Why Ronald Reagan’s Example Is Still Relevant for America Today

You speak that way (rightard) and expect people to take you serious and like you know what the hell you are talking about...good grief. I'm just wondering where you stole all that from?

I speak that way about rightards, because I learned long ago you are impervious to facts and logic. I'm not trying to persuade you of anything; I am simply enjoying mocking your simple-mindedness.

And, I wrote every bit that on my own upon reading your groupie distortion of historical reality. Thanks for the compiment, though.

you are the typical lib/democrat. You people can't seem to write anything without blowing smoke up peoples asses and all your hate and bigotry (rightards) spilling over in it. and reading what you wrote was a waste that had no facts, only your made up version. so don't feel you deserve a compliment
BTW, I play on the Obama forum in the Badlands. If you haven't done so, you might want to check it out. Very active thread with some smart (and stupid) people. Some of you look like you would be right at home. New blood is always welcome ... sometimes.

who want's to join just to be insulted by someone like you.
BTW, I play on the Obama forum in the Badlands. If you haven't done so, you might want to check it out. Very active thread with some smart (and stupid) people. Some of you look like you would be right at home. New blood is always welcome ... sometimes.

who want's to join just to be insulted by someone like you.

That crybaby whimper would be less ludicrous had it not been immediately preceded by your impotent hissing and spitting. OTOH, you did prove Gawd is benevolent: those whom she made morons, she also blessed with a lack of self-awareness.


"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)

"We're going to crush labor as a political entity"
Grover Norquist - Republican economic guru and co-author of the GOP's 'Contract with America'

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer
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“If you feed enough oats to the horse, some will pass through to feed the sparrows (referring to "trickle down" economics).”
John Kenneth Galbraith

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)

"We're going to crush labor as a political entity"
Grover Norquist - Republican economic guru and co-author of the GOP's 'Contract with America'

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer

speaking of horses. lol
so now you all are in love with Krauthammer. how amazing
BTW, I play on the Obama forum in the Badlands. If you haven't done so, you might want to check it out. Very active thread with some smart (and stupid) people. Some of you look like you would be right at home. New blood is always welcome ... sometimes.

who want's to join just to be insulted by someone like you.

That crybaby whimper would be less ludicrous had it not been immediately preceded by your impotent hissing and spitting. OTOH, you did prove Gawd is benevolent: those whom she made morons, she also blessed with a lack of self-awareness.
oh shut the fxxk up. you are mentally screwed up. see ya
The decline of the middle class correlates with the birth of Raygun's neo-paleo-conservatism - a revival of the simplistic economic notions that gave us the Great Rightard Depression before giving us the Great Rightard Recession. With his scapegoating of "welfare queens," he also made bigotry cool again, though modern Regressives have added the tactic of making themselves the victim whenever you point out their bigotry. It also often goes over-looked that his administration still holds the record for most people indicted and convicted. Regressive cultists like to believe he won the Cold War, forgetting the part of their dogma that insists commuism can't work anyway. He is justifiably remembered as the creator of the Red Ink Ocean, but that was back when "deficits don't matter." It is not often remembered, however, that he achieved the mediocre economy of which rightards are so proud by using a credit card to create that economy, and leaving it for Bubba to pay the bills later.

History will regard Raygun as a very important president, but it will be for the way he suckered people by appealing to short-sighted greed with free-lunch economics to begin an era of American decline.

I've been around since Harry Truman was President, so I lived through a good portion of the liberal era that started with the New Deal and ended with the Great Society. It was America's finest moment. It was an era with huge economic growth and shared wealth, fantastic successes in technology, vast expansion of citizen freedoms and liberties and the growth of a middle class that defined this country and made America the 'city on the hill', the envy of the world.

That era ended at the end of the 1960's and the conservative era began. It has continued ever since. It has been a negative mirror image of the liberal era. We now lead the world only in the dubious like incarcerating human beings, killing innocent people and launching Hirohito sneak attacks on sovereign nations.

Here is what a REAL nanny state looks like...

Who leads the world in 'gulags'? Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Burma, Venezuela, Iran, Russia???


We're is NUMBER ONE! We're is NUMBER ONE! America is NUMBER ONE!

Conservatives built the BIGGEST Nanny State in the history of the world...




"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."
Thomas Jefferson to the Republican Citizens of Washington County, Maryland" (March 31, 1809)
What was the Reagan example?
1. He raised taxes many times
2. He supported science in the areas of space and fusion!
4. He was pro-education and infrastructure!

We spend more on those things under Reagan then we do under OBAMA!!!

5. He granted Amnesty for 2 million illegals

I'd say Jeb Bush is the most like Reagan!

And most of our strength is through having the best tech money can buy. You can't do that without a first rate educational and science, tech infrastructure. The days of a mass numbers of troops that line up in lines are over.
I guess you didn't have the opportunity to see the equipment we had before Reagan..................Who revamped the military in all areas......................Our military assets were degraded..............

All Presidents since then have had a more modern military because of Reagan............

But I guess we should have kept the Rust Buckets I served on instead.............

While modern warfare has less effect in the current non conventional Warfare role........it still plays a major part in our ability to take on anyone in the world............

shut up loser. You would bite the hand that fed you a good living. if you ever did make your own living

so you joined with your first post just for that?
too bad you didn't have someone teach you some manners. You'll be ignored soon enough because of it.

What are the rules here, can I tell you to screw yourself you hypocritical harpy? or is that a no no? At least get your revisionary history and personal insults into proper grammatical form or you look like an idiot.

You speak that way (rightard) and expect people to take you serious and like you know what the hell you are talking about...and wouldn't calling people "rightard" be considerd being a BIGOT? good grief. I'm just wondering where you stole all that from?

Nope, he's an original. I like to stay with words in the dictionary.

oh shut the fxxk up. you are mentally screwed up. see ya

So fucking polite!

I've been around since Harry Truman was President

Me, too, and that other guy who just stopped by.

2. He supported science in the areas of space and fusion!
Tree cause pollution, like that kind of science?

And most of our strength is through having the best tech money can buy. You can't do that without a first rate educational and science, tech infrastructure. The days of a mass numbers of troops that line up in lines are over.
I guess you didn't have the opportunity to see the equipment we had before Reagan..................Who revamped the military in all areas......................Our military assets were degraded..............

All Presidents since then have had a more modern military because of Reagan............

But I guess we should have kept the Rust Buckets I served on instead.............

While modern warfare has less effect in the current non conventional Warfare role........it still plays a major part in our ability to take on anyone in the world............

What was the Reagan example?
1. He raised taxes many times
2. He supported science in the areas of space and fusion!
4. He was pro-education and infrastructure!

We spend more on those things under Reagan then we do under OBAMA!!!

5. He granted Amnesty for 2 million illegals

I'd say Jeb Bush is the most like Reagan!
Wow republicans. When Matthew is smarter than you all, you have something to worry about...


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