Why people with integrity DON"T BELIEVE OBAMA!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama says all the right things, makes people feel "hopeful" just really a nice guy!
And he has a stash by the way he gives away!!!

Obama's Remarks by the President at the National Prayer Breakfast

"But part of that belief comes from my faith in the idea that
I am my brother’s keeper and I am my sister’s keeper;"

Remarks by the President at the National Prayer Breakfast | The White House

OBAMA's own flesh and blood BROTHER STILL sleeps in a $12 a year hut!

Donations to charity???
Bush on income of $719,274 in 2007 gave 23% of his income to charity..
OBAMA?? 2009 gave ONLY 6.5% of $2.650 million and in 2010 just 14.18%

Obama's aunt???
President Barack Obama's Aunt Zeituni admits she illegally overstayed her visa.
Obama’s auntie still freeloading - BostonHerald.com

So do those of you that mistakenly FEEL people like me "hate" Obama.. 100% wrong!
People like me think WORDS have meaning!
Words form opinions and opinions form decisions and PEOPLE can die from those decisions!
And when a Senator helps the enemies of the USA by telling the enemies of the USA that US troops "air-raid villages and killing civilians".. not ONE intelligent person would ever EVER dispute that those words have two affects on people:
1) demoralization of our TROOPS when a US SENATOR says these words..
2) ENCOURAGING to the terrorists!
I don't understand how ANY Terrorists wouldn't find these words "comforting" i.e.
justification for KILLING US TROOPS...
Words have meanings.. words can form opinions and encourage ACTIONS!

Obama said: our troops are "air-raiding villages and killing CIVILIANS"!!!
great thread and even better use of caps in thread title. bravo

Words have meaning. Form opinions. Opinions create decisions!
Obama's words have destroyed lives.

Yet most people Won't hold him and others responsible for yes the deaths in Iraq!
NO other war in history EVER on a daily basis had leaders like Obama cheering the enemy!

Why is the concept that Obama and others prolonged Iraq costing thousands more in lvies and over $1 trillion more then necessary so hard to recognize?

I mean billions are spent by businesses advertising in TV/paper etc.. why? to
influence decisions!

So why is it so hard then to understand the cheerleading by Obama et.al ENCOURAGED
the enemy?

Daily news casts show almost ALL the time the exact same footage on all networks and forming opinions which ENCOURAGED the terrorists to continue to plant bombs on little kids blowing up when handed candy by US Troops!

AND Obama's words among others had an affect!

If you believe the billions spent annually on advertising works..
then words like the following definitely DIDN'T help the US TROOPS having to overcome
these totally FALSE images...

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

THESE words cost 1,000s more in US troops lives and $1 trillion more in money!

And if ANY of you can't see it ...THERE IS NO HOPE for you!
Frankly anyone who uses out of context quotes the way you do really has no business talking about anyones integrity.
Frankly anyone who uses out of context quotes the way you do really has no business talking about anyones integrity.

GEEZ "out of context"???
Prove to me WHAT out of context when Obama says my brother's keeper and he
doesn't even take care of HIS OWN Brother!

I mean words have MEANING! You are your brother's keeper START with your OWN flesh and blood!

Or are you telling me there is someother context for "cold blooded killers"???

Again... do you think advertising works?

Obviously billions are spent trying to influence you!
So if Obama says our troops are air-raiding and killing civilians" what CONTEXT
would the Terrorists or for that fact the people of Iraq/Afghan think if they hear a
leader of the US troops calling them "killers"?


"War is Lost" tell the terrorists that and what would they assume..WAR is lost!

Words have meanings!!
You are proof positive of the Affectiveness of the MSM biased reporting daily about Iraq ON behalf of the the enemies!
Obama says all the right things, makes people feel "hopeful" just really a nice guy!
And he has a stash by the way he gives away!!!

Obama's Remarks by the President at the National Prayer Breakfast

"But part of that belief comes from my faith in the idea that
I am my brother’s keeper and I am my sister’s keeper;"

Remarks by the President at the National Prayer Breakfast | The White House

OBAMA's own flesh and blood BROTHER STILL sleeps in a $12 a year hut!

Donations to charity???
Bush on income of $719,274 in 2007 gave 23% of his income to charity..
OBAMA?? 2009 gave ONLY 6.5% of $2.650 million and in 2010 just 14.18%

Obama's aunt???
President Barack Obama's Aunt Zeituni admits she illegally overstayed her visa.
Obama’s auntie still freeloading - BostonHerald.com

So do those of you that mistakenly FEEL people like me "hate" Obama.. 100% wrong!
People like me think WORDS have meaning!
Words form opinions and opinions form decisions and PEOPLE can die from those decisions!
And when a Senator helps the enemies of the USA by telling the enemies of the USA that US troops "air-raid villages and killing civilians".. not ONE intelligent person would ever EVER dispute that those words have two affects on people:
1) demoralization of our TROOPS when a US SENATOR says these words..
2) ENCOURAGING to the terrorists!
I don't understand how ANY Terrorists wouldn't find these words "comforting" i.e.
justification for KILLING US TROOPS...
Words have meanings.. words can form opinions and encourage ACTIONS!

Obama said: our troops are "air-raiding villages and killing CIVILIANS"!!!

People with integrity don't believe any politician.
Frankly anyone who uses out of context quotes the way you do really has no business talking about anyones integrity.

GEEZ "out of context"???
Prove to me WHAT out of context when Obama says my brother's keeper and he
doesn't even take care of HIS OWN Brother!

I mean words have MEANING! You are your brother's keeper START with your OWN flesh and blood!

Or are you telling me there is someother context for "cold blooded killers"???

Again... do you think advertising works?

Obviously billions are spent trying to influence you!
So if Obama says our troops are air-raiding and killing civilians" what CONTEXT
would the Terrorists or for that fact the people of Iraq/Afghan think if they hear a
leader of the US troops calling them "killers"?


"War is Lost" tell the terrorists that and what would they assume..WAR is lost!

Words have meanings!!

Yep defending your out of context stuff to the bitter end.

Do you ever do any reasearch on you own or do you handlers just tell you what to post.

Take the out of context quote "war is lost". Here's more of what he said on the Senate floor.

Now we find ourselves policing another nation's civil war. We are less secure from the many threats to our national security than we were when the war began. As long as we follow the President's path in Iraq, the war is lost. But there is still a chance to change course and we must change course. No one wants us to succeed in the Middle East more than I do. But there must be a change of course. Our brave men and women overseas have passed every test with flying colors. They have earned our pride and our praise. More important, they deserve a strategy worthy of their sacrifice.

all you see is "war is lost".

We know the truth about the Hadith killing. The military might call it justified. I don't blame the troops, I blame the policy that put them in that situation. Yes before you ask both parties are responsible for the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which set the stage for that and many other atrocities to occur.

You might have a point about the President relatives from his fathers side.
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You are proof positive of the Affectiveness of the MSM biased reporting daily about Iraq ON behalf of the the enemies!

Is that the same MSN that was in-bed-with the military when it as good for ratings? The same ones that parrotted the White Houses' every press release on how bad and evil Reagan/Bushes former favored trading partner Saddam Hussien now was? The same MSM that denigrated anyone who spoke out against the coming invasion?

Tell me again how many of the Weapons the Whitehouse claimed Iraq was actively producing were ever found?
Frankly anyone who uses out of context quotes the way you do really has no business talking about anyones integrity.

GEEZ "out of context"???
Prove to me WHAT out of context when Obama says my brother's keeper and he
doesn't even take care of HIS OWN Brother!

I mean words have MEANING! You are your brother's keeper START with your OWN flesh and blood!

Or are you telling me there is someother context for "cold blooded killers"???

Again... do you think advertising works?

Obviously billions are spent trying to influence you!
So if Obama says our troops are air-raiding and killing civilians" what CONTEXT
would the Terrorists or for that fact the people of Iraq/Afghan think if they hear a
leader of the US troops calling them "killers"?


"War is Lost" tell the terrorists that and what would they assume..WAR is lost!

Words have meanings!!

Yep defending your out of context stuff to the bitter end.

Do you ever do any research on you own or do you handlers just tell you what to post.

Take the out of context quote "war is lost". Here's more of what he said on the Senate floor.

Now we find ourselves policing another nation's civil war. We are less secure from the many threats to our national security than we were when the war began. As long as we follow the President's path in Iraq, the war is lost. But there is still a chance to change course and we must change course. No one wants us to succeed in the Middle East more than I do. But there must be a change of course. Our brave men and women overseas have passed every test with flying colors. They have earned our pride and our praise. More important, they deserve a strategy worthy of their sacrifice.

all you see is "war is lost".

We know the truth about the Hadith killing. The military might call it justified. I don't blame the troops, I blame the policy that put them in that situation. Yes before you ask both parties are responsible for the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which set the stage for that and many other atrocities to occur.

You might have a point about the President relatives from his fathers side.

THAT is the BIGGEST Laugh I've had in a long time!

DO YOU REAlly think the Terrorists took the time to put the quotes in context?

Seriously.. Terrorist reading the comments made by Reid and said yea but he doesn't think we'll win.. Hell No!

They took everyone of the words and parsed and used and THAT's the point!

If someone as dumb as ME knows that the enemy USES every advantage why in the hell would ANYONE smarter then me like supposedly Obama is would use words to give encouragement? "Air raiding villages and killing civilians"!

OUT of context? THAT's how propaganda works !
Tell a big enough lie often enough people will believe it!
YOU did! YOU think that in spite of the 1991 Cease FIRE.. MEANING anything that
makes the CEASE FIRE stop i.e. Saddam broke the Cease fire thousands of times from 1991 to 2003.. HE RESUMED the 1991 War!

YET you believed "took out of context" what the MSM/Democrats wanted you to do i.e. moan and groan about Iraq till the enemies KNEW you believed it!
YOU believed the USA was wrong..even though Saddam murdered over 300,000 people!
Invaded Kuwait! Murdered millions in Iraq/Iran

BUT you believed because of out of context.. the MSM!
EVEN though 74% of Americans, the majority of the world KNEW it was the right thing to remove Saddam.. NOW after millions of words bashing Bush/USA/ our troops!!!

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