Why no protests, no riots, no burning down of my city?

Because Black people killing Black people is a non-issue to Liberals.

No, actually it isn't.

When a gang-member kills someone, he is arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned. (That is, if the cops can put down the fucking donuts long enough to bother conducting an investigation.)
would be in Chicago
When a thug cop like Tim Loehmann shoots a child playing with a toy, he should go to jail, but the system protects people like him. And that's the problem.
Please Liberals don't give 2 shits about Black on Black crime if you did all of you would be screaming for the Fed to do something in Chicago, but the only time the screeching starts and it starts immediately is when a white cop uses his firearm against a black suspect.

On the Rice case teach your idiot children not to point shit at the cops.
I suppose you have a link to that. What other four departments? When somebody is pulling a gun on you, how is it an overreaction to defend yourself with deadly force? Should an officer wait to get shot first before he shoots back?

except the kid had the TOY in his waistband, not in his hand. If he was a real threat, driving up right next to him was kind of dumb, wasn't it?

Look, Cleveland finally got around to firing this guy for lying on his application.
Please Liberals don't give 2 shits about Black on Black crime if you did all of you would be screaming for the Fed to do something in Chicago, but the only time the screeching starts and it starts immediately is when a white cop uses his firearm against a black suspect.

Yes, because the police are supposed to be protecting us, not killing us.

Incidentally, American police kill 1200 Americans a year, and in most cases, they get a pass on it. (Compare that to street gangs, who kill 2000 people a year, and are vigorously prosecuted, as they should be.) The only cases that really make news are the ones were police behavior is so egregious to offend the sensibilities of most people.

On the Rice case teach your idiot children not to point shit at the cops.

Except he wasn't pointing a gun at a cop.

See, here's a picture. No one has a gun pointed at anyone.

I suppose you have a link to that. What other four departments? When somebody is pulling a gun on you, how is it an overreaction to defend yourself with deadly force? Should an officer wait to get shot first before he shoots back?

except the kid had the TOY in his waistband, not in his hand. If he was a real threat, driving up right next to him was kind of dumb, wasn't it?

Look, Cleveland finally got around to firing this guy for lying on his application.

So what you're saying is you're making shit up again. No surprise.

The police car slid into that position because it was raining. The officer that was driving the car expected Tamir to run, so he positioned the car so he'd run away from the rec center where all the kids were hanging out at.

It doesn't matter if the gun was a toy. There is no way for a police officer or anybody else to distinguish the replica from the real gun it was copied from. I understand you have selective memory which is why you keep using words like "child" and "toy" but if you'd like, I'll post the pictures of the real gun and the toy gun Tamir had.
Liberals Know people do not want or will not accept their ideas and their direct extortion and intimidation, so they have to hide their vile destructive agenda behind a façade of compassion when they actually have NONE.
Liberals Know people do not want or will not accept their ideas and their direct extortion and intimidation, so they have to hide their vile destructive agenda behind a façade of compassion when they actually have NONE.
I know, being a parent is hard...
It doesn't matter if the gun was a toy. There is no way for a police officer or anybody else to distinguish the replica from the real gun it was copied from. I understand you have selective memory which is why you keep using words like "child" and "toy" but if you'd like, I'll post the pictures of the real gun and the toy gun Tamir had.

when you show me a picture of the child pointing the toy at the officer, then you have an argument.

But again- 6 million dollar payout and the cop was fired.
Liberals Know people do not want or will not accept their ideas and their direct extortion and intimidation, so they have to hide their vile destructive agenda behind a façade of compassion when they actually have NONE.

You mean opposed to you guys who talk about abortion all day and then never ban it?
Liberals Know people do not want or will not accept their ideas and their direct extortion and intimidation, so they have to hide their vile destructive agenda behind a façade of compassion when they actually have NONE.

You mean opposed to you guys who talk about abortion all day and then never ban it?

It can't be banned because it's constitutionally protected. It would have to be reversed by the Supreme Court, and then that would allow states to ban abortion.
Correct, but he was pulling it out of his pants. That's how the gun ended up on the ground.

Except there's no evidence of that, either. In fact, he had his hands in his pockets because it was cold out.

Wrong again as usual. The investigation showed that the gun was on the ground after he was shot. The video showed his shoulder going upwards just before he was shot. No cop would have shot somebody unless there was a threat to them.
It doesn't matter if the gun was a toy. There is no way for a police officer or anybody else to distinguish the replica from the real gun it was copied from. I understand you have selective memory which is why you keep using words like "child" and "toy" but if you'd like, I'll post the pictures of the real gun and the toy gun Tamir had.

when you show me a picture of the child pointing the toy at the officer, then you have an argument.

But again- 6 million dollar payout and the cop was fired.

One more time (and I'm sure it won't be the last).

It can't be banned because it's constitutionally protected. It would have to be reversed by the Supreme Court, and then that would allow states to ban abortion.

Sure it can. All you have to do is appoint a majority to SCOTUS. Ban in place.

You've appointed 9 of the 13 vacancies in the court that have happened since Roe was passed, replacing every justice who voted for it... and Abortion is still legal...

One more time (and I'm sure it won't be the last).

Completely irrelevent, the toy wasn't in sight when Tamir was shot.
Sure it can. All you have to do is appoint a majority to SCOTUS. Ban in place.

You've appointed 9 of the 13 vacancies in the court that have happened since Roe was passed, replacing every justice who voted for it... and Abortion is still legal...

Step one is somebody would have to bring the case back to the Supreme Court. Step two is the Supreme Court would have to agree to hear the case. Step three is all judges appointed by Republicans would have to vote unanimously to overturn Roe vs Wade.

As we found out with Commie Care, a simple majority does not guarantee you a win. If the case is heard now and they decide to honor the previous ruling, it won't be re-heard for quite a long time afterwards. A strong conservative majority would overturn the law, and that's what the conservatives are waiting for.

But even if that was the case, it does not mean abortion is banned, it would only mean abortion has no constitutional protection. That would leave it up to law makers to make abortion illegal either at the state level or federal level.

Completely irrelevent, the toy wasn't in sight when Tamir was shot.

The grand jury concluded that the officer and his partner reasonably believed that it was a real gun and that their lives were in danger, prosecutors said.

It was “indisputable” that the boy was drawing the pistol from his waistband when he was shot, McGinty said earlier this week. He said Tamir was trying to either hand the weapon over to police or show them it wasn’t real, but the patrolmen had no way of knowing that.

Assistant county prosecutor Matthew Meyer said it also was telling that the pellet gun was found on the ground after the shooting.

“For it to have fallen on the ground, it would have had to have been in Tamir’s hand, which means he would have had to have pulled that gun out,” he said.

Prosecutor: "Indisputable" Tamir Rice Was Drawing Gun When Shot
Please Liberals don't give 2 shits about Black on Black crime if you did all of you would be screaming for the Fed to do something in Chicago, but the only time the screeching starts and it starts immediately is when a white cop uses his firearm against a black suspect.

Yes, because the police are supposed to be protecting us, not killing us.

Incidentally, American police kill 1200 Americans a year, and in most cases, they get a pass on it. (Compare that to street gangs, who kill 2000 people a year, and are vigorously prosecuted, as they should be.) The only cases that really make news are the ones were police behavior is so egregious to offend the sensibilities of most people.

On the Rice case teach your idiot children not to point shit at the cops.

Except he wasn't pointing a gun at a cop.

See, here's a picture. No one has a gun pointed at anyone.

Do you know what the frames per sec are on that cam ?
The media will only give significant coverage to stories that they feel advance their political agenda.

They are not "news". They are liberal activists.
Well, when you are having to pay out 6 Million dollar judgements because your weepy cops shoot kids playing with toys, you probably aren't going to have enough money for stuff.

They didn't have to pay her a dime. The case was decided by a grand jury that no laws were broken. The six mil they handed over to this welfare queen was so the Mayor and other criminals could get reelected.

And the side of sanity offeres the following examples to show you are absolutely wrong. OJ was found not guilty by a jury. Yet, he was found liable in the civil case. How does that factor in to your whole criminal is the only thing that matters idea? I know you're penchant for demanding a link when I tell you that the earth is round, but are you going to demand a link about OJ?

Civil Forfeiture of course means the cops don't have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, just shuck and jive the Jury into thinking you got whatever it was by some vague illegal means. But of course the cops would never stoop to using civil court to take some money that they were not owed.

Here is a news story from your local zone there man. It seems that the Feds who investigated the Cleveland Police Department found a lot to be concerned about.

Cleveland Police misconduct detailed in 16 specific cases in Justice Department report

I know, what the hell does the Department of Justice know about the law, and how awesome the cops are in Cleveland? If only the fucking Feds would get out of the way with their silly Bill of Rights the awesome cops in Cleveland could clean up the town of all the undesirables.

I do have one question, since it is painfully obvious that the Cleveland Police regularly violate the Civil Rights of an individual, and in doing so violate the law. Are the cops out of control and abusing people because the Democrats won't support reform? Or is the city crime a problem because the Democrats are holding the cops on a short leash to keep them from doing what needs to be done? I'm pretty much certain that you think it's the Democrats and those damned Liberals who are to blame, I'm just not sure what the specific of the blame is.
Well, when you are having to pay out 6 Million dollar judgements because your weepy cops shoot kids playing with toys, you probably aren't going to have enough money for stuff.

They didn't have to pay her a dime. The case was decided by a grand jury that no laws were broken. The six mil they handed over to this welfare queen was so the Mayor and other criminals could get reelected.

And the side of sanity offeres the following examples to show you are absolutely wrong. OJ was found not guilty by a jury. Yet, he was found liable in the civil case. How does that factor in to your whole criminal is the only thing that matters idea? I know you're penchant for demanding a link when I tell you that the earth is round, but are you going to demand a link about OJ?

Civil Forfeiture of course means the cops don't have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, just shuck and jive the Jury into thinking you got whatever it was by some vague illegal means. But of course the cops would never stoop to using civil court to take some money that they were not owed.

Here is a news story from your local zone there man. It seems that the Feds who investigated the Cleveland Police Department found a lot to be concerned about.

Cleveland Police misconduct detailed in 16 specific cases in Justice Department report

I know, what the hell does the Department of Justice know about the law, and how awesome the cops are in Cleveland? If only the fucking Feds would get out of the way with their silly Bill of Rights the awesome cops in Cleveland could clean up the town of all the undesirables.

I do have one question, since it is painfully obvious that the Cleveland Police regularly violate the Civil Rights of an individual, and in doing so violate the law. Are the cops out of control and abusing people because the Democrats won't support reform? Or is the city crime a problem because the Democrats are holding the cops on a short leash to keep them from doing what needs to be done? I'm pretty much certain that you think it's the Democrats and those damned Liberals who are to blame, I'm just not sure what the specific of the blame is.

The difference between the Rice and OJ cases is that there was a video tape of what happened with Rice. Not so for OJ. Everybody and their mother knows that OJ was guilty so it's much easier to win a civil suit.

Even in our state, if I shoot somebody in self-defense and it's ruled justified by the police, yes, I can still be sued unless I'm in my car or home, but it's not likely the individual I shot or their family would win the case. In our state, a CCW holder has the protection of our Castle Doctrine when in their car.

I'm not about to go through every Cleveland case, but I will say that in almost all cases, the police used whatever force necessary to protect themselves, and in all cases, the suspect didn't listen to the order of the police officer. The problem is not our police, it's suspects that believe they are above the law and don't have to listen to anybody.

One of the first things Mayor Jackson did when became Mayor was to force police to give suspects room to run. This happened after they surrounded a suspect and he got in his car and tried to run over the police officers. Because a car is considered a deadly weapon, the officers fired at the suspect killing him.

The city is no friend of the police department. They are now reducing the size of the police force and that will make it worse for all the citizens in the city, not to mention more pressure on the police officers that will still be working.
Well, when you are having to pay out 6 Million dollar judgements because your weepy cops shoot kids playing with toys, you probably aren't going to have enough money for stuff.

They didn't have to pay her a dime. The case was decided by a grand jury that no laws were broken. The six mil they handed over to this welfare queen was so the Mayor and other criminals could get reelected.

And the side of sanity offeres the following examples to show you are absolutely wrong. OJ was found not guilty by a jury. Yet, he was found liable in the civil case. How does that factor in to your whole criminal is the only thing that matters idea? I know you're penchant for demanding a link when I tell you that the earth is round, but are you going to demand a link about OJ?

Civil Forfeiture of course means the cops don't have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, just shuck and jive the Jury into thinking you got whatever it was by some vague illegal means. But of course the cops would never stoop to using civil court to take some money that they were not owed.

Here is a news story from your local zone there man. It seems that the Feds who investigated the Cleveland Police Department found a lot to be concerned about.

Cleveland Police misconduct detailed in 16 specific cases in Justice Department report

I know, what the hell does the Department of Justice know about the law, and how awesome the cops are in Cleveland? If only the fucking Feds would get out of the way with their silly Bill of Rights the awesome cops in Cleveland could clean up the town of all the undesirables.

I do have one question, since it is painfully obvious that the Cleveland Police regularly violate the Civil Rights of an individual, and in doing so violate the law. Are the cops out of control and abusing people because the Democrats won't support reform? Or is the city crime a problem because the Democrats are holding the cops on a short leash to keep them from doing what needs to be done? I'm pretty much certain that you think it's the Democrats and those damned Liberals who are to blame, I'm just not sure what the specific of the blame is.

The difference between the Rice and OJ cases is that there was a video tape of what happened with Rice. Not so for OJ. Everybody and their mother knows that OJ was guilty so it's much easier to win a civil suit.

Even in our state, if I shoot somebody in self-defense and it's ruled justified by the police, yes, I can still be sued unless I'm in my car or home, but it's not likely the individual I shot or their family would win the case. In our state, a CCW holder has the protection of our Castle Doctrine when in their car.

I'm not about to go through every Cleveland case, but I will say that in almost all cases, the police used whatever force necessary to protect themselves, and in all cases, the suspect didn't listen to the order of the police officer. The problem is not our police, it's suspects that believe they are above the law and don't have to listen to anybody.

One of the first things Mayor Jackson did when became Mayor was to force police to give suspects room to run. This happened after they surrounded a suspect and he got in his car and tried to run over the police officers. Because a car is considered a deadly weapon, the officers fired at the suspect killing him.

The city is no friend of the police department. They are now reducing the size of the police force and that will make it worse for all the citizens in the city, not to mention more pressure on the police officers that will still be working.

Totally justified. When the police caught a suspect, they restrained him, that is to say got him in cuffs, and then started kicking and punching him. That sounds pretty unjustifiable to me. It was considered unjustified by the DOJ. But what the hell do they know right?

Now, as for that shrinking police presence? You do know that the population in Cleveland has been steadily falling right?

Cleveland, Ohio Population History | 1840 - 2015


Sorry, but I tapped the wrong button, my mistake. The edited version continues from the pic above down.

Now, with a shrinking population, it is difficult to justify not shrinking some things, like police. I mean, when you are nearly at -20% growth rate, something has to give. Either everyone in town must be one of the mega wealthy to afford the taxes necessary to fund the cops, or you have to cut somewhere.

The police could help, all of those cases I linked to above, the city paid out in the lawsuits. Every single one, and every one was part of the Justice Departments report on excessive and egregious behavior by the police.

So not only is it illegal, and probably led to the "baddie" getting off with a much lighter sentence, but it was expensive.

I'm going to put this in terms that are easily understood. You said in another post that you delivered crates to have the factories close up and ship out with. Now, let's say you have a boom year, you hire ten people, and you are not only keeping them all busy, but you are actually falling behind, the next year you keep paying them, although there isn't as much work. The year after, you are struggling to pay them all, because you don't have enough work to keep half of them busy. You have to cut your staff, or find more work for them. If the income is unavailable, there just isn't more work, then you have to cut.

It's simple economics. If you take in $100, you can't spend more than that for long before you are bankrupt.

Is it sad to see a city in decline? Sure. But it is also part of the life. If your city is not reinventing itself, and investing in the future, and focused on sustainable growth, then it will fall behind, and then fail.

By sustainable future, I don't mean you have to have solar panels on every building. I mean you can't trash the city for next year to get a good number this year. It's like announcing that the Hells Angels are setting up their national headquarters in town. Everyone knows this is going to be a problem, and will be unsustainable.

Now, how do you propose to pay for the same number of police when you have fewer taxpayers? Miracle some money out man, let me see your grand plan. You might be the next Mayor of Cleveland if you can cook the books well enough.
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