Why oh why do we have to follow a law when the lawmakers don't?

It's only a tax on irresponsible people such as yourself who choose to not purchase health insurance and decide to gamble with my money and those who do choose to purchase health insurance.

I'm sorry you don't like to take personal responsibility but it's about time you did.

You have a little reading comprehension problem. I have a law degree and, unlike you, I keep up. I was talking about the Supreme Court's ruling that Obamacare is a TAX. Here, since you are too stupid to find it on your own, I'll help you out and post it in big black letters:

In a victory for President Barack Obama, the Supreme Court upheld his signature health care law's individual insurance mandate in a 5-4 decision, upending speculation after hostile-seeming oral arguments in March that the justices would overturn the law. The mandate has been upheld as a tax, with Chief Justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee, joining the liberal wing of the court to save the law.

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare individual mandate as a tax

And for your information, I have health insurance policies, Medicare, Medigap, and my retirement insurance from work.

You are an illiterate ingorant little liberal fucktard.

I love that you call me illiterate and then misspell the very next word. Pretty amazing.

Oh and you have insurance? So you will not be hit with a tax. Good for you. I guess you weren't hit with any tax increases after all.

I'm not a typist. I did WAY better than that. If you don't want to see my typos put me on ignore you ignorant fucktard.

But for your information and hopefully your edification, I can discuss any topic on this forum that I want to discuss whether it affects me or not.

I regret that I can't neg you for 46 more hours.
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You have a little reading comprehension problem. I have a law degree and, unlike you, I keep up. I was talking about the Supreme Court's ruling that Obamacare is a TAX. Here, since you are too stupid to find it on your own, I'll help you out and post it in big black letters:

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare individual mandate as a tax

And for your information, I have health insurance policies, Medicare, Medigap, and my retirement insurance from work.

You are an illiterate ingorant little liberal fucktard.

I love that you call me illiterate and then misspell the very next word. Pretty amazing.

Oh and you have insurance? So you will not be hit with a tax. Good for you. I guess you weren't hit with any tax increases after all.

I'm not a typist. I did WAY better than that. If you don't want to see my typos put me on ignore you ignorant fucktard.

But for your information and hopefully your edification, I can discuss any topic on this forum that I want to discuss whether it affects me or not.

I regret that I can't neg you for 46 more hours.

I regret that I wasted energy with someone who thinks "negging" somehow means something.
Does that include congress and the administration and all their staffers? THEY are getting a subsidy paid for by our tax dollars.

Yes, they are subject to the ACA, BUT they have exempted themselves from the financial impacts of it--something no one else in their income bracket can do.

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

Many employers subsidize a portion of the cost of their employees health insurance premiums. This is not new and it's certainly not something that just started for government workers either.

Don't like it? Fine. But don't blame Obama or the ACA, neither of which had anything to do with this practice which was in place well before either of them were in the picture and well before you pretended to care like you do now.

Yes, they do. ACA makes the subsidy for congress and the administration larger than it was before and effectively insulates congress and obama from a law that they voted for and he signed into law. We are a country in deficit and this makes the deficit larger while saving money for each of them. How can you possibly think that is good?
Link? I'd like to read more about this increase under the ACA

WE are their employers, so I ask you again, where else can employees vote themselves a benefit without their employer's consent?

Then revoke your consent. Vote them out.
Pub dupes, not only brainwashed and ignorant, but vindictive and petty lol...FACT CHECK-

Federal workers pick from among many health plans. The exchanges would operate in the same way — like a marketplace for those shopping for private insurance.
But some Republicans pushed the idea that if the exchanges were good enough for other Americans, they should be good enough for Congress. So, an amendment by Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa was added to the Senate bill requiring that the federal government offer only health plans that were part of an exchange to members of Congress and their staffs. The law’s final language on this, written by Sen. Tom Coburn, says that: “the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are — (I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or (II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act.”
Congressional “staff” is defined as “all full-time and part-time employees employed by the official office of a Member of Congress, whether in Washington, DC or outside of Washington, DC.” As we reported before, Coburn said the provision wouldn’t apply to those working for committees or leadership staff, and a Congressional Research Service report agreed that could be the case.
In other words, the Affordable Care Act places on lawmakers and their staffs additional requirements that don’t pertain to other Americans with work-based insurance.

So now they have to not only be the only employer based people to go on the exchanges, but be the only ones to not get a contribution from their employers...LOL...WTF IS wrong with you hater dupes....
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Congress and the IRS want to be exempt. Of course, it is not fair if they are. Just the fact that they don't want to follow their own law should be enough to enrage the public. Democrat John Larson certainly doesn't want federal employees to have to follow the unfair law, but he has shown no sympathy for the masses who will suffer. Fuck him!

"Listen this is simply not fair to these employees. They are federal employees.” Congressman John Larson [D – CT] on why it’s unfair to force politicians and staffers to participate in Obamacare.
Congress can also engage in insider trading, but unlike Martha Stewart, they will not go to jail for it.

No question that they give themselves a lot of leeway, though would never allow the same for the rest of us.
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My problem with the so called "tax" is that it's really a penalty for non compliance...a penalty that starts out small at $95 but then rapidly increases to rather draconian levels. The ACA has imposed a mandatory expense on Americans that quite frankly many of them are going to struggle mightily to comply with because of the high cost. You are forcing Americans to buy a product. THAT isn't something we've done before. For many Americans that product includes things they don't want or need yet they will be required to buy it regardless, to keep the cost lower for others.

The real costs of ObamaCare were never made clear to the American people. The obvious answer to WHY is that if they'd KNOWN what it would cost and how their health care would be changed...then they wouldn't have supported it. Barry, Harry and Nancy lied to us so that they could get the ACA locked in as law. I don't care how you try and spin things...that's simply how it went down.

Anyone who truly can't afford it will receive a subsidy to help. See, your imagined problem is solved.

I beg to differ on that, RDD...if you're a middle class person, you're basically shit out of luck. You'll make too much money to qualify for subsidies and the increased cost of your premiums (because SOMEONE has to pay for this mess!) are going to be substantial. That isn't an "imagined" problem. That's a very real problem.
Listen shyttehead- they're the only employer based people to NOT be exempt...jeebus, the hater dupe skull is the hardest material known to science...lol.
Yup. They are stuck with the ACA just like the rest of us.

Of course we taxpayers are paying up to 72% of their HC costs and in some cases 75% so I doubt any of the clowns, staffers of Fed Employees will bitch to much.

Wonder if any of them will have a $13,999.00 deductable??

I have news for you.... Taxpayers will be paying for everyone enrolled in the ACA.

Who do you know that has a $13,999.00 deductible?

A friend of a guy I work with.

His monthly is $569 and his deductable is $13,999.00. He almost fell out of his chair. Hell. I almost fell outta my fucking chair and I don't know the guy.

One of the other guys I work with has a deductable for he and his wife. His deductable would be $11,000.

A lady I spoke with at Wal-Mart had a deductable of $12,0000.

Gotta wonder just who the hell the Affordable care act is affordable for.
FYI- Maximum out of pocket expense per the ACA is $6350 per individual and $12700 per family policy....


Out-of-pocket maximum/limit

The most you pay during a policy period (usually a year) before your health insurance or plan begins to pay 100% of the allowed amount. This limit never includes your premium, balance-billed charges, or health care your health insurance or plan doesn’t cover. Some health insurance or plans don’t count your copayments, deductibles, coinsurance payments, out-of-network payments, or other expenses toward this limit. In Medicaid and CHIP, the limit includes premiums. The maximum out-of-pocket costs for any Marketplace plan for 2014 are $6,350 for an individual plan and $12,700 for a family plan

Deductibles are usually much less than a policy's maximum out of pocket before the plan comes in and pays 100%....

so a policy will be something like this

-premium-$589 for full family-monthly
-key medical care is provided for a fee such as a $15 copay to see your doctor which applies to your deductible...and wellness visits, mammograms after a certain age, and other tests there is no copay costs, they are included in your premium.
-deductible-$1500 per individual, $3000 max per family
-after deductible is paid, policy holder pays 30% of bill, insurance co pays 70% of bills.
-UP to when you reach your maximum out of pocket of $6350 per individual/$12700 for full family, within the year which includes what you have spent in deductibles/copays, then the insurance company comes in and pays 100% of everything

Does this friend of a friend not have group health insurance through their work? Group policies are much cheaper....in general...
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Also, most people will never ever pay the full out of pocket expense allowed by law within the year unless they become really ill, and then the $6350 is a mere NOTHING compared to the total bill of $250,000 or $500k!!!!

their insurance will be paying the 70% of their bills until they pay the $6350 then inurance pays 100% in my example
Why oh why do we have to follow a law when the lawmakers don't?

Why do the lawmakers get a waiver for the most controversial law on the books, but we, the men on the street, have to follow it, paying more while they carry on with no repercussions?

Why are we standing for this? Democrats and Republicans should be standing together on this....Stop those waivers! If this ACA is good enough for us, then it is good enough for ALL government workers including Congressmen, aides, the president and all government workers.

Allowing government employees to keep employer based health insurance is no different than allowing anyone to keep their employer based health insurance.
Then it sounds like they have a better ability to negotiate for benefits than you do where you work.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Boy are you clueless.

We the taxpayer foot the bills for Fed workers and you can bet your ass they don't care how much we have to pay.

If you think those Clowns in Congress give a rats ass then you really are clueless.

You seem to be the clueless one here.
Gov workers belong to unions that negotiate for benefits.

But, I will excuse you for laughing no matter how wrong you are.

LMAO Negotiate??

Its still tax money that support them no matter who "negotiates" what. We taxpayers foot the bill either way.
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Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Boy are you clueless.

We the taxpayer foot the bills for Fed workers and you can bet your ass they don't care how much we have to pay.

If you think those Clowns in Congress give a rats ass then you really are clueless.

You seem to be the clueless one here.
Gov workers belong to unions that negotiate for benefits.

But, I will excuse you for laughing no matter how wrong you are.

LMAO Negotiate??

Its still tax money that support them no matter who "negotiates" what. We taxpayers foot the bill either way.

Taxpayers foot the bill for a lot of people.

That doesn't change the fact that benefits are negotiated in private and public work jobs.
I have news for you.... Taxpayers will be paying for everyone enrolled in the ACA.

Who do you know that has a $13,999.00 deductible?

A friend of a guy I work with.

His monthly is $569 and his deductable is $13,999.00. He almost fell out of his chair. Hell. I almost fell outta my fucking chair and I don't know the guy.

One of the other guys I work with has a deductable for he and his wife. His deductable would be $11,000.

A lady I spoke with at Wal-Mart had a deductable of $12,0000.

Gotta wonder just who the hell the Affordable care act is affordable for.
FYI- Maximum out of pocket expense per the ACA is $6350 per individual and $12700 per family policy....


Out-of-pocket maximum/limit

The most you pay during a policy period (usually a year) before your health insurance or plan begins to pay 100% of the allowed amount. This limit never includes your premium, balance-billed charges, or health care your health insurance or plan doesn’t cover. Some health insurance or plans don’t count your copayments, deductibles, coinsurance payments, out-of-network payments, or other expenses toward this limit. In Medicaid and CHIP, the limit includes premiums. The maximum out-of-pocket costs for any Marketplace plan for 2014 are $6,350 for an individual plan and $12,700 for a family plan

Deductibles are usually much less than a policy's maximum out of pocket before the plan comes in and pays 100%....

so a policy will be something like this

-premium-$589 for full family-monthly
-key medical care is provided for a fee such as a $15 copay to see your doctor which applies to your deductible...and wellness visits, mammograms after a certain age, and other tests there is no copay costs, they are included in your premium.
-deductible-$1500 per individual, $3000 max per family
-after deductible is paid, policy holder pays 30% of bill, insurance co pays 70% of bills.
-UP to when you reach your maximum out of pocket of $6350 per individual/$12700 for full family, within the year which includes what you have spent in deductibles/copays, then the insurance company comes in and pays 100% of everything

Does this friend of a friend not have group health insurance through their work? Group policies are much cheaper....in general...

Try telling that to this guy.

Affordable Care Act: High deductibles could pinch consumers - Chicago Tribune

Here's some more on High deductables.

Bob's friend is retired.
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Many employers subsidize a portion of the cost of their employees health insurance premiums. This is not new and it's certainly not something that just started for government workers either.

Don't like it? Fine. But don't blame Obama or the ACA, neither of which had anything to do with this practice which was in place well before either of them were in the picture and well before you pretended to care like you do now.

Yes, they do. ACA makes the subsidy for congress and the administration larger than it was before and effectively insulates congress and obama from a law that they voted for and he signed into law. We are a country in deficit and this makes the deficit larger while saving money for each of them. How can you possibly think that is good?

WE are their employers, so I ask you again, where else can employees vote themselves a benefit without their employer's consent?

If you want to reduce the employer contribution to the employees health care, do you plan on increasing their wages in compensation?

why would you do that for congress but no one else? No one has advocated REDUCING the employer contribution, congress voted to INCREASE it so that they would not be affected by the ACA premium increase.
Yes, they do. ACA makes the subsidy for congress and the administration larger than it was before and effectively insulates congress and obama from a law that they voted for and he signed into law. We are a country in deficit and this makes the deficit larger while saving money for each of them. How can you possibly think that is good?

WE are their employers, so I ask you again, where else can employees vote themselves a benefit without their employer's consent?

If you want to reduce the employer contribution to the employees health care, do you plan on increasing their wages in compensation?

why would you do that for congress but no one else? No one has advocated REDUCING the employer contribution, congress voted to INCREASE it so that they would not be affected by the ACA premium increase.

Still waiting for your link to support this. Thanks.
Yes, they do. ACA makes the subsidy for congress and the administration larger than it was before and effectively insulates congress and obama from a law that they voted for and he signed into law. We are a country in deficit and this makes the deficit larger while saving money for each of them. How can you possibly think that is good?

WE are their employers, so I ask you again, where else can employees vote themselves a benefit without their employer's consent?

If you want to reduce the employer contribution to the employees health care, do you plan on increasing their wages in compensation?

why would you do that for congress but no one else? No one has advocated REDUCING the employer contribution, congress voted to INCREASE it so that they would not be affected by the ACA premium increase.

Here's a pretty good write up on what happened with the staffers and how they fixed it.

Review & Outlook: Congress's ObamaCare Exemption - WSJ.com
If you want to reduce the employer contribution to the employees health care, do you plan on increasing their wages in compensation?

why would you do that for congress but no one else? No one has advocated REDUCING the employer contribution, congress voted to INCREASE it so that they would not be affected by the ACA premium increase.

Still waiting for your link to support this. Thanks.

see post #98
Yes, they do. ACA makes the subsidy for congress and the administration larger than it was before and effectively insulates congress and obama from a law that they voted for and he signed into law. We are a country in deficit and this makes the deficit larger while saving money for each of them. How can you possibly think that is good?

WE are their employers, so I ask you again, where else can employees vote themselves a benefit without their employer's consent?

If you want to reduce the employer contribution to the employees health care, do you plan on increasing their wages in compensation?

why would you do that for congress but no one else? No one has advocated REDUCING the employer contribution, congress voted to INCREASE it so that they would not be affected by the ACA premium increase.

If you are offered a generous benefits package In lieu of pay and then decide to reduce or eliminate that package, pay needs to be increased to compensate.

Federal employees got their insurance through their employer like most Americans. It was Chuck Grassley (rhymes with assley) that fucked over his own staff just to be a dick and make them purchase on the individual market.

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