reliant on China trade far to much in the 21st century ??

We need a postponement of the certification of this election for one year, and this while a serious national security investigation is conducted. No one moves until that investigation is totally completed, and the treason trials are created to deal with all those who were involved in this situation. There is no time constraints placed on justice, as the wheels grind slowly and precisely. Anyone hurrying an election due to attempting to thwart any attempt at getting to the bottom of this thing, could be attempting to advocate complicity in fraud for the purpose of overthrowing a country for illicit and criminal reasoning.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?

Because you just voted for an openly, blatantly corrupt politicians. Biden openly, proudly, proclaimed his corruption, and your side voted for it. Of course they are not going to jail anyone for fraud, when you support any criminal activity, provided it gains you power.

You made up endless false allegations about Trump, and everyone, for the last 5 years. It's perfectly obvious that you openly and proudly support fraud and all forms of evil.

So your argument is that the sheriff of DeKalb county isn't going to investigate voter fraud because Joe Biden was elected President?
The momentum of the so called anti-Trump movement has caused alot of irregularities to take place over the last 4 years, and so do you think that a lowly Sheriff is going to just go against the waves of emotions and invite the weight of the movement upon his area of control without back up ??? After what the evil leftist have been doing to the nation's police force for the last 4 years, you gonna test the results with your questions as if to see if anyone can crack the codes ??
You really would think prosecutors could come up with more than one 72 year old republican guy who voted absentee for his mother who had been dead for 7 years, and tried to register his dead mother-in-law.

Texas has fraud cases every election but it does not add up enough to overturn any election...
Interesting Jack. OK, Tennessee does not have fraud cases every election, yet I do not think Tennesseans are more honest across the board than Texans. So, does that necessarily indicate that Texas has a better handle on being able to detect and trace down this type of thing, due to some check or oversite Tennessee may not be performing? Or Texas having 22 million more people makes it more likely to observed individual occurrences due to larger potential sampling size, though occurrence rate probably close to same? Or something else?
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Would it do any good with all the liberal judges out there? Sheriffs would put in a lot of hard work just to see their time wasted when liberal judges let the guilty Democrats go free.
How convenient. And when the judge that rules against you is a conservative you say they are a rino deep state globalist.

So only judges who agree with you and trump are good? Lol
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
Why did trump sign it? It’s his stimulus not Bidens remember that

Trump did not sign it. He just threatened a veto.

Try to keep up.
Looks like trump agrees with the democrats we should all get $2000 not $600. Maybe next year you’ll be agreeing with democrats just like you and trump do now.
You really would think prosecutors could come up with more than one 72 year old republican guy who voted absentee for his mother who had been dead for 7 years, and tried to register his dead mother-in-law.

Texas has fraud cases every election but it does not add up enough to overturn any election...
Interesting Jack. OK, Tennessee does not have fraud cases every election, yet I do not think Tennesseans are more honest across the board than Texans. So, does that necessarily indicate that Texas has a better handle on being able to detect and trace down this type of thing, due to some check or oversite Tennessee may not be performing? Or Texas having 22 million more people makes it more likely to observed individual occurrences due to larger potential sampling size, though occurrence rate probably close to same? Or something else?
Tennessee had a record turnout in 2020. 3 million or 68% voted. I bet republicans cheated. I want to see their electronic voting machines. Thats 400,000 more votes than in 2008. Trump got 60% biden 37%? Bullshit.
You really would think prosecutors could come up with more than one 72 year old republican guy who voted absentee for his mother who had been dead for 7 years, and tried to register his dead mother-in-law.

Texas has fraud cases every election but it does not add up enough to overturn any election...
Interesting Jack. OK, Tennessee does not have fraud cases every election, yet I do not think Tennesseans are more honest across the board than Texans. So, does that necessarily indicate that Texas has a better handle on being able to detect and trace down this type of thing, due to some check or oversite Tennessee may not be performing? Or Texas having 22 million more people makes it more likely to observed individual occurrences due to larger potential sampling size, though occurrence rate probably close to same? Or something else?
Tennessee had a record turnout in 2020. 3 million or 68% voted. I bet republicans cheated. I want to see their electronic voting machines. Thats 400,000 more votes than in 2008. Trump got 60% biden 37%? Bullshit.
This is a deep red state. Not surprised.
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
Why did trump sign it? It’s his stimulus not Bidens remember that

There isn't any bill that gives nearly a billion dollars to Sudan.

The stimulus bill is 900 billion.

The colonel angus person is lying through is teeth.
Last edited:
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Would it do any good with all the liberal judges out there? Sheriffs would put in a lot of hard work just to see their time wasted when liberal judges let the guilty Democrats go free.

Investigations and arrests would certainly bolster the cases that the blob and his laughable legal team have made. Why didn't you believe Christine Blasey Ford? I didn't believe her because she didn't file a police report and said, at the time, that something that wasn't assault in 1976 or whenever it was doesn't become assault in 2016 or whenever she was trying to say how injured she was.

If you have some people getting arrested, that helps the case of fraud taking place. If you have multiple arrests in 6 states, that helps the case of widespread fraud. When there are no arrests for the FELONIES...one has to assume that the felonies didn't take place. Unlike, for example, drug use at Coachella--everybody knows its happening or prostitution in the New Orleans red light district. These are felonies that are being alleged...thousands of felonies.

You've got to name the names of whose committing them.
You know something, you are absolutely right. However in the intimidation climate lived in, and in the bribery climate lived in, and with the foriegn actors or players involved (watch NTD news it's great), and with the socialist brainwashing that's gone on, the populist movement going on, it's so wonder that we got any shred of common sense, decency or ability to fight injustice left at all in this nation these days......

Allowing China to become so intertwined and influential in our body politic is completely unexceptable, and what it has done to the world with this virus is criminal. A take over of the world in order to control it for survival of it's mega military and economic reasoning, could be the very thing that caused it to loose the virus upon it for those reasons.

What did China stand to loose or gain in the environment or climate developed through a resurgence of patriotism around the world, especially after the world saw the long term destruction of it's countries that had become reliant on China trade far to much in the 21st century ??

We need a postponement of the certification of this election for one year, and this while a serious national security investigation is conducted. No one moves until that investigation is totally completed, and the treason trials are created to deal with all those who were involved in this situation. There is no time constraints placed on justice, as the wheels grind slowly and precisely. Anyone hurrying an election due to attempting to thwart any attempt at getting to the bottom of this thing, could be attempting to advocate complicity in fraud for the purpose of overthrowing a country for illicit and criminal reasoning.

Hurrying the election? We've had the same process for at least four generations. It always takes this long. There is nothing to "get to the bottom to". I am pointing out--with glee--how silly the allegations are since nobody has been arrested for any of these alleged thousands of fraud occurrences.
You really would think prosecutors could come up with more than one 72 year old republican guy who voted absentee for his mother who had been dead for 7 years, and tried to register his dead mother-in-law.

Texas has fraud cases every election but it does not add up enough to overturn any election...
Interesting Jack. OK, Tennessee does not have fraud cases every election, yet I do not think Tennesseans are more honest across the board than Texans. So, does that necessarily indicate that Texas has a better handle on being able to detect and trace down this type of thing, due to some check or oversite Tennessee may not be performing? Or Texas having 22 million more people makes it more likely to observed individual occurrences due to larger potential sampling size, though occurrence rate probably close to same? Or something else?
Tennessee had a record turnout in 2020. 3 million or 68% voted. I bet republicans cheated. I want to see their electronic voting machines. Thats 400,000 more votes than in 2008. Trump got 60% biden 37%? Bullshit.
This is a deep red state. Not surprised.
You think. You believe. You don’t know for sure. Congratulations trump on sowing the seeds of doubt on our so called fair elections.

Republicans seem to know a lot about tossing out votes, dead people voting, voting twice, hacked electronic voting machines, stuffing ballot boxes. Makes me wonder if kentucky and Tennessee are really that red
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
Why did trump sign it? It’s his stimulus not Bidens remember that

Trump did not sign it. He just threatened a veto.

Try to keep up.
Everyone likes my previous question to you. why didn’t you answer? Are you going to execute the republican governor of Georgia for saying trump is lying about georgias results?

Is Georgia’s governor involved in the rigging?

What about Mitch mcconnell? Why is he saying biden won? He must also be involved. Clearly he is ignoring the evidence you see that you claim proves the election was rigged. So execute Mitch too?

This reminds me of when saddam took power of Iraq. At the Iraqi senate he started naming names and each person he called out was taken out back and shot. They were not loyal.
You really would think prosecutors could come up with more than one 72 year old republican guy who voted absentee for his mother who had been dead for 7 years, and tried to register his dead mother-in-law.

Texas has fraud cases every election but it does not add up enough to overturn any election...
Interesting Jack. OK, Tennessee does not have fraud cases every election, yet I do not think Tennesseans are more honest across the board than Texans. So, does that necessarily indicate that Texas has a better handle on being able to detect and trace down this type of thing, due to some check or oversite Tennessee may not be performing? Or Texas having 22 million more people makes it more likely to observed individual occurrences due to larger potential sampling size, though occurrence rate probably close to same? Or something else?
Tennessee had a record turnout in 2020. 3 million or 68% voted. I bet republicans cheated. I want to see their electronic voting machines. Thats 400,000 more votes than in 2008. Trump got 60% biden 37%? Bullshit.
This is a deep red state. Not surprised.
You think. You believe. You don’t know for sure. Congratulations trump on sowing the seeds of doubt on our so called fair elections.

Republicans seem to know a lot about tossing out votes, dead people voting, voting twice, hacked electronic voting machines, stuffing ballot boxes. Makes me wonder if kentucky and Tennessee are really that red
Born in one and live in the other. Lots of republican supporters here. Not as many radical racists as you might think if not from here. Very few radical loud mouths, on average. Of course somebody blew up an SUV in downtown Nashville this morning. Dealer's choice so far on who that came from or what they are pissed about.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
There has been, even a Mayoral candidate who comitted fraud, CNN and NY Times did pieces on the fraud before the election. You just get media silence about this election fraud even as people get caught and charged for their multi voting or voting under dead people's identity. Also with the affidavits and informants coming forth investigations have to take place before indictments, which you won't hear about through leaks, that's a leftist media issue and they have a blackout of any such news. -imagine that.
Your post only proves the censorship issue which validates the widespread fraud issue, since media becomes part of the process.-woops!
View attachment 433230
So then: What kind of person refuses to receive evidence of voter fraud and censors reporting on it?
Media silence doesn't mean anything...

The affidavit should say, "John Doe voted 3 different times" or "I witnessed Jane Doe run 10,000 ballots through the machine twice." It should name names. It should be presented to the police. The police should investigate.

Surely the right wing media would hastily report any of these investigations.
Then you better not see what the media is hiding from you-whereby even Biden admits fraud happens as is worse with these machines.....

but the kicker is where he talks about the paper trail-ballot authorization tickets that are important to keep track of ballots to audit for fraud, the very thing thst is magically missing from those mystery ballots that came from that under table suitcase in GA(it's missing it's ticket/paperwork) describing who over seen the count and authorized them and where they are stored).

Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
There has been, even a Mayoral candidate who comitted fraud, CNN and NY Times did pieces on the fraud before the election. You just get media silence about this election fraud even as people get caught and charged for their multi voting or voting under dead people's identity. Also with the affidavits and informants coming forth investigations have to take place before indictments, which you won't hear about through leaks, that's a leftist media issue and they have a blackout of any such news. -imagine that.
Your post only proves the censorship issue which validates the widespread fraud issue, since media becomes part of the process.-woops!
View attachment 433230
So then: What kind of person refuses to receive evidence of voter fraud and censors reporting on it?
Media silence doesn't mean anything...

The affidavit should say, "John Doe voted 3 different times" or "I witnessed Jane Doe run 10,000 ballots through the machine twice." It should name names. It should be presented to the police. The police should investigate.

Surely the right wing media would hastily report any of these investigations.
Then you better not see what the media is hiding from you-whereby even Biden admits fraud happens as is worse with these machines.....

but the kicker is where he talks about the paper trail-ballot authorization tickets that are important to keep track of ballots to audit for fraud, the very thing thst is magically missing from those mystery ballots that came from that under table suitcase in GA(it's missing it's ticket/paperwork) describing who over seen the count and authorized them and where they are stored).

100% Fed Up? Only the BEST sources for loony birds!

100 Percent Fed Up - Extreme Right Bias - Propaganda - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate 100 Percent Fed Up Questionable, based on extreme right-wing bias through story selection, use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda through the use of loaded emotional wording, several failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers, and a complete lack of transparency.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?

That isn't the question. The proper question is "Why no executions over all of the fraud."
Yeah...why aren't trump cultists taking care of that.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
There has been, even a Mayoral candidate who comitted fraud, CNN and NY Times did pieces on the fraud before the election. You just get media silence about this election fraud even as people get caught and charged for their multi voting or voting under dead people's identity. Also with the affidavits and informants coming forth investigations have to take place before indictments, which you won't hear about through leaks, that's a leftist media issue and they have a blackout of any such news. -imagine that.
Your post only proves the censorship issue which validates the widespread fraud issue, since media becomes part of the process.-woops!
View attachment 433230
So then: What kind of person refuses to receive evidence of voter fraud and censors reporting on it?
Media silence doesn't mean anything...

The affidavit should say, "John Doe voted 3 different times" or "I witnessed Jane Doe run 10,000 ballots through the machine twice." It should name names. It should be presented to the police. The police should investigate.

Surely the right wing media would hastily report any of these investigations.
Then you better not see what the media is hiding from you-whereby even Biden admits fraud happens as is worse with these machines.....

but the kicker is where he talks about the paper trail-ballot authorization tickets that are important to keep track of ballots to audit for fraud, the very thing thst is magically missing from those mystery ballots that came from that under table suitcase in GA(it's missing it's ticket/paperwork) describing who over seen the count and authorized them and where they are stored).

100% Fed Up? Only the BEST sources for loony birds!

100 Percent Fed Up - Extreme Right Bias - Propaganda - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate 100 Percent Fed Up Questionable, based on extreme right-wing bias through story selection, use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda through the use of loaded emotional wording, several failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers, and a complete lack of transparency.
What are you babbling on about, can you please be more explainatory and on topic?
How is Biden's own words propaganda when you don't like what it says, but is not propaganda when it actually is false and carried by CNN or MSNBC known tabloid spewers?
Count how many stories on Yahoo news is anti Trump vs pro Trump or even compared to positive news in general and you'll find media has TDS 24/7 obsessed with demonizing the person that caused them to have egg on the face instead of addressing the topics at hand.-your post fails
1)because it's off the rail made no sense
2)because it was wrong, it spewed propaganda to talk about propaganda.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
There has been, even a Mayoral candidate who comitted fraud, CNN and NY Times did pieces on the fraud before the election. You just get media silence about this election fraud even as people get caught and charged for their multi voting or voting under dead people's identity. Also with the affidavits and informants coming forth investigations have to take place before indictments, which you won't hear about through leaks, that's a leftist media issue and they have a blackout of any such news. -imagine that.
Your post only proves the censorship issue which validates the widespread fraud issue, since media becomes part of the process.-woops!
View attachment 433230
So then: What kind of person refuses to receive evidence of voter fraud and censors reporting on it?
Media silence doesn't mean anything...

The affidavit should say, "John Doe voted 3 different times" or "I witnessed Jane Doe run 10,000 ballots through the machine twice." It should name names. It should be presented to the police. The police should investigate.

Surely the right wing media would hastily report any of these investigations.
Then you better not see what the media is hiding from you-whereby even Biden admits fraud happens as is worse with these machines.....

but the kicker is where he talks about the paper trail-ballot authorization tickets that are important to keep track of ballots to audit for fraud, the very thing thst is magically missing from those mystery ballots that came from that under table suitcase in GA(it's missing it's ticket/paperwork) describing who over seen the count and authorized them and where they are stored).

100% Fed Up? Only the BEST sources for loony birds!

100 Percent Fed Up - Extreme Right Bias - Propaganda - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate 100 Percent Fed Up Questionable, based on extreme right-wing bias through story selection, use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda through the use of loaded emotional wording, several failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers, and a complete lack of transparency.
What are you babbling on about, can you please be more explainatory and on topic?
Count how many stories on Yahoo news is anti Trump vs pro Trump or even compared to positive news in general and you'll find media has TDS 24/7 obsessed with demonizing the person that caused them to have egg on the face instead of addressing the topics at hand.-your post fails
1)because it's off the rail made no sense
2)because it was wrong, it spewed propaganda to talk about propaganda.

No babbling. Just pointing out that your source sucks and the election is OVER.
Stop acting like a desperate loser and move on please.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?

That isn't the question. The proper question is "Why no executions over all of the fraud."
You’re going to execute the republican governor of Georgia for fraud?
Sealy is an absolute idiot.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
There has been, even a Mayoral candidate who comitted fraud, CNN and NY Times did pieces on the fraud before the election. You just get media silence about this election fraud even as people get caught and charged for their multi voting or voting under dead people's identity. Also with the affidavits and informants coming forth investigations have to take place before indictments, which you won't hear about through leaks, that's a leftist media issue and they have a blackout of any such news. -imagine that.
Your post only proves the censorship issue which validates the widespread fraud issue, since media becomes part of the process.-woops!
View attachment 433230
So then: What kind of person refuses to receive evidence of voter fraud and censors reporting on it?
Media silence doesn't mean anything...

The affidavit should say, "John Doe voted 3 different times" or "I witnessed Jane Doe run 10,000 ballots through the machine twice." It should name names. It should be presented to the police. The police should investigate.

Surely the right wing media would hastily report any of these investigations.
Then you better not see what the media is hiding from you-whereby even Biden admits fraud happens as is worse with these machines.....

but the kicker is where he talks about the paper trail-ballot authorization tickets that are important to keep track of ballots to audit for fraud, the very thing thst is magically missing from those mystery ballots that came from that under table suitcase in GA(it's missing it's ticket/paperwork) describing who over seen the count and authorized them and where they are stored).

100% Fed Up? Only the BEST sources for loony birds!

100 Percent Fed Up - Extreme Right Bias - Propaganda - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate 100 Percent Fed Up Questionable, based on extreme right-wing bias through story selection, use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda through the use of loaded emotional wording, several failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers, and a complete lack of transparency.
What are you babbling on about, can you please be more explainatory and on topic?
Count how many stories on Yahoo news is anti Trump vs pro Trump or even compared to positive news in general and you'll find media has TDS 24/7 obsessed with demonizing the person that caused them to have egg on the face instead of addressing the topics at hand.-your post fails
1)because it's off the rail made no sense
2)because it was wrong, it spewed propaganda to talk about propaganda.

No babbling. Just pointing out that your source sucks and the election is OVER.
Stop acting like a desperate loser and move on please.
But then you are saying you do not accept the election, because it was called by known propaganda networks. You are required to stick to one standard you set in your argument least you admit it was a poor attempt at propaganda in itself. Your standard of reasoning flip flops more then Billy Bass.

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