why not break up the US into 10 smaller countries?

each one would STILL have far more power (given a few nukes) than 95% of the rest of the world's countries. What is it that you don't like about the idea, hmm? maybe the split up would mean that you can't sit around on your arse, living off of other people? Maybe you could not feel "tough" while "your" troops go oppress other countries in your name? What makes you afraid of this outcome, hmm? Nobody attacks Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, dozens of other rich, small countries, even tho they AInT got nukes. A VERy few nukes suffice to guarantee that Isreal will never be attacked by any large group of people, in any organized fashion, and Isreal doesn't have nuke missiles, nor missile subs. The 8-10 smaller frags of the US could have a nuke missile sub EACH, and have a treaty to defend each other, too. there's nothing to be afraid of, except your own personal weakness and incompetence.
You think it's weapons that give you power? You have to be a Republican. It's difficult to find a Democrat that stupid.
LOL.... A liberal talking about States' Rights. When a State does not align with what National Liberals want, States' right and will of the people are not even an afterthought.

States rights conservatives hate the Constitution, that's why they want out from under it.

Nope, just the opposite, conservatives want the federal govt to follow the constitution.

It does. Roe v Wade was decided in accordance with the Constitution.

Prove it.

The procedure by which the law was appealed, argued, and ruled on all conform to the Constitution.

The only problem is that the decision is wrong. You are arguing that the Supreme Court is infallible, that it doesn't make wrong decisions. You don't actually believe that because just like all the other leftwing drones in here you oppose Citizens United and Bush v. Gore.
each one would STILL have far more power (given a few nukes) than 95% of the rest of the world's countries. What is it that you don't like about the idea, hmm? maybe the split up would mean that you can't sit around on your arse, living off of other people? Maybe you could not feel "tough" while "your" troops go oppress other countries in your name? What makes you afraid of this outcome, hmm? Nobody attacks Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, dozens of other rich, small countries, even tho they AInT got nukes. A VERy few nukes suffice to guarantee that Isreal will never be attacked by any large group of people, in any organized fashion, and Isreal doesn't have nuke missiles, nor missile subs. The 8-10 smaller frags of the US could have a nuke missile sub EACH, and have a treaty to defend each other, too. there's nothing to be afraid of, except your own personal weakness and incompetence.
You think it's weapons that give you power? You have to be a Republican. It's difficult to find a Democrat that stupid.
Yeah, right , Belgium and France had a lot of power in 1940, didn't they?
Yeah, let's break the U.S. into 10 countries because the EU has worked So Well for the European economy.

The EU was created by joining together multiple countries, so, if anything, it proves that separating into separate countries is a good thing.

My point is that if we did split into separate countries, that the Big Government types would want some type of AU which would make us a dysfunctional as the EU.
The big government types aren't the ones pushing to split up the country. I fail to see why they would suddenly prevail immediately after secessionists just got their way.
each one would STILL have far more power (given a few nukes) than 95% of the rest of the world's countries. What is it that you don't like about the idea, hmm? maybe the split up would mean that you can't sit around on your arse, living off of other people? Maybe you could not feel "tough" while "your" troops go oppress other countries in your name? What makes you afraid of this outcome, hmm? Nobody attacks Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, dozens of other rich, small countries, even tho they AInT got nukes. A VERy few nukes suffice to guarantee that Isreal will never be attacked by any large group of people, in any organized fashion, and Isreal doesn't have nuke missiles, nor missile subs. The 8-10 smaller frags of the US could have a nuke missile sub EACH, and have a treaty to defend each other, too. there's nothing to be afraid of, except your own personal weakness and incompetence.
You think it's weapons that give you power? You have to be a Republican. It's difficult to find a Democrat that stupid.
Yeah, right , Belgium and France had a lot of power in 1940, didn't they?
Come on. Red States are already basket cases following conservative economic policies for the last 150 years. They would all become 3rd world countries and Blue States would need to put up fences to block illegal right winger nuts from fleeing poverty. At least there would be a lot of unskilled labor. But most of it probably isn't worth much.
Not 10 countries, maybe 3. northeast libtardia, west coast libtardia, and the Central and Southern states of America.

the two libtardias would very quickly follow the example of Greece and fail as nations. The question is whether the rest of us would bail them out.
Large corporations would never allow it to happen. They need the U.S. Military to protect "American interests" (read the property of American corporations) abroad.

How long do you think American oil companies in the Middle East would be able to hold onto their wells and refineries without the U.S. Military to enforce their ownership.
To what end?

Tyranny of the majority. Conservatives are in the minority at the national level. If they could create smaller countries, enclaves of conservatism so to speak,

they could become the majority in those new states and thus impose their will.

It's really what states' rights come down to.

and the "conservative" states would be successful, safe, and fiscally sound. While the "liberal states would all look like Detroit or Baltimore.

Lets do it.

Right. That would explain why the red states are more dependent on Federal dollars than blue states. Oh wait, I doesn't.

Stop the fed payments and stop the fed taxes, we will be just fine.

So what you advocate is anti-Americanism. Got it.
By the way, regardless of which party is in power, the Federal government will never allow secessionist movements to succeed. Ever. As I said earlier, good luck with that.

Hmmm, seems like King George had a similar position on secession--------------------------------

King George is dead. The Federal Government is very much alive. But hey, go for it if you think it will make a difference. Good luck with that.
States rights conservatives hate the Constitution, that's why they want out from under it.

Nope, just the opposite, conservatives want the federal govt to follow the constitution.

It does. Roe v Wade was decided in accordance with the Constitution.

Prove it.

The procedure by which the law was appealed, argued, and ruled on all conform to the Constitution.

The only problem is that the decision is wrong. You are arguing that the Supreme Court is infallible, that it doesn't make wrong decisions. You don't actually believe that because just like all the other leftwing drones in here you oppose Citizens United and Bush v. Gore.

You finally said something that appears to make sense:

"The ONLY problem is that the decision is wrong."

Yes, that is the only problem, for you. In your opinion the case was wrongly decided. That's an attack on the decision, not the process. That is the proper view.
Conservatives want either

a. an issue like gay marriage to be left up to the states

b. gay marriage to be effectively outlawed by Constitutional Amendment

...in other words, conservatives have no consistent principles when it comes to states rights vs. federal government power...

...all they care about are the outcomes.
are you crazy? Sanger founded PP in order to reduce the black birth rate. Look up her quotes. She was a rampant abortionist who wanted to stop blacks from reproducing

I've looked it up many times. That's how I know you're lying. You might actual believe your nonsense, but it's still flat out untrue.

MLK, Dubois, Bethune and all the black leaders of the day had high praise for Sanger. That alone knocks down your conspiracy theory.

I'm sure you've got a list of faked Sanger quotes someone fed to you. Go on, post them. Just remember to be honest with your actual sources. If you crib a list of fake quotes from a pro-lie website and don't reference the website, it won't look good for you when your quotes don't match your supposed sources.
By the way, regardless of which party is in power, the Federal government will never allow secessionist movements to succeed. Ever. As I said earlier, good luck with that.

The Soviet government said the same thing not less than a year before it collapsed.

The United States is not the Soviet Union.
No its not. The Russians all thought of themselves as Russian. The Soviet Union was not torn apart by tribalism.
are you crazy? Sanger founded PP in order to reduce the black birth rate. Look up her quotes. She was a rampant abortionist who wanted to stop blacks from reproducing

I've looked it up many times. That's how I know you're lying. You might actual believe your nonsense, but it's still flat out untrue.

MLK, Dubois, Bethune and all the black leaders of the day had high praise for Sanger. That alone knocks down your conspiracy theory.

I'm sure you've got a list of faked Sanger quotes someone fed to you. Go on, post them. Just remember to be honest with your actual sources. If you crib a list of fake quotes from a pro-lie website and don't reference the website, it won't look good for you when your quotes don't match your supposed sources.

as usual, you are wrong. read and learn


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