Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.

Alexandria Cortez is a "woman of color" ?? what color? She is very
young and conducts herself and speaks with some immaturity. Working
class background? -----well----actually upper middle class parents. Her
father was an ARCHITECT ----that's a menial career? What are we calling
"working class" in the USA these days? -----if she grew up "working
class" ------then my upbringing would have to be described as impoverished.
Summer job as a waitress makes an upper middle class kid -----
WORKING CLASS BACKGROUND? -----the "coal-miner's daughter"
had a "working class background"-----not caucasion Alexandria-----CORTEZ------as in HERNAN CORTEZ-----conqueror of the Aztecs and
Murder of Montezuma. --------(? donde esta el oro ?)
She has a lot to learn about politics and government

But she could teach you about people growing up in poverty, about the lower working class struggling in a booming economy, about the struggles of minorities

These are her constituents and they wanted someone who understands their problems......not some wealthy white guy
You forget, she's also a downstate ****, completely clueless. She can't survive in the real world.
Just elected to Congress...not bad for a twenty year old
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Alexandria who? And why am I supposed to be terrified of her? Plz 'splain. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Because Hannity, Rush and Levin tell you to be afraid of her

She wants to do things that help people........that makes her the enemy of conservatives

When did any of them ever say that?

They call it SOCIALISM

Doing things to help corporations is PATRIOTISM
Doing things to help the people is SOCIALISM

So they didn't say to be afraid of her and you made it up. Color me shocked.
Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

When Republicans loot the country, it has to come from somewhere.

If Trump and Romney and other Republicans cared about the country, they would have served in the military.

I did. One of my life's proudest accomplishments.

Which is why I think Trump using our soldiers on the border is a political stunt. Now these guys are out sleeping in tents in the fuking desert. No combat pay. Hardly any electricity. And they miss Thanksgiving with their families.

Republicans are good at splitting up families.

Sick of these turds pretending they care about the troops. If they cared, they wouldn't mistreat them.

So let me see how this works...you progressives help fund a "caravan" of migrants to bum rush our southern border to use as political fodder to get yourselves elected...CAUSING the crisis...but then you come here and whine about Trump "splitting up" military families over the holidays? Gotta love the logic!

Sure, in Upside-Down World. In the real world, Trump was using that caravan and the US military as political fodder to fire up the base. And base is the appropriate word.
Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

When Republicans loot the country, it has to come from somewhere.

If Trump and Romney and other Republicans cared about the country, they would have served in the military.

I did. One of my life's proudest accomplishments.

Which is why I think Trump using our soldiers on the border is a political stunt. Now these guys are out sleeping in tents in the fuking desert. No combat pay. Hardly any electricity. And they miss Thanksgiving with their families.

Republicans are good at splitting up families.

Sick of these turds pretending they care about the troops. If they cared, they wouldn't mistreat them.

So let me see how this works...you progressives help fund a "caravan" of migrants to bum rush our southern border to use as political fodder to get yourselves elected...CAUSING the crisis...but then you come here and whine about Trump "splitting up" military families over the holidays? Gotta love the logic!

Sure, in Upside-Down World. In the real world, Trump was using that caravan and the US military as political fodder to fire up the base. And base is the appropriate word.

This was outside funding..

So in your world all those taco hats was coming to greet Trump ?
Ocasio Cortez cares about healthcare for citizens, she cares about people getting a fair wage, she cares about people having food to eat and a place to live

She does not care about tax cuts to billionaires

That is why Republicans hate her so much

Translation ~she cares about using other peoples money

When Republicans loot the country, it has to come from somewhere.

If Trump and Romney and other Republicans cared about the country, they would have served in the military.

I did. One of my life's proudest accomplishments.

Which is why I think Trump using our soldiers on the border is a political stunt. Now these guys are out sleeping in tents in the fuking desert. No combat pay. Hardly any electricity. And they miss Thanksgiving with their families.

Republicans are good at splitting up families.

Sick of these turds pretending they care about the troops. If they cared, they wouldn't mistreat them.

So let me see how this works...you progressives help fund a "caravan" of migrants to bum rush our southern border to use as political fodder to get yourselves elected...CAUSING the crisis...but then you come here and whine about Trump "splitting up" military families over the holidays? Gotta love the logic!

Sure, in Upside-Down World. In the real world, Trump was using that caravan and the US military as political fodder to fire up the base. And base is the appropriate word.

This was outside funding..

So in your world all those taco hats was coming to greet Trump ?

Trump, not Democrats, used the caravan for political fodder. Jesus H.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Alexandria who? And why am I supposed to be terrified of her? Plz 'splain. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Because Hannity, Rush and Levin tell you to be afraid of her

She wants to do things that help people........that makes her the enemy of conservatives

When did any of them ever say that?

They call it SOCIALISM

Doing things to help corporations is PATRIOTISM
Doing things to help the people is SOCIALISM

So they didn't say to be afraid of her and you made it up. Color me shocked.

Alexandra is not dangerous-----her HANDLERS are
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.
Alexandria who? And why am I supposed to be terrified of her? Plz 'splain. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Because Hannity, Rush and Levin tell you to be afraid of her

She wants to do things that help people........that makes her the enemy of conservatives

When did any of them ever say that?

They call it SOCIALISM

Doing things to help corporations is PATRIOTISM
Doing things to help the people is SOCIALISM

So they didn't say to be afraid of her and you made it up. Color me shocked.
No, they made up photoshops of her and said....Look! We made Ocasio Cortez look crazy!

What passes for incisive political commentary for the right
No, they made up photoshops of her and said....Look! We made Ocasio Cortez look crazy!

What passes for incisive political commentary for the right
That's like saying they photoshopped pictures of Maxine Waters to make her look ugly.
I am not impressed at all with the snap shots of Alexandra looking insane or those of Hillary looking demented or those of Maxine looking
possessed--------I AM IMPRESSED with the stupidity of all of them
I haven't followed Ocasio-Cortez, and I don't know if she's smart or not. Some people take time to learn how to be relaxed and think-on-their-feet in front of a camera. Trump is awful at it, btw. He just spouts bullshit and runs off at the mouth.

Anyway, Ocasio-Cortez represents the future, and if there's anything that scares all conservatives, it's the future.
Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s rear ends, tweeted a photo of Ocasio-Cortez walking down a hallway:


Calling this woman a girl. Taking pictures of her backside. Making fun of her clothes and her working class background.

Why do they hate her?

Because she looks like America now. Not America from the 1950s.

Is she the new racially-based Nancy Pelosi?

OMG! It’s a woman! Of color! Terrifying to white Republicans.

I wonder how long it's going to take for you to figure out that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is just another liberal "ditz" who spouts progressive dogma but doesn't have a clue how to pay for any of it...other than some vague premise that "rich people" should surrender their money for the greater good! Have you actually heard her respond to difficult questions? She's an IDIOT!
She's a product of communist brainwashing.
I haven't followed Ocasio-Cortez, and I don't know if she's smart or not. Some people take time to learn how to be relaxed and think-on-their-feet in front of a camera. Trump is awful at it, btw. He just spouts bullshit and runs off at the mouth.

Anyway, Ocasio-Cortez represents the future, and if there's anything that scares all conservatives, it's the future.

when I was an adolescent-----1984 was FUTURE
I haven't followed Ocasio-Cortez, and I don't know if she's smart or not. Some people take time to learn how to be relaxed and think-on-their-feet in front of a camera. Trump is awful at it, btw. He just spouts bullshit and runs off at the mouth.

Anyway, Ocasio-Cortez represents the future, and if there's anything that scares all conservatives, it's the future.

when I was an adolescent-----1984 was FUTURE

A novel future, to be sure.

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