why not break up the US into 10 smaller countries?

...Tyranny of the majority...
That is truly a sick, sad way of articulating The Will of the People.

There is no higher power in the land.

It is the Will of the People that creates and sustains and tolerates and modifies and destroys and replaces governments.

The Will of the People is all.
Come on. Red States are already basket cases following conservative economic policies for the last 150 years. They would all become 3rd world countries and Blue States would need to put up fences to block illegal right winger nuts from fleeing poverty. At least there would be a lot of unskilled labor. But most of it probably isn't worth much.

That's an interesting theory, troll, considering it's the "blue" states that have seen their populaces fleeing to the "red" ones over the last 30 years.

Well, after the Republicans sent the manufacturing jobs overseas, where else are people in the blue states gonna go?
Well, we might at least consider creating a few NEW states...

Like spawning a new State to take into account the shit-hole we call the City of Chicago, and, perhaps, some of its underperforming run-down close-in suburbs.

Taking that monkey off the backs of the People of Illinois, outside those boundaries.

Hell, Chicago could even team-up with that other close-by shit-hole, Gary, Indiana, to get that other pest-hole off the Hoosiers' backs.

Just as - I'm sure - a lot of folks in Michigan would not shed any tears, to see that pestilential scab they call Detroit, split off from the rest of that beautiful State.
Come on. Red States are already basket cases following conservative economic policies for the last 150 years. They would all become 3rd world countries and Blue States would need to put up fences to block illegal right winger nuts from fleeing poverty. At least there would be a lot of unskilled labor. But most of it probably isn't worth much.

That's an interesting theory, troll, considering it's the "blue" states that have seen their populaces fleeing to the "red" ones over the last 30 years.

Well, after the Republicans sent the manufacturing jobs overseas, where else are people in the blue states gonna go?
Well, you got that one right, anyway.
...Tyranny of the majority...
That is truly a sick, sad way of articulating The Will of the People.

There is no higher power in the land.

It is the Will of the People that creates and sustains and tolerates and modifies and destroys and replaces governments.

The Will of the People is all.

Go argue with your RWnut friends about it then.
Right. That would explain why the red states are more dependent on Federal dollars than blue states. Oh wait, I doesn't.

Stop the fed payments and stop the fed taxes, we will be just fine.

So what you advocate is anti-Americanism. Got it.

Not at all. I advocate following the constitution and if the federal govt violates the constitution then the states have the right to secede.

Now, do I think that will ever happen, NO

You said stop fed taxes. But the Federal government has a constitutional right to collect taxes. And so what you are advocating is a threat to the constitutional powers of the United States.

the fed govt also has a constitutional duty to follow the constitution. If the fed govt commits treason do the citizens still have a duty to support it?

Who convicts the 'fed govt' of treason?
...Tyranny of the majority...
That is truly a sick, sad way of articulating The Will of the People.

There is no higher power in the land.

It is the Will of the People that creates and sustains and tolerates and modifies and destroys and replaces governments.

The Will of the People is all.

Go argue with your RWnut friends about it then.
I don't understand your response.

I understand your 'tyranny of the majority' reference even less.

But, it's clear you don't want to engage on it, so, the heck with it.

I'll take your words at face value.
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By the way, regardless of which party is in power, the Federal government will never allow secessionist movements to succeed. Ever. As I said earlier, good luck with that.

The Soviet government said the same thing not less than a year before it collapsed.

The United States is not the Soviet Union.

Brilliant observation, Sherlock. Here we have another variation of the "it's not a valid analogy because it's not identical in every way to the subject we are discussing" school of thought
Nope, just the opposite, conservatives want the federal govt to follow the constitution.

It does. Roe v Wade was decided in accordance with the Constitution.

Prove it.

The procedure by which the law was appealed, argued, and ruled on all conform to the Constitution.

The only problem is that the decision is wrong. You are arguing that the Supreme Court is infallible, that it doesn't make wrong decisions. You don't actually believe that because just like all the other leftwing drones in here you oppose Citizens United and Bush v. Gore.

You finally said something that appears to make sense:

"The ONLY problem is that the decision is wrong."

Yes, that is the only problem, for you. In your opinion the case was wrongly decided. That's an attack on the decision, not the process. That is the proper view.

I wasn't attacking the process, numskull. I could spend all day doing that, but we are here to discuss your idiot theory that abortion is a Constitutional right. You just admitted that the Roe v. Wade isn't any proof that it is. You shot down your own argument, twinkle toes.
By the way, regardless of which party is in power, the Federal government will never allow secessionist movements to succeed. Ever. As I said earlier, good luck with that.

The Soviet government said the same thing not less than a year before it collapsed.

The United States is not the Soviet Union.
No its not. The Russians all thought of themselves as Russian. The Soviet Union was not torn apart by tribalism.

The Soviet Union included Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Beylorussians, Georgians, Kazakhs, Armenians, Turkmenians, Uyghurs, Mongols and Manchurians. None of those people thought of themselves as Russian.
By the way, regardless of which party is in power, the Federal government will never allow secessionist movements to succeed. Ever. As I said earlier, good luck with that.

The Soviet government said the same thing not less than a year before it collapsed.

The United States is not the Soviet Union.
No its not. The Russians all thought of themselves as Russian. The Soviet Union was not torn apart by tribalism.

And that is not going to happen here.

Prove it.
By the way, regardless of which party is in power, the Federal government will never allow secessionist movements to succeed. Ever. As I said earlier, good luck with that.

The Soviet government said the same thing not less than a year before it collapsed.

The United States is not the Soviet Union.
No its not. The Russians all thought of themselves as Russian. The Soviet Union was not torn apart by tribalism.

And that is not going to happen here.

and you know that how?

He knows it the same Gobachev and King George III knew it.
By the way, regardless of which party is in power, the Federal government will never allow secessionist movements to succeed. Ever. As I said earlier, good luck with that.

The Soviet government said the same thing not less than a year before it collapsed.

The United States is not the Soviet Union.

Brilliant observation, Sherlock. Here we have another variation of the "it's not a valid analogy because it's not identical in every way to the subject we are discussing" school of thought

Apparently some people here either don't realize that the Civil War is over, or don't realize who won it (and just as important, who lost), or both.
By the way, regardless of which party is in power, the Federal government will never allow secessionist movements to succeed. Ever. As I said earlier, good luck with that.

The Soviet government said the same thing not less than a year before it collapsed.

The United States is not the Soviet Union.
No its not. The Russians all thought of themselves as Russian. The Soviet Union was not torn apart by tribalism.

And that is not going to happen here.

Prove it.

The only tribes here are Native Americans, and they are already autonomous peoples. Moreover, their populations aren't large enough to 'tear this country apart'.
By the way, regardless of which party is in power, the Federal government will never allow secessionist movements to succeed. Ever. As I said earlier, good luck with that.

The Soviet government said the same thing not less than a year before it collapsed.

The United States is not the Soviet Union.
No its not. The Russians all thought of themselves as Russian. The Soviet Union was not torn apart by tribalism.

The Soviet Union included Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Beylorussians, Georgians, Kazakhs, Armenians, Turkmenians, Uyghurs, Mongols and Manchurians. None of those people thought of themselves as Russian.

They still don't. What's your point?
The Soviet government said the same thing not less than a year before it collapsed.

The United States is not the Soviet Union.
No its not. The Russians all thought of themselves as Russian. The Soviet Union was not torn apart by tribalism.

And that is not going to happen here.

and you know that how?

He knows it the same Gobachev and King George III knew it.

Show me the percentage of Americans who actively seek to dissolve the United States and you'll then know why it is not going to happen here.
each one would STILL have far more power (given a few nukes) than 95% of the rest of the world's countries. What is it that you don't like about the idea, hmm? maybe the split up would mean that you can't sit around on your arse, living off of other people? Maybe you could not feel "tough" while "your" troops go oppress other countries in your name? What makes you afraid of this outcome, hmm? Nobody attacks Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, dozens of other rich, small countries, even tho they AInT got nukes. A VERy few nukes suffice to guarantee that Isreal will never be attacked by any large group of people, in any organized fashion, and Isreal doesn't have nuke missiles, nor missile subs. The 8-10 smaller frags of the US could have a nuke missile sub EACH, and have a treaty to defend each other, too. there's nothing to be afraid of, except your own personal weakness and incompetence.
you're an idiot

I'd explain how much of an idiot you are, but you are to much of an idiot to understand.

fyi; don't like it in America? go live in Suckisstan
Sometimes the reason to ask an idiotic mindless ridiculous useless "question" is just to ask that idiotic mindless ridiculous useless "question" I guess.

Maybe prison.con/nut can elucidate that for us sane people.


It is truly amazing how perspectives can change.

I've known you as a poster, here and elsewhere, for 7 or 8 years, and I could never have imagined that a time would come that comparatively, you would be one of the more sane posters on the other side.

I am impressed and delighted.

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