Why Republicans will win in 2022

The goal is to stop Nazi Republicans from further attacking this country. You attack voting rights, free speech rights, the freedom to travel and other rights. Republicans want to terrorize groups of people because they have different beliefs. We need stronger gun controls in this country. Women are the first groups to lose rights in the history of this country. The Constitution does mention well-regulated. If this infrastructure bill is so phony then why are Republicans claiming credit for getting money from it? That includes Boebart and Greene.

You Nazis are the ones screwing us., The Republican Party no longer exists. Ronald Reagan wou;ld never be a part of this party.

That right there is why you morons lose elections!

Why Republicans will win in 2022​

One thing is for sure. If Republicans do win, it will be the product of an election system replete with fraud. Or so i have read.
This election reminds me of Ronald Reagan's famous question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

By voting Democrat, you are saying you want more unnecessary debt to buy votes, you want higher inflation, you want higher fuel prices, you want higher grocery prices, you want to poke that Russian bear with a pointier stick, you want to see higher interest rates, you want more illegals getting into the country. Who in their right mind would vote for an agenda like that?

Now we're looking at passing out free money to irresponsible college graduates and 87,000 More IRS workers to hassle people over nickel/ dime deductions. Combined well over a half-trillion dollars in new debt on those two issues alone.

That is so much bullshit. The deficits are caused partially by these massive tax cuts that Trump handed out to the rich has led to a loss of revenue. Higher fuel prices are caused by outside forces. The domestic oil companies are not increasing spending on drilling. Higher prices are due to price gouging by companies. We want to see Putin lose his war against Ukraine which he started. What we have is a corrupt Federal Reserve that should be abolished.

We are talking about easing the pressure on ordinary people. Hiring more people for the IRS means being able to process returns and refunds in a timely manner. Taxpayers being able to get answers to questions. More audits of the rich so they cannot evade taxes. You are apparently okay for that. Also worth noting that this is over a number of years not in one fiscal year.
That is so much bullshit. The deficits are caused partially by these massive tax cuts that Trump handed out to the rich has led to a loss of revenue. Higher fuel prices are caused by outside forces. The domestic oil companies are not increasing spending on drilling. Higher prices are due to price gouging by companies. We want to see Putin lose his war against Ukraine which he started. What we have is a corrupt Federal Reserve that should be abolished.

We are talking about easing the pressure on ordinary people. Hiring more people for the IRS means being able to process returns and refunds in a timely manner. Taxpayers being able to get answers to questions. More audits of the rich so they cannot evade taxes. You are apparently okay for that. Also worth noting that this is over a number of years not in one fiscal year.
How many IRS agents do you know about that are working six days a week? 10 hour days or more? You see in private business, they know it's much more cost effective to have current employees work OT than it is to hire more new workers. I bet you can't find one IRS agent working more than 40 hours a week.

So that's all bullshit. Many of their audits are already on the rich, so this idiotic move is to target small time taxpayers who maybe made a mistake on a $100.00 deduction they took on their taxes.

IRS examinations of individual income tax returns declined between 2010 and 2019 across the board, but the trend was most pronounced for taxpayers with incomes of $200,000 or more, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported Tuesday.

So the lie that Dementia told was only to cover the fact that most government employees vote Democrat. Next he will be targeting political enemies, perhaps people on this forum that talk against Big Brother.

You have no idea how fuel is priced so you're out of your league discussing that with me since I have a few years experience in the commodities market. Oil and gasoline companies do not set their own prices; another lie by the Communist party. If tax cuts to the rich are so bad, why didn't the Party increase them back to pre-Trump days?
Worse, Republicans will incorrectly infer that winning control of the House will be an ‘endorsement’ of the GOP agenda by the American people – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Everyone knows why the progtards are being booted out on their asses.

Even you.

The tyranny of Republican minority rule will nonetheless prevail, to the detriment of America.

Don't bleat to me about tyranny, Stalinist scum.

It'll be my great pleasure to see you lowlifes squirm for the next few years
He didn’t say most republicans. Got anything else?
And he left it quite vague. What is a MAGA Republican?! If it’s what he and Harris are now calling “election deniers,” then that is more than 50 million voters.

The intent is to have Democrats despise any Republican, and make Republicans fearful to express their opinions lest someone kill them with their car. That way, with no (or fewer) opposing views expressed, Democrats can continue to spread their lies and propaganda - and continue destroying America.
He didn’t say most republicans. Got anything else?

He said MAGA Republicans. Most Republicans are MAGA, that's why Trump was elected and gained 7 million more votes for his re-election.

This dementia patient thinks he's slick, insulting people without making it look like he's actually insulting us. Show me one Trump supporter that is not MAGA. That's the theme of his entire movement. So yes, he insulted every single one of us.
He said MAGA Republicans. Most Republicans are MAGA, that's why Trump was elected and gained 7 million more votes for his re-election.

This dementia patient thinks he's slick, insulting people without making it look like he's actually insulting us. Show me one Trump supporter that is not MAGA. That's the theme of his entire movement. So yes, he insulted every single one of us.
Agree - and what he is doing is reprehensible. He is vilifying every American who voted for Trump and would love the opportunity to do so again.

Marco Rubio warned about this shortly before Biden’s Hitler-wannabe speech: he warned that Democrats will not be satisfied demonizing only Trump and that they will be demonizing everyone who supports him. This has happened.
Agree - and what he is doing is reprehensible. He is vilifying every American who voted for Trump and would love the opportunity to do so again.

Marco Rubio warned about this shortly before Biden’s Hitler-wannabe speech: he warned that Democrats will not be satisfied demonizing only Trump and that they will be demonizing everyone who supports him. This has happened.

Of course. Trump is more than a man, he's a movement; a movement that's carrying on even though he's not running for office. He had an amazing effect on the primaries by his endorsements, and it's why they are still going after him almost two years after he left office. They figure if they can shut Trump up, that will stop this movement and everything goes back to normal for them. Sort of like having to kill the queen bee to get rid of the bee hive.

It won't work because the movement will carry on even if Trump announces he's out of politics. It's not going to stop. If we can't have Trump, we'll look for the closest thing we can get to him, which currently, is DeSantis.
And he left it quite vague. What is a MAGA Republican?! If it’s what he and Harris are now calling “election deniers,” then that is more than 50 million voters.

The intent is to have Democrats despise any Republican, and make Republicans fearful to express their opinions lest someone kill them with their car. That way, with no (or fewer) opposing views expressed, Democrats can continue to spread their lies and propaganda - and continue destroying America.
He said what a MAGA Republican is. The ones trying to undermine our democracy by claiming the election was stolen who would turn to violence like we saw on Jan 6. 50 million voters don’t believe the election was stolen. That’s nonsense. Only conspiracy but truly believe that
He said MAGA Republicans. Most Republicans are MAGA, that's why Trump was elected and gained 7 million more votes for his re-election.

This dementia patient thinks he's slick, insulting people without making it look like he's actually insulting us. Show me one Trump supporter that is not MAGA. That's the theme of his entire movement. So yes, he insulted every single one of us.
Not everybody who voted for trump loved the guy and believes all his lies. Many who voted for trump are simply conservatives that want lower taxes and less government. Given the lack of evidence and lack of ability to back up these stolen election claims it’s only the gullible wingnuts that truly believe the election was stolen
He said what a MAGA Republican is. The ones trying to undermine our democracy by claiming the election was stolen who would turn to violence like we saw on Jan 6. 50 million voters don’t believe the election was stolen. That’s nonsense. Only conspiracy but truly believe that

Marginalize BELIEF and enforce it by abusing the law.

Josef Stalin playbook 101
Not everybody who voted for trump loved the guy and believes all his lies. Many who voted for trump are simply conservatives that want lower taxes and less government. Given the lack of evidence and lack of ability to back up these stolen election claims it’s only the gullible wingnuts that truly believe the election was stolen


These fuckers claim they"re not commies, but they do everything commies do.

Attack your BELIEFS.

These Stalinist pigs need to be put down. Forcibly, if necessary

Marginalize BELIEF and enforce it by abusing the law.

Josef Stalin playbook 101
Thank you!! Exactly what Trump and the MAGA republicans have been trying to do. Demonize the left by saying they are trying to destroy our country and then spread lies and exert pressure from the office of the president to try and overturn an election. It’s pathetic

These fuckers claim they"re not commies, but they do everything commies do.

Attack your BELIEFS.

These Stalinist pigs need to be put down. Forcibly, if necessary
Which of your beliefs do you think I’m attacking?
He said what a MAGA Republican is. The ones trying to undermine our democracy by claiming the election was stolen who would turn to violence like we saw on Jan 6. 50 million voters don’t believe the election was stolen. That’s nonsense. Only conspiracy but truly believe that
That doesn’t make sense. There were only a couple of hundred rioters who did that. What president goes on prime time TV to demonize 0.0000000001% of voters?

And yes….50 million (actually 60 million) question the integrity of the election, including millions of independents.
That doesn’t make sense. There were only a couple of hundred rioters who did that. What president goes on prime time TV to demonize 0.0000000001% of voters?

And yes….50 million (actually 60 million) question the integrity of the election, including millions of independents.
We wasn’t only talking about the ones that showed up to the capital, he was speaking to the agenda and movement they are pushing

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