Why people like me say the MSM biases the news...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???

The courts had begged Trump to provide evidence of cheating and he provided nothing. I would guess that is how.
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
So far his allegations ar3 all baseless.

If telling the truth is liberal then so be it. It’s harder to con people when the media points out exactly where the politicians are lying.

I guess fact checking is liberal?
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???

The courts had begged Trump to provide evidence of cheating and he provided nothing. I would guess that is how.
Provide me the links where courts begged for evidence? Tell me why this evidence of "cheating" was not accepted by the "courts"?
Questions for you...
1) Below is the instructions for the Dominion voting machine.
NOTE the "instructions for Voters"..
states: "Use only the marking pen provided to mark your ballot"...
So if the ONLY approved pen is the one attached to the voting machine, how did the "Mail in ballots" get counted as the
majority of people would not have the "marking pen"?
That's just one question because the mail in ballots changed the election.
2) Explain the attached page of nearly 2,995 voting precincts that were hacked 60% by China, some by Iran,etc.
Note how the hackers changed the votes.

The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
So far his allegations ar3 all baseless.

If telling the truth is liberal then so be it. It’s harder to con people when the media points out exactly where the politicians are lying.

I guess fact checking is liberal?
I can't believe the MSM when the facts show this.
The MSM donated 96% of their donations in 2016 to Hillary and were so angry they spent the next 4 years putting out false news...like the above example. The MSM then donated 90% to Biden, et.al. Democrats in 2020 supporting with money and more importantly BIASED news their HATRED for Trump. Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study.
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???

The courts had begged Trump to provide evidence of cheating and he provided nothing. I would guess that is how.
Provide me the links where courts begged for evidence?

Judge orders Trump campaign to produce evidence of voter fraud in Pennsylvania
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???

Somebody should have asked Santa Claus for a dictionary.

"Baseless" means somebody made an allegation but has no proof to show for it. Like, say, Rooty Giuliani. Like, say Doornaill Rump. When you can't point to any evidence, you have no basis, and hence your assertion is "baseless".

A theory is a premise contrived to explain how something MIGHT HAVE happened. Until it's proven, it remains a theory. Just to take a random example, let's say you, I dunno, run for President, and lose the election, but then you're so fucked in the head that you can't accept losing, so you make up a wild scenario where you actually "won" because there must have been "fraud". But again as above, you have no actual EVIDENCE of said fraud, you're just making shit up on the basis of "feelz". That's what a theory is.

Tune in next week and we;ll explain what the word evidence means. Don't want to overload the intellectually destitute.
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
From your linked article:
The dispute began in December, when then-Senate Judiciary Chairman Eddie Farnsworth held a six-hour hearing to question county officials about the conduct of the election. Even though the hearing turned up no evidence of any fraud, malfeasance or misconduct in the way Maricopa County conducted the election, Farnsworth and Fann issued the first round of subpoenas, prompting a lawsuit from the supervisors. Sen. Warren Petersen re-issued the subpoenas in January after he succeeded Farnsworth as the committee’s chairman.​
So the subpoena was issued by the GO without any supporting evidence, in other words it was not based on anything real, ergo, it was BASELESS. Seems to me this MSM nailed it.
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
From your linked article:
The dispute began in December, when then-Senate Judiciary Chairman Eddie Farnsworth held a six-hour hearing to question county officials about the conduct of the election. Even though the hearing turned up no evidence of any fraud, malfeasance or misconduct in the way Maricopa County conducted the election, Farnsworth and Fann issued the first round of subpoenas, prompting a lawsuit from the supervisors. Sen. Warren Petersen re-issued the subpoenas in January after he succeeded Farnsworth as the committee’s chairman.​
So the subpoena was issued by the GO without any supporting evidence, in other words it was not based on anything real, ergo, it was BASELESS. Seems to me this MSM nailed it.
The MSM is now the judge/jury of justice is that what you mean because THEY biased the perception by stating "baseless"? Then why did the judge allow the audit? Hey... that's what is suppose to in providing "evidence".
Cops don't take a case to court with out evidence. Find the evidence. Plus it was a "HEARING"! The HEARING is NOT the same as a a court case.

Let's just see what kind of "evidence" the audit turns up. I don't understand people like you though... if there was no wrongdoing, why are you and they contesting? If there is no proof after the audit there is no evidence. No case.
But until the audit let's hold off on making "judgements" as this article did..."baseless"!
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???

So the asshole MSM predetermined the fraud allegations were baseless BEFORE the audit. :eusa_think:
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
Election fraud is a fabricated lie, that only brainwashed Trump sheep believe.

Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
Why did all election officials (including GOP) say no voter fraud
Why are judges (including Trump appointed judges) saying no evidence of fraud at all????

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “
did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

Chief Justice Robert Brutinel agreed, saying Ward's challenge had failed to "
present any evidence of 'misconduct,' 'illegal votes' or that the Biden Electors 'did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,'" he wrote — "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."

The evidence against fraud is so overwhelming. Nobody has been able to present a valid factual argument that supports voter fraud.

How could any logical, sane person then conclude that all these judges, AG Barr, all the election officials, and the Justice department are all lying. How could any sane person claim voter fraud when all of these people have said there was no evidence of fraud.
The evidence against fraud is so overwhelming. Nobody has been able to present a valid factual argument that supports voter fraud.

Just keep telling yourselves that while we whoop your ass in 2022, cheaters.
Good, solid, Trumpian-level response there. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
Why did all election officials (including GOP) say no voter fraud
Why are judges (including Trump appointed judges) saying no evidence of fraud at all????

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

Chief Justice Robert Brutinel agreed, saying Ward's challenge had failed to "present any evidence of 'misconduct,' 'illegal votes' or that the Biden Electors 'did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,'" he wrote — "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
From your linked article:
The dispute began in December, when then-Senate Judiciary Chairman Eddie Farnsworth held a six-hour hearing to question county officials about the conduct of the election. Even though the hearing turned up no evidence of any fraud, malfeasance or misconduct in the way Maricopa County conducted the election, Farnsworth and Fann issued the first round of subpoenas, prompting a lawsuit from the supervisors. Sen. Warren Petersen re-issued the subpoenas in January after he succeeded Farnsworth as the committee’s chairman.​
So the subpoena was issued by the GO without any supporting evidence, in other words it was not based on anything real, ergo, it was BASELESS. Seems to me this MSM nailed it.
The MSM is now the judge/jury of justice is that what you mean because THEY biased the perception by stating "baseless"? Then why did the judge allow the audit? Hey... that's what is suppose to in providing "evidence".
Cops don't take a case to court with out evidence. Find the evidence. Plus it was a "HEARING"! The HEARING is NOT the same as a a court case.

Let's just see what kind of "evidence" the audit turns up. I don't understand people like you though... if there was no wrongdoing, why are you and they contesting? If there is no proof after the audit there is no evidence. No case.
But until the audit let's hold off on making "judgements" as this article did..."baseless"!
I have two issues. The first, minor one is who is paying for the audit? Taxpayer or GOP? As a taxpayer I hope it is the later.

What I really have a problem with is the Trumpists lack of trust in anyone outside their cult. Whoever does the audit, if it finds no problems, it will be accused of being part of the conspiracy or there is something additional they need to check. The process will never end. Anyone believe the GA AG, a GOP Trump supporter, when he said the GA election was fair?
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
Election fraud is a fabricated lie, that only brainwashed Trump sheep believe.

Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
Why did all election officials (including GOP) say no voter fraud
Why are judges (including Trump appointed judges) saying no evidence of fraud at all????

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “
did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

Chief Justice Robert Brutinel agreed, saying Ward's challenge had failed to "
present any evidence of 'misconduct,' 'illegal votes' or that the Biden Electors 'did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,'" he wrote — "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."

The evidence against fraud is so overwhelming. Nobody has been able to present a valid factual argument that supports voter fraud.

How could any logical, sane person then conclude that all these judges, AG Barr, all the election officials, and the Justice department are all lying. How could any sane person claim voter fraud when all of these people have said there was no evidence of fraud.
Which is so funny because people like you believed Russia influenced the 2016 election...Russia,Russia,Russia???
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
So far his allegations ar3 all baseless.

If telling the truth is liberal then so be it. It’s harder to con people when the media points out exactly where the politicians are lying.

I guess fact checking is liberal?
I can't believe the MSM when the facts show this.
The MSM donated 96% of their donations in 2016 to Hillary and were so angry they spent the next 4 years putting out false news...like the above example. The MSM then donated 90% to Biden, et.al. Democrats in 2020 supporting with money and more importantly BIASED news their HATRED for Trump. Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study.
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.
View attachment 462341
You don’t know who they are giving most of their money to. With citizens United they can donate secretly as much as they want to political action committees.

They want to seem liberal. so you can say they are liberal so no one believes them.
The following excerpt is regarding this headline:
Judge sides with Senate, says Maricopa must turn over election materials for audit
What these means is Maricopa county must abide by an audit of the 2.1 million votes in the 2020 election.

NOW here is how we know the MSM including this Arizona Mirror "objective" "professional" "journalist" presents the news...

"They sought to conduct an audit of the election in response to the baseless fraud allegations and conspiracy theories espoused by former President Donald Trump and many of his supporters, including some Senate Republicans, after President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Please explain to me how a reader would come away with an opinion the election fraud is not true? "BASELESS"? Why does this idiot hack writer then use the term if a JUDGE has ordered an audit? If it was "BASELESS" then why did the judge do that? BIASED JUDGE? Yea that's the ticket. So is that why SCOTUS refused to hear the PA lawsuit? BIASED???
So far his allegations ar3 all baseless.

If telling the truth is liberal then so be it. It’s harder to con people when the media points out exactly where the politicians are lying.

I guess fact checking is liberal?
I can't believe the MSM when the facts show this.
The MSM donated 96% of their donations in 2016 to Hillary and were so angry they spent the next 4 years putting out false news...like the above example. The MSM then donated 90% to Biden, et.al. Democrats in 2020 supporting with money and more importantly BIASED news their HATRED for Trump. Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study.
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.
View attachment 462341
You don’t know who they are giving most of their money to. With citizens United they can donate secretly as much as they want to political action committees.

They want to seem liberal. so you can say they are liberal so no one believes them.
Check out this site and again look at the links in the file I attached:


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