Why Ronald Reagan’s Example Is Still Relevant for America Today


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Reagan was the example of what a LEADER of our country should be. Since then, we've had Billy the adulterer and Obama the thug. Even Bush is now more liked than the one in there now
nice article on him

y Ben T. Elliott June 5, 2015 11:28 AM

Eleven years ago, June 5, 2004, Ronald Reagan left this world for the next. In the days that followed, America witnessed sights unseen since the death of John F. Kennedy — people keeping all-night vigils to touch his casket and say goodbye, lining highways by the thousands to express their gratitude, affection, and love.

Those born after Reagan’s presidency might wonder: What was it about this man that evoked then — and still does today — such deep, heartfelt admiration?

History tells the answer. From 1981 through 1989, Ronald Reagan led a great American comeback. He not only achieved what his critics said would be impossible; he made it seem easy. His leadership transformed a sputtering U.S. economy into a rocket of growth that led to a generation of prosperity. He restored a neglected U.S. military and its alliances, engineering the eventual defeat of the Soviet empire, without starting a war and without firing a shot. Through it all, he revived America’s spirit, restored our hopes, and strengthened our faith.

Despite his astonishing success, some dismiss Reagan as no longer relevant to America and its 21st-century challenges. We should beg to differ. While issues and conditions change, people’s motivations and goals do not.

They still revolve around home, family, and their hopes and dreams for the future. Moreover, Reagan grasped more than just what was timeless — he had a great capability for adapting to changing realities.

He understood growth. He had a sharp eye for danger and recognized the leader’s duty to prepare and protect. And, his profound respect for the dignity, rights, and responsibilities of the individual, rooted in constitutional principles and 5,000 years of Judeo-Christian history and tradition, would equip a leader well to deal wisely with the contentious issues that preoccupy our country today.

Of Reagan’s many strengths, four in particular enabled him to connect with the American people in almost magical and unassailable ways. These gifts of leadership would be as welcomed and valuable in 2015 as 35 years ago. Perhaps even more so.

First, Reagan united America. He never sought to divide. He always spoke to us as “we” – citizens connected by the same love for America, the same values of family, faith, neighborhood, work, peace, and freedom.

He opened his 1980 campaign at Liberty State Park in Hudson County, New Jersey — the first Republican to visit that blue-collar county in twelve years. Standing in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, he embraced the entire nation. “We share the same dreams,” he said, and added, “I’ve come here because I believe millions of Democrats are just as unhappy with the way things are as the rest of us are.”

ALL of it here:

Read more at: Ronald Reagan s Leadership Qualities -- Four Strengths That Made Him Exceptional National Review Online
Reagan couldn't get elected GOP dog catcher today. He wasn't a total fucking loon and he could cut a deal. The GOP rejects such things out of hand now...
Regan might serve as a warning, I lived through his admin. I remember him saying, off the cuff, "good news, we outlawed the soviet union, bombing begins in five minutes" ditty. I also remember him and PATCO, and the way he stopped funding to mental health issues and Regan gave 3 million illegal aliens amnesty back in 88. And he helped fund the mujahedeen in Afghanistan and gave money to al quedaa. Woppie big freekin DO. Who has bigger case of amnesia here, liberals or conservatives?
Regan might serve as a warning, I lived through his admin. I remember him saying, off the cuff, "good news, we outlawed the soviet union, bombing begins in five minutes" ditty. I also remember him and PATCO, and the way he stopped funding to mental health issues and Regan gave 3 million illegal aliens amnesty back in 88. And he helped fund the mujahedeen in Afghanistan and gave money to al quedaa. Woppie big freekin DO.

that's it? In all of eight years.
Regan might serve as a warning, I lived through his admin. I remember him saying, off the cuff, "good news, we outlawed the soviet union, bombing begins in five minutes" ditty. I also remember him and PATCO, and the way he stopped funding to mental health issues and Regan gave 3 million illegal aliens amnesty back in 88. And he helped fund the mujahedeen in Afghanistan and gave money to al quedaa. Woppie big freekin DO.

that's it? In all of eight years.
I guess, that's it. Regan earned a library. Obama will get one to, and nobody will remember or care the harm he causes, either. I do, but little matter. Facts, who cares about facts?
Regan might serve as a warning, I lived through his admin. I remember him saying, off the cuff, "good news, we outlawed the soviet union, bombing begins in five minutes" ditty. I also remember him and PATCO, and the way he stopped funding to mental health issues and Regan gave 3 million illegal aliens amnesty back in 88. And he helped fund the mujahedeen in Afghanistan and gave money to al quedaa. Woppie big freekin DO.

that's it? In all of eight years.
I guess, that's it. Regan earned a library. Obama will get one to, and nobody will remember or care the harm he causes, either. I do, but little matter. Facts, who cares about facts?

very good dear.
but the article was more on how he was a great leader for the people in the country. Not saying he was a saint. No big deal
Oh well, some of you might get a chance to read it. but the childish of some people on here will likely destroy another thread. which seems to be the normal on here anymore

good night
The decline of the middle class correlates with the birth of Raygun's neo-paleo-conservatism - a revival of the simplistic economic notions that gave us the Great Rightard Depression before giving us the Great Rightard Recession. With his scapegoating of "welfare queens," he also made bigotry cool again, though modern Regressives have added the tactic of making themselves the victim whenever you point out their bigotry. It also often goes over-looked that his administration still holds the record for most people indicted and convicted. Regressive cultists like to believe he won the Cold War, forgetting the part of their dogma that insists commuism can't work anyway. He is justifiably remembered as the creator of the Red Ink Ocean, but that was back when "deficits don't matter." It is not often remembered, however, that he achieved the mediocre economy of which rightards are so proud by using a credit card to create that economy, and leaving it for Bubba to pay the bills later.

History will regard Raygun as a very important president, but it will be for the way he suckered people by appealing to short-sighted greed with free-lunch economics to begin an era of American decline.
The decline of the middle class correlates with the birth of Raygun's neo-paleo-conservatism - a revival of the simplistic economic notions that gave us the Great Rightard Depression before giving us the Great Rightard Recession. With his scapegoating of "welfare queens," he also made bigotry cool again, though modern Regressives have added the tactic of making themselves the victim whenever you point out their bigotry. It also often goes over-looked that his administration still holds the record for most people indicted and convicted. Regressive cultists like to believe he won the Cold War, forgetting the part of their dogma that insists commuism can't work anyway. He is justifiably remembered as the creator of the Red Ink Ocean, but that was back when "deficits don't matter." It is not often remembered, however, that he achieved the mediocre economy of which rightards are so proud by using a credit card to create that economy, and leaving it for Bubba to pay the bills later.

History will regard Raygun as a very important president, but it will be for the way he suckered people by appealing to short-sighted greed with free-lunch economics to begin an era of American decline.

You speak that way (rightard) and expect people to take you serious and like you know what the hell you are talking about...and wouldn't calling people "rightard" be considerd being a BIGOT? good grief. I'm just wondering where you stole all that from?
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Regan might serve as a warning, I lived through his admin. I remember him saying, off the cuff, "good news, we outlawed the soviet union, bombing begins in five minutes" ditty. I also remember him and PATCO, and the way he stopped funding to mental health issues and Regan gave 3 million illegal aliens amnesty back in 88. And he helped fund the mujahedeen in Afghanistan and gave money to al quedaa. Woppie big freekin DO. Who has bigger case of amnesia here, liberals or conservatives?

He was making a joke before a radio broadcast, so you stop your revisionist history. As for the rest, the Red Army was mass killing in Afghanistan of course we aided the rebels (see 'Charlie Wilson's War' also). Amnesty was a mistake.
You speak that way (rightard) and expect people to take you serious and like you know what the hell you are talking about...good grief. I'm just wondering where you stole all that from?

I speak that way about rightards, because I learned long ago you are impervious to facts and logic. I'm not trying to persuade you of anything; I am simply enjoying mocking your simple-mindedness.

And, I wrote every bit of that on my own upon reading your groupie distortion of historical reality. Thanks for the compiment, though.
BTW, I play on the Obama forum in the Badlands. If you haven't done so, you might want to check it out. Very active thread with some smart (and stupid) people. Some of you look like you would be right at home. New blood is always welcome ... sometimes.

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