Why oh why do we have to follow a law when the lawmakers don't?

Obama isn't following the ACA, Nimrod

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Obama doesn't have health insurance?

Weird, I hadn't heard about that before. Where can I read more about Obama going without health insurance?

Well, you know those socialistic Kenyans.... They don't believe in health insurance. ;)

Obama harvests healthy organs that he needs from the people he executes on the death panels he oversees.
Your right. They have to use the ACA just like we do. They are also subsidized by we the taxpayer anywhere from 72% to 75%. Wonder how much they actually pay for their HC??

Your employer doesn't subsidize part of the cost of your health insurance premium?

I'm sure its not 72% to 75% of the cost. How bout you??

Then it sounds like they have a better ability to negotiate for benefits than you do where you work.
The ACA was deemed to be legal by the SCOTUS because it is a TAX. That's right, it is a TAX on poor working people, and middle class people whose companies change their business model and dump their health care plans. The libs on here defend it because it is Obama's baby. But no corporate attorney could have done better. This definitely favors business and not the TAXpayer. And surprise, surprise, you pay this tax and you get nothing until you are out thousands of dollars that you already are paying anyway if you pay for your own medical care.

The mandate has been upheld as a tax, with Chief Justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee, joining the liberal wing of the court to save the law.

"If an individual does not maintain health insurance, the only consequence is that he must make an additional payment to the IRS when he pays his taxes," Roberts writes. He adds that this means "the mandate is not a legal command to buy insurance. Rather, it makes going without insurance just another thing the government taxes, like buying gasoline or earning an income."

A footnote flagged by SCOTUSblog's Amy Howe explains the reasoning further. "Those subject to the individual mandate may lawfully forgo health insurance and pay higher taxes, or buy health insurance and pay lower taxes. The only thing that they may not lawfully do is not buy health insurance and not pay the resulting tax."

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare individual mandate as a tax

I don't see anything wrong with that. People need health insurance. Currently non-insured individuals go to an emergency room when their illness requires immediate medical attention. Sometimes they are admitted and require surgery and might be in intensive care for a while. Whom do you think pays for that?? We do. Well, I don't want to do that anymore because people like you hate the president. Good for John Roberts!!!
My problem with the so called "tax" is that it's really a penalty for non compliance...a penalty that starts out small at $95 but then rapidly increases to rather draconian levels. The ACA has imposed a mandatory expense on Americans that quite frankly many of them are going to struggle mightily to comply with because of the high cost. You are forcing Americans to buy a product. THAT isn't something we've done before. For many Americans that product includes things they don't want or need yet they will be required to buy it regardless, to keep the cost lower for others.

The real costs of ObamaCare were never made clear to the American people. The obvious answer to WHY is that if they'd KNOWN what it would cost and how their health care would be changed...then they wouldn't have supported it. Barry, Harry and Nancy lied to us so that they could get the ACA locked in as law. I don't care how you try and spin things...that's simply how it went down.
Your employer doesn't subsidize part of the cost of your health insurance premium?

I'm sure its not 72% to 75% of the cost. How bout you??

Then it sounds like they have a better ability to negotiate for benefits than you do where you work.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Boy are you clueless.

We the taxpayer foot the bills for Fed workers and you can bet your ass they don't care how much we have to pay.

If you think those Clowns in Congress give a rats ass then you really are clueless.
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Why oh why do we have to follow a law when the lawmakers don't?.

"What country ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

Thomas Jefferson

The ACA was deemed to be legal by the SCOTUS because it is a TAX. That's right, it is a TAX on poor working people, and middle class people whose companies change their business model and dump their health care plans. The libs on here defend it because it is Obama's baby. But no corporate attorney could have done better. This definitely favors business and not the TAXpayer. And surprise, surprise, you pay this tax and you get nothing until you are out thousands of dollars that you already are paying anyway if you pay for your own medical care.

It's only a tax on irresponsible people such as yourself who choose to not purchase health insurance and decide to gamble with my money and those who do choose to purchase health insurance.

I'm sorry you don't like to take personal responsibility but it's about time you did.

You have a little reading comprehension problem. I have a law degree and, unlike you, I keep up. I was talking about the Supreme Court's ruling that Obamacare is a TAX. Here, since you are too stupid to find it on your own, I'll help you out and post it in big black letters:

In a victory for President Barack Obama, the Supreme Court upheld his signature health care law's individual insurance mandate in a 5-4 decision, upending speculation after hostile-seeming oral arguments in March that the justices would overturn the law. The mandate has been upheld as a tax, with Chief Justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee, joining the liberal wing of the court to save the law.

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare individual mandate as a tax

And for your information, I have health insurance policies, Medicare, Medigap, and my retirement insurance from work.

You are an illiterate ingorant little liberal fucktard.
I'm sure its not 72% to 75% of the cost. How bout you??

Then it sounds like they have a better ability to negotiate for benefits than you do where you work.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Boy are you clueless.

We the taxpayer foot the bills for Fed workers and you can bet your ass they don't care how much we have to pay.

If you think those Clowns in Congress give a rats ass then you really are clueless.

It is a moot point. Medical claims made by congressmen and federal employees are underwritten by the government. Translation: the government just pays for the claims, and the insurance company they choose from their cafeteria plan administers the program. It is 6 of one and half a dozen of another. It would be a waste of time.

And the rest of our federal employees did not cause this cluster fuck, many of them opposed the ACA. They should not be punished for something they had no hand in. Federal employee coverage, copays & deductibles, and premiums are negotiated by the American Federation of Government Employees and are a matter of contract. You can't just break a contract you have signed because you don't like it.
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I'm sure its not 72% to 75% of the cost. How bout you??

Then it sounds like they have a better ability to negotiate for benefits than you do where you work.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Boy are you clueless.

We the taxpayer foot the bills for Fed workers and you can bet your ass they don't care how much we have to pay.

If you think those Clowns in Congress give a rats ass then you really are clueless.

You seem to be the clueless one here.
Gov workers belong to unions that negotiate for benefits.

But, I will excuse you for laughing no matter how wrong you are.
Why oh why do we have to follow a law when the lawmakers don't?

Why do the lawmakers get a waiver for the most controversial law on the books, but we, the men on the street, have to follow it, paying more while they carry on with no repercussions?

Why are we standing for this? Democrats and Republicans should be standing together on this....Stop those waivers! If this ACA is good enough for us, then it is good enough for ALL government workers including Congressmen, aides, the president and all government workers.

Where did they get a waiver?

They have stricter ACA standards than most Americans
My problem with the so called "tax" is that it's really a penalty for non compliance...a penalty that starts out small at $95 but then rapidly increases to rather draconian levels. The ACA has imposed a mandatory expense on Americans that quite frankly many of them are going to struggle mightily to comply with because of the high cost. You are forcing Americans to buy a product. THAT isn't something we've done before. For many Americans that product includes things they don't want or need yet they will be required to buy it regardless, to keep the cost lower for others.

The real costs of ObamaCare were never made clear to the American people. The obvious answer to WHY is that if they'd KNOWN what it would cost and how their health care would be changed...then they wouldn't have supported it. Barry, Harry and Nancy lied to us so that they could get the ACA locked in as law. I don't care how you try and spin things...that's simply how it went down.

Anyone who truly can't afford it will receive a subsidy to help. See, your imagined problem is solved.
The ACA was deemed to be legal by the SCOTUS because it is a TAX. That's right, it is a TAX on poor working people, and middle class people whose companies change their business model and dump their health care plans. The libs on here defend it because it is Obama's baby. But no corporate attorney could have done better. This definitely favors business and not the TAXpayer. And surprise, surprise, you pay this tax and you get nothing until you are out thousands of dollars that you already are paying anyway if you pay for your own medical care.

It's only a tax on irresponsible people such as yourself who choose to not purchase health insurance and decide to gamble with my money and those who do choose to purchase health insurance.

I'm sorry you don't like to take personal responsibility but it's about time you did.

You have a little reading comprehension problem. I have a law degree and, unlike you, I keep up. I was talking about the Supreme Court's ruling that Obamacare is a TAX. Here, since you are too stupid to find it on your own, I'll help you out and post it in big black letters:

In a victory for President Barack Obama, the Supreme Court upheld his signature health care law's individual insurance mandate in a 5-4 decision, upending speculation after hostile-seeming oral arguments in March that the justices would overturn the law. The mandate has been upheld as a tax, with Chief Justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee, joining the liberal wing of the court to save the law.

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare individual mandate as a tax

And for your information, I have health insurance policies, Medicare, Medigap, and my retirement insurance from work.

You are an illiterate ingorant little liberal fucktard.

I love that you call me illiterate and then misspell the very next word. Pretty amazing.

Oh and you have insurance? So you will not be hit with a tax. Good for you. I guess you weren't hit with any tax increases after all.
My problem with the so called "tax" is that it's really a penalty for non compliance...a penalty that starts out small at $95 but then rapidly increases to rather draconian levels. The ACA has imposed a mandatory expense on Americans that quite frankly many of them are going to struggle mightily to comply with because of the high cost. You are forcing Americans to buy a product. THAT isn't something we've done before. For many Americans that product includes things they don't want or need yet they will be required to buy it regardless, to keep the cost lower for others.

The real costs of ObamaCare were never made clear to the American people. The obvious answer to WHY is that if they'd KNOWN what it would cost and how their health care would be changed...then they wouldn't have supported it. Barry, Harry and Nancy lied to us so that they could get the ACA locked in as law. I don't care how you try and spin things...that's simply how it went down.

Is this just your interpretation??
The ACA was deemed to be legal by the SCOTUS because it is a TAX. That's right, it is a TAX on poor working people, and middle class people whose companies change their business model and dump their health care plans. The libs on here defend it because it is Obama's baby. But no corporate attorney could have done better. This definitely favors business and not the TAXpayer. And surprise, surprise, you pay this tax and you get nothing until you are out thousands of dollars that you already are paying anyway if you pay for your own medical care.

It's only a tax on irresponsible people such as yourself who choose to not purchase health insurance and decide to gamble with my money and those who do choose to purchase health insurance.

I'm sorry you don't like to take personal responsibility but it's about time you did.

You have a little reading comprehension problem. I have a law degree and, unlike you, I keep up. I was talking about the Supreme Court's ruling that Obamacare is a TAX. Here, since you are too stupid to find it on your own, I'll help you out and post it in big black letters:

In a victory for President Barack Obama, the Supreme Court upheld his signature health care law's individual insurance mandate in a 5-4 decision, upending speculation after hostile-seeming oral arguments in March that the justices would overturn the law. The mandate has been upheld as a tax, with Chief Justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee, joining the liberal wing of the court to save the law.

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare individual mandate as a tax

And for your information, I have health insurance policies, Medicare, Medigap, and my retirement insurance from work.

You are an illiterate ingorant little liberal fucktard.

I don't see a reading comprehension problem. I do see a nasty, mean woman that doesn't know how to have a civil conversation. Are all you right wingers getting to be this obnoxious?? It sure seems like it.
My problem with the so called "tax" is that it's really a penalty for non compliance...a penalty that starts out small at $95 but then rapidly increases to rather draconian levels. The ACA has imposed a mandatory expense on Americans that quite frankly many of them are going to struggle mightily to comply with because of the high cost. You are forcing Americans to buy a product. THAT isn't something we've done before. For many Americans that product includes things they don't want or need yet they will be required to buy it regardless, to keep the cost lower for others.

The real costs of ObamaCare were never made clear to the American people. The obvious answer to WHY is that if they'd KNOWN what it would cost and how their health care would be changed...then they wouldn't have supported it. Barry, Harry and Nancy lied to us so that they could get the ACA locked in as law. I don't care how you try and spin things...that's simply how it went down.

Anyone who truly can't afford it will receive a subsidy to help. See, your imagined problem is solved.

Does that include congress and the administration and all their staffers? THEY are getting a subsidy paid for by our tax dollars.

Yes, they are subject to the ACA, BUT they have exempted themselves from the financial impacts of it--something no one else in their income bracket can do.

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?
Why oh why do we have to follow a law when the lawmakers don't?

Why do the lawmakers get a waiver for the most controversial law on the books, but we, the men on the street, have to follow it, paying more while they carry on with no repercussions?

Why are we standing for this? Democrats and Republicans should be standing together on this....Stop those waivers! If this ACA is good enough for us, then it is good enough for ALL government workers including Congressmen, aides, the president and all government workers.

Where did they get a waiver?

They have stricter ACA standards than most Americans

NO, not a waiver, but a subsidy that exempts them from the financial impacts that every other american is faced with.

WE, the taxpayers, are their employer. Where else can the employees vote themselves a financial benefit without the employer's consent?
My problem with the so called "tax" is that it's really a penalty for non compliance...a penalty that starts out small at $95 but then rapidly increases to rather draconian levels. The ACA has imposed a mandatory expense on Americans that quite frankly many of them are going to struggle mightily to comply with because of the high cost. You are forcing Americans to buy a product. THAT isn't something we've done before. For many Americans that product includes things they don't want or need yet they will be required to buy it regardless, to keep the cost lower for others.

The real costs of ObamaCare were never made clear to the American people. The obvious answer to WHY is that if they'd KNOWN what it would cost and how their health care would be changed...then they wouldn't have supported it. Barry, Harry and Nancy lied to us so that they could get the ACA locked in as law. I don't care how you try and spin things...that's simply how it went down.

Anyone who truly can't afford it will receive a subsidy to help. See, your imagined problem is solved.

Does that include congress and the administration and all their staffers? THEY are getting a subsidy paid for by our tax dollars.

Yes, they are subject to the ACA, BUT they have exempted themselves from the financial impacts of it--something no one else in their income bracket can do.

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

Many employers subsidize a portion of the cost of their employees health insurance premiums. This is not new and it's certainly not something that just started for government workers either.

Don't like it? Fine. But don't blame Obama or the ACA, neither of which had anything to do with this practice which was in place well before either of them were in the picture and well before you pretended to care like you do now.
Anyone who truly can't afford it will receive a subsidy to help. See, your imagined problem is solved.

Does that include congress and the administration and all their staffers? THEY are getting a subsidy paid for by our tax dollars.

Yes, they are subject to the ACA, BUT they have exempted themselves from the financial impacts of it--something no one else in their income bracket can do.

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

Many employers subsidize a portion of the cost of their employees health insurance premiums. This is not new and it's certainly not something that just started for government workers either.

Don't like it? Fine. But don't blame Obama or the ACA, neither of which had anything to do with this practice which was in place well before either of them were in the picture and well before you pretended to care like you do now.

Yes, they do. ACA makes the subsidy for congress and the administration larger than it was before and effectively insulates congress and obama from a law that they voted for and he signed into law. We are a country in deficit and this makes the deficit larger while saving money for each of them. How can you possibly think that is good?

WE are their employers, so I ask you again, where else can employees vote themselves a benefit without their employer's consent?
Does that include congress and the administration and all their staffers? THEY are getting a subsidy paid for by our tax dollars.

Yes, they are subject to the ACA, BUT they have exempted themselves from the financial impacts of it--something no one else in their income bracket can do.

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

Many employers subsidize a portion of the cost of their employees health insurance premiums. This is not new and it's certainly not something that just started for government workers either.

Don't like it? Fine. But don't blame Obama or the ACA, neither of which had anything to do with this practice which was in place well before either of them were in the picture and well before you pretended to care like you do now.

Yes, they do. ACA makes the subsidy for congress and the administration larger than it was before and effectively insulates congress and obama from a law that they voted for and he signed into law. We are a country in deficit and this makes the deficit larger while saving money for each of them. How can you possibly think that is good?

WE are their employers, so I ask you again, where else can employees vote themselves a benefit without their employer's consent?

If you want to reduce the employer contribution to the employees health care, do you plan on increasing their wages in compensation?

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