Why Raising Wages at Walmart Would Make America Healthier

Yep... An old communists gonna set things right !

Coerced , unearned, redistribution for the masses !!!! "Justice" for all !!!!!

Oh and republitard I don't shop at Wal Mart because the prices at Kroger are the same damn near and I am poor...so cry me a river somewhere else. Some REAL answers would great as well since obviously all you republicans are good for are stupid memes,name calling and pandering to the rich assholes.

you are a lemming shill for a billionaire Socialist named George Soros that want capitalism for himself and socialism for everybody else

you are the last person on the planet who should be commenting on who is being used by rich people
Soros is a filthy **** who deserves the same platform of nooses the Walton's do. Try thinking outside the box moron. Just because I despise your rich asshole friends doesn't mean I like Soros or his ilk.
This F---ing loser is no doubt getting paid exactly what hes worth.

Not much....

But entitled to it all.... For dignitys sake!

Yep... An old communists gonna set things right !

Coerced , unearned, redistribution for the masses !!!! "Justice" for all !!!!!

Oh and republitard I don't shop at Wal Mart because the prices at Kroger are the same damn near and I am poor...so cry me a river somewhere else. Some REAL answers would great as well since obviously all you republicans are good for are stupid memes,name calling and pandering to the rich assholes.

you are a lemming shill for a billionaire Socialist named George Soros that want capitalism for himself and socialism for everybody else

you are the last person on the planet who should be commenting on who is being used by rich people
Soros is a filthy **** who deserves the same platform of nooses the Walton's do. Try thinking outside the box moron. Just because I despise your rich asshole friends doesn't mean I like Soros or his ilk.

Walmart provides jobs, goods and services to consumers. What does Soros provide other than financing left wing hate groups that provide propaganda for you left wing bedwetters?
It would appear the OP does not know the trigger for hyper-inflation. Because that IS what he is calling for.
Yep... An old communists gonna set things right !

Coerced , unearned, redistribution for the masses !!!! "Justice" for all !!!!!

Oh and republitard I don't shop at Wal Mart because the prices at Kroger are the same damn near and I am poor...so cry me a river somewhere else. Some REAL answers would great as well since obviously all you republicans are good for are stupid memes,name calling and pandering to the rich assholes.

you are a lemming shill for a billionaire Socialist named George Soros that want capitalism for himself and socialism for everybody else

you are the last person on the planet who should be commenting on who is being used by rich people

At least the Walton pay their taxes...

Soros owes $7 billion he refuses to pay!!!
Throw him in jail then!
It would appear the OP does not know the trigger for hyper-inflation. Because that IS what he is calling for.
No its not. You can find every reason in the world for being able to pay 1.5 million per hour for 6 people but not 15$ an hour for simple workers.
What a sad , pathetic , pussy.... Lol
logik and reason...obviously not. Next.
Why Raising Wages at Walmart Would Make America Healthier

Even if it doesn't make America Healthier its the right thing to do. Sick and tired of 6 rich assholes that run Wal Mart being worth more than the lower 40% of Americans. Either do the right thing or whine from the gallows about how we can't do this to you Walton's! I hope its a union of Wal Mart workers that starts a revolution that brings down the rich elite assholes....Maybe with Bernie Sanders helping us! :D

Sounds like you want the poor folks that depend on Walmart's low prices for groceries and other essentials to get less for their food stamps and welfare checks when Walmart has to raise prices to meet their increased payroll. Why do you hate poor people?
They can afford 1.5 MILLION per hour for just 3! of the Walton snobs but can't afford 15$ an hour for its workers....BULL SHIT!
The Waltons have these riches thanks to the hard work of their own employees and all of us taxpayers. Based on recent estimates, taxpayers subsidize Walmart as much as $3 billion per year.[1] Instead of paying workers enough to survive, the Waltons take billions from Walmart every year, while driving their workers on to food stamps and other public assistance.

Why do you enjoy subsidizing workers incomes with welfare so 6 Walton pricks can gather more wealth? Enjoy being used? I guess so.

taxpayers subsidize Walmart as much as $3 billion per year.[1]

Even if we accepted this moronic premise, WalMart pays much more than this in business taxes, dividends, payroll taxes.
Try this thought experiment, I know, you're a moron, but you should try.
WalMart closes their doors tomorrow, do these so called subsidies rise or fall?
Show your work.
It would appear the OP does not know the trigger for hyper-inflation. Because that IS what he is calling for.
No its not. You can find every reason in the world for being able to pay 1.5 million per hour for 6 people but not 15$ an hour for simple workers.

which only proves your reason for arguing here has more to do with your hatred of the rich, and what you see as unfair; then it does actual logic and sound economic reasoning

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