Why People Don't Believe In Climate Science

Green is the new RED..it's all about controlling people!

Whee. Another first class dingbat. Why don't you tell that to all the Alpine glaciers that are rapidly receding? To the rapidly diminishing Arctic Ocean Ice? Are them thar pointy headed Commie Libruls out there with blowtorches?

The Arctic Sea Ice is shrinking, while the Antarctic Sea Ice is growing, setting 5 all time record highs since O took office.

CO2 is constant for both the Arctic and Antarctic. If your theory is that CO2 is melting sea ice, that theory should be REJECTED since the DATA does not support it,,,

but that would be practicing actual science, which Algore supporters never do...
Here is the best proof of all:

Climate "Science"/AGW religion is based solely on computer model predictions:


AGW has always been bunk and there is no actual science to prove the AGW religion..
What's bunk is this Spencer & Christy graphic and the statement that AGW is based solely on computer models.

Here is the best proof of all:

Climate "Science"/AGW religion is based solely on computer model predictions:


AGW has always been bunk and there is no actual science to prove the AGW religion..
Interesting how science is proclaimed the ultimate authority only when it is convenient.
What's bunk is this Spencer & Christy graphic and the statement that AGW is based solely on computer models.

Here is the best proof of all:

Climate "Science"/AGW religion is based solely on computer model predictions:


AGW has always been bunk and there is no actual science to prove the AGW religion..

AGW is based almost solely on the models............everybody knows that who is paying attention.:2up:

BTW Crick....this new guy Lexter is embarrassing your ass...........better be looking for a new forum on a different messageboard. Unless of course you don't mind being publically humiliated s0n!!:itsok:
You made an exclamatory statement. You "explained" nothing. I make no use of "faith" in my understanding and acceptance of climate science. The only "devotion" I might be said to possess is my belief that the scientific method is the best manner so far found to consistently approach the truth in our understanding of the functioning of the universe around us.
Then perhaps you can explain WHY science is NOT using the scientific method in regards supposed man made global warming?
You made an exclamatory statement. You "explained" nothing. I make no use of "faith" in my understanding and acceptance of climate science. The only "devotion" I might be said to possess is my belief that the scientific method is the best manner so far found to consistently approach the truth in our understanding of the functioning of the universe around us.
Then perhaps you can explain WHY science is NOT using the scientific method in regards supposed man made global warming?

A great example is the above sea ice...

Theory - CO2 is causing sea ice to melt

Reality - Arctic Sea Ice melting, Antarctic Sea Ice GROWING...

Response of a real scientist - THEORY REJECTED

Response of the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists" ...

You made an exclamatory statement. You "explained" nothing. I make no use of "faith" in my understanding and acceptance of climate science. The only "devotion" I might be said to possess is my belief that the scientific method is the best manner so far found to consistently approach the truth in our understanding of the functioning of the universe around us.

Then perhaps you can explain WHY science is NOT using the scientific method in regards supposed man made global warming?

A great example is the above sea ice...


Theory - CO2 is causing sea ice to melt

Wrong. Increasing CO2 has increased global temperatures and Arctic temperature in particular.




Increased air temperatures have increased SST which have thinned ice and prevented refreezing. Thinner ice breaks up more easily, exposing more material to warm water and air and allowing ice sheets to be disbursed to lower latitudes. Decreased ice cover decreases the Arctic albedo and increases solar warming.

Reality - Arctic Sea Ice melting, Antarctic Sea Ice GROWING...

Antarctic SEA ICE is growing due to tremendously accelerated glacial flow off the continent. That acceleration was enabled by the loss of massive coastal ice sheets that had formerly blocked glacial flow. Those ice sheets failed due to warm water thinning then from underneath. Additionally, as you OUGHT to know, the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet is destabilized and is irreversibly crumbling into the Southern Ocean. It may take it 150 years to finish, but it will raise sea levels AT LEAST 20 feet. worldwide. As you saw just the other day, the mass of ice on the Antarctic continent is shrinking:






Response of a real scientist - THEORY REJECTED

Since the sort of direct correlation you've set up as a strawman here has never been a hypothesis of anyone whose graduated from Middle School, the real scientist will not be spending a second on the idea one way or the other.

Response of the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists" ...


It's not uncommon for deniers to picture themselves in some sort of heroic light, but this fantasy of yours that your enemies are frightened of your pronouncements is beyond silly - and surely you must realize that you've gotten no one worried or upset - only disappointed and bemused at your ignorance and confusion. Yet you keep rolling along. That has to take a truly special kind of self-delusion.
You made an exclamatory statement. You "explained" nothing. I make no use of "faith" in my understanding and acceptance of climate science. The only "devotion" I might be said to possess is my belief that the scientific method is the best manner so far found to consistently approach the truth in our understanding of the functioning of the universe around us.

Then perhaps you can explain WHY science is NOT using the scientific method in regards supposed man made global warming?

A great example is the above sea ice...


Theory - CO2 is causing sea ice to melt

Wrong. Increasing CO2 has increased global temperatures and Arctic temperature in particular.




Increased air temperatures have increased SST which have thinned ice and prevented refreezing. Thinner ice breaks up more easily, exposing more material to warm water and air and allowing ice sheets to be disbursed to lower latitudes. Decreased ice cover decreases the Arctic albedo and increases solar warming.

Reality - Arctic Sea Ice melting, Antarctic Sea Ice GROWING...

Antarctic SEA ICE is growing due to tremendously accelerated glacial flow off the continent. That acceleration was enabled by the loss of massive coastal ice sheets that had formerly blocked glacial flow. Those ice sheets failed due to warm water thinning then from underneath. Additionally, as you OUGHT to know, the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet is destabilized and is irreversibly crumbling into the Southern Ocean. It may take it 150 years to finish, but it will raise sea levels AT LEAST 20 feet. worldwide. As you saw just the other day, the mass of ice on the Antarctic continent is shrinking:






Response of a real scientist - THEORY REJECTED

Since the sort of direct correlation you've set up as a strawman here has never been a hypothesis of anyone whose graduated from Middle School, the real scientist will not be spending a second on the idea one way or the other.

Response of the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists" ...


It's not uncommon for deniers to picture themselves in some sort of heroic light, but this fantasy of yours that your enemies are frightened of your pronouncements is beyond silly - and surely you must realize that you've gotten no one worried or upset - only disappointed and bemused at your ignorance and confusion. Yet you keep rolling along. That has to take a truly special kind of self-delusion.
If as you claim CO2 is the cause why isn't the ice melting on BOTH poles?
As our new friend Ladexter has pointed out, Antarctica is very cold. The world as a whole has warmed 1C, the poles more so. However, it has not been enough to take Antarctica above freezing, has it Gunny. There is the point of the incredible mass loss from Antarctica caused by warming where all that ice interfaces to the warmed Southern Ocean. But, I guess you don't want to talk about that.
So why didn't the same happen to the other pole? I mean it had an incredible amount of ice too? Explain why one pole melts while another GAINS ice and then explain how CO2 which is EVERYWHERE caused the one pole to melt?
Because the poles are very different. As I noted here a couple days ago, one is an ocean surrounded by continents, the other is a continent surrounded by oceans. The ice in the Arctic rarely reaches 5 meters in thickness. Large areas in the Antarctic are kilometers thick.
Because the poles are very different. As I noted here a couple days ago, one is an ocean surrounded by continents, the other is a continent surrounded by oceans. The ice in the Arctic rarely reaches 5 meters in thickness. Large areas in the Antarctic are kilometers thick.
You have claimed CO2 caused ice to melt yet that is NOT true in one of the poles. Yet you insist it is scientific to claim so. You sir are stupid beyond words.
Gunny, you claim that people have been lying to you. Which of the following statements do you believe to be false?

1) The world has been getting warmer since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and has been warming at an accelerated pace since the 1980s.
2) CO2 is a greenhouse gas which absorbs and reradiates infrared radiation
3) The greenhouse effect warms the planet
4) The higher the level of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, the slower the Earth cools and the higher will be its equilibrium temperature
5) There is a closer correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature than between temperatures and any other factor
6) The vast majority of climate scientists and scientists of all sort believe that the warming we have experienced is due to increased CO2 levels in our atmosphere
7) An analysis of the isotopic composition of the CO2 in the Earth's current atmosphere indicate that 120 of it's 400 ppm originated with the combustion of fossil fuels - ie, from human activity
8) Both poles have been losing ice at least ever since satellite records capable of accurately measuring the process began
9) The loss of ice in the Arctic has no effect on sea level. Loss of ice from Greenland and Antarctica are raising the world's sea level. The increased temperature of the world's oceans are also raising its level since the warming is simply causing the oceans to expand.
10) The health and long term existence of the fossil fuel industry is threatened by climate science which tells us that the use of their product is doing us all long term harm

If none of these capture the essence of what you believe you've been told in deceit, I'd very much like to hear what it is you do hold to be a falsehood.
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Because the poles are very different. As I noted here a couple days ago, one is an ocean surrounded by continents, the other is a continent surrounded by oceans. The ice in the Arctic rarely reaches 5 meters in thickness. Large areas in the Antarctic are kilometers thick.

You have claimed CO2 caused ice to melt yet that is NOT true in one of the poles. Yet you insist it is scientific to claim so. You sir are stupid beyond words.

The glaciers flowing off the Antarctic continent have accelerated five-fold in the last three decades. What do YOU believe has caused that to take place?
Glacier flow is "accelerating" because that's what your heroes told you... even though NASA documents Antarctic ice has grown by at least 80 billion tons per year every year since Algore started lying about CO2 in 1988. The British Court ruled Antarctic ice was increasing, and your side failed to appeal that. Instead, your side pumps out more fudge and expects us to parrot fudge like you are addicted to doing. Let's try this one again...

Antarctic ice increasing
Antarctic Sea Ice has set 5 all time record highs since O took office

And, oh by the way, the actual surface temperature on Antarctica has not warmed, not in the raw data...

GLOBAL WARMING? NASA says Antarctic has been COOLING for past SIX years

An intensive scientific study of both Earth's poles has found that from 2009 to 2016 overall temperature has dropped in the southern polar region.

NASA’s Operation IceBridge is an airborne survey of polar ice and has finalised two overlapping research campaigns at both the poles.

In the last few weeks NASA has revealed the overall amount of ice has increased at the Antarctic and the amount of sea ice has also extended."

And then there is the court ruling your side failed to appeal...

Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing."

When two sides go to court, and a verdict is reached, and the side outed for lying does NOT APPEAL...


Antarctica is cooling and its ice is growing. Your side forfeits its right to dispute that by failing to appeal...
Gunny, you claim that people have been lying to you. Which of the following statements do you believe to be false?

1) The world has been getting warmer since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and has been warming at an accelerated pace since the 1980s.
2) CO2 is a greenhouse gas which absorbs and reradiates infrared radiation
3) The greenhouse effect warms the planet
4) The higher the level of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, the slower the Earth cools and the higher will be its equilibrium temperature
5) There is a closer correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature than between temperatures and any other factor
6) The vast majority of climate scientists and scientists of all sort believe that the warming we have experienced is due to increased CO2 levels in our atmosphere
7) An analysis of the isotopic composition of the CO2 in the Earth's current atmosphere indicate that 120 of it's 400 ppm originated with the combustion of fossil fuels - ie, from human activity
8) Both poles have been losing ice at least ever since satellite records capable of accurately measuring the process began
9) The loss of ice in the Arctic has no effect on sea level. Loss of ice from Greenland and Antarctica are raising the world's sea level. The increased temperature of the world's oceans are also raising its level since the warming is simply causing the oceans to expand.
10) The health and long term existence of the fossil fuel industry is threatened by climate science which tells us that the use of their product is doing us all long term harm

If none of these capture the essence of what you believe you've been told in deceit, I'd very much like to hear what it is you do hold to be a falsehood.

When we went to court over this BS, your side lost and failed to appeal...
Gunny, you claim that people have been lying to you. Which of the following statements do you believe to be false?

1) The world has been getting warmer since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and has been warming at an accelerated pace since the 1980s.
2) CO2 is a greenhouse gas which absorbs and reradiates infrared radiation
3) The greenhouse effect warms the planet
4) The higher the level of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, the slower the Earth cools and the higher will be its equilibrium temperature
5) There is a closer correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature than between temperatures and any other factor
6) The vast majority of climate scientists and scientists of all sort believe that the warming we have experienced is due to increased CO2 levels in our atmosphere
7) An analysis of the isotopic composition of the CO2 in the Earth's current atmosphere indicate that 120 of it's 400 ppm originated with the combustion of fossil fuels - ie, from human activity
8) Both poles have been losing ice at least ever since satellite records capable of accurately measuring the process began
9) The loss of ice in the Arctic has no effect on sea level. Loss of ice from Greenland and Antarctica are raising the world's sea level. The increased temperature of the world's oceans are also raising its level since the warming is simply causing the oceans to expand.
10) The health and long term existence of the fossil fuel industry is threatened by climate science which tells us that the use of their product is doing us all long term harm

If none of these capture the essence of what you believe you've been told in deceit, I'd very much like to hear what it is you do hold to be a falsehood.
and there is the slight of hand for the magician. no answer to the question from the Gunny. Nope complete avoidance and instead ask him to address these items. LOL hahaahahahahahaaha. Warmer diversion 101.

BTW Crick, none of them is true.
Gunny, you claim that people have been lying to you. Which of the following statements do you believe to be false?

1) The world has been getting warmer since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and has been warming at an accelerated pace since the 1980s.
2) CO2 is a greenhouse gas which absorbs and reradiates infrared radiation
3) The greenhouse effect warms the planet
4) The higher the level of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, the slower the Earth cools and the higher will be its equilibrium temperature
5) There is a closer correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature than between temperatures and any other factor
6) The vast majority of climate scientists and scientists of all sort believe that the warming we have experienced is due to increased CO2 levels in our atmosphere
7) An analysis of the isotopic composition of the CO2 in the Earth's current atmosphere indicate that 120 of it's 400 ppm originated with the combustion of fossil fuels - ie, from human activity
8) Both poles have been losing ice at least ever since satellite records capable of accurately measuring the process began
9) The loss of ice in the Arctic has no effect on sea level. Loss of ice from Greenland and Antarctica are raising the world's sea level. The increased temperature of the world's oceans are also raising its level since the warming is simply causing the oceans to expand.
10) The health and long term existence of the fossil fuel industry is threatened by climate science which tells us that the use of their product is doing us all long term harm

If none of these capture the essence of what you believe you've been told in deceit, I'd very much like to hear what it is you do hold to be a falsehood.
and there is the slight of hand for the magician. no answer to the question from the Gunny. Nope complete avoidance and instead ask him to address these items. LOL hahaahahahahahaaha. Warmer diversion 101.

BTW Crick, none of them is true.

That is a Court Certified FALSEHOOD. 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica is GROWING, as is the Antarctic Sea Ice. THAT is why there is NO OCEAN RISE, and the "warmers" have to cherry pick islands on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire to show an "ocean rise." It takes a real moron to fall for that...

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