Why No Arrests For All of the Fraud?

Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Arrest ???? Rotflmbo.... Why arrest these days, when the leftist idiot criminals get right back out due to a corrupt rogue leftists judge or due to the leftist non-enforcement ideology being pushed by the radical left in society today.

So nobody is getting arrested anywhere right now? Is that the craziness you're now selling?
How about you keep it context please. I'm not chasing you all over the place while you hollar nah, nah, na, boo, boo like a good little spoiled rotten child thinking they are getting away with something.

How about you try to answer the question...why are none of these highly conservative sheriffs in Georgia arresting people for election fraud?
Like I said before, how do you arrest a leftist in Lefty land ???? Uhhh you don't because it's a waste of time.

Georgia is "lefty land"?
Do you think that leftist don't reside in Georgia ?? Yes there is a lefty land within Georgia.

So there are like 150+ counties. Not one sheriff in the deep south is sympathetic to your blob? Not one will arrest one of these "thousands" of fraudulent voters....or corrupt poll workers?

Is that the nonsense you're selling?

I know you're going to say, "Well the judges will just let them go"... Of course that's bullshit--Georgia has a very healthy prison population census and the Fulton County jail is rather full too. But what I'm talking about is just arresting the "thousands" of people who cheated the blob.
Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.
Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
I hope T vetoes it or this will hurt his legacy
Both Nancy and Mitch are two of the most corrupt and rapacious imbeciles in American history
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Law enforcement is part of the conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
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Wired...under surveillance. That may be the dumbest thing you ever wrote.
They don't know when, where, and how they are wired. And they let things slip when they talk.

Your sad, silly, post (if you were serious and even if you're not) highlights the biggest single problem the blob and his supporters had in the whole election fraud silliness. Never--to the best of my knowledge-- did any of you guys identify someone who supposedly committed this fraud, swear out a complaint, get a warrant served for their arrest etc... Tons of you tube videos and questionable--to put it mildly--characters but no actual legal solution was employed outside of court appearances that got rejected out of hand because...again...none of the accusers said, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 700 times."
I guess sworn affidavits mean nothing to you eh ??? Now if ya can't get a judge to hear the case or cases, then the perps go free. Sad but true.

Okay..who--name a name of a poll worker or voter--who is mentioned in the affidavit. That isn't what a judge would do. If you're accusing John Doe of a crime, the police would investigate and if probable cause is established, make an arrest. Just like if someone vandalizes your car and you know who did it.

Who--what poll worker or voter who committed fraud--has been named in GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law ???

What in the hell are you talking about?

You get arrested on probable cause...nobody is found guilty before they are arrested.

Do you know what an affidavit is? It is a statement you're making. You keep bringing up these affidavits. Fine. Who is being implicated--a specific name of a poll worker or voter--in them. TTBOMK...nobody specifically is being named.
Awwwwe give it up already.... Your premise is just desperation talk. Good grief.

Give what up? You can't name anyone who committed fraud or a corrupt poll worker?

And your dumb bitch ass is wondering why the courts won't give you the time of day.
Give it up, your premise or topic is idiotic. And your childish attack shows just what kind of leftist you really are. Riding the deep state wave of injustice only serves to include you into the blind leading the blind group, who are waltzing straight into hell with gasoline pants on.
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
they were two SEPARATE BILLS, Mitch combined them, for alleged expediency..... :rolleyes-41:
Well, oh Mitch can't wait for Trump to be gone due the trouble he caused for the alledged pristine clean Republicrat party. Trump rocked the boat so bad in trying to shock the nation out of it's coma, that it drug many out of their comfort zones. They hated that, and they are praying silently to their money idles for relief from the man who attempted to bring back accountability for the people in this country.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Law enforcement is part of the conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.
Hey, your race baiting hypocrite Democrat's try to claim that all police forces are racist, especially if it gave them favor with the mob's, so thinking that they are all part of the deep state shouldn't be a shock to the gullible sheeple out there either.
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
Why did trump sign it? It’s his stimulus not Bidens remember that

Trump did not sign it. He just threatened a veto.

Try to keep up.
He never said the word veto...
Pelosi and trump agree they should give us $2000 each not $600.

Maybe I misjudged president trump. Now I sort of wish I would have voted for him.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?

That isn't the question. The proper question is "Why no executions over all of the fraud."
You’re going to execute the republican governor of Georgia for fraud?
Didn’t Barr also say the election was legit? Execute him too? What about Mitch mcconnell? He said Biden won. Kill him?
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
Why did trump sign it? It’s his stimulus not Bidens remember that

Trump did not sign it. He just threatened a veto.

Try to keep up.
He never said the word veto...
Pelosi and trump agree they should give us $2000 each not $600.

Maybe I misjudged president trump. Now I sort of wish I would have voted for him.
Plenty misjudged Trump, so it's ok. Now it's just how to get all the bullcrap fixed. Yeah $600.00 dollars to buy the people's confidence in the terrible situation somehow, uhhh is just a huge punch in the gut or worse below the belt. A comprehensive bill that targets weak areas that needed immediate attention was the best and only way to address the situation, just like they are doing with the vaccine roll out. Taking money (super small amount), and throwing it out here in order to find favor with the masses is the biggest bunch of idiocy ever concocted. I don't need the $600.00 dollars at all, and I bet millions more are just like me, so it shows just how inept, corrupt or stupid our government really is. Will we ever wake up ??
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
they were two SEPARATE BILLS, Mitch combined them, for alleged expediency..... :rolleyes-41:
Well, oh Mitch can't wait for Trump to be gone due the trouble he caused for the alledged pristine clean Republicrat party. Trump rocked the boat so bad in trying to shock the nation out of it's coma, that it drug many out of their comfort zones. They hated that, and they are praying silently to their money idles for relief from the man who attempted to bring back accountability for the people in this country.
Why didn’t he impeach trump when he had the chance?
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
Why did trump sign it? It’s his stimulus not Bidens remember that

Trump did not sign it. He just threatened a veto.

Try to keep up.
He never said the word veto...
Pelosi and trump agree they should give us $2000 each not $600.

Maybe I misjudged president trump. Now I sort of wish I would have voted for him.
Plenty misjudged Trump, so it's ok. Now it's just how to get all the bullcrap fixed. Yeah $600.00 dollars to buy the people's confidence in the terrible situation somehow, uhhh is just a huge punch in the gut or worse below the belt. A comprehensive bill that targets weak areas that needed immediate attention was the best and only way to address the situation, just like they are doing with the vaccine roll out. Taking money (super small amount), and throwing it out here in order to find favor with the masses is the biggest bunch of idiocy ever concocted. I don't need the $600.00 dollars at all, and I bet millions more are just like me, so it shows just how inept, corrupt or stupid our government really is. Will we ever wake up ??
I was only furloughed 2 days and my sales numbers have been good every month except 2. I should have not got a check but I did.

My dad is retired. He gets social security. So he was not harmed by the shutdown one bit. They sent him money.

Yes, it was about buying votes.

Yesterday republicans were bragging about how good the third quarter was. They failed to point out the only reason it wasn’t a complete disaster is because government gave out trillions to stimulate the economy. Without the stimulus the third quarter would have been a disaster
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
they were two SEPARATE BILLS, Mitch combined them, for alleged expediency..... :rolleyes-41:
Well, oh Mitch can't wait for Trump to be gone due the trouble he caused for the alledged pristine clean Republicrat party. Trump rocked the boat so bad in trying to shock the nation out of it's coma, that it drug many out of their comfort zones. They hated that, and they are praying silently to their money idles for relief from the man who attempted to bring back accountability for the people in this country.
Why didn’t he impeach trump when he had the chance?
Because he isn't no dumb ace... He knew that wouldn't work, so why put your neck out ?

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