Why Perry Can Win?,Midwest/Southern Presidential Candidates Been Winning Since 1964.

Feb 13, 2011

Ever since President Johnson,Every candidate from the south or west has won the Presidency.
1964: Johnson
1976: Carter
1980: Reagan
1988: Bush
1992: Clinton
2000: Bush
2008: End Of Prosperity !!!

Aside from Obama stealing the election from Hillary, The pattern of "Southern Presidents" speaks for itself. Obama wont win the south,we all know that. Perry represents the entire "Red South",and Obama has already lost the rust belt.
So tell me where I am wrong on the facts. {of course Liberals will deny all of it:eusa_shhh:)

Ever since President Johnson,Every candidate from the south or west has won the Presidency.
1964: Johnson
1976: Carter
1980: Reagan
1988: Bush
1992: Clinton
2000: Bush
2008: End Of Prosperity !!!

Aside from Obama stealing the election from Hillary, The pattern of "Southern Presidents" speaks for itself. Obama wont win the south,we all know that. Perry represents the entire "Red South",and Obama has already lost the rust belt.
So tell me where I am wrong on the facts. {of course Liberals will deny all of it:eusa_shhh:)

I don’t know about all that, but it is true Perry is the best candidate the G.O.P. has to offer thus far. That doesn’t necessarily mean he will win the nomination however.

Ever since President Johnson,Every candidate from the south or west has won the Presidency.
1964: Johnson
1976: Carter
1980: Reagan
1988: Bush
1992: Clinton
2000: Bush
2008: End Of Prosperity !!!

Aside from Obama stealing the election from Hillary, The pattern of "Southern Presidents" speaks for itself. Obama wont win the south,we all know that. Perry represents the entire "Red South",and Obama has already lost the rust belt.
So tell me where I am wrong on the facts. {of course Liberals will deny all of it:eusa_shhh:)

Dare I ask....

How did Obama "steal" the election from Hillary?

HRC lost most of her internal support for her position in Iraq.

Furthermore, like the guy or not, Obama ran one of the most effective grassroots campaign efforts in modern history.

Finally, while not fair to Hillary, the country was ready to break out of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton cycle.

It was beginning to look like a monarchy around this joint.

Other than that, you raise some good points. Though I don't think Obama has "already lost the Rust Belt". The GOP is going t have to win the rust belt. It's not a given. Considering their assault on organized labor, that might not be an easy sell.
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Ever since President Johnson,Every candidate from the south or west has won the Presidency.
1964: Johnson
1976: Carter
1980: Reagan
1988: Bush
1992: Clinton
2000: Bush
2008: End Of Prosperity !!!

Aside from Obama stealing the election from Hillary, The pattern of "Southern Presidents" speaks for itself. Obama wont win the south,we all know that. Perry represents the entire "Red South",and Obama has already lost the rust belt.
So tell me where I am wrong on the facts. {of course Liberals will deny all of it:eusa_shhh:)

You might be correct, along with being right (far right, that is) that Obama has lost the Red States, yet suggesting prosperity ended with the election of Obama is partisan bullshit.

Prosperity, as understood as something all Americans enjoyed, ended with Reagan and Voo Doo Economic policy. Since 1981 the middle class has diminished, the poor have remained poor and the very wealthy have thrived. Since 1981 our Republic has devolved from a nation of the people and for the people into an oligarchial plutocracy - a system of government not too different from that which existed after the civil war.
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Ever since President Johnson,Every candidate from the south or west has won the Presidency.
1964: Johnson
1976: Carter
1980: Reagan
1988: Bush
1992: Clinton
2000: Bush
2008: End Of Prosperity !!!

Aside from Obama stealing the election from Hillary, The pattern of "Southern Presidents" speaks for itself. Obama wont win the south,we all know that. Perry represents the entire "Red South",and Obama has already lost the rust belt.
So tell me where I am wrong on the facts. {of course Liberals will deny all of it:eusa_shhh:)

Dare I ask....

How did Obama "steal" the election from Hillary?

HRC lost most of her internal support for her position in Iraq.

Furthermore, like the guy or not, Obama ran one of the most effective grassroots campaign efforts in modern history.

Finally, while not fair to Hillary, the country was ready to break out of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton cycle.

It was beginning to look like a monarchy around this joint.

Other than that, you raise some good points. Though I don't think Obama has "already lost the Rust Belt". The GOP is going t have to win the rust belt. It's not a given. Considering their assault on organized labor, that might not be an easy sell.

Good post my friend.

Ever since President Johnson,Every candidate from the south or west has won the Presidency.
1964: Johnson
1976: Carter
1980: Reagan
1988: Bush
1992: Clinton
2000: Bush
2008: End Of Prosperity !!!

Aside from Obama stealing the election from Hillary, The pattern of "Southern Presidents" speaks for itself. Obama wont win the south,we all know that. Perry represents the entire "Red South",and Obama has already lost the rust belt.
So tell me where I am wrong on the facts. {of course Liberals will deny all of it:eusa_shhh:)

You might be correct, along with being right (far right, that is) that Obama has lost the Red States, yet suggesting prosperity ended with the election of Obama is partisan bullshit.

Prosperity, as understood as something all Americans enjoyed, ended with Reagan and Voo Doo Economic policy. Since 1981 the middle class has diminished, the poor have remained poor and the very wealthy have thrived. Since 1981 our Republic has devolved from a nation of the people and for the people into an oligarchial plutocracy - a system of government not too different from that which existed after the civil war.

It's probably presumptive to make any claims about what Obama has won or lost. We still don't know what the GOP field will look like. Perry has been a game changer, but he comes with his own baggage and he's not a shoe in. He's likely to alienate moderates, who might just stay home or support the status quo.

He could make a smart move by putting a more moderate politician like Romney on the ticket with him. That could be a tough combination to beat. He would completely screw up by picking Bachmann or any of the others.

Ever since President Johnson,Every candidate from the south or west has won the Presidency.
1964: Johnson
1976: Carter
1980: Reagan
1988: Bush
1992: Clinton
2000: Bush
2008: End Of Prosperity !!!

Aside from Obama stealing the election from Hillary, The pattern of "Southern Presidents" speaks for itself. Obama wont win the south,we all know that. Perry represents the entire "Red South",and Obama has already lost the rust belt.
So tell me where I am wrong on the facts. {of course Liberals will deny all of it:eusa_shhh:)

You're wrong that you left Obama's name off the list. He's from Hawaii, which we all know is in the west.
Obama has already lost the rust belt.
So tell me where I am wrong on the facts. {of course Liberals will deny all of it:eusa_shhh:)

Where you're wrong is that Obama has only lost the Rust Belt, if the Republicans nominate a moderate. If they nominate Perry or someone like him, the Rust Belt and the upper Midwest is back in play and it becomes extremely difficult for them to win.
Regarding the rust belt, we all know Obama has already lost Indiana and Iowa, and how can he win in Penn&Ohio? those states have very high unemployment are are 85%(or more White Voters)The Obama Supporters(aka Flash Mob) isn't going to help Obama either. Michigan is still a question,yet most pollsters feel he is in trouble there too.
Regarding the rust belt, we all know Obama has already lost Indiana and Iowa, and how can he win in Penn&Ohio? those states have very high unemployment are are 85%(or more White Voters)The Obama Supporters(aka Flash Mob) isn't going to help Obama either. Michigan is still a question,yet most pollsters feel he is in trouble there too.

With Perry as the candidate, they get them all back, except maybe Indiana. He doesn't play well outside the South.
Obama is in serious trouble in all purple states,many of the angry/fustrated residents of those states are in the "Anyone But Obama Mode", and lets just wait until we start getting the state by state polls this fall before assuming anything. I am not assuming its going to be Perry, but he seems to be the one the tea party & traditional Republicans will settle for, and keep in mind that if Rubio agrees to be VP,,,Obama is Done !!! {unles he registers dead people and pets).
Regarding the rust belt, we all know Obama has already lost Indiana and Iowa, and how can he win in Penn&Ohio? those states have very high unemployment are are 85%(or more White Voters)The Obama Supporters(aka Flash Mob) isn't going to help Obama either. Michigan is still a question,yet most pollsters feel he is in trouble there too.

Nobody has lost anything until November 2012.

While not the intent, the auto industry bail out is probably going to help Obama more than people realize. Auto workers aren't going to be concerned with nuance and political debates about socialism when it comes to their jobs.

Furthermore, if the GOP continues to crack down on collective bargaining rights, they are going to have more trouble. Eventually a GOP candidate is going to be asked about what Scott Walker did in Wisconsin.

The recall elections already prove that was unpopular in the state of Wisconsin.
Obama is in serious trouble in all purple states,many of the angry/fustrated residents of those states are in the "Anyone But Obama Mode", and lets just wait until we start getting the state by state polls this fall before assuming anything. I am not assuming its going to be Perry, but he seems to be the one the tea party & traditional Republicans will settle for, and keep in mind that if Rubio agrees to be VP,,,Obama is Done !!! {unles he registers dead people and pets).

I live in a purple state. I don't see a huge Obama backlash here that is out of proportion to the rest of the nation. More importantly, who is the GOP going to nominate that is going to inspire people to unseat an incumbent?

BTW, no one here knows who the hell Rubio is.

I don't think Perry will be as smooth as Clinton.
Obama is in serious trouble in all purple states,many of the angry/fustrated residents of those states are in the "Anyone But Obama Mode", and lets just wait until we start getting the state by state polls this fall before assuming anything. I am not assuming its going to be Perry, but he seems to be the one the tea party & traditional Republicans will settle for, and keep in mind that if Rubio agrees to be VP,,,Obama is Done !!! {unles he registers dead people and pets).

Anyone but Obama? Don't make me laugh. Perry doesn't stand a chance. He's already hit the high water mark, IMO. It's all downhill from here, as far as the general election goes. The Reps may want to commit political suicide and I guess I'd be willing to sell them all the rope they want!!! :cool:

PERRY IN 2012. We've got to save The United States of Texas. :D
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Obama is in serious trouble in all purple states,many of the angry/fustrated residents of those states are in the "Anyone But Obama Mode", and lets just wait until we start getting the state by state polls this fall before assuming anything. I am not assuming its going to be Perry, but he seems to be the one the tea party & traditional Republicans will settle for, and keep in mind that if Rubio agrees to be VP,,,Obama is Done !!! {unles he registers dead people and pets).

Anyone but Obama? Don't make me laugh. Perry doesn't stand a chance. He's already hit the high water mark, IMO. It's all downhill from here, as far as the general election goes. The Reps may want to commit political suicide and I guess I'd be willing to sell them all the rope they want!!! :cool:

PERRY IN 2012. We've got to save The United States of Texas. :D

Ironically, the candidate that actually stands a snowball's chance: Mitt Romney fails to get any traction among the GOP. Even W. Bush branded himself a moderate "compassionate conservative" who had a reputation for working across the aisle in Texas.

The last thing the American people want right now is more polarization. The only person that seems to get that on the right is Huntsman and he's just about through.

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