Why not Apply for an Absentee Ballot?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
With all of the current hoopla about voting by mail (do I really need a cite?), it seems that a solution to any problems associated with voting in person is already available: Anyone who is concerned about this issue can simply apply for an absentee ballot, which they can return by mail at their convenience.

Of course this requires personal information of your identity, residence and voting eligibility, but aren't these basic voting requirements anyway? Why would you want to count unverified ballots, unless you are a supporter of vote fraud?
With all of the current hoopla about voting by mail (do I really need a cite?), it seems that a solution to any problems associated with voting in person is already available: Anyone who is concerned about this issue can simply apply for an absentee ballot, which they can return by mail at their convenience.

Of course this requires personal information of your identity, residence and voting eligibility, but aren't these basic voting requirements anyway? Why would you want to count unverified ballots, unless you are a supporter of vote fraud?
Why do you feel the need to tell people how to vote, what is your motivation to boss people around when you have zero authority to do as such? What is wrong with leaving people alone and letting them decide how to vote?
With all of the current hoopla about voting by mail (do I really need a cite?), it seems that a solution to any problems associated with voting in person is already available: Anyone who is concerned about this issue can simply apply for an absentee ballot, which they can return by mail at their convenience.

Of course this requires personal information of your identity, residence and voting eligibility, but aren't these basic voting requirements anyway? Why would you want to count unverified ballots, unless you are a supporter of vote fraud?
Well, in places where the gop has shut voting sites in black communities, the answer is obvious. And Trump's desperate attempt to suppress their mail in votes is obvious.

But I sort of agree with Fauci. Given my polling places never has long lines, and I get to see the wonderful black ladies who were poll workers back in the 1970s in Miss (fewer each year sadly) it's fun to vote, and I think it's safe with everyone wearing masks and hand sanitizer by the door leaving the voting precinct.
I never heard so many ridiculous excuses for not being able to go to the polls. Democrats must be the dumbest, most useless people in the world. No wonder so many of them are on welfare
I never heard so many ridiculous excuses for not being able to go to the polls. Democrats must be the dumbest, most useless people in the world. No wonder so many of them are on welfare
Trump and Pence both vote by mail and have done it for years they must be "the dumbest, and most useless people in the world". Your words not mine, thanks for contributing what you think of the executive leaders in the USA.
Trump and Pence both vote by mail and have done it for years they must be "the dumbest, and most useless people in the world".

Do you understand what an absentee ballot is? :290968001256257790-final:
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With all of the current hoopla about voting by mail (do I really need a cite?), it seems that a solution to any problems associated with voting in person is already available: Anyone who is concerned about this issue can simply apply for an absentee ballot, which they can return by mail at their convenience.

Of course this requires personal information of your identity, residence and voting eligibility, but aren't these basic voting requirements anyway? Why would you want to count unverified ballots, unless you are a supporter of vote fraud?
Why do you feel the need to tell people how to vote, what is your motivation to boss people around when you have zero authority to do as such? What is wrong with leaving people alone and letting them decide how to vote?

Where in the fuck is he telling someone how to vote? He's asking why folks that don't want to go to the polls can just request an absentee ballot. It ain't that big of a deal. But with most states not keeping up with the voter roles, Just mailing out blank ballots
to the last known affress of people is going to disenfranchise many voters when two ballots are cast.
I never heard so many ridiculous excuses for not being able to go to the polls. Democrats must be the dumbest, most useless people in the world. No wonder so many of them are on welfare
Trump and Pence both vote by mail and have done it for years they must be "the dumbest, and most useless people in the world". Your words not mine, thanks for contributing what you think of the executive leaders in the USA.
Important people who never know when they will be called away are smart to use an absentee ballot. I have no problem with applying for an absentee ballot. But that's a hell of a lot different from 100% mail in voting under the bullshit pretense of safety

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