Why Obama had to stay silent during the 2016 election.


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Everybody right down to the October surprise had given Hillary the odds of beating Trump. Forget about the polls showing Trump coming within 2% margins of beating her, Trump was a lose cannon, a liar, talked a lot of shit, never gave details and treated women, handicap and any protesters like shit, so like the fools we are, we actually thought that made a difference. Again, to the blind, Hillary was a shoo in. Now, combine the prospect of Hillary winning with the rhetoric Trump was throwing out there...."THE ELECTION IS RIGGED". THE INTEL COMMUNITY, ALL LIARS, CAN'T BE TRUSTED" ILLEGALS WILL BE VOTING AND IF THE RUSSIANS GOT ANYTHING ON HILLARY, BRING IT!!! AND ON AND ON AND ON....How then can the white house, with a president that not only supported Hillary, but campaigned with her, now then put out that the Russians are hacking DNC emails and our election and get credibility for it?????

The guy was stuck with a hostile conservative base, a FBI chief, hostile against Hillary and country hell fire bent on division. He made the right choice.

Had Hillary won, the GOP would have had a epic meltdown equal to a atomic bomb explosion
Everybody right down to the October surprise had given Hillary the odds of beating Trump. Forget about the polls showing Trump coming within 2% margins of beating her, Trump was a lose cannon, a liar, talked a lot of shit, never gave details and treated women, handicap and any protesters like shit, so like the fools we are, we actually thought that made a difference. Again, to the blind, Hillary was a shoo in. Now, combine the prospect of Hillary winning with the rhetoric Trump was throwing out there...."THE ELECTION IS RIGGED". THE INTEL COMMUNITY, ALL LIARS, CAN'T BE TRUSTED" ILLEGALS WILL BE VOTING AND IF THE RUSSIANS GOT ANYTHING ON HILLARY, BRING IT!!! AND ON AND ON AND ON....How then can the white house, with a president that not only supported Hillary, but campaigned with her, now then put out that the Russians are hacking DNC emails and our election and get credibility for it?????

The guy was stuck with a hostile conservative base, a FBI chief, hostile against Hillary and country hell fire bent on division. He made the right choice.

Had Hillary won, the GOP would have had a epic meltdown equal to a atomic bomb explosion

I wish he'd have stayed silent.
The thing is, Trump and his deplorables wouldn't have accepted this. No matter how much evidence is presented to them they would deny it. When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election, Trump denied it along with his cool aid drinkers.

If Obama would have said something, Trump and his deplorables would have accused of him of trying to discredit Trump's campaign.

Obama is damned either. If he would have said something, the right would have had something about it. He didn't say anything and now they're still whining.
The thing is, Trump and his deplorables wouldn't have accepted this. No matter how much evidence is presented to them they would deny it. When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election, Trump denied it along with his cool aid drinkers.

If Obama would have said something, Trump and his deplorables would have accused of him of trying to discredit Trump's campaign.

Obama is damned either. If he would have said something, the right would have had something about it. He didn't say anything and now they're still whining.
Is proof so much to ask for from people that lie to us EVERY SINGLE DAY?
The thing is, Trump and his deplorables wouldn't have accepted this. No matter how much evidence is presented to them they would deny it. When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election, Trump denied it along with his cool aid drinkers.

If Obama would have said something, Trump and his deplorables would have accused of him of trying to discredit Trump's campaign.

Obama is damned either. If he would have said something, the right would have had something about it. He didn't say anything and now they're still whining.
Is proof so much to ask for from people that lie to us EVERY SINGLE DAY?

So Obama and his admin was lying to us everyday?
If that's ^ what OP means "Obama remained silent" then I'm the queen of England.

Obama suborned felon voter fraud

The guy who sworn to uphold the Constitution was calling for its serious violation. Justice Department should start an investigation of that.

As we know, millions of illegals voted all over the country. Remember when liberals started their recount in Detroit, the amount of the people who voted was a lot larger than the amount of the registered voters. Too bad they haven't stared their recount in California: the myth about "Hillary winning the popular vote" would be gone by now.
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The thing is, Trump and his deplorables wouldn't have accepted this. No matter how much evidence is presented to them they would deny it. When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election, Trump denied it along with his cool aid drinkers.

If Obama would have said something, Trump and his deplorables would have accused of him of trying to discredit Trump's campaign.

Obama is damned either. If he would have said something, the right would have had something about it. He didn't say anything and now they're still whining.

When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election,

I know, exposing the corruption of Hillary and the DNC.
Just awful!!!

Their corruption should remain hidden. Bad Russians!
The thing is, Trump and his deplorables wouldn't have accepted this. No matter how much evidence is presented to them they would deny it. When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election, Trump denied it along with his cool aid drinkers.

If Obama would have said something, Trump and his deplorables would have accused of him of trying to discredit Trump's campaign.

Obama is damned either. If he would have said something, the right would have had something about it. He didn't say anything and now they're still whining.
The irony in all this, to this day, the Trump administration has done nothing to deter Russia from hacking us in the future. Meanwhile you got Trump trying to put all this shit on Obama.....sad, just sad.
The thing is, Trump and his deplorables wouldn't have accepted this. No matter how much evidence is presented to them they would deny it. When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election, Trump denied it along with his cool aid drinkers.

If Obama would have said something, Trump and his deplorables would have accused of him of trying to discredit Trump's campaign.

Obama is damned either. If he would have said something, the right would have had something about it. He didn't say anything and now they're still whining.

When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election,

I know, exposing the corruption of Hillary and the DNC.
Just awful!!!

Their corruption should remain hidden. Bad Russians!
Ya know, when I see guys like you, all siding with the Russians.....I just shake my head and wonder, while Russians buzz our planes and carriers out in the open seas, hack our elections, do just about everything to shit all over us, what will it take for you nuts to get with reality? I think I know whats it gonna take....a good ol fashion gagging with the pen**, but you'll have to wait until Trump is done!!
Everybody right down to the October surprise had given Hillary the odds of beating Trump. Forget about the polls showing Trump coming within 2% margins of beating her, Trump was a lose cannon, a liar, talked a lot of shit, never gave details and treated women, handicap and any protesters like shit, so like the fools we are, we actually thought that made a difference. Again, to the blind, Hillary was a shoo in. Now, combine the prospect of Hillary winning with the rhetoric Trump was throwing out there...."THE ELECTION IS RIGGED". THE INTEL COMMUNITY, ALL LIARS, CAN'T BE TRUSTED" ILLEGALS WILL BE VOTING AND IF THE RUSSIANS GOT ANYTHING ON HILLARY, BRING IT!!! AND ON AND ON AND ON....How then can the white house, with a president that not only supported Hillary, but campaigned with her, now then put out that the Russians are hacking DNC emails and our election and get credibility for it?????

The guy was stuck with a hostile conservative base, a FBI chief, hostile against Hillary and country hell fire bent on division. He made the right choice.

Had Hillary won, the GOP would have had a epic meltdown equal to a atomic bomb explosion

Any one ever tell you , you sound like eldora on Bewitched?

And oh yea


The thing is, Trump and his deplorables wouldn't have accepted this. No matter how much evidence is presented to them they would deny it. When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election, Trump denied it along with his cool aid drinkers.

If Obama would have said something, Trump and his deplorables would have accused of him of trying to discredit Trump's campaign.

Obama is damned either. If he would have said something, the right would have had something about it. He didn't say anything and now they're still whining.

When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election,

I know, exposing the corruption of Hillary and the DNC.
Just awful!!!

Their corruption should remain hidden. Bad Russians!
Ya know, when I see guys like you, all siding with the Russians.....I just shake my head and wonder, while Russians buzz our planes and carriers out in the open seas, hack our elections, do just about everything to shit all over us, what will it take for you nuts to get with reality? I think I know whats it gonna take....a good ol fashion gagging with the pen**, but you'll have to wait until Trump is done!!

Siding with the Russians? LOL!
I'll leave that to flexible Obama, reset Hillary and Teddy the swimmer.
Everybody right down to the October surprise had given Hillary the odds of beating Trump. Forget about the polls showing Trump coming within 2% margins of beating her, Trump was a lose cannon, a liar, talked a lot of shit, never gave details and treated women, handicap and any protesters like shit, so like the fools we are, we actually thought that made a difference. Again, to the blind, Hillary was a shoo in. Now, combine the prospect of Hillary winning with the rhetoric Trump was throwing out there...."THE ELECTION IS RIGGED". THE INTEL COMMUNITY, ALL LIARS, CAN'T BE TRUSTED" ILLEGALS WILL BE VOTING AND IF THE RUSSIANS GOT ANYTHING ON HILLARY, BRING IT!!! AND ON AND ON AND ON....How then can the white house, with a president that not only supported Hillary, but campaigned with her, now then put out that the Russians are hacking DNC emails and our election and get credibility for it?????

The guy was stuck with a hostile conservative base, a FBI chief, hostile against Hillary and country hell fire bent on division. He made the right choice.

Had Hillary won, the GOP would have had a epic meltdown equal to a atomic bomb explosion

I consider this post a schizophrenic attempt to say something I can agree with:

Obama is a Pussy.

Its is said from the point of view of an obvious well known Obama supporter, and a Black Bigot, if there can be such a thing as a Black Bigot. Its effectively admits that:

Obama is a Pussy.

Triggerred, I ask you again.....yet again, as I have many times before---Can Blacks be Racists and Bigots?

Or do they have some Affirmative Action Excuse?

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The thing is, Trump and his deplorables wouldn't have accepted this. No matter how much evidence is presented to them they would deny it. When 17 intelligence agencies said that Russia most likely meddled in our election, Trump denied it along with his cool aid drinkers.

If Obama would have said something, Trump and his deplorables would have accused of him of trying to discredit Trump's campaign.

Obama is damned either. If he would have said something, the right would have had something about it. He didn't say anything and now they're still whining.
Is proof so much to ask for from people that lie to us EVERY SINGLE DAY?

So Obama and his admin was lying to us everyday?
maybe not everyday,but like every president before him,im sure they all give us that big smile and shoveled the bullshit....
Everybody right down to the October surprise had given Hillary the odds of beating Trump. Forget about the polls showing Trump coming within 2% margins of beating her, Trump was a lose cannon, a liar, talked a lot of shit, never gave details and treated women, handicap and any protesters like shit, so like the fools we are, we actually thought that made a difference. Again, to the blind, Hillary was a shoo in. Now, combine the prospect of Hillary winning with the rhetoric Trump was throwing out there...."THE ELECTION IS RIGGED". THE INTEL COMMUNITY, ALL LIARS, CAN'T BE TRUSTED" ILLEGALS WILL BE VOTING AND IF THE RUSSIANS GOT ANYTHING ON HILLARY, BRING IT!!! AND ON AND ON AND ON....How then can the white house, with a president that not only supported Hillary, but campaigned with her, now then put out that the Russians are hacking DNC emails and our election and get credibility for it?????

The guy was stuck with a hostile conservative base, a FBI chief, hostile against Hillary and country hell fire bent on division. He made the right choice.

Had Hillary won, the GOP would have had a epic meltdown equal to a atomic bomb explosion

I consider this post a schizophrenic attempt to say something I can agree with:

Obama is a Pussy.

Its is said from the point of view of an obvious well known Obama supporter, and a Black Bigot, if there can be such a thing as a Black Bigot. Its effectively admits that:

Obama is a Pussy.

Triggerred, I ask you again.....yet again, as I have many times before---Can Blacks be Racists and Bigots?

Or do they have some Affirmative Action Excuse?

I am begging you, begging you please don't let Trump the PUSSY grabbing hear of this shit....I'd hate to see OBama knock him the fuck out for grabbing on his black ass!!:dance:

And just for the record, the biggest pussy's in history is you white boys, who can't keep a broke ass negro from taking your women from ya, oh snap on that one!!:eusa_dance:
Everybody right down to the October surprise had given Hillary the odds of beating Trump. Forget about the polls showing Trump coming within 2% margins of beating her, Trump was a lose cannon, a liar, talked a lot of shit, never gave details and treated women, handicap and any protesters like shit, so like the fools we are, we actually thought that made a difference. Again, to the blind, Hillary was a shoo in. Now, combine the prospect of Hillary winning with the rhetoric Trump was throwing out there...."THE ELECTION IS RIGGED". THE INTEL COMMUNITY, ALL LIARS, CAN'T BE TRUSTED" ILLEGALS WILL BE VOTING AND IF THE RUSSIANS GOT ANYTHING ON HILLARY, BRING IT!!! AND ON AND ON AND ON....How then can the white house, with a president that not only supported Hillary, but campaigned with her, now then put out that the Russians are hacking DNC emails and our election and get credibility for it?????

The guy was stuck with a hostile conservative base, a FBI chief, hostile against Hillary and country hell fire bent on division. He made the right choice.

Had Hillary won, the GOP would have had a epic meltdown equal to a atomic bomb explosion

I consider this post a schizophrenic attempt to say something I can agree with:

Obama is a Pussy.

Its is said from the point of view of an obvious well known Obama supporter, and a Black Bigot, if there can be such a thing as a Black Bigot. Its effectively admits that:

Obama is a Pussy.

Triggerred, I ask you again.....yet again, as I have many times before---Can Blacks be Racists and Bigots?

Or do they have some Affirmative Action Excuse?

And to answer your question on can blacks be racist......put it this way, with 76% of black men stuffing dark meat in white women, eh, you tell me....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

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