Why Republicans will win in 2022

He said Trump and the MAGA Republicans which is all of us. Then he tried to back peddle by saying all MAGA Republicans are not extremists, when in fact, we are.

See that’s not a back peddle. That’s just explaining what he is talking about so listeners understand context and meaning. Those are the elements you like to ignore so you can play your political games
All their plans relate to them fixing the elections so they never lose. Sorry, but that's undermining our Democracy. The only reason to pack the courts is to benefit the Communists. The only reason to add Communist states is to benefit the Communist party. The only reason to get rid of the college is to benefit the Communist party. And don't give me this bullshit we did it before. The last time we changed the amount of SC justices was back in 1869, well over 150 years ago.
Ray you’re losing it. Are you really trying to demonize politicians for supporting policies that help progress their agendas?! Are you trying to say that’s only coming from the left?? That’s POLITICS!
Ray you’re losing it. Are you really trying to demonize politicians for supporting policies that help progress their agendas?! Are you trying to say that’s only coming from the left?? That’s POLITICS!

Nobody on the right ever tried to fix all future elections by changing the rules of the game. 1/6, big deal. A group of yahoos that broke into the Capital for a couple of hours and were kicked out. That's nothing compared to changing our elections so that Republicans never lose again.
All their plans relate to them fixing the elections so they never lose. Sorry, but that's undermining our Democracy. The only reason to pack the courts is to benefit the Communists. The only reason to add Communist states is to benefit the Communist party. The only reason to get rid of the college is to benefit the Communist party. And don't give me this bullshit we did it before. The last time we changed the amount of SC justices was back in 1869, well over 150 years ago.
The court packing comes from a feeling that Obama was cheated out of a pick that he should have as. The president used by the Republicans to not hold a vote was then not followed for Barrett during Trumps last year.

The EC is a fair discussion to have as technology and our society has changed a ton since the 1800s. Some people don’t see us a collection of states with few people speaking for the entire state. They want to hear the voice of all people in a pure democracy. And yes, that’s benefits Dems which is why they are supporting it. If it benefitted Rubes then they would be pushing it.
I can’t say the country is not being destroyed? Nile cause we are doing just fine. The biggest threat we are facing to actually being destroyed is in the division and disinformation you and your crowd are pushing. A United America is unstoppable. I whiney bitchy divided America who is constantly pointing the finger at the other side is weak. Take away faith in our democratic system… now you’re dealing with a weak country on the verge of civil war

No shit, Sherlock.

Which is why the asinine Democrats who are trying to DENY that there is a very serious problem with US election security, are PRACTICALLY traitors, they're practically painting a target on our election system inviting people to come abuse us.

Goddammit, we will FORCE you to take our elections seriously, if necessary. No one needs ceremonial certification, we don't need that
See that’s not a back peddle. That’s just explaining what he is talking about so listeners understand context and meaning. Those are the elements you like to ignore so you can play your political games

Listen again. He said Trump and his supporters. And yes, he did try to walk it back. Do you think there is one person out there that said "Oh, he's not talking about me!"
Nobody on the right ever tried to fix all future elections by changing the rules of the game. 1/6, big deal. A group of yahoos that broke into the Capital for a couple of hours and were kicked out. That's nothing compared to changing our elections so that Republicans never lose again.
1/6 was an attempt by republicans to illegally not certify an election! It really doesn’t get much worse than that. You’re bitching about law makers trying to use the LAW to make legal changes. That’s not undermining the system. That is our system at work.
No shit, Sherlock.

Which is why the asinine Democrats who are trying to DENY that there is a very serious problem with US election security, are PRACTICALLY traitors, they're practically painting a target on our election system inviting people to come abuse us.

Goddammit, we will FORCE you to take our elections seriously, if necessary. No one needs ceremonial certification, we don't need that
How are Dems trying to encourage abuse if our election system?. Lay it out for me
I am a Democrat, but partisan feelings aside the GOP will have a good election in 2022. True to form, left wing voters just don't go the polls as much as Republicans in midterm elections. Republicans are more likely to turn out than Democrats (72% of Republicans versus 67% of Democrats), while 59% of Independents say they’ll vote.

Bill Clinton once said: "Getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" Democrats....you're shooting yourselves in the foot again. If you want to hold on to power, you have to show up and vote, and fewer of you do in the midterms, so don't blame the GOP if they win. You'll have no one to blame but your lazy voter base! :disbelief:

Here’s Who’s Most Likely To Vote In The November Midterms, Poll Finds
Republicans will lose in November because they lost the suburban white women vote. And those broads are showing up in high numbers. Shouldn't have messed with Roe Reps!
Ray you’re losing it. Are you really trying to demonize politicians for supporting policies that help progress their agendas?! Are you trying to say that’s only coming from the left?? That’s POLITICS!
Progs are beyond politics. Elections are just to continue power and move us further into a world system. To many Americans are foolish and mass poverty will result as we are deconstructed.
Listen again. He said Trump and his supporters. And yes, he did try to walk it back. Do you think there is one person out there that said "Oh, he's not talking about me!"
The people who actually objectively listed to the entire statement… sure, because those were his words. Stop cherry picking. It’s a cheap tactic. He has a whole section where he talks about good republicans and makes a point to say that he isn’t talking about those people. But you ignore that. Why?
The court packing comes from a feeling that Obama was cheated out of a pick that he should have as. The president used by the Republicans to not hold a vote was then not followed for Barrett during Trumps last year.

The EC is a fair discussion to have as technology and our society has changed a ton since the 1800s. Some people don’t see us a collection of states with few people speaking for the entire state. They want to hear the voice of all people in a pure democracy. And yes, that’s benefits Dems which is why they are supporting it. If it benefitted Rubes then they would be pushing it.

Every single thing they are talking about only benefits them, that is unless you can point to one of them that benefits all Americans which I know you can't.

It's just like when they were pushing to have mail in only elections. Mail in favors them because it gets stupid people to vote, and stupid people always vote Democrat. They have no idea what they are voting on. Then there are states that are now allowing ex-cons to vote. Criminals too will always vote Democrat. Piglosi even suggested we allow 16 year old kids to vote because she knows not many 16 year olds are paying attention to politics. They are more concerned about the newest rock song out, the newest movie, smoking pot and what that cute girl in English class is all about. They're not focusing on politics.
Every single thing they are talking about only benefits them
Yes Ray, that’s because they are politicians who are part of a party. The party helps them raise funds and get elected as they run on a platform and they try and pass laws to help progress that agenda. This is politics 101. It’s what Republicans and democrats both do. Wake up
Progs are beyond politics. Elections are just to continue power and move us further into a world system. To many Americans are foolish and mass poverty will result as we are deconstructed.
Ok, thanks for sharing
It's just like when they were pushing to have mail in only elections. Mail in favors them because it gets stupid people to vote, and stupid people always vote Democrat.
I don’t know Ray, you are sounding pretty stupid right now. Perhaps we should review your voting status
I don’t listen to much of anything Biden says so I don’t know what you’re asking. From what I see, this MAGA crowd is immune to facts and they are pushing lies to try and undermine our voting systems and change laws to their advantage. How do you think this tactic is going to play out if half the country screams rigged and cheaters every time there an election? Really think about that because that’s how revolts happen. We already saw a mini one on Jan 6
If you’re not listening to what Biden says, that’s a problem. You are in no position to know what is going on.

And are you completely unaware of your hypocrisy? The Democrats, funded in part by the loser in the 2016 election, set about with an elaborate hoax to create a treason charge against the duly elected president. And they had half the country believing it, and cheering it on.

But somehow, when five swing states that have Trump in the lead, SIMULTANEOUSLY all call a halt to the counting, in the middle of the. Ight, under the flimsiest of excuses, and then restart with all the collected ballots throwing the lead to Biden - and somehow people who question that are labeled as threats to democracy by Biden?

You are a big part of the problem because you admitted that you don’t pay attention to what the president says. You get your biased news from the media that SUPPRESSED the news that would have given the win to Trump.
Every single thing they are talking about only benefits them, that is unless you can point to one of them that benefits all Americans which I know you can't.

It's just like when they were pushing to have mail in only elections. Mail in favors them because it gets stupid people to vote, and stupid people always vote Democrat. They have no idea what they are voting on. Then there are states that are now allowing ex-cons to vote. Criminals too will always vote Democrat. Piglosi even suggested we allow 16 year old kids to vote because she knows not many 16 year olds are paying attention to politics. They are more concerned about the newest rock song out, the newest movie, smoking pot and what that cute girl in English class is all about. They're not focusing on politics.
You can't get more stupid than a vote for Trump.
If you’re not listening to what Biden says, that’s a problem. You are in no position to know what is going on.

And are you completely unaware of your hypocrisy? The Democrats, funded in part by the loser in the 2016 election, set about with an elaborate hoax to create a treason charge against the duly elected president. And they had half the country believing it, and cheering it on.

But somehow, when five swing states that have Trump in the lead, SIMULTANEOUSLY all call a halt to the counting, in the middle of the. Ight, under the flimsiest of excuses, and then restart with all the collected ballots throwing the lead to Biden - and somehow people who question that are labeled as threats to democracy by Biden?

You are a big part of the problem because you admitted that you don’t pay attention to what the president says. You get your biased news from the media that SUPPRESSED the news that would have given the win to Trump.
Wow, you are truly off you rocker. You make these grand claims but can’t back another up with actual evidence. You’re being too gullible and falling for conspiracy theories. Don’t be a puppet have some self Respect

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