Why people are the victims of violent crimes everyday


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
There is a list of reasons why people are victims of violent crimes everyday.

And there ARE these.

1. The use of public transportation opens you up to violent crime.
2. The use of slow moving vehicles with no doors, I.e. a Bicycle or a Motor cycle opens you up to violent crime.

3. Living in a bad neighborhood because either A, you refuse to acknowledge the facts about them, or B you refuse to make enough money for better, with the stupid ass belief that money is evil.
And it opens you up to violent crime.

4. You refuse to acknowledge the facts about who the bad people in the world are, and where they are, and then you go join them, and it opens you up to violent crime.

5. Because you don't lift weights, or train to fight in a professional manner, with semi pro skills or greater.

6. Because you don't arm yourself.

7. Because you make your front door, into an open hallway.

Those are the biggest reasons.
There is a list of reasons why people are victims of violent crimes everyday.

And there ARE these.

1. The use of public transportation opens you up to violent crime.
2. The use of slow moving vehicles with no doors, I.e. a Bicycle or a Motor cycle opens you up to violent crime.

3. Living in a bad neighborhood because either A, you refuse to acknowledge the facts about them, or B you refuse to make enough money for better, with the stupid ass belief that money is evil.
And it opens you up to violent crime.

4. You refuse to acknowledge the facts about who the bad people in the world are, and where they are, and then you go join them, and it opens you up to violent crime.

5. Because you don't lift weights, or train to fight in a professional manner, with semi pro skills or greater.

6. Because you don't arm yourself.

7. Because you make your front door, into an open hallway.

Those are the biggest reasons.
Got another for you and I think it's the number one reason.

Going stupid places with stupid people and doing stupid things.
There is a list of reasons why people are victims of violent crimes everyday.

And there ARE these.

1. The use of public transportation opens you up to violent crime.
2. The use of slow moving vehicles with no doors, I.e. a Bicycle or a Motor cycle opens you up to violent crime.

3. Living in a bad neighborhood because either A, you refuse to acknowledge the facts about them, or B you refuse to make enough money for better, with the stupid ass belief that money is evil.
And it opens you up to violent crime.

4. You refuse to acknowledge the facts about who the bad people in the world are, and where they are, and then you go join them, and it opens you up to violent crime.

5. Because you don't lift weights, or train to fight in a professional manner, with semi pro skills or greater.

6. Because you don't arm yourself.

7. Because you make your front door, into an open hallway.

Those are the biggest reasons.
Got another for you and I think it's the number one reason.

Going stupid places with stupid people and doing stupid things.

You forgot ...

Playing loud music
Texting in a theater
Reaching for your driver's license
Being 12 and playing with a toy gun
Shopping for a BB gun in a Walmart

Quit playing the Professional Victim and look at both sides of the issue.

8. Creating terrible threads that make people want to punch you in the throat.
I'm going with Criminals as the number 1 reason.

Then there is this:

In the past 20 years, for instance, the murder rate in the United States has dropped by almost half, from 9.8 per 100,000 people in 1991 to 5.0 in 2009. Meanwhile, robberies were down 10 percent in 2010 from the year before and 8 percent in 2009.

The declines are not just a blip, say criminologists. Rather, they are the result of a host of changes that have fundamentally reversed the high-crime trends of the 1980s. And these changes have taken hold to such a degree that the drop in crime continued despite the recent recession.

US crime rate at lowest point in decades. Why America is safer now. - CSMonitor.com
I'm going with Criminals as the number 1 reason.

Then there is this:

In the past 20 years, for instance, the murder rate in the United States has dropped by almost half, from 9.8 per 100,000 people in 1991 to 5.0 in 2009. Meanwhile, robberies were down 10 percent in 2010 from the year before and 8 percent in 2009.

The declines are not just a blip, say criminologists. Rather, they are the result of a host of changes that have fundamentally reversed the high-crime trends of the 1980s. And these changes have taken hold to such a degree that the drop in crime continued despite the recent recession.

US crime rate at lowest point in decades. Why America is safer now. - CSMonitor.com

More law abiding citizens have guns today.
More people know boxing and/or martial arts today.
More people are present in Gyms and Health Clubs today.

More people are more socially isolated today, hanging around only friends and family, and NOT the open public.

More law abiding citizens live in the suburbs today as opposed to the inner city.
More people are going to college, thereby they earn more money and therefore live in better neighborhoods.
More people today know the dangers of a bad lifestyle.
The politicians are more sophisticated and up to the beat today.

Those crime statistics are not true for people that continue to live in the inner city, don't go to college, and live a bad lifestyle.

And gains in positive and better lifestyles are not true for those who live in jurisdictions that fail to respect the achievements of those who went to trade schools or FOR profit colleges that focus mainly on teaching the main job skills.

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Bluejay, flap the crap all you want, but you are talking mostly nonsense. Let's see some links.
Bluejay, flap the crap all you want, but you are talking mostly nonsense. Let's see some links.
I don't serve assholes who refuse to get it.
If you want to be murdered and robbed that's on you.

checkout the neighborhood scout website.
There is a list of reasons why people are victims of violent crimes everyday.

And there ARE these.

1. The use of public transportation opens you up to violent crime.
2. The use of slow moving vehicles with no doors, I.e. a Bicycle or a Motor cycle opens you up to violent crime.

3. Living in a bad neighborhood because either A, you refuse to acknowledge the facts about them, or B you refuse to make enough money for better, with the stupid ass belief that money is evil.
And it opens you up to violent crime.

4. You refuse to acknowledge the facts about who the bad people in the world are, and where they are, and then you go join them, and it opens you up to violent crime.

5. Because you don't lift weights, or train to fight in a professional manner, with semi pro skills or greater.

6. Because you don't arm yourself.

7. Because you make your front door, into an open hallway.

Those are the biggest reasons.

No its because you look like a victim.
Some people marvel at the facts that (a) the violent crime rate is down, and (b) the prison population is way up.

I think (a) is largely a result of (b).

Aside from domestic violence and fights, and aside from crimes committed to obtain drugs, criminal activity is generally the result of a character flaw in the perpetrator. There is no empathy. They see everyone else in the world as a potential means to something that is wanted, be it money, stuff, pussy, drugs, or whatever. If the person who has what they want appears weak, they take it by whatever means they have available. They never think in terms of a victim because they are totally narcissistic and see only their own wants and needs.

The slogan one hears all the time is, "No justice, no peace." It should be "No fathers, no peace."

In a word, Bastardy is the father of this plague of violence.
The OP is moronic. Obviously not everyone can be wealthy, and even living in a gated community couldn't protect Trayvon Martin from a hateful thug.

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