Why Politicians Not Talking About The Migrant Invasion? Here's The Answer:


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010

Pay attention to what this lovely young lady is saying, because it accounts for why government officials in Europe and here in the U.S. are keeping quiet about the invasion (and infestation) of Muslim and African "refugees" -- who really are not refugees at all.
So the highest levels of government(s) have decided that rather than allow our largely White populations to gradually diminish to extinction they will invite Muslims, who despise us, and uncivilized Central Africans, whose average IQ is -90 to inhabit the homelands which have taken centuries to build and refine, and to breed with us --- as if we have nothing to say about it.

This is why the elitist bastards have had nothing to say about what we've been seeing in Europe and, to some extent, right here in the U.S. Our very cultures are being stolen from us.

Tara McCarthy has asked a very good question, which is what would our parents and grandparents who died in or who suffered through WW-II to defend and preserve the sovereignty of our beloved homeland have to say about this incredibly brazen decision on the part of our governments and the UN to quietly set about to effect what essentially is the eradication of White Western culture.

They are doing it by quietly allowing what in effect is a passive invasion by foreign entities. They are enabling something to passively take place which could not have been done through military force. And it may be said that the mass rapes which have occurred, and are occurring, in Sweden, Norway and Germany are an example of this deliberate effort to breed the now dominant White race out of existence and replace it with a fertile hybrid work force.

This grand master plan which is being worked upon us far is more insidious than anything set forth in such futuristic fantasies as, Nineteen Eighty Four, Brave New World, and H.G. Wells' Time Machine. I regard it as the most egregious crime in the history of the world.

I would like to know the opinions of others after giving it a bit of thought, as well as some thoughts on what can be done about it -- especially since so many contemporary, productive Whites have become so mentally lazy, so spoiled, and so arrogantly complacent.
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