Why polling in 2016 ended up being so inaccurate and why it might not be a problem in 2020


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

Their excuses STILL SUCK.. Never mention any statistical cohort that ISNT Dem or Repub.. THAT'S their issue.. 42% of Americans are NO LONGER LOYAL to either the Coke or Pepsi party.. When Clinton lost those rust belt states, it's because Trump's win margin was a fraction of the vote for GREENS and LIBERTARIANS.. In total, that "alternate" vote was SIX FUCKING POINTS nationwide.. 3 times LARGER than her "pop vote" margin...

And when they poll if they do not LIST an "Independent or Alternate" ANSWER -- they are literally FLUSHING AWAY at least 25 or 30% of the voters that are gonna turn out..

That and nobody ANSWERS phones these days, And the polling is mostly land line..

There are 21st century polling outfits that DO "get to know" their sample population in detail.. They create databases over time of people that can be polled with complete knowledge of their actual PREFERENCES and voting history.. Not just their "declared" allegiances.. Survey Monkey is one of these and I'll bet the farm that they are closer to the ACTUAL on the ground truth...
This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

Their excuses STILL SUCK.. Never mention any statistical cohort that ISNT Dem or Repub.. THAT'S their issue.. 42% of Americans are NO LONGER LOYAL to either the Coke or Pepsi party.. When Clinton lost those rust belt states, it's because Trump's win margin was a fraction of the vote for GREENS and LIBERTARIANS.. In total, that "alternate" vote was SIX FUCKING POINTS nationwide.. 3 times LARGER than her "pop vote" margin...

And when they poll if they do not LIST an "Independent or Alternate" ANSWER -- they are literally FLUSHING AWAY at least 25 or 30% of the voters that are gonna turn out..

That and nobody ANSWERS phones these days, And the polling is mostly land line..

There are 21st century polling outfits that DO "get to know" their sample population in detail.. They create databases over time of people that can be polled with complete knowledge of their actual PREFERENCES and voting history.. Not just their "declared" allegiances.. Survey Monkey is one of these and I'll bet the farm that they are closer to the ACTUAL on the ground truth...
Of what you’re saying is true, there would be a stand out candidate like Gary Johnson this time around. Such a candidate no longer exists.
This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

Their excuses STILL SUCK.. Never mention any statistical cohort that ISNT Dem or Repub.. THAT'S their issue.. 42% of Americans are NO LONGER LOYAL to either the Coke or Pepsi party.. When Clinton lost those rust belt states, it's because Trump's win margin was a fraction of the vote for GREENS and LIBERTARIANS.. In total, that "alternate" vote was SIX FUCKING POINTS nationwide.. 3 times LARGER than her "pop vote" margin...

And when they poll if they do not LIST an "Independent or Alternate" ANSWER -- they are literally FLUSHING AWAY at least 25 or 30% of the voters that are gonna turn out..

That and nobody ANSWERS phones these days, And the polling is mostly land line..

There are 21st century polling outfits that DO "get to know" their sample population in detail.. They create databases over time of people that can be polled with complete knowledge of their actual PREFERENCES and voting history.. Not just their "declared" allegiances.. Survey Monkey is one of these and I'll bet the farm that they are closer to the ACTUAL on the ground truth...
Of what you’re saying is true, there would be a stand out candidate like Gary Johnson this time around. Such a candidate no longer exists.

Still that 42% that doesn't HAVE a favorite party is gonna DO SOMETHING... And the pollsters are still stuck in the 60s without RECOGNIZING THEM and getting THEM CALLED and polled -- they're continue to suck worse...

Ever ADD UP those Biden/Trump numbers?? Even when they POLL ONLY Reps and Dems, there's usually 11 to 14% MISSING !!!!!! Which is bigger than the actual HEADLINE on the story... Idiots...

So you have 12% "dithering" party declarers and another 30 to 40% people who were discarded because they "didn't state a Repub or Dem" preference... AND THAT absolute crap isn't even WORTH a headline or 10 threads a day at USMB....
Current polls are meaningless. This campaign won't even get started until the first presidential debate. Even then polls are not reliable when a candidate like Trump is running.
Why polling in 2016 ended up being so inaccurate and why it might not be a problem in 2020

Like you would know. Without even wasting a second reading whatever claptrap you posted, let me guess it went something like this Billy:
  • 2016 was an unavoidable freak error in the system totally NOT the fault of the Democrats.
  • You got everything nailed down perfectly this time now and can even predict the state and the hour when Biden tops 270 to take the WH in a sweeping shame of embarrassment to Trump!
  • And right now all indicators are that Biden is going to come in like a kamikaze to win in a punishing easy victory!!!
Pretty close?
This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

More bullshit from chinese trolls.
Of what you’re saying is true, there would be a stand out candidate like Gary Johnson this time around. Such a candidate no longer exists.
That's because we are backing Trump this time, like last time.

Edit: Full disclosure... I didn't vote for Trump last time.
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This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

Their excuses STILL SUCK.. Never mention any statistical cohort that ISNT Dem or Repub.. THAT'S their issue.. 42% of Americans are NO LONGER LOYAL to either the Coke or Pepsi party.. When Clinton lost those rust belt states, it's because Trump's win margin was a fraction of the vote for GREENS and LIBERTARIANS.. In total, that "alternate" vote was SIX FUCKING POINTS nationwide.. 3 times LARGER than her "pop vote" margin...

And when they poll if they do not LIST an "Independent or Alternate" ANSWER -- they are literally FLUSHING AWAY at least 25 or 30% of the voters that are gonna turn out..

That and nobody ANSWERS phones these days, And the polling is mostly land line..

There are 21st century polling outfits that DO "get to know" their sample population in detail.. They create databases over time of people that can be polled with complete knowledge of their actual PREFERENCES and voting history.. Not just their "declared" allegiances.. Survey Monkey is one of these and I'll bet the farm that they are closer to the ACTUAL on the ground truth...
Of what you’re saying is true, there would be a stand out candidate like Gary Johnson this time around. Such a candidate no longer exists.

Still that 42% that doesn't HAVE a favorite party is gonna DO SOMETHING... And the pollsters are still stuck in the 60s without RECOGNIZING THEM and getting THEM CALLED and polled -- they're continue to suck worse...

Ever ADD UP those Biden/Trump numbers?? Even when they POLL ONLY Reps and Dems, there's usually 11 to 14% MISSING !!!!!! Which is bigger than the actual HEADLINE on the story... Idiots...

So you have 12% "dithering" party declarers and another 30 to 40% people who were discarded because they "didn't state a Repub or Dem" preference... AND THAT absolute crap isn't even WORTH a headline or 10 threads a day at USMB....
Preach it brotha.... Polls are bullshit.
Why polling in 2016 ended up being so inaccurate and why it might not be a problem in 2020

Like you would know. Without even wasting a second reading whatever claptrap you posted, let me guess it went something like this Billy:
  • 2016 was an unavoidable freak error in the system totally NOT the fault of the Democrats.
  • You got everything nailed down perfectly this time now and can even predict the state and the hour when Biden tops 270 to take the WH in a sweeping shame of embarrassment to Trump!
  • And right now all indicators are that Biden is going to come in like a kamikaze to win in a punishing easy victory!!!
Pretty close?
Lol you’re such an idiot. None of this was even written from democrats. It doesn’t even say Biden will win. It’s about the accuracy of polls as stand now. Go ahead and check. None of your bullshit was said. I guess republicans don’t read.
This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

Their excuses STILL SUCK.. Never mention any statistical cohort that ISNT Dem or Repub.. THAT'S their issue.. 42% of Americans are NO LONGER LOYAL to either the Coke or Pepsi party.. When Clinton lost those rust belt states, it's because Trump's win margin was a fraction of the vote for GREENS and LIBERTARIANS.. In total, that "alternate" vote was SIX FUCKING POINTS nationwide.. 3 times LARGER than her "pop vote" margin...

And when they poll if they do not LIST an "Independent or Alternate" ANSWER -- they are literally FLUSHING AWAY at least 25 or 30% of the voters that are gonna turn out..

That and nobody ANSWERS phones these days, And the polling is mostly land line..

There are 21st century polling outfits that DO "get to know" their sample population in detail.. They create databases over time of people that can be polled with complete knowledge of their actual PREFERENCES and voting history.. Not just their "declared" allegiances.. Survey Monkey is one of these and I'll bet the farm that they are closer to the ACTUAL on the ground truth...
Of what you’re saying is true, there would be a stand out candidate like Gary Johnson this time around. Such a candidate no longer exists.

Still that 42% that doesn't HAVE a favorite party is gonna DO SOMETHING... And the pollsters are still stuck in the 60s without RECOGNIZING THEM and getting THEM CALLED and polled -- they're continue to suck worse...

Ever ADD UP those Biden/Trump numbers?? Even when they POLL ONLY Reps and Dems, there's usually 11 to 14% MISSING !!!!!! Which is bigger than the actual HEADLINE on the story... Idiots...

So you have 12% "dithering" party declarers and another 30 to 40% people who were discarded because they "didn't state a Repub or Dem" preference... AND THAT absolute crap isn't even WORTH a headline or 10 threads a day at USMB....
You do know independents get polled right? Either way, their isn’t any third party candidates in this election who he even came close to Johnson’s support in 2016. These people will either pick a candidate or they won’t and not vote in which case they don’t matter in the end.
You do know independents get polled right? Either way, their isn’t any third party candidates in this election who he even came close to Johnson’s support in 2016. These people will either pick a candidate or they won’t and not vote in which case they don’t matter in the end.
Do you know who doesn't get polled? Honest question.
This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

How the fuck so you sample street smart people who doesn't want to participate in your dumb ass polls?
This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

Their excuses STILL SUCK.. Never mention any statistical cohort that ISNT Dem or Repub.. THAT'S their issue.. 42% of Americans are NO LONGER LOYAL to either the Coke or Pepsi party.. When Clinton lost those rust belt states, it's because Trump's win margin was a fraction of the vote for GREENS and LIBERTARIANS.. In total, that "alternate" vote was SIX FUCKING POINTS nationwide.. 3 times LARGER than her "pop vote" margin...

And when they poll if they do not LIST an "Independent or Alternate" ANSWER -- they are literally FLUSHING AWAY at least 25 or 30% of the voters that are gonna turn out..

That and nobody ANSWERS phones these days, And the polling is mostly land line..

There are 21st century polling outfits that DO "get to know" their sample population in detail.. They create databases over time of people that can be polled with complete knowledge of their actual PREFERENCES and voting history.. Not just their "declared" allegiances.. Survey Monkey is one of these and I'll bet the farm that they are closer to the ACTUAL on the ground truth...
Of what you’re saying is true, there would be a stand out candidate like Gary Johnson this time around. Such a candidate no longer exists.

Still that 42% that doesn't HAVE a favorite party is gonna DO SOMETHING... And the pollsters are still stuck in the 60s without RECOGNIZING THEM and getting THEM CALLED and polled -- they're continue to suck worse...

Ever ADD UP those Biden/Trump numbers?? Even when they POLL ONLY Reps and Dems, there's usually 11 to 14% MISSING !!!!!! Which is bigger than the actual HEADLINE on the story... Idiots...

So you have 12% "dithering" party declarers and another 30 to 40% people who were discarded because they "didn't state a Repub or Dem" preference... AND THAT absolute crap isn't even WORTH a headline or 10 threads a day at USMB....
You do know independents get polled right? Either way, their isn’t any third party candidates in this election who he even came close to Johnson’s support in 2016. These people will either pick a candidate or they won’t and not vote in which case they don’t matter in the end.

Of the 18 times I've been polled on a phone, they hung on me about 17 times as soon as I asked them why Libertarian or Independent wasn't a choice.. If they were POLLING ENOUGH Independents it would reported in the news coverage along with the 2 brand name parties.. But they are NOT... Go find me a 2020 prez poll that talks about their WEIGHTING of the sample population and INCLUDES even 10% independents...

They dont exist.. Independents are now almost as LARGE as Dem + Reps together.. When you're THAT BAD at statistics, you shouldn't be a political pollster.. But they PAID --- "to tell a story".. NOT to divine the truth....

And most of these bovine scatology polls you see on TV or partisan media are based on anywhere from 1600 to about 4000 people because the folks PAYING for the poll are TOO CHEAP to do anything scientifically or mathematically sound.. They just want an emotional 4 minute segment on the news....
Tell me how you WEIGHT a NATIONAL poll for prez with Repubs/Dems/Independents in all 50 states when you only SAMPLE a couple thousand people???

It's entertainment and filler material.. So it LOOKS like they are covering the election...
This article I read gave a fascinating analysis on how polling in 2016 differs from today. Some of it is circumstance and some of it is pollsters learning from their mistakes. Here are some key takeaways:

1) Pollsters got it mostly right four years ago. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by about 3 percentage points. She won by 2.1 points. And they were right about the outcome in most states. But their research did not capture the full picture of voter sentiment in the upper Midwest that provided Trump with the margin of victory in the Electoral College.

2) Pollsters have been encouraged (since 2016) to increase the sample of non-college graduates, who not only tend to favor Republicans over Democrats but who are also less likely to want to participate in polls.

3) Late deciders. There were more voters in 2016 at this point in the polling process who were undecided between the two candidates. More importantly, Gary Johnson was polling at 10% in late August. By November, his approval was at 3%. 2020's third parties don't have nearly the same margins.

4) Likely voters. Pollsters are slowly but steadily moving to a model using public voter records to identify likely voters rather than a "random-digit dial" system that relies on respondents to report their voting participation patterns.

5) The polls in 2018 were much more accurate in predicting the election.

Their excuses STILL SUCK.. Never mention any statistical cohort that ISNT Dem or Repub.. THAT'S their issue.. 42% of Americans are NO LONGER LOYAL to either the Coke or Pepsi party.. When Clinton lost those rust belt states, it's because Trump's win margin was a fraction of the vote for GREENS and LIBERTARIANS.. In total, that "alternate" vote was SIX FUCKING POINTS nationwide.. 3 times LARGER than her "pop vote" margin...

And when they poll if they do not LIST an "Independent or Alternate" ANSWER -- they are literally FLUSHING AWAY at least 25 or 30% of the voters that are gonna turn out..

That and nobody ANSWERS phones these days, And the polling is mostly land line..

There are 21st century polling outfits that DO "get to know" their sample population in detail.. They create databases over time of people that can be polled with complete knowledge of their actual PREFERENCES and voting history.. Not just their "declared" allegiances.. Survey Monkey is one of these and I'll bet the farm that they are closer to the ACTUAL on the ground truth...
Of what you’re saying is true, there would be a stand out candidate like Gary Johnson this time around. Such a candidate no longer exists.

Still that 42% that doesn't HAVE a favorite party is gonna DO SOMETHING... And the pollsters are still stuck in the 60s without RECOGNIZING THEM and getting THEM CALLED and polled -- they're continue to suck worse...

Ever ADD UP those Biden/Trump numbers?? Even when they POLL ONLY Reps and Dems, there's usually 11 to 14% MISSING !!!!!! Which is bigger than the actual HEADLINE on the story... Idiots...

So you have 12% "dithering" party declarers and another 30 to 40% people who were discarded because they "didn't state a Repub or Dem" preference... AND THAT absolute crap isn't even WORTH a headline or 10 threads a day at USMB....
You do know independents get polled right? Either way, their isn’t any third party candidates in this election who he even came close to Johnson’s support in 2016. These people will either pick a candidate or they won’t and not vote in which case they don’t matter in the end.

Of the 18 times I've been polled on a phone, they hung on me about 17 times as soon as I asked them why Libertarian or Independent wasn't a choice.. If they were POLLING ENOUGH Independents it would reported in the news coverage along with the 2 brand name parties.. But they are NOT... Go find me a 2020 prez poll that talks about their WEIGHTING of the sample population and INCLUDES even 10% independents...

They dont exist.. Independents are now almost as LARGE as Dem + Reps together.. When you're THAT BAD at statistics, you shouldn't be a political pollster.. But they PAID --- "to tell a story".. NOT to divine the truth....

And most of these bovine scatology polls you see on TV or partisan media are based on anywhere from 1600 to about 4000 people because the folks PAYING for the poll are TOO CHEAP to do anything scientifically or mathematically sound.. They just want an emotional 4 minute segment on the news....
Lol regardless of your personal experience, independents DO get polled. I mean to suggest pollsters don’t is just ridiculous. Do you really think that pollsters are too stupid to consider asking independents to participate? Why in the fuck would they not?

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