Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

Pretty much so

That is how great societies function. Collect revenue and do what is best for We the People

That doesn't even make sense..

In my new party of conservative JFK Democratic

Our slogan will be

Don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.

Ask why Republicans oppose Ocasio Cortez and you get a photoshopped photo in response

That's not what the OP asked.
...she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday; the right wing Only has a problem with it, Because the Poor may benefit.

How do we solve "simple poverty", Daniel? Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't we been trying to do that with Government programs since LBJ back in the 60's? So tell me how come poverty levels haven't gone down?
Poverty hasn’t gone down because Republicans under Reagan trashed war on poverty programs in return for trickle down economics

And democrats haven't been right ever since. A southern saying is appropriate here. "Bless their hearts". If you're southern, you'll know what that means.
I wonder how long it's going to take for you to figure out that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is just another liberal "ditz" who spouts progressive dogma but doesn't have a clue how to pay for any of it...other than some vague premise that "rich people" should surrender their money for the greater good! Have you actually heard her respond to difficult questions? She's an IDIOT!

She is. So are most of the old white dudes who represent vast rural areas in JesusLand.

So if we had intelligence tests to hold office, I think the people who believe in talking snakes would have a much harder time of it.

Some of the most intelligent people the world has known were/are people of faith. Try again, with less bitter hatred.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Wow, these nut-bars have clearly demonstrated that they are terrified of her in this thread.

Yes, nothing shows fear like uproarious laughter, creepazoid. :lol:
Haven't seen anyone laughing, just a lot of whining and crying.

Yes, but you're rather stupid and lack basic awareness.

We are all laughing at Che Guevara Barbie.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Wow, these nut-bars have clearly demonstrated that they are terrified of her in this thread.

Yes, nothing shows fear like uproarious laughter, creepazoid. :lol:
Haven't seen anyone laughing, just a lot of whining and crying.

Yes, but you're rather stupid and lack basic awareness.

We are all laughing at Che Guevara Barbie.
Lol, I'm not a tRumpkin.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.

She is a fucking commie, dipshit.

If she was, she wouldn't seek elective office
She supports socialist policies in things like healthcare, education, social welfare

She is a Marxist in a Marxist party. Just like you, shitflinger.
You forgot to bring up Pol Pot

I mentioned you.

Don't get so butthurt.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Not as terrifying as that Abrahms in Georgia. Serioulsy ugly she is.

No worse than grossy Nancy Pelosi

Show some respect for the Speaker of the House. You knew she would have the gavel again.

I have more respect for a pile of dogshit.

Oh, and your fellow Stalinists may not give the sleazy old bitch the gavel.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Wow, these nut-bars have clearly demonstrated that they are terrified of her in this thread.

Yes, nothing shows fear like uproarious laughter, creepazoid. :lol:
Haven't seen anyone laughing, just a lot of whining and crying.

Yes, but you're rather stupid and lack basic awareness.

We are all laughing at Che Guevara Barbie.
Lol, I'm not a tRumpkin.

No, you're creepazoid, IQ 62..... :thup:
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.

Wow, these nut-bars have clearly demonstrated that they are terrified of her in this thread.

Yes, nothing shows fear like uproarious laughter, creepazoid. :lol:
Haven't seen anyone laughing, just a lot of whining and crying.

Yes, but you're rather stupid and lack basic awareness.

We are all laughing at Che Guevara Barbie.
Lol, I'm not a tRumpkin.

No, you're creepazoid, IQ 62..... :thup:
Lol, I said I'm not a tRumpkin.
She should scare every American. Last thing we need are young half-wits that buy into the lies of Marxism, much less actually winning elections. It will be the downfall of our country.

Naw, the Capitalists already did that when they dismantled the New Deal, which was the sensible alternative to socialism.

If young people are embracing socialism, it's because they see what a shit sandwich Capitalism has been for their parents.

Of course CommieJoe would say this....
...she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday; the right wing Only has a problem with it, Because the Poor may benefit.
she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday;
so how come the greatest state in the union hasnt figured this out yet?...they have a whole bunch of people like her there...
they can manufacture their own wheels?
...she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday; the right wing Only has a problem with it, Because the Poor may benefit.
she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday;
so how come the greatest state in the union hasnt figured this out yet?...they have a whole bunch of people like her there...
they can manufacture their own wheels?
danny sit down this might come as a shock to you ....when i lived there California was able to manufacture just about anything.....now i aint to sure...
...she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday; the right wing Only has a problem with it, Because the Poor may benefit.
she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday;
so how come the greatest state in the union hasnt figured this out yet?...they have a whole bunch of people like her there...
they can manufacture their own wheels?
danny sit down this might come as a shock to you ....when i lived there California was able to manufacture just about anything.....now i aint to sure...

They don't even want to make their own electricity.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Wow, these nut-bars have clearly demonstrated that they are terrified of her in this thread.

Yes, nothing shows fear like uproarious laughter, creepazoid. :lol:
Haven't seen anyone laughing, just a lot of whining and crying.

Yes, but you're rather stupid and lack basic awareness.

We are all laughing at Che Guevara Barbie.

"Che Guevara Barbie"? That's so perfect! LOL
...she understands we could have solved simple poverty in our republic, Yesterday; the right wing Only has a problem with it, Because the Poor may benefit.

How do we solve "simple poverty", Daniel? Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't we been trying to do that with Government programs since LBJ back in the 60's? So tell me how come poverty levels haven't gone down?
Poverty hasn’t gone down because Republicans under Reagan trashed war on poverty programs in return for trickle down economics

Trickle down economics doesn't exist, Winger! If you knew anything about economics in general or businesses in particular, you'd know that profits ALWAYS trickle up...not down! Get back to me when you have a clue about what you're talking about!

Are you trying to tell me that when we give more money to the wealthy.......they just KEEP IT???

I am shocked
So am I. Republicans promised us they would create jobs and invest. Why didn't they?


You don't think they were lying, do you?

Have you been asleep for the past two years, R-Derp? People with capital HAVE invested and HAVE created jobs! Why? Because there is an Administration in the White House that doesn't think running a successful business that makes a profit is somehow "immoral"!
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Not as terrifying as that Abrahms in Georgia. Serioulsy ugly she is.

No worse than grossy Nancy Pelosi

Show some respect for the Speaker of the House. You knew she would have the gavel again.

She doesn't have it quite yet, Bulldog! We on the right hope she does of course because 'ole Nancy is a few slices short of a loaf and with her running things over at the House people are going to be lining up to get Republicans back in power again. Just saying...

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