Why no protests, no riots, no burning down of my city?

Well unlike you where people are happy just to see you move, some of us have made friends and developed close relationships with our neighbors, so yes, we do care about them and what our actions may mean to them after we move on.

Without government interference, people could preserve their neighborhoods and cities for many years, but the way things have been, government destroys those very neighborhoods that were great places for several generations.

guy, you live in fucking Cleveland.

Well unlike you where people are happy just to see you move, some of us have made friends and developed close relationships with our neighbors, so yes, we do care about them and what our actions may mean to them after we move on.

Without government interference, people could preserve their neighborhoods and cities for many years, but the way things have been, government destroys those very neighborhoods that were great places for several generations.

guy, you live in fucking Cleveland.

Yep, and look what your federal government did to it.
Yep, and look what your federal government did to it.

federal government had nothing to do with it. Had a lot more to do with big corporations deciding to move all the industry out...

Dude, stop being a battered housewife Republican.
Yep, and look what your federal government did to it.

federal government had nothing to do with it. Had a lot more to do with big corporations deciding to move all the industry out...

Dude, stop being a battered housewife Republican.

Sure the federal government had plenty to do with it. The only reason industry moved out was to escape the unions.

After bussing started, it went downhill from there. The people with money moved out of the city into the suburbs or out in the country. The only people that stayed were those who couldn't afford to move. What do you suppose happens to a city of poor people?

The money Cleveland gets from other sources are wasted by the Democrats who have had leadership in the city for decades. Six million to a mother who should have been watching her child but wasn't. Another near two million dollars going to a dirt bike park because the Mayor's grandson got busted riding his dirt bike on the street a couple of times. In spite of needing more police and better equipment, the city keeps decreasing the size of the force.

Of course maybe Cleveland will reconsider the dirt bike park because the Mayor's grandson just got busted carrying an illegal gun with some dope on him, so his next ride will probably be to prison.
Well unlike you where people are happy just to see you move, some of us have made friends and developed close relationships with our neighbors, so yes, we do care about them and what our actions may mean to them after we move on.

Without government interference, people could preserve their neighborhoods and cities for many years, but the way things have been, government destroys those very neighborhoods that were great places for several generations.

guy, you live in fucking Cleveland.

Yep, and look what your federal government did to it.

I thought it was Unions and Democrats and offshore of jobs. Wait. Illegals. I almost forgot the illegals. Damn.

The list of things and people to blame gets longer all the time.
Well unlike you where people are happy just to see you move, some of us have made friends and developed close relationships with our neighbors, so yes, we do care about them and what our actions may mean to them after we move on.

Without government interference, people could preserve their neighborhoods and cities for many years, but the way things have been, government destroys those very neighborhoods that were great places for several generations.

guy, you live in fucking Cleveland.

Yep, and look what your federal government did to it.

I thought it was Unions and Democrats and offshore of jobs. Wait. Illegals. I almost forgot the illegals. Damn.

The list of things and people to blame gets longer all the time.

We don't have a huge problem with illegals up north. But yes, the Democrats strongly supported the unions and still do. When the unions demanded too much, companies either moved out of state or out of the country. We lost plenty of business for that reason. Sadly, I delivered the crates they needed to make their moves and I spoke with supervisors and company owners as much as I could.
Sure the federal government had plenty to do with it. The only reason industry moved out was to escape the unions.

Spoken like a true battered housewife republicans.

Yup, those mean old Unions, making sure that working people got fair pay and a lifestyle enjoyed by white people.

The problem is, of course, is that you are too stupid to realize the correlation between 'no more unions' and "why your boss won't give you real health insurance'.

The money Cleveland gets from other sources are wasted by the Democrats who have had leadership in the city for decades. Six million to a mother who should have been watching her child but wasn't. Another near two million dollars going to a dirt bike park because the Mayor's grandson got busted riding his dirt bike on the street a couple of times. In spite of needing more police and better equipment, the city keeps decreasing the size of the force.

Well, when you are having to pay out 6 Million dollar judgements because your weepy cops shoot kids playing with toys, you probably aren't going to have enough money for stuff.
Spoken like a true battered housewife republicans.

Yup, those mean old Unions, making sure that working people got fair pay and a lifestyle enjoyed by white people.

The problem is, of course, is that you are too stupid to realize the correlation between 'no more unions' and "why your boss won't give you real health insurance'.

I seriously wonder if you have dreams at night about me not having insurance. Do you wake up at night screaming? :ack-1:

Well, when you are having to pay out 6 Million dollar judgements because your weepy cops shoot kids playing with toys, you probably aren't going to have enough money for stuff.

They didn't have to pay her a dime. The case was decided by a grand jury that no laws were broken. The six mil they handed over to this welfare queen was so the Mayor and other criminals could get reelected.
I seriously wonder if you have dreams at night about me not having insurance. Do you wake up at night screaming?

Yeah, dude, I'm worried about you. ALl this hate you carry around with you will probably cause you all sorts of health problems, and you can't see a doctor because the guy you should be mad at considers you about as replaceable as a sea monkey.

They didn't have to pay her a dime. The case was decided by a grand jury that no laws were broken. The six mil they handed over to this welfare queen was so the Mayor and other criminals could get reelected.

Or they realized that if you got this in front of a court with 12 citizens,and you had a real lawyer actually advocating for Tamir, they'd have gotten creamed.

Just put Officer McWeepy's former commander on the stand explaining how he had a mental breakdown on a gun range and had to be disarmed.
Yeah, dude, I'm worried about you. ALl this hate you carry around with you will probably cause you all sorts of health problems, and you can't see a doctor because the guy you should be mad at considers you about as replaceable as a sea monkey.

Everybody is replaceable including you. Of course if we never elected a Commie to be our President, we wouldn't be having this conversation and you would have one less mental hang-up. Millions of us good people would still be covered and our country would not be seeing insurance getting more and more unaffordable every year.

But....you people got conned once again and believed the lies the Democrats told you. You didn't learn anything either. You would still vote for them in a heartbeat.

Or they realized that if you got this in front of a court with 12 citizens,and you had a real lawyer actually advocating for Tamir, they'd have gotten creamed.

Just put Officer McWeepy's former commander on the stand explaining how he had a mental breakdown on a gun range and had to be disarmed.

Without evidence he could be sued for saying that. That's besides the fact you still don't understand you can't bring up anything not related to the shooting. She would have lost the suit and the morons that run Cleveland would be voted out of office. But you know how Democrats are. They would sell their own mothers to stay in power.
Everybody is replaceable including you. Of course if we never elected a Commie to be our President, we wouldn't be having this conversation and you would have one less mental hang-up. Millions of us good people would still be covered and our country would not be seeing insurance getting more and more unaffordable every year.

Dude, if your insurance plan didn't even meet the lower standards of an ACA Bronze plan, it wasn't coverage at all.

I'm sorry someone broke that to you.

Without evidence he could be sued for saying that. That's besides the fact you still don't understand you can't bring up anything not related to the shooting. She would have lost the suit and the morons that run Cleveland would be voted out of office. But you know how Democrats are. They would sell their own mothers to stay in power.

They had a whole stack of documentation. Cleveland hired the guy anyway.

There was absolutely no way that the City wasn't paying out a huge settlement.

A mentally unstable cop who was fired from his last job shoots a child playing with a toy in a public park less than 1.3 seconds after emerging from his car?
Dude, if your insurance plan didn't even meet the lower standards of an ACA Bronze plan, it wasn't coverage at all.

I'm sorry someone broke that to you.

Did you ever see the Commie Care plans? I did. They are unaffordable and could barely be called insurance. They wanted over 25% of my net pay for a plan with a 7K out of pocket and 7K deductible. No prescriptions, no dental and no eye care. Plus they had a $50.00 doctor copay. It would have been like not having any insurance at all. Our company plan was not great, but it was a hell of a lot better than that.

They had a whole stack of documentation. Cleveland hired the guy anyway.

There was absolutely no way that the City wasn't paying out a huge settlement.

A mentally unstable cop who was fired from his last job shoots a child playing with a toy in a public park less than 1.3 seconds after emerging from his car?

He was far from mentally unstable. I know people that applied to be a Cleveland cop. In fact, one of my coworkers is a retired Cleveland cop. You have to take a psychological exam before they even look at you. He passed the police academy, he passed all the tests, but because you read some joker said he broke down on the range, you think his word is above all.

The Cleveland police got a recommendation from Independence police department. No issues, no suspensions, no misconduct.
Did you ever see the Commie Care plans? I did. They are unaffordable and could barely be called insurance. They wanted over 25% of my net pay for a plan with a 7K out of pocket and 7K deductible. No prescriptions, no dental and no eye care. Plus they had a $50.00 doctor copay. It would have been like not having any insurance at all. Our company plan was not great, but it was a hell of a lot better than that.

Well, no, it probably wasn't. But it begs the question of why no one considers you worth giving a good plan to.

He was far from mentally unstable. I know people that applied to be a Cleveland cop. In fact, one of my coworkers is a retired Cleveland cop. You have to take a psychological exam before they even look at you. He passed the police academy, he passed all the tests, but because you read some joker said he broke down on the range, you think his word is above all.

Well, yeah, the thing is, tests can be fooled. But the fact that a superior observed him having a breakdown on the range COMBINED with the fact that he completely overreacted in a situation involving the death of a child, I'd give that person's observation a lot of weight.

The point was, four other police departments turned this guy down before Cleveland picked him up. A fact he lied about on his application.
I seriously wonder if you have dreams at night about me not having insurance. Do you wake up at night screaming?

Yeah, dude, I'm worried about you. ALl this hate you carry around with you will probably cause you all sorts of health problems, and you can't see a doctor because the guy you should be mad at considers you about as replaceable as a sea monkey.

They didn't have to pay her a dime. The case was decided by a grand jury that no laws were broken. The six mil they handed over to this welfare queen was so the Mayor and other criminals could get reelected.

Or they realized that if you got this in front of a court with 12 citizens,and you had a real lawyer actually advocating for Tamir, they'd have gotten creamed.

Just put Officer McWeepy's former commander on the stand explaining how he had a mental breakdown on a gun range and had to be disarmed.

Worried about anyone else!!!!!, hell you need real psychoanalysis You are as far down the schizoid ladder as anyone I have ever read.
Because Black people killing Black people is a non-issue to Liberals.

No, actually it isn't.

When a gang-member kills someone, he is arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned. (That is, if the cops can put down the fucking donuts long enough to bother conducting an investigation.)

When a thug cop like Tim Loehmann shoots a child playing with a toy, he should go to jail, but the system protects people like him. And that's the problem.
Black kills black...no coverage.

Maybe the black agitators don't care if one of their own kills one of their own. They don't have the automatic go to race card despite the same circumstances happening when, if the person doing the shooting was white, they'd riot.
Well, no, it probably wasn't. But it begs the question of why no one considers you worth giving a good plan to.

You mean including Commie Care? And where do you get this ridiculous idea that I was the only employee who lost coverage?

Well, yeah, the thing is, tests can be fooled. But the fact that a superior observed him having a breakdown on the range COMBINED with the fact that he completely overreacted in a situation involving the death of a child, I'd give that person's observation a lot of weight.

The point was, four other police departments turned this guy down before Cleveland picked him up. A fact he lied about on his application.

I suppose you have a link to that. What other four departments? When somebody is pulling a gun on you, how is it an overreaction to defend yourself with deadly force? Should an officer wait to get shot first before he shoots back?

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