Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

...she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday; the right wing Only has a problem with it, Because the Poor may benefit.
she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday;
so how come the greatest state in the union hasnt figured this out yet?...they have a whole bunch of people like her there...
they can manufacture their own wheels?
danny sit down this might come as a shock to you ....when i lived there California was able to manufacture just about anything.....now i aint to sure...
I saw some disc brakes for bicycles that cost around sixty dollars. You can get a whole new bike, for less.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.

I wonder how long it's going to take for you to figure out that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is just another liberal "ditz" who spouts progressive dogma but doesn't have a clue how to pay for any of it...other than some vague premise that "rich people" should surrender their money for the greater good! Have you actually heard her respond to difficult questions? She's an IDIOT!

TRUTH: the Liberals regard the middle class taxpayers to be the "rich" and to be their tax slaves who work to pay for everything.
...she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday; the right wing Only has a problem with it, Because the Poor may benefit.
she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday;
so how come the greatest state in the union hasnt figured this out yet?...they have a whole bunch of people like her there...
they can manufacture their own wheels?
danny sit down this might come as a shock to you ....when i lived there California was able to manufacture just about anything.....now i aint to sure...
I saw some disc brakes for bicycles that cost around sixty dollars. You can get a whole new bike, for less.
ok....so what are you trying to tell me danny?....
"Reinventing a wheel" is a more cost intensive process than simply purchasing a wheel, off-the-shelf.
One hit wonder, she will be gone after one term, she is an ignorant fool who was voted in by ignorant sheeples.

Some of her ignorant babble below.
Unemployment is low because people are working 80 hours a week
"A 17-year-old can walk into a shop" and purchase an assault weapon
Abolish ICE
Capitalism won't always exist in the world
"We're gonna flip this seat red"
Settlements in Palestine

The left recognize natural rights even when no guns are involved.

Let's upgrade Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure. We should be generating revenue not just spending revenue.
One hit wonder, she will be gone after one term, she is an ignorant fool who was voted in by ignorant sheeples.

Some of her ignorant babble below.
Unemployment is low because people are working 80 hours a week
"A 17-year-old can walk into a shop" and purchase an assault weapon
Abolish ICE
Capitalism won't always exist in the world
"We're gonna flip this seat red"
Settlements in Palestine

People have to show ID to buy cereal
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
People change clothes in their cars and vote over and over
AOC is advocating for policies that all other first world countries have. Affordable Health care, free or at least affordable college. Now trump and company could ram through another tax break for the richest people in America and not a word from his working class supporters. Advocate something to help the average citizen and they get outraged. This is Americans who have been manipulated into working against their own interests.

AOC, AKA Che Guevara Barbie, is advocating for the same policies that make Venezuela and Cuba such paradises.

Very, very, very stupid people here think that is just a peachy idea. Very evil people who lust for power goad the stupid in that direction.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.

Alexandria Cortez is a "woman of color" ?? what color? She is very
young and conducts herself and speaks with some immaturity. Working
class background? -----well----actually upper middle class parents. Her
father was an ARCHITECT ----that's a menial career? What are we calling
"working class" in the USA these days? -----if she grew up "working
class" ------then my upbringing would have to be described as impoverished.
Summer job as a waitress makes an upper middle class kid -----
WORKING CLASS BACKGROUND? -----the "coal-miner's daughter"
had a "working class background"-----not caucasion Alexandria-----CORTEZ------as in HERNAN CORTEZ-----conqueror of the Aztecs and
Murder of Montezuma. --------(? donde esta el oro ?)

She's no Che Guevera.... Though that's what they think.


She is Che Guevara Barbie.

In reality she is a spoiled little brat who came from over-indulging parents who never once told her "no." She went to a school that has no standards and no integrity who handed her a degree in economics despite the fact that she couldn't pass a legitimate high school level course. Boston University handed her a degree because she participated in the right riots and belonged to the right clubs.

Cortez is really one to be mocked and derided. But the fact that a once reputable college like Boston U has degraded to the point that radicalism is preferred to academic scholarship, that the filthy scumbag media try and make a star out of this babbling bimbo should be of concern to all America.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Wow, these nut-bars have clearly demonstrated that they are terrified of her in this thread.

Yes, nothing shows fear like uproarious laughter, creepazoid. :lol:
Haven't seen anyone laughing, just a lot of whining and crying.

That's because your vision is obstructed due to your head being lodged firmly up your ass.

You and the vile media desperately WANT us to take Barbie seriously. But she is a ditz, a bimbo.
Read the Constitution and it will come clear

Now, now shitflinger, you are in no position to reference a document you have never read and that you work to destroy.

The Constitution does not provide for the redistribution of assets from the rightful owners to the politically useful.
Again, you aren't that bright, but most of our politicians aren't that bright, either. We don't elect smart people, we elect charismatic people. That's the fundamental flaw of democracy.

Most of our pols may not be that bright, but AOC is the dumbest one to show up since Maxine Waters.

Bet she turns out just as corrupt, too.
Again, you aren't that bright, but most of our politicians aren't that bright, either. We don't elect smart people, we elect charismatic people. That's the fundamental flaw of democracy.

Most of our pols may not be that bright, but AOC is the dumbest one to show up since Maxine Waters.

Bet she turns out just as corrupt, too.
a vacuum of special pleading?

how many people actually Want to run a political gauntlet to merely do a good job.

We already have a Constitution.

Providing for the General Welfare is a General power not a Common power like our Common Defense clause.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.

I love Cortez because she makes me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh
Which "old white dudes" who "believe in talking snakes" do you believe are now holding office, Joey? Or is this another of your "I'm gonna just pull shit out of my ass and declare it to be fact!" posts?

Here you go, buddy... The Talking Snake Caucus. Here's a few Republican politicians who think that it happened just the way teh Bible said it did...

Republican congressman Paul Broun dismisses evolution and other theories

Greg Gianforte - Wikipedia

VP-Elect Mike Pence Does Not Accept Evolution: Here's Why That Matters


Here Comrade Stalin, here is your hero.

It's alarming to see moronic marxists winning elections in America.

Your attempt to deflect from this using the WOman Card is noted and dismissed. You are a coward.

Che Guevara Barbie is a source of unending entertainment. This chick is DUMB, I mean jaw dropping dumb...


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