Why No FBI....?

Why would he say its possible he tried to rape her when / if he did not do so.

What you just said would be tantamount to admitting his guilt...

People will forgive those who admit guilt and show how they changed their life for the better after the experience. He doesn't have to admit to rape, lots of you conservatives on here said he didn't rape her because either (a) they were too young for it to be considered rape, or (b) he didn't rape her because her clothes stayed on. He could just admit that yeah, he may have gotten a bit handsy, but he wasn't trying to rape her.

Is that how you stayed out of prison and were able to have a Navy career? Of course it isn't because you are a moron for even suggesting that people would be forgiving. I think you need to seek help at your local VA hospital. They probably have a head shrinker that can crack what's going wrong in your noggin!

I had a young man I spoke to the other day and had to crush his dream of serving in the military. Why? His alcoholic step-father was beating his mother, and he intervened to stop it. The police charged him with domestic violence as a teenager and he pled guilty to make it all go away. His step-father was also convicted. Now, he is banned from ever serving his country because he probably saved his mother's life.

Pleading guilty really worked out well for him.

Are you a recruiter? Do you have access to NRD waiver procedures, and do you know what can and cannot be waived? If you were just talking to him and telling him YOUR experiences, it may not be the most sound advice, because there are waivers for quite a few things. It all depends on what the current waiver procedures are. When I ran MEPS Amarillo, there were times when we would enlist people who had serious misdemeanors if the NRD CO was willing to grant it. I think the limit when I retired in 2002 was no more than 2 serious misdemeanor arrests.

I'd check with the local recruiting office before you trash his dreams of joining.

I am a civilian Army recruiter, dumbass! I was hired because of my stellar record in Navy recruiting. If you knew anything it is not a military regulation, but a federal law that has been around since 1997.

You never said what the crime was classified as. I told you that there are waivers that can be granted for certain crimes. What was his crime classed as?

Yes, I did state what it was classified as. Try reading it again, wait until you're sober, or get a small child to read it for you.

Your inability to read for comprehension shows someone made a mistake in letting you serve as a PN.

By the way, PNs who worked at MEPs had NOTHING to do with waivers when I worked at my NRD. They were all processed by the district headquarters by my YNs.
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
Maryland Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library

Seems MD does have a statute of limitation

and in this case its long past

I recently heard it has been abolished.
The way law works in the US is no retro active laws are allowed. One can not be charged with a crime by a law that was created AFTER the supposed crime occurred, since there was a Statute of limitations when this supposed crime occurred and since the statute of limitations was achieved he can not now be charged by a new law. But more importantly she never claimed he tried to rape her.
Good Lord people don't you need certain information just to get a legal traffic ticket. The Date, The time, The Place, The name of the violator, the tag number the speed, how far they were clocked, type of car, the Cops sig, his badge number, your sig, otherwise the citation is not valid. you go free. I have lost traffic cases where I screwed up.
You know, Kavanaugh could have had this already blown over if he had done the following......................

First, when the allegations came up, he could have said that it is a possibility that something like that might have occurred, he doesn't remember, because he was a bit of a wild child in high school.
Why would he say its possible he tried to rape her when / if he did not do so.

What you just said would be tantamount to admitting his guilt...

People will forgive those who admit guilt and show how they changed their life for the better after the experience. He doesn't have to admit to rape, lots of you conservatives on here said he didn't rape her because either (a) they were too young for it to be considered rape, or (b) he didn't rape her because her clothes stayed on. He could just admit that yeah, he may have gotten a bit handsy, but he wasn't trying to rape her.

Is that how you stayed out of prison and were able to have a Navy career? Of course it isn't because you are a moron for even suggesting that people would be forgiving. I think you need to seek help at your local VA hospital. They probably have a head shrinker that can crack what's going wrong in your noggin!

I had a young man I spoke to the other day and had to crush his dream of serving in the military. Why? His alcoholic step-father was beating his mother, and he intervened to stop it. The police charged him with domestic violence as a teenager and he pled guilty to make it all go away. His step-father was also convicted. Now, he is banned from ever serving his country because he probably saved his mother's life.

Pleading guilty really worked out well for him.

Are you a recruiter? Do you have access to NRD waiver procedures, and do you know what can and cannot be waived? If you were just talking to him and telling him YOUR experiences, it may not be the most sound advice, because there are waivers for quite a few things. It all depends on what the current waiver procedures are. When I ran MEPS Amarillo, there were times when we would enlist people who had serious misdemeanors if the NRD CO was willing to grant it. I think the limit when I retired in 2002 was no more than 2 serious misdemeanor arrests.

I'd check with the local recruiting office before you trash his dreams of joining.

I am a civilian Army recruiter, dumbass! I was hired because of my stellar record in Navy recruiting. If you knew anything it is not a military regulation, but a federal law that has been around since 1997.

By the way................if you are a civilian Army recruiter, why is it that you guys missed you yearly goals this time around?

Army misses 2018 recruiting goal, which hasn't happened since 2005

WASHINGTON – The Army fell short of its recruiting goal for 2018, missing its mark for the first time since 2005 as it looks to grow its force strength in the face of growing threats from competing world powers such as Russia and China.

The Army has launched a large-scale review of its recruiting practices, senior service officials said Friday. The service will pour millions of dollars into revamping recruiting facilities and bolster its recruiting force after falling about 6,500 recruits short of its goal for fiscal year 2018, which will end Sept. 30. The Army had hoped to enlist 76,500 recruits in 2018, a goal that was lowered from 80,000 in April after more soldiers than expected elected to remain in the service.
People will forgive those who admit guilt and show how they changed their life for the better after the experience. He doesn't have to admit to rape, lots of you conservatives on here said he didn't rape her because either (a) they were too young for it to be considered rape, or (b) he didn't rape her because her clothes stayed on. He could just admit that yeah, he may have gotten a bit handsy, but he wasn't trying to rape her.

Is that how you stayed out of prison and were able to have a Navy career? Of course it isn't because you are a moron for even suggesting that people would be forgiving. I think you need to seek help at your local VA hospital. They probably have a head shrinker that can crack what's going wrong in your noggin!

I had a young man I spoke to the other day and had to crush his dream of serving in the military. Why? His alcoholic step-father was beating his mother, and he intervened to stop it. The police charged him with domestic violence as a teenager and he pled guilty to make it all go away. His step-father was also convicted. Now, he is banned from ever serving his country because he probably saved his mother's life.

Pleading guilty really worked out well for him.

Are you a recruiter? Do you have access to NRD waiver procedures, and do you know what can and cannot be waived? If you were just talking to him and telling him YOUR experiences, it may not be the most sound advice, because there are waivers for quite a few things. It all depends on what the current waiver procedures are. When I ran MEPS Amarillo, there were times when we would enlist people who had serious misdemeanors if the NRD CO was willing to grant it. I think the limit when I retired in 2002 was no more than 2 serious misdemeanor arrests.

I'd check with the local recruiting office before you trash his dreams of joining.

I am a civilian Army recruiter, dumbass! I was hired because of my stellar record in Navy recruiting. If you knew anything it is not a military regulation, but a federal law that has been around since 1997.

You never said what the crime was classified as. I told you that there are waivers that can be granted for certain crimes. What was his crime classed as?

Yes, I did state what it was classified as. Try reading it again, wait until you're sober, or get a small child to read it for you.

Your inability to read for comprehension shows someone made a mistake in letting you serve as a PN.

By the way, PNs who worked at MEPs had NOTHING to do with waivers when I worked at my NRD. They were all processed by the district headquarters by my YNs.

Actually, what you said was this...........................

I had a young man I spoke to the other day and had to crush his dream of serving in the military. Why? His alcoholic step-father was beating his mother, and he intervened to stop it. The police charged him with domestic violence as a teenager and he pled guilty to make it all go away. His step-father was also convicted. Now, he is banned from ever serving his country because he probably saved his mother's life.

You didn't mention if it was classed as a misdemeanor or a felony, and you kinda made it sound like he had just the one charge.

As far as your experience with PN's at a MEPS? Might have been how it was over at your MEPS, but not only was I LPO (my boss was at the NRD in San Antonio), but I was also the Head Classifier, so yeah, as both LPO of the Navy office as well as Head Classifier, I had quite a bit to do with waivers.

And, at my MEPS, the only ones allowed to be classifiers were Personnelman.

Don't base my service on what your experiences were.
You know, Kavanaugh could have had this already blown over if he had done the following......................

First, when the allegations came up, he could have said that it is a possibility that something like that might have occurred, he doesn't remember, because he was a bit of a wild child in high school. But, he could have then said that he learned in college that being a party animal wasn't any good and he decided to change his path and go on the straight and narrow. Chances are, his security investigations would back that up, as well as all the other people who are in his corner who have said he's a great guy.

It wasn't the blowjob that got Clinton hammered, it was his denial of it. If Clinton had said yeah, I got a blowjob, but I'm the most powerful man in the world, and power is an aphrodesiac to young impressionable women. I shouldn't have done that, but it was a moment of weakness, and my wife knows and has already forgiven me.

Why do I say this? Because most people will give others a pass if they can say yeah, I screwed up, but I learned how to be better, and now am doing so. A lot of people are more forgiving of a past indiscretion if you can show that you learned from past mistakes and have since been able to change your life for the better.

But no, he didn't do that, and all the denials and allegations are what is going to lose him the nomination. Over the past couple of months, they have taken polls, and not only does he have the LEAST support of any SC nominee, he is now underwater in the polls, meaning that more people don't want him in the SC than do.
He owes you nothing
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

Because the "crime" that Hill accused Thomas of violated Federal statutes? Because the "crime" that Ms. Ford has accused Brett Kavanaugh of isn't a Federal crime?

Admit it, Lesh...you know as well as I do that there is nothing THERE to investigate...you're simply hoping that an FBI investigation would drag on for months and the Democrats take enough seats in the Senate to block any Trump appointee to the Supreme Court! At least be honest about it...
there is plenty that can be done... the FBI can interview Kavenaugh, Ford and Judge, the alleged witness under oath, they can pull up yearbooks and interview other students who were in school at the time, they can gather what was written by those present, afterwards... they could...with permission, get all of the therapist notes and go from there on how to proceed and also get her polygraph test and go from there with their investigation, they, the FBI knows how to handle this, just like the investigators who handled the Pedophile/child molesting priests accused decades later by the victims. they will collect the information that they can, pass it on to the Senators on the committee... and then the Senators would be prepared to ask pertinent questions.

ALSO, because it is now a known fact that sexual abuse is most always held in and not reported till decades later, States are now changing their laws to remove their 5 to 10 years Statute of limitation to NO LIMIT.
Not their Jurisdiction.

NO evidence

Faulty memory.

NO witness.

No charges filed.

No charges ever desired.

No desire to come forward - was betrayed / 'out'ed.

No desire to testify.

FBI background checks already done.

Security clearance background checks done.

MULTIPLE investigations complete on Kacanaugh

SELF-IDENTIFIED Trump-Hating, Conservative-Judge-hating, extremely active Progressive Socialist Activist (probably one of the ones conned into organizing and marching for the Russians as a result of their Counter-Intelligence OP they started in 2016 that Barry knew about and let continue...)

How many times do we have to go over this before snowflakes get it?
This is what it takes for a guilty verdict according to the dems.
The dems think innocence doesn’t exist
If it shows it is possibly true, a drunk 17 year old did not realize what he was doing or any of that...he should simply withdraw his nomination

So POSSIBLY TRUE is grounds for Kav being denied this position - have his reputation destroyed and being forever tarred as guilty- as that’s how it would be interpreted?

What happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?

Dear God. I think you’d probably feel differently if your husband or son were told to suck it up because totally unsubstantiated 36 year old unprovable allegations take precedent over their basic human rights!

THIS, from the same group of individuals who for years declared Hillary totally innocent and 35 years of investigation BASELESS because nothing was ever PROVEN about her!

What the Kavanaugh debacle really comes down to is ONE SIMPLE THING:

Trump beat Hillary in 2016.
Presidents get to pick the SC nominees.
Unless there is some real graphable reason against them, you confirm them.
Kavanaugh is as far as anyone can show as squeaky clean as a steamed glass jar.
Kavanaugh's ONLY flaw is HE'S A REPUBLICAN.
And the Democrats haven't got a thing left to put on the table than to hold their breath, stomp their feet and refuse to eat their carrots.


I truly don’t care what the leftist believe. They are obviously anti constitution
Biker wants Kavanaugh to "confess" to something the nominee has stated he did not do. I believe that Biker knows that there is no case here and that the whole thing is nothing more than a dog and pony show designed by Chuck Shumer to delay the confirmation of a qualified candidate.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?
---------------------------------------------------------- heard that the FBI investigating was because the supposed offence to 'anita hill' took place on Federal Property Lesh .
There is no reason to delay any further. The Senate shouldn't be in a position to beg for Ford's testimony. If she doesn't want to come to DC, that is her right to do so. If an agreement is not reached by the end of today, I would schedule the vote and move on.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

How did that work out for ya?
Google is your friend, you can look it up. For the record, MD (where the alleged incident happened), has no statute of limitations for attempted rape.

Bad thing? He could get confirmed, and because there is no statute, she could wait until he was a sitting SC judge, press charges, and the police would have to pursue it.
That’s not the accusation
Yes,it is.
No no it isn’t! We don’t know what it is because wait for it.....it hasn’t been released
Actually, you can find ford's words for yourself. She describes attempted rape. But there is not much point trying to have a discussion on a factual basis with a trump cultist. You fools are so neurotic, you can't even accept the baseline facts and then simply register your opinion of whether or not you believe the claims. Nope, gotta stomp your feet and deny even the baseline facts....
We’ll post her quote
No, you can look it up.
The best option for Ford is to testify before the Senate next week and tell her story. She wants this information out there and she has the opportunity to tell the senate and the American people directly. She should do it.

I am pretty sure Ford is being prepared for the questioning by attorneys. I wonder if she isn't doing well in those mock interviews? If she presents as a reasonable and credible witness before the Senate, I think Kavanaugh is done. Who knows what is going on tho.
She won’t testify
If it shows it is possibly true, a drunk 17 year old did not realize what he was doing or any of that...he should simply withdraw his nomination

So POSSIBLY TRUE is grounds for Kav being denied this position - have his reputation destroyed and being forever tarred as guilty- as that’s how it would be interpreted?

What happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?

Dear God. I think you’d probably feel differently if your husband or son were told to suck it up because totally unsubstantiated 36 year old unprovable allegations take precedent over their basic human rights!

THIS, from the same group of individuals who for years declared Hillary totally innocent and 35 years of investigation BASELESS because nothing was ever PROVEN about her!

What the Kavanaugh debacle really comes down to is ONE SIMPLE THING:

Trump beat Hillary in 2016.
Presidents get to pick the SC nominees.
Unless there is some real graphable reason against them, you confirm them.
Kavanaugh is as far as anyone can show as squeaky clean as a steamed glass jar.
Kavanaugh's ONLY flaw is HE'S A REPUBLICAN.
And the Democrats haven't got a thing left to put on the table than to hold their breath, stomp their feet and refuse to eat their carrots.

View attachment 217919

Good, i hope the Democrats pull every dirty trick in the book. It's about time they grew a spine and started to cheat like their opponents do shamelessly.
Ford has never and still will not file a police report with the proper agency. It's local police that handle alleged juvenile sex crimes. Why is she afraid to file a police report. It couldn't be because filing a false police report is a crime.
If it shows it is possibly true, a drunk 17 year old did not realize what he was doing or any of that...he should simply withdraw his nomination

So POSSIBLY TRUE is grounds for Kav being denied this position - have his reputation destroyed and being forever tarred as guilty- as that’s how it would be interpreted?

What happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?

Dear God. I think you’d probably feel differently if your husband or son were told to suck it up because totally unsubstantiated 36 year old unprovable allegations take precedent over their basic human rights!

THIS, from the same group of individuals who for years declared Hillary totally innocent and 35 years of investigation BASELESS because nothing was ever PROVEN about her!

What the Kavanaugh debacle really comes down to is ONE SIMPLE THING:

Trump beat Hillary in 2016.
Presidents get to pick the SC nominees.
Unless there is some real graphable reason against them, you confirm them.
Kavanaugh is as far as anyone can show as squeaky clean as a steamed glass jar.
Kavanaugh's ONLY flaw is HE'S A REPUBLICAN.
And the Democrats haven't got a thing left to put on the table than to hold their breath, stomp their feet and refuse to eat their carrots.

View attachment 217919

Good, i hope the Democrats pull every dirty trick in the book. It's about time they grew a spine and started to cheat like their opponents do shamelessly.

You hope? The Democrats should pull every dirty trick? Grow a spine and start to cheat? Good Lord Man, what peanut universe do you live in that you think the Democrats haven't already been cheating, the grand-masters of lies, cheating and dirty politics for years and years?

Obama cheated Alan Keyes out of his Senate seat to even get into Congress in the first place!
Hillary never would have gotten within a mile of winning had the DNC not cheated Bernie out of his candidacy, kept Hillary away from media answering questions for months, snuck debate questions, FISA court corruption, secret dossiers with foreign aid, suppression of voter ID and rampant media bias.

I won't say more than that because I know if I gave you a foot long list of more DNC cheating, it wouldn't phase your thinking on anything anyway.
If it shows it is possibly true, a drunk 17 year old did not realize what he was doing or any of that...he should simply withdraw his nomination

So POSSIBLY TRUE is grounds for Kav being denied this position - have his reputation destroyed and being forever tarred as guilty- as that’s how it would be interpreted?

What happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?

Dear God. I think you’d probably feel differently if your husband or son were told to suck it up because totally unsubstantiated 36 year old unprovable allegations take precedent over their basic human rights!
Yes, if true, then OF COURSE, even if done when young, even if he has repented and changed his life since then, he should not be given a promotion to the highest seat of the land....

He chose to lie about it, deny, deny deny.... and tried to make her out to be a liar, when it was him and his buddy, and the Republicans in congress, doing the lying...that's what is disqualifying for me.... if it shows that she is believable....

if she is lying about it, then she would be the one, getting my scorn...

The lying, for political gain, disqualifies him from being a Supreme Court Justice.... we need a lying politico on the Supreme Court like a hole in the head.

Clarence Thomas was a much worse situation than Kavanaugh and the Republican Senators gave it to him anyway....

If the Senators can't see that those good ole boys, protect the boys at all cost, days ARE OVER.... then so be it....


If life could be lived over, he and she would have gotten together, she tell him what was going on, and he apologize for his drunken actions at 17, and the whole thing could have been settled
Why would he say its possible he tried to rape her when / if he did not do so.

What you just said would be tantamount to admitting his guilt...

People will forgive those who admit guilt and show how they changed their life for the better after the experience. He doesn't have to admit to rape, lots of you conservatives on here said he didn't rape her because either (a) they were too young for it to be considered rape, or (b) he didn't rape her because her clothes stayed on. He could just admit that yeah, he may have gotten a bit handsy, but he wasn't trying to rape her.

Is that how you stayed out of prison and were able to have a Navy career? Of course it isn't because you are a moron for even suggesting that people would be forgiving. I think you need to seek help at your local VA hospital. They probably have a head shrinker that can crack what's going wrong in your noggin!

I had a young man I spoke to the other day and had to crush his dream of serving in the military. Why? His alcoholic step-father was beating his mother, and he intervened to stop it. The police charged him with domestic violence as a teenager and he pled guilty to make it all go away. His step-father was also convicted. Now, he is banned from ever serving his country because he probably saved his mother's life.

Pleading guilty really worked out well for him.

Are you a recruiter? Do you have access to NRD waiver procedures, and do you know what can and cannot be waived? If you were just talking to him and telling him YOUR experiences, it may not be the most sound advice, because there are waivers for quite a few things. It all depends on what the current waiver procedures are. When I ran MEPS Amarillo, there were times when we would enlist people who had serious misdemeanors if the NRD CO was willing to grant it. I think the limit when I retired in 2002 was no more than 2 serious misdemeanor arrests.

I'd check with the local recruiting office before you trash his dreams of joining.

I am a civilian Army recruiter, dumbass! I was hired because of my stellar record in Navy recruiting. If you knew anything it is not a military regulation, but a federal law that has been around since 1997.

By the way................if you are a civilian Army recruiter, why is it that you guys missed you yearly goals this time around?

Army misses 2018 recruiting goal, which hasn't happened since 2005

WASHINGTON – The Army fell short of its recruiting goal for 2018, missing its mark for the first time since 2005 as it looks to grow its force strength in the face of growing threats from competing world powers such as Russia and China.

The Army has launched a large-scale review of its recruiting practices, senior service officials said Friday. The service will pour millions of dollars into revamping recruiting facilities and bolster its recruiting force after falling about 6,500 recruits short of its goal for fiscal year 2018, which will end Sept. 30. The Army had hoped to enlist 76,500 recruits in 2018, a goal that was lowered from 80,000 in April after more soldiers than expected elected to remain in the service.

My center has not missed mission in the entire time I have worked there.
Is that how you stayed out of prison and were able to have a Navy career? Of course it isn't because you are a moron for even suggesting that people would be forgiving. I think you need to seek help at your local VA hospital. They probably have a head shrinker that can crack what's going wrong in your noggin!

I had a young man I spoke to the other day and had to crush his dream of serving in the military. Why? His alcoholic step-father was beating his mother, and he intervened to stop it. The police charged him with domestic violence as a teenager and he pled guilty to make it all go away. His step-father was also convicted. Now, he is banned from ever serving his country because he probably saved his mother's life.

Pleading guilty really worked out well for him.

Are you a recruiter? Do you have access to NRD waiver procedures, and do you know what can and cannot be waived? If you were just talking to him and telling him YOUR experiences, it may not be the most sound advice, because there are waivers for quite a few things. It all depends on what the current waiver procedures are. When I ran MEPS Amarillo, there were times when we would enlist people who had serious misdemeanors if the NRD CO was willing to grant it. I think the limit when I retired in 2002 was no more than 2 serious misdemeanor arrests.

I'd check with the local recruiting office before you trash his dreams of joining.

I am a civilian Army recruiter, dumbass! I was hired because of my stellar record in Navy recruiting. If you knew anything it is not a military regulation, but a federal law that has been around since 1997.

You never said what the crime was classified as. I told you that there are waivers that can be granted for certain crimes. What was his crime classed as?

Yes, I did state what it was classified as. Try reading it again, wait until you're sober, or get a small child to read it for you.

Your inability to read for comprehension shows someone made a mistake in letting you serve as a PN.

By the way, PNs who worked at MEPs had NOTHING to do with waivers when I worked at my NRD. They were all processed by the district headquarters by my YNs.

Actually, what you said was this...........................

I had a young man I spoke to the other day and had to crush his dream of serving in the military. Why? His alcoholic step-father was beating his mother, and he intervened to stop it. The police charged him with domestic violence as a teenager and he pled guilty to make it all go away. His step-father was also convicted. Now, he is banned from ever serving his country because he probably saved his mother's life.

You didn't mention if it was classed as a misdemeanor or a felony, and you kinda made it sound like he had just the one charge.

As far as your experience with PN's at a MEPS? Might have been how it was over at your MEPS, but not only was I LPO (my boss was at the NRD in San Antonio), but I was also the Head Classifier, so yeah, as both LPO of the Navy office as well as Head Classifier, I had quite a bit to do with waivers.

And, at my MEPS, the only ones allowed to be classifiers were Personnelman.

Don't base my service on what your experiences were.

It is probably because you were not located in the same place as your NRD. Classifiers in my district had nothing to do with waivers except knowing they needed one. That was it. Everything was done by my YNs at the NRD and interviewed by yours truly.

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