Why Request Protected Documents You Already Illegally Confiscated After Your Gestapo Pre Dawn Raid?

DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
So when did prostitution become illegal?

Since the dawn of Time .

Wow, really? You do know that in early civilizations many "religions" were sex cults and used Temple Prostitution for worship....right?

Money for sex = oldest profession.

It’s been pretty much illegal in the states since day one . Not that Trunp is being accused of being a John .

Feds request documents from Trump Organization related to Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels

Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

Mueller, some advice to you....stick you head up Hillary Clinton's ASS, 'cuz THAT IS the only KNOWN PLACE you will find "RUSSIAN COLLUSION."

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid with Fully Automatic Assault Weapons, and at Gun Point, pointing your machine guns at Cohen and his wife in their Pajamas and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid. To date, after having them for a year, he has refused to give back these Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.


Both Manafort, The Trump Administration and Cohen were 100% cooperative with Mueller, and he has now TWICE VIOLATED ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE by confiscating Constitutionally Protected Documents.

If Mueller's team even LOOKS at Attorney-Client Privileged information illegally obtained in the raid he risks being booted from the Investigation and/or it being completely shut down, even if he gets his request to obtain that specific information. In fact, the must PROVE that the new warrants to target the information he already has did not come about because he saw the information after seizing it all. Of course I am sure Mueller would have no problem violating MORE laws and lying, claiming he never took a peek.
He still has Manafort’s Attorney’s Documents that were marked “Attorney Client Privilege.

You don’t illegally take that stuff unless you plan to illegally look at it and illegally use it against the person you want to persecute.

Do people not realize That Mueller has No Interest in Russian Collusion?

McCabe is On Record telling Mueller it was a dead end right before Expanding Mueller’s Powers Exponentially!

That is a witch hunt. This is The Deep State Coup & Insurance
Policy we are watching take place before our very eyes with Sessions and a Complicit Congress standing with their fingers up their ass while we watch Dark Forces Abuse our Constitution in an attempt to regain power illegitimately!

Feds request documents from Trump Organization related to Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels

Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

Mueller, some advice to you....stick you head up Hillary Clinton's ASS, 'cuz THAT IS the only KNOWN PLACE you will find "RUSSIAN COLLUSION."

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid with Fully Automatic Assault Weapons, and at Gun Point, pointing your machine guns at Cohen and his wife in their Pajamas and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid. To date, after having them for a year, he has refused to give back these Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.


Both Manafort, The Trump Administration and Cohen were 100% cooperative with Mueller, and he has now TWICE VIOLATED ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE by confiscating Constitutionally Protected Documents.

If Mueller's team even LOOKS at Attorney-Client Privileged information illegally obtained in the raid he risks being booted from the Investigation and/or it being completely shut down, even if he gets his request to obtain that specific information. In fact, the must PROVE that the new warrants to target the information he already has did not come about because he saw the information after seizing it all. Of course I am sure Mueller would have no problem violating MORE laws and lying, claiming he never took a peek.
Mueller is probably the most upright, by-the-book law enforcement officer in the federal sphere.
He is maybe the only honest Republican left standing.
In 2004 he stood up Dubbya when he tried to pressure A-G Ashcroft, in hospital, to OK unconstitutional wire-taps.
He's a fucking legend, and you dweebs hate him because he's just too straight.
And he'll kick ass regardless of assignment.
A good (no, great!) man.
Mueller is probably the most upright, by-the-book law enforcement officer in the federal sphere.
He is maybe the only honest Republican left standing.
In 2004 he stood up Dubbya when he tried to pressure A-G Ashcroft, in hospital, to OK unconstitutional wire-taps.
He's a fucking legend, and you dweebs hate him because he's just too straight.
And he'll kick ass regardless of assignment.
A good (no, great!) man.

Trump bashers think that Mueller is the torch bearer for everything that is noble and just. Of course, as in most things, they are wrong. Muller leaves behind him a record of incompetency and ruthlessness

.Muller mishandling the anthrax investigation back in the early 1990s His ignorance, arrogance and total disregard for individual rights and due process ruined the lives of innocent people, including Steven Hatfill. Hatfill sued and was awarded almost $6 million.

Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Mueller didn't give a royal damn about how many innocent people he hurt as long as he deluded Americans that he was doing his job

“In the aftermath of the attacks, Mueller directed the “post-9/11 round-up” of around 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (NYC area) at the wrong time, as FBI Headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially PR purposes. Field offices were required to report daily the number of detentions in order to supply grist for FBI press releases about FBI “progress” in fighting terrorism. Consequently, some of the detainees were brutalized and jailed for up to a year despite the fact that none turned out to be terrorists.”

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

There is one more case that reveals Mueller's true character. The FBI let four men rot in prison for decades even though they knew the men were innocent. Mueller did his best to keep them there.

“In 2001, the four men convicted of Teddy Deegan’s murder [in 1965] were exonerated. Turned out the FBI let them take the rap to protect one of their informants, a killer named Vincent “Jimmy’’ Flemmi, who just happened to be the brother of their other rat, Stevie Flemmi. Thanks to the FBI’s corruption, taxpayers got stuck with the $100 million bill for compensating the framed men, two of whom, Greco and Tameleo, died in prison.

“Albano was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant US attorney then as the acting US attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies.

“Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset

“Four years ago, when questioned about the FBI’s corruption in Boston, Mueller told the Globe, “I think the public should recognize that what happened, happened years ago.’’

A lingering question for the FBI’s director

Mueller is dishonest and ruthless. The only thing he cares about his himself. He will destroy people's lives to advance his career and protect his image. The fact that Mueller is giving Hillary a free pass on her multiple crimes while conducting a witch hunt on Trump proves he is biased and corrupt, The stench of Hillary Clinton emanates from his every pore.
Feds request documents from Trump Organization related to Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels

Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

Mueller, some advice to you....stick you head up Hillary Clinton's ASS, 'cuz THAT IS the only KNOWN PLACE you will find "RUSSIAN COLLUSION."

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid with Fully Automatic Assault Weapons, and at Gun Point, pointing your machine guns at Cohen and his wife in their Pajamas and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid. To date, after having them for a year, he has refused to give back these Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.


Both Manafort, The Trump Administration and Cohen were 100% cooperative with Mueller, and he has now TWICE VIOLATED ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE by confiscating Constitutionally Protected Documents.

Go after Hillary, not Trump, because I like Trump and I don't like Hillary.....
Mueller is probably the most upright, by-the-book law enforcement officer in the federal sphere.
He is maybe the only honest Republican left standing.
In 2004 he stood up Dubbya when he tried to pressure A-G Ashcroft, in hospital, to OK unconstitutional wire-taps.
He's a fucking legend, and you dweebs hate him because he's just too straight.
And he'll kick ass regardless of assignment.
A good (no, great!) man.

Trump bashers think that Mueller is the torch bearer for everything that is noble and just. Of course, as in most things, they are wrong. Muller leaves behind him a record of incompetency and ruthlessness

.Muller mishandling the anthrax investigation back in the early 1990s His ignorance, arrogance and total disregard for individual rights and due process ruined the lives of innocent people, including Steven Hatfill. Hatfill sued and was awarded almost $6 million.

Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Mueller didn't give a royal damn about how many innocent people he hurt as long as he deluded Americans that he was doing his job

“In the aftermath of the attacks, Mueller directed the “post-9/11 round-up” of around 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (NYC area) at the wrong time, as FBI Headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially PR purposes. Field offices were required to report daily the number of detentions in order to supply grist for FBI press releases about FBI “progress” in fighting terrorism. Consequently, some of the detainees were brutalized and jailed for up to a year despite the fact that none turned out to be terrorists.”

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

There is one more case that reveals Mueller's true character. The FBI let four men rot in prison for decades even though they knew the men were innocent. Mueller did his best to keep them there.

“In 2001, the four men convicted of Teddy Deegan’s murder [in 1965] were exonerated. Turned out the FBI let them take the rap to protect one of their informants, a killer named Vincent “Jimmy’’ Flemmi, who just happened to be the brother of their other rat, Stevie Flemmi. Thanks to the FBI’s corruption, taxpayers got stuck with the $100 million bill for compensating the framed men, two of whom, Greco and Tameleo, died in prison.

“Albano was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant US attorney then as the acting US attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies.

“Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset

“Four years ago, when questioned about the FBI’s corruption in Boston, Mueller told the Globe, “I think the public should recognize that what happened, happened years ago.’’

A lingering question for the FBI’s director

Mueller is dishonest and ruthless. The only thing he cares about his himself. He will destroy people's lives to advance his career and protect his image. The fact that Mueller is giving Hillary a free pass on her multiple crimes while conducting a witch hunt on Trump proves he is biased and corrupt, The stench of Hillary Clinton emanates from his every pore.

Let's attack Mueller because he's arrogant, and ignore Trump who is even more arrogant. Right?
Mueller is probably the most upright, by-the-book law enforcement officer in the federal sphere.
He is maybe the only honest Republican left standing.
In 2004 he stood up Dubbya when he tried to pressure A-G Ashcroft, in hospital, to OK unconstitutional wire-taps.
He's a fucking legend, and you dweebs hate him because he's just too straight.
And he'll kick ass regardless of assignment.
A good (no, great!) man.

Trump bashers think that Mueller is the torch bearer for everything that is noble and just. Of course, as in most things, they are wrong. Muller leaves behind him a record of incompetency and ruthlessness

.Muller mishandling the anthrax investigation back in the early 1990s His ignorance, arrogance and total disregard for individual rights and due process ruined the lives of innocent people, including Steven Hatfill. Hatfill sued and was awarded almost $6 million.

Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Mueller didn't give a royal damn about how many innocent people he hurt as long as he deluded Americans that he was doing his job

“In the aftermath of the attacks, Mueller directed the “post-9/11 round-up” of around 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (NYC area) at the wrong time, as FBI Headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially PR purposes. Field offices were required to report daily the number of detentions in order to supply grist for FBI press releases about FBI “progress” in fighting terrorism. Consequently, some of the detainees were brutalized and jailed for up to a year despite the fact that none turned out to be terrorists.”

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

There is one more case that reveals Mueller's true character. The FBI let four men rot in prison for decades even though they knew the men were innocent. Mueller did his best to keep them there.

“In 2001, the four men convicted of Teddy Deegan’s murder [in 1965] were exonerated. Turned out the FBI let them take the rap to protect one of their informants, a killer named Vincent “Jimmy’’ Flemmi, who just happened to be the brother of their other rat, Stevie Flemmi. Thanks to the FBI’s corruption, taxpayers got stuck with the $100 million bill for compensating the framed men, two of whom, Greco and Tameleo, died in prison.

“Albano was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant US attorney then as the acting US attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies.

“Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset

“Four years ago, when questioned about the FBI’s corruption in Boston, Mueller told the Globe, “I think the public should recognize that what happened, happened years ago.’’

A lingering question for the FBI’s director

Mueller is dishonest and ruthless. The only thing he cares about his himself. He will destroy people's lives to advance his career and protect his image. The fact that Mueller is giving Hillary a free pass on her multiple crimes while conducting a witch hunt on Trump proves he is biased and corrupt, The stench of Hillary Clinton emanates from his every pore.

Let's attack Mueller because he's arrogant, and ignore Trump who is even more arrogant. Right?

I did not attack Mueller because he's arrogant. I simply responded to your claim that " Mueller is probably the most upright, by-the-book law enforcement officer in the federal sphere." That is not true. As I have shown he is ruthless and dishonest. You have the last word. I said what I wanted to and I'm outta here.
He still has Manafort’s Attorney’s Documents that were marked “Attorney Client Privilege.

A client's communication with an attorney isn't privileged if it "involves communications in furtherance of a contemplated or ongoing crime or fraud".
Mueller has authority to investigate much more than 'Russian Collusion'.
And there's PLENTY to investigate, where Dirty Donnie is concerned.
It says a lot about your priorities, seeing your melt-down at the prospect of Justice being applied to your hero.
Sucks to be a Trumpanzee, don't it?
Then you would be okay with the Clinton foundations lawyer to be raded in the early morning hours at gun point?
That Pretty Much Sums up why The FBI probably needs to be Abolished.

There is No Longer any Oversight. Tear it down to the foundation and start over.
The Constitution doesn't authorize the federal government to have a law enforcement bureau.
That is true, and since the reason they were formed in the first place is gone, we no longer need a Federal Police Force, so they should be Abolished.
Feds request documents from Trump Organization related to Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels

Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

Mueller, some advice to you....stick you head up Hillary Clinton's ASS, 'cuz THAT IS the only KNOWN PLACE you will find "RUSSIAN COLLUSION."

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid with Fully Automatic Assault Weapons, and at Gun Point, pointing your machine guns at Cohen and his wife in their Pajamas and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid. To date, after having them for a year, he has refused to give back these Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.


Both Manafort, The Trump Administration and Cohen were 100% cooperative with Mueller, and he has now TWICE VIOLATED ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE by confiscating Constitutionally Protected Documents.
Documents legally obtained pursuant to a search warrant.

No one believes your ridiculous lies.

What basis do you have for claiming the warrant was legal? All the signs indicate it was highly illegal.
DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
So when did prostitution become illegal?

Since the dawn of Time .

Wow, really? You do know that in early civilizations many "religions" were sex cults and used Temple Prostitution for worship....right?
Prostitution was legal everywhere right up until the end of the 19th Century.
DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
So when did prostitution become illegal?

Since the dawn of Time .
Wrong. Prostitution was legal almost everywhere right up until the end of the 19th Century.
DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
So when did prostitution become illegal?

Since the dawn of Time .

Wow, really? You do know that in early civilizations many "religions" were sex cults and used Temple Prostitution for worship....right?

Money for sex = oldest profession.

It’s been pretty much illegal in the states since day one . Not that Trunp is being accused of being a John .


You're such an idiot. Prostitution was legal in this country for most of its history.
Feds request documents from Trump Organization related to Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels

Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

Mueller, some advice to you....stick you head up Hillary Clinton's ASS, 'cuz THAT IS the only KNOWN PLACE you will find "RUSSIAN COLLUSION."

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid with Fully Automatic Assault Weapons, and at Gun Point, pointing your machine guns at Cohen and his wife in their Pajamas and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid. To date, after having them for a year, he has refused to give back these Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.


Both Manafort, The Trump Administration and Cohen were 100% cooperative with Mueller, and he has now TWICE VIOLATED ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE by confiscating Constitutionally Protected Documents.

Go after Hillary, not Trump, because I like Trump and I don't like Hillary.....
Your belief in equal justice is duly noted.
Feds request documents from Trump Organization related to Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels

Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

Mueller, some advice to you....stick you head up Hillary Clinton's ASS, 'cuz THAT IS the only KNOWN PLACE you will find "RUSSIAN COLLUSION."

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid with Fully Automatic Assault Weapons, and at Gun Point, pointing your machine guns at Cohen and his wife in their Pajamas and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid. To date, after having them for a year, he has refused to give back these Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.


Both Manafort, The Trump Administration and Cohen were 100% cooperative with Mueller, and he has now TWICE VIOLATED ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE by confiscating Constitutionally Protected Documents.

Mueller is probably the most upright, by-the-book law enforcement officer in the federal sphere.
He is maybe the only honest Republican left standing.
In 2004 he stood up Dubbya when he tried to pressure A-G Ashcroft, in hospital, to OK unconstitutional wire-taps.
He's a fucking legend, and you dweebs hate him because he's just too straight.
And he'll kick ass regardless of assignment.
A good (no, great!) man.

Trump bashers think that Mueller is the torch bearer for everything that is noble and just. Of course, as in most things, they are wrong. Muller leaves behind him a record of incompetency and ruthlessness

.Muller mishandling the anthrax investigation back in the early 1990s His ignorance, arrogance and total disregard for individual rights and due process ruined the lives of innocent people, including Steven Hatfill. Hatfill sued and was awarded almost $6 million.

Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Mueller didn't give a royal damn about how many innocent people he hurt as long as he deluded Americans that he was doing his job

“In the aftermath of the attacks, Mueller directed the “post-9/11 round-up” of around 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (NYC area) at the wrong time, as FBI Headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially PR purposes. Field offices were required to report daily the number of detentions in order to supply grist for FBI press releases about FBI “progress” in fighting terrorism. Consequently, some of the detainees were brutalized and jailed for up to a year despite the fact that none turned out to be terrorists.”

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

There is one more case that reveals Mueller's true character. The FBI let four men rot in prison for decades even though they knew the men were innocent. Mueller did his best to keep them there.

“In 2001, the four men convicted of Teddy Deegan’s murder [in 1965] were exonerated. Turned out the FBI let them take the rap to protect one of their informants, a killer named Vincent “Jimmy’’ Flemmi, who just happened to be the brother of their other rat, Stevie Flemmi. Thanks to the FBI’s corruption, taxpayers got stuck with the $100 million bill for compensating the framed men, two of whom, Greco and Tameleo, died in prison.

“Albano was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant US attorney then as the acting US attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies.

“Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset

“Four years ago, when questioned about the FBI’s corruption in Boston, Mueller told the Globe, “I think the public should recognize that what happened, happened years ago.’’

A lingering question for the FBI’s director

Mueller is dishonest and ruthless. The only thing he cares about his himself. He will destroy people's lives to advance his career and protect his image. The fact that Mueller is giving Hillary a free pass on her multiple crimes while conducting a witch hunt on Trump proves he is biased and corrupt, The stench of Hillary Clinton emanates from his every pore.

Let's attack Mueller because he's arrogant, and ignore Trump who is even more arrogant. Right?

I did not attack Mueller because he's arrogant. I simply responded to your claim that " Mueller is probably the most upright, by-the-book law enforcement officer in the federal sphere." That is not true. As I have shown he is ruthless and dishonest. You have the last word. I said what I wanted to and I'm outta here.

I think you're confusing people.

I replied to your comment that you'd written to someone else.

Don't worry about it, I do the same thing.

I don't know much about Mueller, he's doing a job in a political sphere and I don't trust a single person in politics. So I don't trust him either.

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