Why No Arrests For All of the Fraud?

I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
Why did trump sign it? It’s his stimulus not Bidens remember that

Trump did not sign it. He just threatened a veto.

Try to keep up.
He never said the word veto...
Pelosi and trump agree they should give us $2000 each not $600.

Maybe I misjudged president trump. Now I sort of wish I would have voted for him.
Plenty misjudged Trump, so it's ok. Now it's just how to get all the bullcrap fixed. Yeah $600.00 dollars to buy the people's confidence in the terrible situation somehow, uhhh is just a huge punch in the gut or worse below the belt. A comprehensive bill that targets weak areas that needed immediate attention was the best and only way to address the situation, just like they are doing with the vaccine roll out. Taking money (super small amount), and throwing it out here in order to find favor with the masses is the biggest bunch of idiocy ever concocted. I don't need the $600.00 dollars at all, and I bet millions more are just like me, so it shows just how inept, corrupt or stupid our government really is. Will we ever wake up ??
Btw I was being sarcastic when I said I misjudged trump.
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
they were two SEPARATE BILLS, Mitch combined them, for alleged expediency..... :rolleyes-41:
Well, oh Mitch can't wait for Trump to be gone due the trouble he caused for the alledged pristine clean Republicrat party. Trump rocked the boat so bad in trying to shock the nation out of it's coma, that it drug many out of their comfort zones. They hated that, and they are praying silently to their money idles for relief from the man who attempted to bring back accountability for the people in this country.
Why didn’t he impeach trump when he had the chance?
Because he isn't no dumb ace... He knew that wouldn't work, so why put your neck out ?
What do you mean it wouldn’t have worked? Either trump would have been tossed out of office or the testimony would have made it clear trump broke the law on that call to Ukraine. Sondland said in sworn testimony that there was quid pro quo.

You guys believe any poll watcher who signed a sworn affidavi but you don’t believe Sondland? A republican who trump appointed?

Onevthings for sure. Trump did not surround himself with the best and brightest. He said Rex tillerson was an idiot. Bolton said trumps a mad man. Rudy’s a joke. Maddox talks badly of trump. The list goes on and on
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
Why did trump sign it? It’s his stimulus not Bidens remember that

Trump did not sign it. He just threatened a veto.

Try to keep up.
He never said the word veto...
Pelosi and trump agree they should give us $2000 each not $600.

Maybe I misjudged president trump. Now I sort of wish I would have voted for him.
Plenty misjudged Trump, so it's ok. Now it's just how to get all the bullcrap fixed. Yeah $600.00 dollars to buy the people's confidence in the terrible situation somehow, uhhh is just a huge punch in the gut or worse below the belt. A comprehensive bill that targets weak areas that needed immediate attention was the best and only way to address the situation, just like they are doing with the vaccine roll out. Taking money (super small amount), and throwing it out here in order to find favor with the masses is the biggest bunch of idiocy ever concocted. I don't need the $600.00 dollars at all, and I bet millions more are just like me, so it shows just how inept, corrupt or stupid our government really is. Will we ever wake up ??
I was only furloughed 2 days and my sales numbers have been good every month except 2. I should have not got a check but I did.

My dad is retired. He gets social security. So he was not harmed by the shutdown one bit. They sent him money.

Yes, it was about buying votes.

Yesterday republicans were bragging about how good the third quarter was. They failed to point out the only reason it wasn’t a complete disaster is because government gave out trillions to stimulate the economy. Without the stimulus the third quarter would have been a disaster
If the money would have been properly allocated, it would have taken far less, and the third quarter would have been just fine.

Million's like I said didn't need the money, so yeah it boosted the economy of course, but it didn't have to save the economy.

I vote for our government to suprise us with random stimulus checks just to boost the economy when they think it's needed... LOL
They don't even have to anounce it, just check the mail box, and whatta ya know, it's a stimulus check sort of like a bonus check received every quarter based upon the economy doing great or maybe not so great.
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
Why did trump sign it? It’s his stimulus not Bidens remember that

Trump did not sign it. He just threatened a veto.

Try to keep up.
He never said the word veto...
Pelosi and trump agree they should give us $2000 each not $600.

Maybe I misjudged president trump. Now I sort of wish I would have voted for him.
Plenty misjudged Trump, so it's ok. Now it's just how to get all the bullcrap fixed. Yeah $600.00 dollars to buy the people's confidence in the terrible situation somehow, uhhh is just a huge punch in the gut or worse below the belt. A comprehensive bill that targets weak areas that needed immediate attention was the best and only way to address the situation, just like they are doing with the vaccine roll out. Taking money (super small amount), and throwing it out here in order to find favor with the masses is the biggest bunch of idiocy ever concocted. I don't need the $600.00 dollars at all, and I bet millions more are just like me, so it shows just how inept, corrupt or stupid our government really is. Will we ever wake up ??
Btw I was being sarcastic when I said I misjudged trump.
Don't worry... No one cares.
I agree. $700 million for Sudan in a CORONAVIRUS STIMULUS BILL.

Utter fraud. Anyone who voted for it should be arrested.
they were two SEPARATE BILLS, Mitch combined them, for alleged expediency..... :rolleyes-41:
Well, oh Mitch can't wait for Trump to be gone due the trouble he caused for the alledged pristine clean Republicrat party. Trump rocked the boat so bad in trying to shock the nation out of it's coma, that it drug many out of their comfort zones. They hated that, and they are praying silently to their money idles for relief from the man who attempted to bring back accountability for the people in this country.
Why didn’t he impeach trump when he had the chance?
Because he isn't no dumb ace... He knew that wouldn't work, so why put your neck out ?
What do you mean it wouldn’t have worked? Either trump would have been tossed out of office or the testimony would have made it clear trump broke the law on that call to Ukraine. Sondland said in sworn testimony that there was quid pro quo.

You guys believe any poll watcher who signed a sworn affidavi but you don’t believe Sondland? A republican who trump appointed?

Onevthings for sure. Trump did not surround himself with the best and brightest. He said Rex tillerson was an idiot. Bolton said trumps a mad man. Rudy’s a joke. Maddox talks badly of trump. The list goes on and on
Timing is everything, and Trump's popularity wasn't to be toyed with by those deciding to walk up and challenge Trump to a school yard brawl. It was tried before to utter failure, so do you think that these cat's were going to just jump without thinking ?? LOL
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Would it do any good with all the liberal judges out there? Sheriffs would put in a lot of hard work just to see their time wasted when liberal judges let the guilty Democrats go free.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Would it do any good with all the liberal judges out there? Sheriffs would put in a loth of hard work just to see their time wasted when liberal judges let the guilty Democrats go free.

Time wasted? It's their job to investigate crime and bring charges.

You sound out of your fucking mind.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
You obviously haven't heard, everyone involved in the 2020 election fraud HAS been found by the FBI and arrested.

They are being held without bail awaiting arraignment in federal court.

The news has been posted all over Face Book for days,

Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Simply put, Americans like the new C-19 conformity plans put in place..... it brings a new level of conformity to life.
Currently employers can FORCE their employees to conform and wear a mask...... by wearing the mask you are showing proper submissiveness to your employer.
Because your employer can fire you for refusing to wear a mask.
As before Covid 19, if an employer required everyone to wear a Dunce Hat showing proper submissiveness or be fired...... that employer would get sued by the employees.
NOT to mention you also have a temperature reader to screen everyone before work starts, then you send everyone home with a high temp ( so..... you have the person doing the screening have 2 devices, one that actually works, the other always showing 100.5 , this way you can send home WITHOUT PAY all the Ugs, Fatties, Niggs ), whats left are young & beautiful mask wearing submissives that are very thankful and appreciative employees that know how to keep their mouths SHUT....... basically now as an employer you can go ALL OUT Squid Pro Quo on the whole lot of them.
Quit frankly, both Demicrates and Republicans both don't appreciate Donald Trump displayment of non conformity and defiance that could possibly INFECT the American population..... we all wanted him out..... thus HE IS OUT reguardless how the American Sheeple voted.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?

Because you just voted for an openly, blatantly corrupt politicians. Biden openly, proudly, proclaimed his corruption, and your side voted for it. Of course they are not going to jail anyone for fraud, when you support any criminal activity, provided it gains you power.

You made up endless false allegations about Trump, and everyone, for the last 5 years. It's perfectly obvious that you openly and proudly support fraud and all forms of evil.
That isn't the question. The proper question is "Why no executions over all of the fraud."
Um, you'd have to arrest them first.

So why no arrests? Maybe our entire justice system -- federal, state, local -- is in on the conspiracy too, huh?

No, you can execute before arrest by just shooting the accused and later claiming it was justifiable when being tried at The Hague...

Silly for you not to know this...
The level of fraud was not enough that it would overturn any election in any State and when caught like here in Texas authorities are quick with their arrest...

Trunp voting base need to understand that Trump has lost and no matter how many OAN and Newsmax trash stories they produce the evidence they believe is there is spin and lies and the truth is Barr was or is correct that there is not enough Fraud to award Trump the victory...
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
There has been, even a Mayoral candidate who comitted fraud, CNN and NY Times did pieces on the fraud before the election. You just get media silence about this election fraud even as people get caught and charged for their multi voting or voting under dead people's identity. Also with the affidavits and informants coming forth investigations have to take place before indictments, which you won't hear about through leaks, that's a leftist media issue and they have a blackout of any such news. -imagine that.
Your post only proves the censorship issue which validates the widespread fraud issue, since media becomes part of the process.-woops!

So then: What kind of person refuses to receive evidence of voter fraud and censors reporting on it?
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Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
trump needs to pull crazy ole joe arpaio out of the crypt and put him on the case.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
There has been, even a Mayoral candidate who comitted fraud, CNN and NY Times did pieces on the fraud before the election. You just get media silence about this election fraud even as people get caught and charged for their multi voting or voting under dead people's identity. Also with the affidavits and informants coming forth investigations have to take place before indictments, which you won't hear about through leaks, that's a leftist media issue and they have a blackout of any such news. -imagine that.
Your post only proves the censorship issue which validates the widespread fraud issue, since media becomes part of the process.-woops!
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So then: What kind of person refuses to receive evidence of voter fraud and censors reporting on it?
Media silence doesn't mean anything...

The affidavit should say, "John Doe voted 3 different times" or "I witnessed Jane Doe run 10,000 ballots through the machine twice." It should name names. It should be presented to the police. The police should investigate.

Surely the right wing media would hastily report any of these investigations.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?

Because you just voted for an openly, blatantly corrupt politicians. Biden openly, proudly, proclaimed his corruption, and your side voted for it. Of course they are not going to jail anyone for fraud, when you support any criminal activity, provided it gains you power.

You made up endless false allegations about Trump, and everyone, for the last 5 years. It's perfectly obvious that you openly and proudly support fraud and all forms of evil.

So your argument is that the sheriff of DeKalb county isn't going to investigate voter fraud because Joe Biden was elected President?
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Would it do any good with all the liberal judges out there? Sheriffs would put in a lot of hard work just to see their time wasted when liberal judges let the guilty Democrats go free.

Investigations and arrests would certainly bolster the cases that the blob and his laughable legal team have made. Why didn't you believe Christine Blasey Ford? I didn't believe her because she didn't file a police report and said, at the time, that something that wasn't assault in 1976 or whenever it was doesn't become assault in 2016 or whenever she was trying to say how injured she was.

If you have some people getting arrested, that helps the case of fraud taking place. If you have multiple arrests in 6 states, that helps the case of widespread fraud. When there are no arrests for the FELONIES...one has to assume that the felonies didn't take place. Unlike, for example, drug use at Coachella--everybody knows its happening or prostitution in the New Orleans red light district. These are felonies that are being alleged...thousands of felonies.

You've got to name the names of whose committing them.

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