Why no protests, no riots, no burning down of my city?

CLEVELAND-- A Cleveland police officer was acquitted of negligent homicide on Friday.

Alan Buford was charged after fatally shooting a burglary suspect outside a Parkwood Avenue store on March 19, 2015.

Buford and his partner confronted Brandon Jones, 18, as he was leaving the Parkwood Grocery with a bag of stolen cigarettes, the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office said.

Cleveland police said the officers got into a struggle with Jones when they tried to arrest him. That's when Buford fired his service weapon, killing Jones.

Jones did not have a weapon.

Buford's attorney argued the shooting was justified because a reasonable officer would have feared for his life.

Cleveland officer acquitted in deadly shooting of unarmed burglary suspect

I find it amazing how the media controls our minds and thoughts. Just a question for all of you who don't live in the Cleveland area: did you hear about this story yet? Do you think you will?

Before you liberals chime in responding to the topic and not clicking the link, the police officer that killed this unarmed 18 year old black suspect is also African American. Next question: why did this story not make national media?

I take it the criminal was white so the race baiters just yawned.

No he was black however not all black lives matter.
Well that is relevant to this conversation. How many were help and HOW were they helped... How many were hurt and HOW were they hurt... Thats pretty important.

If the "help" was life saving care and the "hurt" was higher costs and a financial burden than those are relevant factors. If the help is 10 million and the hurt is 5 million then that makes a difference. So it is worth a conversation.

Okay, then here is what Commie Care was all about: Besides the main goal which was to create as many new government dependents as possible, it was a vote buying scam that gave lower income people (likely Democrat voters) the ability to buy insurance at the cost to middle-income (likely Republican voters) Americans.

If you work part-time or full-time making french fries for a living, Commie Care was affordable because of the huge subsidies. If you are middle-America, Commie Care was unaffordable to you but who cares since you probably vote Republican anyway? Too bad, because you get no or very little subsidies.

On top of that, Democrats realized some employers would drop the benefit to their employees. Health insurance benefits were untaxed, so now that those people have to buy it themselves, they do so with after tax money. Add the billion or so dollars the government collected in fines every year, it was a big windfall for them.
All very fair points and I won't deny that those are the core problems of the law. But you also ignored my questions. Did the law get millions of uninsured people on the rolls? Did that end up saving the lives of many many people? If so then you have to be able acknowledge that as a positive. I get that the regulations had negative effects for businesses and for middle class people who were on the individual exchanges. They caused insurance agencies to drop certain plans which effected many people and the doctors they had access to. I realize that the subsidies are propping up the financing of the system at a time that we can't afford to keep feeding the debt. We can have an economic discussion about it to find better ways to make it affordable. But we can't have that conversation when you take the "Commie Care" approach and can't have a realistic conversation about the WHOLE picture.

The whole picture is we get rid of it period and start something altogether new. I'm sick of worrying about the poor. Every time we have some sort of positive outlook, it's "what about the poor?" Screw the poor. Start working about the working and everybody else since we are the ones that support his country with our money.
I applaud your honesty and you have every right to not support not helping the poor. I just completely disagree with you and many other Americans do to. You must realize that the vast majority of crime in this country comes from poverty and desperation, right? Helping the poor gain education, helping them with medical treatments, and instituting measure to help avoid bankrupting families over medical bills are all things that help our community as a whole. Not to mention the middle class individuals that have pre-existing conditions that couldn't get coverage before the ACA. They were a large beneficiary of the law.

I've had preexisting conditions since the age of 25. I've always been insured until Commie Care became the law of the land, and I'm 57 years old today.

I disagree with your assessment totally. I live in a changed neighborhood partly thanks to the US government. I seen what they did to this place. We had good schools, we had a great and safe environment, we had growing property values and safe streets and stores. So what happened when the poor moved in?

My doughnut shop turned into a check cashing place. My movie theater turned into a Baptist Church. My hardware store turned into a Goodwill outlet. My heating and AC place turned into a Manpower outlet. The little mom and pop stores turned into daycare centers, cellphone/ pager stores, or nail salons.

The businesses that didn't move started to close early. Good people quit walking the streets after dark. We had to build an additional fire station because one was no longer enough. Teachers started getting assaulted in our schools every month. We went from one murder every ten years to three per year. Now I have to remove all the trash on my tree lawn before I can even mow the damn thing. My property value is half of what it was worth over two decades ago.

So no, you are wrong. It isn't the schools, it isn't the environment, it's the people, and it's only people that can pull themselves out of poverty and crime. It doesn't take a village. The only good village is one that closes it's doors to poor people so they can't destroy what you have.

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that's one cup of bad milk.
Are you blaming Democrats for all those things that happened in your town? Wow, I now understand why you are so bitter but perhaps you should re-evaluate the causes of those things things you think the Left are solely responsible for
Okay, then here is what Commie Care was all about: Besides the main goal which was to create as many new government dependents as possible, it was a vote buying scam that gave lower income people (likely Democrat voters) the ability to buy insurance at the cost to middle-income (likely Republican voters) Americans.

If you work part-time or full-time making french fries for a living, Commie Care was affordable because of the huge subsidies. If you are middle-America, Commie Care was unaffordable to you but who cares since you probably vote Republican anyway? Too bad, because you get no or very little subsidies.

On top of that, Democrats realized some employers would drop the benefit to their employees. Health insurance benefits were untaxed, so now that those people have to buy it themselves, they do so with after tax money. Add the billion or so dollars the government collected in fines every year, it was a big windfall for them.
All very fair points and I won't deny that those are the core problems of the law. But you also ignored my questions. Did the law get millions of uninsured people on the rolls? Did that end up saving the lives of many many people? If so then you have to be able acknowledge that as a positive. I get that the regulations had negative effects for businesses and for middle class people who were on the individual exchanges. They caused insurance agencies to drop certain plans which effected many people and the doctors they had access to. I realize that the subsidies are propping up the financing of the system at a time that we can't afford to keep feeding the debt. We can have an economic discussion about it to find better ways to make it affordable. But we can't have that conversation when you take the "Commie Care" approach and can't have a realistic conversation about the WHOLE picture.

The whole picture is we get rid of it period and start something altogether new. I'm sick of worrying about the poor. Every time we have some sort of positive outlook, it's "what about the poor?" Screw the poor. Start working about the working and everybody else since we are the ones that support his country with our money.
I applaud your honesty and you have every right to not support not helping the poor. I just completely disagree with you and many other Americans do to. You must realize that the vast majority of crime in this country comes from poverty and desperation, right? Helping the poor gain education, helping them with medical treatments, and instituting measure to help avoid bankrupting families over medical bills are all things that help our community as a whole. Not to mention the middle class individuals that have pre-existing conditions that couldn't get coverage before the ACA. They were a large beneficiary of the law.

I've had preexisting conditions since the age of 25. I've always been insured until Commie Care became the law of the land, and I'm 57 years old today.

I disagree with your assessment totally. I live in a changed neighborhood partly thanks to the US government. I seen what they did to this place. We had good schools, we had a great and safe environment, we had growing property values and safe streets and stores. So what happened when the poor moved in?

My doughnut shop turned into a check cashing place. My movie theater turned into a Baptist Church. My hardware store turned into a Goodwill outlet. My heating and AC place turned into a Manpower outlet. The little mom and pop stores turned into daycare centers, cellphone/ pager stores, or nail salons.

The businesses that didn't move started to close early. Good people quit walking the streets after dark. We had to build an additional fire station because one was no longer enough. Teachers started getting assaulted in our schools every month. We went from one murder every ten years to three per year. Now I have to remove all the trash on my tree lawn before I can even mow the damn thing. My property value is half of what it was worth over two decades ago.

So no, you are wrong. It isn't the schools, it isn't the environment, it's the people, and it's only people that can pull themselves out of poverty and crime. It doesn't take a village. The only good village is one that closes it's doors to poor people so they can't destroy what you have.

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that's one cup of bad milk.
Are you blaming Democrats for all those things that happened in your town? Wow, I now understand why you are so bitter but perhaps you should re-evaluate the causes of those things things you think the Left are solely responsible for

I've seen it and lived it.

Fair housing, HUD purchasing and renting in suburbs, lowering home loan standards for minorities were all part of the liberal agenda. Who do you think created bussing, Republicans?

Many cities did fine until bussing ruined them in the name of racial justice. People with money left those cities to live in the burbs and country, and that left only people without money. So what happens when you have a city with no workers to contribute to the tax system? Some cities are still suffering the after effects today.

My town. Well if people could rent and sell housing to those they deemed worthy, my town would still be in great shape today. But government doesn't allow us to make those decisions; at least without the risk of being sued. They make those decisions instead of the home owner or landlord. We are forced to sell and rent to those we know will be a problem.
CLEVELAND-- A Cleveland police officer was acquitted of negligent homicide on Friday.

Alan Buford was charged after fatally shooting a burglary suspect outside a Parkwood Avenue store on March 19, 2015.

Buford and his partner confronted Brandon Jones, 18, as he was leaving the Parkwood Grocery with a bag of stolen cigarettes, the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office said.

Cleveland police said the officers got into a struggle with Jones when they tried to arrest him. That's when Buford fired his service weapon, killing Jones.

Jones did not have a weapon.

Buford's attorney argued the shooting was justified because a reasonable officer would have feared for his life.

Cleveland officer acquitted in deadly shooting of unarmed burglary suspect

I find it amazing how the media controls our minds and thoughts. Just a question for all of you who don't live in the Cleveland area: did you hear about this story yet? Do you think you will?

Before you liberals chime in responding to the topic and not clicking the link, the police officer that killed this unarmed 18 year old black suspect is also African American. Next question: why did this story not make national media?
Poor racist Ray will never get it.
CLEVELAND-- A Cleveland police officer was acquitted of negligent homicide on Friday.

Alan Buford was charged after fatally shooting a burglary suspect outside a Parkwood Avenue store on March 19, 2015.

Buford and his partner confronted Brandon Jones, 18, as he was leaving the Parkwood Grocery with a bag of stolen cigarettes, the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office said.

Cleveland police said the officers got into a struggle with Jones when they tried to arrest him. That's when Buford fired his service weapon, killing Jones.

Jones did not have a weapon.

Buford's attorney argued the shooting was justified because a reasonable officer would have feared for his life.

Cleveland officer acquitted in deadly shooting of unarmed burglary suspect

I find it amazing how the media controls our minds and thoughts. Just a question for all of you who don't live in the Cleveland area: did you hear about this story yet? Do you think you will?

Before you liberals chime in responding to the topic and not clicking the link, the police officer that killed this unarmed 18 year old black suspect is also African American. Next question: why did this story not make national media?
Poor racist Ray will never get it.

Oh, I get it. That's why I started a topic on it.
It didn't make national news because of race, it made national news because it was so suspect. She was unarmed and presented no threat to the officer or his coworker. He is a Muslim to boot, and any senseless death by people of that religion needs to be investigated closely.

Um. No. What you don't get is that shooting a child playing with a toy is suspect, especially when you find out that the shooter is fired for crying on the range.

Shooting someone 16 times when he's lying on the ground is suspect.

Arresting a girl for talking back to you and she mysteriously dies in prison is suspect.

This one, not so much. And it made national news.
First, your number is off. Second, we are talking police officers killing unarmed civilians. Third name the last time a police officer killing an unarmed civilian made national news, that wasn't a white officer killing a black civilian. Then we can discuss.

first, my number isn't off.

Killed By Police - 2015 (1216)

it was 1216 in 2015 and 1162 in 2016.

Second, I can list a lot of cases of people being killed by police, not only when they were unarmed but in custody.

THird, I can name a lot of cases of white people who were brandishing weapons, and police still took them alive through de-escalation tactics.


Actually it is wrong and using a agenda driven propaganda site is your dishonest style.
Number of fatal shootings by police is nearly identical to last year

Next use a legit site Skippy.

You got your site, I've got mine. Mine includes people who are clubbed, choked, run over and otherwise die at the hands of police. This is still a bad thing.
And that was because social media moved it, otherwise mainstream media would have been silent.

Not really. It was talked about the day after it happened, so not so much.

But the point is, you said a case of a non-white officer shooting a white person wouldn't be national news.

This one was.

You were wrong, again, like you almost always are.
My town. Well if people could rent and sell housing to those they deemed worthy, my town would still be in great shape today. But government doesn't allow us to make those decisions; at least without the risk of being sued. They make those decisions instead of the home owner or landlord. We are forced to sell and rent to those we know will be a problem.

No one forces you to be in the landlord business. I was a landlord for 13 years. The ONLY tenants I had a real problem with were the two white trash tenants.
CLEVELAND-- A Cleveland police officer was acquitted of negligent homicide on Friday.

Alan Buford was charged after fatally shooting a burglary suspect outside a Parkwood Avenue store on March 19, 2015.

Buford and his partner confronted Brandon Jones, 18, as he was leaving the Parkwood Grocery with a bag of stolen cigarettes, the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office said.

Cleveland police said the officers got into a struggle with Jones when they tried to arrest him. That's when Buford fired his service weapon, killing Jones.

Jones did not have a weapon.

Buford's attorney argued the shooting was justified because a reasonable officer would have feared for his life.

Cleveland officer acquitted in deadly shooting of unarmed burglary suspect

I find it amazing how the media controls our minds and thoughts. Just a question for all of you who don't live in the Cleveland area: did you hear about this story yet? Do you think you will?

Before you liberals chime in responding to the topic and not clicking the link, the police officer that killed this unarmed 18 year old black suspect is also African American. Next question: why did this story not make national media?
/----/Al Sharpton is back sliding.
CLEVELAND-- A Cleveland police officer was acquitted of negligent homicide on Friday.

Alan Buford was charged after fatally shooting a burglary suspect outside a Parkwood Avenue store on March 19, 2015.

Buford and his partner confronted Brandon Jones, 18, as he was leaving the Parkwood Grocery with a bag of stolen cigarettes, the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office said.

Cleveland police said the officers got into a struggle with Jones when they tried to arrest him. That's when Buford fired his service weapon, killing Jones.

Jones did not have a weapon.

Buford's attorney argued the shooting was justified because a reasonable officer would have feared for his life.

Cleveland officer acquitted in deadly shooting of unarmed burglary suspect

I find it amazing how the media controls our minds and thoughts. Just a question for all of you who don't live in the Cleveland area: did you hear about this story yet? Do you think you will?

Before you liberals chime in responding to the topic and not clicking the link, the police officer that killed this unarmed 18 year old black suspect is also African American. Next question: why did this story not make national media?
Poor racist Ray will never get it.

Oh, I get it. That's why I started a topic on it.

You start lots of topics. Most are bitching that you can't carry your stupid gun somewhere, might not be able to own a semiautomatic rifle with a 5000 round clip or demonstrating your racist tendencies.

You have no clue what the riotiung was about.
First, your number is off. Second, we are talking police officers killing unarmed civilians. Third name the last time a police officer killing an unarmed civilian made national news, that wasn't a white officer killing a black civilian. Then we can discuss.

first, my number isn't off.

Killed By Police - 2015 (1216)

it was 1216 in 2015 and 1162 in 2016.

Second, I can list a lot of cases of people being killed by police, not only when they were unarmed but in custody.

THird, I can name a lot of cases of white people who were brandishing weapons, and police still took them alive through de-escalation tactics.


Actually it is wrong and using a agenda driven propaganda site is your dishonest style.
Number of fatal shootings by police is nearly identical to last year

Next use a legit site Skippy.

You got your site, I've got mine. Mine includes people who are clubbed, choked, run over and otherwise die at the hands of police. This is still a bad thing.

Then don't bitch about others that use bias sites. I personally find them to be grossly inaccurate.
CLEVELAND-- A Cleveland police officer was acquitted of negligent homicide on Friday.

Alan Buford was charged after fatally shooting a burglary suspect outside a Parkwood Avenue store on March 19, 2015.

Buford and his partner confronted Brandon Jones, 18, as he was leaving the Parkwood Grocery with a bag of stolen cigarettes, the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office said.

Cleveland police said the officers got into a struggle with Jones when they tried to arrest him. That's when Buford fired his service weapon, killing Jones.

Jones did not have a weapon.

Buford's attorney argued the shooting was justified because a reasonable officer would have feared for his life.

Cleveland officer acquitted in deadly shooting of unarmed burglary suspect

I find it amazing how the media controls our minds and thoughts. Just a question for all of you who don't live in the Cleveland area: did you hear about this story yet? Do you think you will?

Before you liberals chime in responding to the topic and not clicking the link, the police officer that killed this unarmed 18 year old black suspect is also African American. Next question: why did this story not make national media?
Poor racist Ray will never get it.

Oh, I get it. That's why I started a topic on it.

You start lots of topics. Most are bitching that you can't carry your stupid gun somewhere, might not be able to own a semiautomatic rifle with a 5000 round clip or demonstrating your racist tendencies.

You have no clue what the riotiung was about.

I know exactly what the rioting was about. It was about a bunch of stupid leftists that don't know the laws of our country; a bunch of leftists that believe there is some sort of law that states an officer cannot use deadly force on somebody that isn't armed.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
My town. Well if people could rent and sell housing to those they deemed worthy, my town would still be in great shape today. But government doesn't allow us to make those decisions; at least without the risk of being sued. They make those decisions instead of the home owner or landlord. We are forced to sell and rent to those we know will be a problem.

No one forces you to be in the landlord business. I was a landlord for 13 years. The ONLY tenants I had a real problem with were the two white trash tenants.

Bad tenants come in all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, government doesn't allow you to use your instincts when it comes to people of color. Same goes with selling your home. You have to sell to the highest bidder if they are people of color.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It didn't make national news because of race, it made national news because it was so suspect. She was unarmed and presented no threat to the officer or his coworker. He is a Muslim to boot, and any senseless death by people of that religion needs to be investigated closely.

Um. No. What you don't get is that shooting a child playing with a toy is suspect, especially when you find out that the shooter is fired for crying on the range.

Shooting someone 16 times when he's lying on the ground is suspect.

Arresting a girl for talking back to you and she mysteriously dies in prison is suspect.

This one, not so much. And it made national news.

So a woman talking to a police officer in his car and getting shot for it is not suspect, but a 5'7" 190 lbs. guy pulling out a realistic looking gun is? Talk about whacked out priorities.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Then don't bitch about others that use bias sites. I personally find them to be grossly inaccurate.

The site I used links to a news account of every death at the hands of police.

Every last one. They aren't making that up.

Now, you can make an argument that the old man who got run over by a cop chasing a traffic violator isn't in the same category as the black kid who got shot in the back when he had his hands up.... I agree, they aren't.

But the point was, Cops are pretty fucking reckless in this country. Which is why we have 1200 a year die at the hands of police in this country and a country like the UK, they have maybe two cases a year.

So a woman talking to a police officer in his car and getting shot for it is not suspect, but a 5'7" 190 lbs. guy pulling out a realistic looking gun is? Talk about whacked out priorities.

Again, the guy who shot Tamir (who was playing with a toy that wasn't in his hand) was FIRED and the city paid out 6 million dollars. so, um, no, still totally in the wrong.

Now, we don't know the circumstances of this shooting the white lady. This cop may well be in the wrong and it certainly sounds like he was. But here's the thing. Nobody is going to sweep this under the rug like they tried to do with Tamir Rice and LaQuan McDonald.

All police shooting should be treated like that. Not just the ones where they shoot nice white ladies.
Bad tenants come in all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, government doesn't allow you to use your instincts when it comes to people of color. Same goes with selling your home. You have to sell to the highest bidder if they are people of color.

Yes, you can't be a racist. Once you've sold it, why should you give a shit who bought it?

Well unlike you where people are happy just to see you move, some of us have made friends and developed close relationships with our neighbors, so yes, we do care about them and what our actions may mean to them after we move on.

Without government interference, people could preserve their neighborhoods and cities for many years, but the way things have been, government destroys those very neighborhoods that were great places for several generations.

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