Why No FBI....?

Well, they may have done 6 background checks, but the chances are extremely good that they only went back to his second year in college. Why do I say that? Because investigations only go back 10 years from the date you apply for the job.

Not true.. For higher clearances like WH access or Intel work -- they want to verify the gyne that delivered you.
They have no set limit for those type of clearances.

Wrong. They only go back 10 years from the date you apply. How do I know this? I had a Top Secret clearance. And, I was also a Personnelman, which means it was my job to know about stuff like that.

How much military experience do you have again?

Wrong. Military clearances are generally not the same as trusted SCI clearances for working at the top levels of the government. The military is not worried that you're a deep implanted Russian mole. Or where your parents or grandparents came from or how they got there. Unless you're DIA, ONI, or another military branch of intelligence -- you are not likely to be asked to be "read-into" MULTIPLE above Top Secret access programs. The FBI does deeper dives into your history and life story..

Top level WH staff fall into this group. So do a FEW members of Congress that have VERY WIDE ACCESS to many of the most classified programs. The FBI DOES interview family, aquaintances, teachers, and even familial relationships going back a couple generations.

So -- I'm VERY confident that they got his Georgetown Prep records, and possibly interviews with Staff and teachers, MAYBE even a couple classmates.

You're not gonna get me to step over the line about how or where "I served".. I'll just say that any "field trips" I took with military escort, there were NO conversations with the crews that ALL held high clearances and our gear and compartments were locked down from access..

And AFTER i left, I had an SO watching over me for another 5 years. And had to respect the same restrictions on travel, conduct, and associations that I had while I was "in".. I screwed up ONCE, and they had a foreign Intel service warn me to check in with my SO..

BTW -- that's exactly WHY the FBI (and others) were "following Carter Page", because he WAS ex Naval Intel and working extensively in Russia as a civilian.. NOT because they suspected him of hanky panky. It's a courtesy to REMIND people who left "the biz" to AVOID "the bad guys"..
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Maryland Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library

Seems MD does have a statute of limitation

and in this case its long past

Finally a link to a primary source...

Additionally, the statute of limitations that applies is the one that existed at the time of your abuse. This means that even though the SOL may have been lengthened since the incident, it typically will not renew time-barred cases.

So here's the deal. We DONT KNOW if it's sexual abuse or rape or sexual assault. And we should not confuse the laws FOR MINORS with the laws for adults in ANY of these cases. But I wager that CNN/MSNBC is in OVERDRIVE trying to tie a 4 month FBI investigation onto the Kavanaugh hearings is just tossing stinkbombs non-stop 24 hours.

Don't eat the MadCow....

BTW --- she was one of my favorite journalists when she wrote for The Nation mag. Until she got the MadCow disease, lost her journalism ethics and 1/2 her mind, and started to model Sean Hannity to be a success on TV..

You lost all credibility at "MadCow"...

You lost all credibility the 5th time you called me a NaziCon. Or maybe it was the first. She's CHANGED. She works with 1/2 the mind she had as a REAL journalist. It's clear she's studied successful Cable News demoguages to learn to be an opinion anchor. Especially Sean Hannity. And she's infected with the MadCow disease. That's why she LEFT one of the top notch leftist magazines in the country to do completely MINDLESS, nightly, childish, political combat on air.
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If it shows it is possibly true, a drunk 17 year old did not realize what he was doing or any of that...he should simply withdraw his nomination

So POSSIBLY TRUE is grounds for Kav being denied this position - have his reputation destroyed and being forever tarred as guilty- as that’s how it would be interpreted?

What happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?

Dear God. I think you’d probably feel differently if your husband or son were told to suck it up because totally unsubstantiated 36 year old unprovable allegations take precedent over their basic human rights!
Yes, if true, then OF COURSE, even if done when young, even if he has repented and changed his life since then, he should not be given a promotion to the highest seat of the land....

He chose to lie about it, deny, deny deny.... and tried to make her out to be a liar, when it was him and his buddy, and the Republicans in congress, doing the lying...that's what is disqualifying for me.... if it shows that she is believable....

if she is lying about it, then she would be the one, getting my scorn...

The lying, for political gain, disqualifies him from being a Supreme Court Justice.... we need a lying politico on the Supreme Court like a hole in the head.

Clarence Thomas was a much worse situation than Kavanaugh and the Republican Senators gave it to him anyway....

If the Senators can't see that those good ole boys, protect the boys at all cost, days ARE OVER.... then so be it....


If life could be lived over, he and she would have gotten together, she tell him what was going on, and he apologize for his drunken actions at 17, and the whole thing could have been settled
But you didn’t say IF TRUE, you said IF POSSIBLY TRUE!

And how do you expect to find out if her allegations are TRUE when it allegedly happened 36 years ago, there is NO EVIDENCE, and every person she has said was there and whom she refers to as witnesses deny all knowledge of it?

It would be nice also if you quit messing around and simply admit that you stated you’re absolutley fine with Kav losing this opportunity on the basis that the allegations are POSSIBLY TRUE.

So you do not believe in innocent until proven guilty. Maybe this will happen to someone close to you, or even you yourself, and then you’ll realise why presumption of innocence is such an important element of law.

But perhaps not.
That’s not the accusation
Yes,it is.
No no it isn’t! We don’t know what it is because wait for it.....it hasn’t been released
Actually, you can find ford's words for yourself. She describes attempted rape. But there is not much point trying to have a discussion on a factual basis with a trump cultist. You fools are so neurotic, you can't even accept the baseline facts and then simply register your opinion of whether or not you believe the claims. Nope, gotta stomp your feet and deny even the baseline facts....
We’ll post her quote
No, you can look it up.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:What a fking loser you just proved you are!
If it shows it is possibly true, a drunk 17 year old did not realize what he was doing or any of that...he should simply withdraw his nomination

So POSSIBLY TRUE is grounds for Kav being denied this position - have his reputation destroyed and being forever tarred as guilty- as that’s how it would be interpreted?

What happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?

Dear God. I think you’d probably feel differently if your husband or son were told to suck it up because totally unsubstantiated 36 year old unprovable allegations take precedent over their basic human rights!
Yes, if true, then OF COURSE, even if done when young, even if he has repented and changed his life since then, he should not be given a promotion to the highest seat of the land....

He chose to lie about it, deny, deny deny.... and tried to make her out to be a liar, when it was him and his buddy, and the Republicans in congress, doing the lying...that's what is disqualifying for me.... if it shows that she is believable....

if she is lying about it, then she would be the one, getting my scorn...

The lying, for political gain, disqualifies him from being a Supreme Court Justice.... we need a lying politico on the Supreme Court like a hole in the head.

Clarence Thomas was a much worse situation than Kavanaugh and the Republican Senators gave it to him anyway....

If the Senators can't see that those good ole boys, protect the boys at all cost, days ARE OVER.... then so be it....


If life could be lived over, he and she would have gotten together, she tell him what was going on, and he apologize for his drunken actions at 17, and the whole thing could have been settled
But you didn’t say IF TRUE, you said IF POSSIBLY TRUE!

And how do you expect to find out if her allegations are TRUE when it allegedly happened 36 years ago, there is NO EVIDENCE, and every person she has said was there and whom she refers to as witnesses deny all knowledge of it?

It would be nice also if you quit messing around and simply admit that you stated you’re absolutley fine with Kav losing this opportunity on the basis that the allegations are POSSIBLY TRUE.

So you do not believe in innocent until proven guilty. Maybe this will happen to someone close to you, or even you yourself, and then you’ll realise why presumption of innocence is such an important element of law.

But perhaps not.
This is just a game. It’s like someone claiming to have swam the English Channel and no evidence,
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.

Mad Cow discussed a criminal investigation? theres a reason for statutes of limitations. After 35 years its pretty hard for a defendant to defend themselves but then the Democrats are known for wanting to destroy people based on hearsay. Unless of course they are a Democrat, then their abuses are just ignored.
Such a shame. Kids are just out of the "cootie" phase of boy/girl relations and are being CRIMINALIZED FOR LIFE for "possible groping".. The CRIME here was the parents that left that pool party unmonitored and liquored up..

I know NO PARENT that would less concerned as to how the drunken pool party, than some groping as 15 or 16.

And I DOUBT that responsible parents would have FOCUSED on the mere horseplay..
As a guardian would have I CALLED THE FRICKIN FBI? No -- I would have called the PARENTS at who's house those shanagans happened.

You all have lost your minds. Most all of y'all. I'm out. Can't deal with this MadCow outbreak..

Go push this country into Putin's hands.. That's EXACTLY what is happening here.
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If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
In fact it's possible that were he confirmed...we might be treated to the "joy" of having a sitting Supreme Court Justice brought up on charges of attempted rape

except after 35 years... even if he was there... and she was there. Theres no evidence a rape was attempted, it would be unfair to any defendant which is the reason for the statutes of limitations.

Maybe this is something that should be eliminated. Are you for getting rid of the statutes of limitations? Maybe this can be campaign platform for the Democrats in the next election.
Such a shame. Kids are just out of the "cootie" phase of boy/girl relations and are being CRIMINALIZED FOR LIFE for "possible groping".. The CRIME here was the parents that left that pool party unmonitored and liquored up..

I know NO PARENT that would less concerned as to how the drunken pool party, than some groping as 15 or 16.

And I DOUBT that responsible parents would have FOCUSED on the mere horseplay..

Yep, prisons are not full enough! we all need to go after our political opponents.... scour their Highschool yearbooks.... things they said and did during school... I'm sure many of them can be charged for sexual assault, racial hate crimes etc... why stop at Cavenaugh? and this means also that politicians should NOT be able to have their school records sealed! No way.. they have no right, it needs to be all open for public scrutiny
Such a shame. Kids are just out of the "cootie" phase of boy/girl relations and are being CRIMINALIZED FOR LIFE for "possible groping".. The CRIME here was the parents that left that pool party unmonitored and liquored up..

I know NO PARENT that would less concerned as to how the drunken pool party, than some groping as 15 or 16.

And I DOUBT that responsible parents would have FOCUSED on the mere horseplay..

Yep, prisons are not full enough! we all need to go after our political opponents.... scour their Highschool yearbooks.... things they said and did during school... I'm sure many of them can be charged for sexual assault, racial hate crimes etc... why stop at Cavenaugh? and this means also that politicians should NOT be able to have their school records sealed! No way.. they have no right, it needs to be all open for public scrutiny

Aren't you glad you don't have to sign HS Yearbooks anymore? I hope you don't anyways. Got ole Roy Moore in trouble didn't it?

We're treating our kids like inmates at schools anyways. Many schools don't have lockers anymore. Can't play tag or "war ball". NOW -- evidently, a large segment of nuthatches on the left want to make 15 yr olds PAY for groping at a drunken pool party that some SCUZZY PARENTS let happen with the fucking FBI involved.

Kids ain't never gonna taunt that this is "free country" anymore...

Wouldn't have --- shouldn't have EVER gone beyond the parents settling this beef. If the beef actually has a "where's the beef"...
MAYBE --- we just need more certified ADULTS in this country. Because right now -- Vlad Putin could push us over the edge to Civil War with a couple YouTube videos and some buried femme fatales agents.
Such a shame. Kids are just out of the "cootie" phase of boy/girl relations and are being CRIMINALIZED FOR LIFE for "possible groping".. The CRIME here was the parents that left that pool party unmonitored and liquored up..

I know NO PARENT that would less concerned as to how the drunken pool party, than some groping as 15 or 16.

And I DOUBT that responsible parents would have FOCUSED on the mere horseplay..

Yep, prisons are not full enough! we all need to go after our political opponents.... scour their Highschool yearbooks.... things they said and did during school... I'm sure many of them can be charged for sexual assault, racial hate crimes etc... why stop at Cavenaugh? and this means also that politicians should NOT be able to have their school records sealed! No way.. they have no right, it needs to be all open for public scrutiny

Heck, all ya gotta do is wire Instagram into that Big Brother Spy Machine that was weaponized for politics and every 15 yr old will be disqualified from working in trusted positions for the rest of their lives. Imagine their surprise when the vids of their first Sadie Hawkins dance go public.

Let's start monitoring them. Like Unk Sam monitors political campaigns in this country... Compromise them early.
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
In fact it's possible that were he confirmed...we might be treated to the "joy" of having a sitting Supreme Court Justice brought up on charges of attempted rape

except after 35 years... even if he was there... and she was there. Theres no evidence a rape was attempted, it would be unfair to any defendant which is the reason for the statutes of limitations.

Maybe this is something that should be eliminated. Are you for getting rid of the statutes of limitations? Maybe this can be campaign platform for the Democrats in the next election.
Nope. no statute of limitations on rape
Such a shame. Kids are just out of the "cootie" phase of boy/girl relations and are being CRIMINALIZED FOR LIFE for "possible groping".. The CRIME here was the parents that left that pool party unmonitored and liquored up..

I know NO PARENT that would less concerned as to how the drunken pool party, than some groping as 15 or 16.

And I DOUBT that responsible parents would have FOCUSED on the mere horseplay..

Yep, prisons are not full enough! we all need to go after our political opponents.... scour their Highschool yearbooks.... things they said and did during school... I'm sure many of them can be charged for sexual assault, racial hate crimes etc... why stop at Cavenaugh? and this means also that politicians should NOT be able to have their school records sealed! No way.. they have no right, it needs to be all open for public scrutiny
I think flacalten is right, time to stop taking about this nonsense
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
In fact it's possible that were he confirmed...we might be treated to the "joy" of having a sitting Supreme Court Justice brought up on charges of attempted rape

except after 35 years... even if he was there... and she was there. Theres no evidence a rape was attempted, it would be unfair to any defendant which is the reason for the statutes of limitations.

Maybe this is something that should be eliminated. Are you for getting rid of the statutes of limitations? Maybe this can be campaign platform for the Democrats in the next election.
Nope. no statute of limitations on rape

Nope.. AGAIN all these phony assertions are based on ADULT law. Not Juvenile law. And you're EXAGGERATING the guilt here. No assertion has been made that it was rape. And if it was, under Juvvy code, it's Statutory rape 2nd degree. And it never would have gone to adult court or had the same statutes of limitations applied.

Slow the fuck down. Think like a PARENT -- because any crimes that were committed would almost CERTAINLY been handled between parents. NOT a court, and certainly NOT the fucking Fed Bureau of Invest.
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
In fact it's possible that were he confirmed...we might be treated to the "joy" of having a sitting Supreme Court Justice brought up on charges of attempted rape

except after 35 years... even if he was there... and she was there. Theres no evidence a rape was attempted, it would be unfair to any defendant which is the reason for the statutes of limitations.

Maybe this is something that should be eliminated. Are you for getting rid of the statutes of limitations? Maybe this can be campaign platform for the Democrats in the next election.
Nope. no statute of limitations on rape

Nope.. AGAIN all these phony assertions are based on ADULT law. Not Juvenile law. And you're EXAGGERATING the guilt here. No assertion has been made that it was rape. And if it was, under Juvvy code, it's Statutory rape 2nd degree. And it never would have gone to adult court or had the same statutes of limitations applied.

Slow the fuck down. Think like a PARENT -- because any crimes that were committed would almost CERTAINLY been handled between parents. NOT a court, and certainly NOT the fucking Fed Bureau of Invest.
What a crock of shit. Someone tries to rape your daughter and you're going to "have a word with his parents"?

Are ya fucking kidding?
What a crock of shit. Someone tries to rape your daughter and you're going to "have a word with his parents"?

Are ya fucking kidding?
It's not all that surprising. That's pretty accurate, looking back at the 70s, 80s, 90s....
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
In fact it's possible that were he confirmed...we might be treated to the "joy" of having a sitting Supreme Court Justice brought up on charges of attempted rape

except after 35 years... even if he was there... and she was there. Theres no evidence a rape was attempted, it would be unfair to any defendant which is the reason for the statutes of limitations.

Maybe this is something that should be eliminated. Are you for getting rid of the statutes of limitations? Maybe this can be campaign platform for the Democrats in the next election.
Nope. no statute of limitations on rape

Nope.. AGAIN all these phony assertions are based on ADULT law. Not Juvenile law. And you're EXAGGERATING the guilt here. No assertion has been made that it was rape. And if it was, under Juvvy code, it's Statutory rape 2nd degree. And it never would have gone to adult court or had the same statutes of limitations applied.

Slow the fuck down. Think like a PARENT -- because any crimes that were committed would almost CERTAINLY been handled between parents. NOT a court, and certainly NOT the fucking Fed Bureau of Invest.
What a crock of shit. Someone tries to rape your daughter and you're going to "have a word with his parents"?

Are ya fucking kidding?

No fucking kidding. My 1st concern is the parents that let this drunken pool party occur at their house. That's where I'm going. GROPING is the lesser of my concerns. You need to stop using the RAPE accusation..I've had to contend with a lot of unsupervised groping as a parent. And never ONCE did either set of parents make it a Federal case and ask for lawyer.

They WERE 15 and 16.. That's WHY they have guardians.

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