Why oh why do we have to follow a law when the lawmakers don't?

I've already explained. They're not getting an increase. Which part is confusing you?

no increase in TAKE HOME pay, but an increase in gross pay. why is that so hard for you to comprehend.

the rest of the country is dealing with a decrease in take home pay due to ACA, why should congress and staffers not be treated like every other american?

Their compensation remains exactly the same. Why do you insist on punishing these people? They are already being forced to purchased health insurance on the exchanges when they didn't need to, but were forced to because a half-wit republican decided it would make a good talking point.

I guess for the same reason that ACA is punishing 300 million americans.

think about this for a second----------their NET compensation is unchanged--then their gross compensation has been increased because the employer is paying more for their health insurance. and only congress gets that benefit.
no increase in TAKE HOME pay, but an increase in gross pay. why is that so hard for you to comprehend.

the rest of the country is dealing with a decrease in take home pay due to ACA, why should congress and staffers not be treated like every other american?

Their compensation remains exactly the same. Why do you insist on punishing these people? They are already being forced to purchased health insurance on the exchanges when they didn't need to, but were forced to because a half-wit republican decided it would make a good talking point.

I guess for the same reason that ACA is punishing 300 million americans.

think about this for a second----------their NET compensation is unchanged--then their gross compensation has been increased because the employer is paying more for their health insurance. and only congress gets that benefit.

Any employer who once covered health insurance and no longer does, can do the same thing. Nothing is stopping them.

Their total compensation is EXACTLY the same. How they are being compensated has shifted, but the total value has not changed.

Talk about being jealous. Why don't you find something worthwhile to complain about.
Why oh why do we have to follow a law when the lawmakers don't?

Why do the lawmakers get a waiver for the most controversial law on the books, but we, the men on the street, have to follow it, paying more while they carry on with no repercussions?

Why are we standing for this? Democrats and Republicans should be standing together on this....Stop those waivers! If this ACA is good enough for us, then it is good enough for ALL government workers including Congressmen, aides, the president and all government workers.

Well you see, if lawmakers were subject to their own laws, they would be more hesitant to pass them. Then we would have fewer laws and lower restrictions. You wouldn't want that, would you Jackson?
I've already explained. They're not getting an increase. Which part is confusing you?

no increase in TAKE HOME pay, but an increase in gross pay. why is that so hard for you to comprehend.

the rest of the country is dealing with a decrease in take home pay due to ACA, why should congress and staffers not be treated like every other american?

Their compensation remains exactly the same. Why do you insist on punishing these people? They are already being forced to purchased health insurance on the exchanges when they didn't need to, but were forced to because a half-wit republican decided it would make a good talking point.

Let me ask you one simple question, RDD...

Do you REALLY believe that Federal employees are going to face the same increase in out of pocket expense for their health care that I'm facing now? Or will you admit that the increases that us folks in the private sector are going to be expected to absorb will be paid for by taxpayer dollars for all our Federal workers?
And this is not an attempt by me to "punish" government workers...it's simply me asking why THEY don't share in the pain that people in the private sector are about to feel?
no increase in TAKE HOME pay, but an increase in gross pay. why is that so hard for you to comprehend.

the rest of the country is dealing with a decrease in take home pay due to ACA, why should congress and staffers not be treated like every other american?

Their compensation remains exactly the same. Why do you insist on punishing these people? They are already being forced to purchased health insurance on the exchanges when they didn't need to, but were forced to because a half-wit republican decided it would make a good talking point.

Let me ask you one simple question, RDD...

Do you REALLY believe that Federal employees are going to face the same increase in out of pocket expense for their health care that I'm facing now? Or will you admit that the increases that us folks in the private sector are going to be expected to absorb will be paid for by taxpayer dollars for all our Federal workers?

They will be subjected to the same premium costs on the exchanges that everyone else is...for better or worse. If those premiums happen to be higher than what they were paying before then they will have to pay that extra cost themselves.

But to act like they are getting a benefit by having their compensation shifted from health subsidies in to salary is ridiculous and a gross overreaction.
And this is not an attempt by me to "punish" government workers...it's simply me asking why THEY don't share in the pain that people in the private sector are about to feel?

They do share the "pain". They pay the same rates as everyone else on the exchanges. Only difference might be that some people who were dropped off their company insurance policy didn't receive that compensation back in the form of salary. They should have but that's up to the individual company who decided they would rather take in increased profits at the expense of their employees. That's where true outrage should fall....those companies pulling tactics like that.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Boy are you clueless.

We the taxpayer foot the bills for Fed workers and you can bet your ass they don't care how much we have to pay.

If you think those Clowns in Congress give a rats ass then you really are clueless.

You seem to be the clueless one here.
Gov workers belong to unions that negotiate for benefits.

But, I will excuse you for laughing no matter how wrong you are.

LMAO Negotiate??

Its still tax money that support them no matter who "negotiates" what. We taxpayers foot the bill either way.

That may be, but federal employees are not all members of Congress. Most of those I know are conservatives who opposed the ACA. Salaries and benefits have to be competitive or they won't find anyone to do the jobs. Oh, wait. They CAN'T find any good doctors or nurses in most areas and the large majority of them don't even speak English well enough to be understood. Cutting salary and benefits to federal doctors and nurses will only cause greater harm to our veteran population.
You have a little reading comprehension problem. I have a law degree and, unlike you, I keep up. I was talking about the Supreme Court's ruling that Obamacare is a TAX. Here, since you are too stupid to find it on your own, I'll help you out and post it in big black letters:

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare individual mandate as a tax

And for your information, I have health insurance policies, Medicare, Medigap, and my retirement insurance from work.

You are an illiterate ingorant little liberal fucktard.

I love that you call me illiterate and then misspell the very next word. Pretty amazing.

Oh and you have insurance? So you will not be hit with a tax. Good for you. I guess you weren't hit with any tax increases after all.

I'm not a typist. I did WAY better than that. If you don't want to see my typos put me on ignore you ignorant fucktard.

But for your information and hopefully your edification, I can discuss any topic on this forum that I want to discuss whether it affects me or not.

I regret that I can't neg you for 46 more hours.

What is with you and the other righties on this site always threatening with neg reps?? Who cares?? Grow up.
I love that you call me illiterate and then misspell the very next word. Pretty amazing.

Oh and you have insurance? So you will not be hit with a tax. Good for you. I guess you weren't hit with any tax increases after all.

I'm not a typist. I did WAY better than that. If you don't want to see my typos put me on ignore you ignorant fucktard.

But for your information and hopefully your edification, I can discuss any topic on this forum that I want to discuss whether it affects me or not.

I regret that I can't neg you for 46 more hours.

What is with you and the other righties on this site always threatening with neg reps?? Who cares?? Grow up.

When your world revolves around complaining and posturing on the internet, things like neg rep would seem important.
I guess your lack of a response to this proves that you are in fact a liar.

Not surprising in the least. Why would you lie about this? Too lazy to support the shit you say so you'd rather lie and pretend you read something that you clearly didn't.

the link opened for me. if your computer won't open it, google it. I am not going to do your work for you.

Then paste the first paragraph if you read the article.

Liar, prove me wrong.

Looks like someone is caught lying. This isn't surprising. This is what you people are all about.

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