Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

When Republicans loot the country, it has to come from somewhere.

If Trump and Romney and other Republicans cared about the country, they would have served in the military.

I did. One of my life's proudest accomplishments.

Which is why I think Trump using our soldiers on the border is a political stunt. Now these guys are out sleeping in tents in the fuking desert. No combat pay. Hardly any electricity. And they miss Thanksgiving with their families.

Republicans are good at splitting up families.

Sick of these turds pretending they care about the troops. If they cared, they wouldn't mistreat them.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Not as terrifying as that Abrahms in Georgia. Serioulsy ugly she is.

No worse than grossy Nancy Pelosi

Show some respect for the Speaker of the House. You knew she would have the gavel again.

She doesn't have it quite yet, Bulldog! We on the right hope she does of course because 'ole Nancy is a few slices short of a loaf and with her running things over at the House people are going to be lining up to get Republicans back in power again. Just saying...

You hold your breath for that now, OK?
Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

When Republicans loot the country, it has to come from somewhere.

If Trump and Romney and other Republicans cared about the country, they would have served in the military.

I did. One of my life's proudest accomplishments.

Which is why I think Trump using our soldiers on the border is a political stunt. Now these guys are out sleeping in tents in the fuking desert. No combat pay. Hardly any electricity. And they miss Thanksgiving with their families.

Republicans are good at splitting up families.

Sick of these turds pretending they care about the troops. If they cared, they wouldn't mistreat them.

You were a cook.

Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

When Republicans loot the country, it has to come from somewhere.

If Trump and Romney and other Republicans cared about the country, they would have served in the military.

I did. One of my life's proudest accomplishments.

Which is why I think Trump using our soldiers on the border is a political stunt. Now these guys are out sleeping in tents in the fuking desert. No combat pay. Hardly any electricity. And they miss Thanksgiving with their families.

Republicans are good at splitting up families.

Sick of these turds pretending they care about the troops. If they cared, they wouldn't mistreat them.

So let me see how this works...you progressives help fund a "caravan" of migrants to bum rush our southern border to use as political fodder to get yourselves elected...CAUSING the crisis...but then you come here and whine about Trump "splitting up" military families over the holidays? Gotta love the logic!
Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

Pretty much so

That is how great societies function. Collect revenue and do what is best for We the People

That doesn't even make sense..

Read the Constitution and it will come clear
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Not as terrifying as that Abrahms in Georgia. Serioulsy ugly she is.

No worse than grossy Nancy Pelosi

Show some respect for the Speaker of the House. You knew she would have the gavel again.

She doesn't have it quite yet, Bulldog! We on the right hope she does of course because 'ole Nancy is a few slices short of a loaf and with her running things over at the House people are going to be lining up to get Republicans back in power again. Just saying...

You hold your breath for that now, OK?

Does it really matter, Bullpuppy? If it isn't Pelosi it will be some other far left Democrat just as clueless as San Fran Nan! Your party has swerved so far to the left that it's not coming back now. You don't have any moderates left except for Joe Manchin. If you were smart you'd name him as Speaker to replace Pelosi but that would mean having someone in there who would work with Trump and the GOP to get things done to help the country and God knows...none of you want to see THAT happen!
Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

When Republicans loot the country, it has to come from somewhere.

If Trump and Romney and other Republicans cared about the country, they would have served in the military.

I did. One of my life's proudest accomplishments.

Which is why I think Trump using our soldiers on the border is a political stunt. Now these guys are out sleeping in tents in the fuking desert. No combat pay. Hardly any electricity. And they miss Thanksgiving with their families.

Republicans are good at splitting up families.

Sick of these turds pretending they care about the troops. If they cared, they wouldn't mistreat them.

So let me see how this works...you progressives help fund a "caravan" of migrants to bum rush our southern border to use as political fodder to get yourselves elected...CAUSING the crisis...but then you come here and whine about Trump "splitting up" military families over the holidays? Gotta love the logic!
Trump has no respect for the military...never has
Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

When Republicans loot the country, it has to come from somewhere.

If Trump and Romney and other Republicans cared about the country, they would have served in the military.

I did. One of my life's proudest accomplishments.

Which is why I think Trump using our soldiers on the border is a political stunt. Now these guys are out sleeping in tents in the fuking desert. No combat pay. Hardly any electricity. And they miss Thanksgiving with their families.

Republicans are good at splitting up families.

Sick of these turds pretending they care about the troops. If they cared, they wouldn't mistreat them.

So let me see how this works...you progressives help fund a "caravan" of migrants to bum rush our southern border to use as political fodder to get yourselves elected...CAUSING the crisis...but then you come here and whine about Trump "splitting up" military families over the holidays? Gotta love the logic!
Trump has no respect for the military...never has
Yeah, like Barry and Slick Willie did? Compared to those two Trump's the second coming of Patten!
she's a malleable ditz under the control of evil knievils. Good marks
in ECONOMICS 101??? Had I taken economics 101 in college---I would
have aced it too. I aced calculus and physics---them facts do not make me
anything close to Head of N.A.S.A With some preparation I could take
the position of a high school physics teacher-----after reviewing----for a few
years if the kids are just average......for the gifted pupils------nope.

Again, you aren't that bright, but most of our politicians aren't that bright, either. We don't elect smart people, we elect charismatic people. That's the fundamental flaw of democracy.
Which "old white dudes" who "believe in talking snakes" do you believe are now holding office, Joey? Or is this another of your "I'm gonna just pull shit out of my ass and declare it to be fact!" posts?

Here you go, buddy... The Talking Snake Caucus. Here's a few Republican politicians who think that it happened just the way teh Bible said it did...

Republican congressman Paul Broun dismisses evolution and other theories

Greg Gianforte - Wikipedia

VP-Elect Mike Pence Does Not Accept Evolution: Here's Why That Matters
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.

It's alarming to see moronic marxists winning elections in America.

Your attempt to deflect from this using the WOman Card is noted and dismissed. You are a coward.
I know someone with a bird that talks. It likes to SING to me actually.

Such a pitty that you think the God that made you is so limited, because things existed that you've never seen.
she's a malleable ditz under the control of evil knievils. Good marks
in ECONOMICS 101??? Had I taken economics 101 in college---I would
have aced it too. I aced calculus and physics---them facts do not make me
anything close to Head of N.A.S.A With some preparation I could take
the position of a high school physics teacher-----after reviewing----for a few
years if the kids are just average......for the gifted pupils------nope.

Again, you aren't that bright, but most of our politicians aren't that bright, either. We don't elect smart people, we elect charismatic people. That's the fundamental flaw of democracy.

who is "we" ?
Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

When Republicans loot the country, it has to come from somewhere.

If Trump and Romney and other Republicans cared about the country, they would have served in the military.

I did. One of my life's proudest accomplishments.

Which is why I think Trump using our soldiers on the border is a political stunt. Now these guys are out sleeping in tents in the fuking desert. No combat pay. Hardly any electricity. And they miss Thanksgiving with their families.

Republicans are good at splitting up families.

Sick of these turds pretending they care about the troops. If they cared, they wouldn't mistreat them.

So let me see how this works...you progressives help fund a "caravan" of migrants to bum rush our southern border to use as political fodder to get yourselves elected...CAUSING the crisis...but then you come here and whine about Trump "splitting up" military families over the holidays? Gotta love the logic!
Trump has no respect for the military...never has
Yeah, like Barry and Slick Willie did? Compared to those two Trump's the second coming of Patten!

At least they respected the sacrifices of POWs and would never mock them

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