Why should atheists give a shit about theists?

It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

You are attempting to marginalize their moral and ethical beliefs, because they are religious based, while maintaining the right to interject YOURS into law.

You are engaging in discrimination.
The question is, what kind of Atheist are you?

Do you curl into the fetal position when you see the Nativity scene on someone's front yard? Howl in pain if a store has a "Merry Christmas" flyer? Sue for irreparable damages if you see a Christmas Tree decorated in front of the local firehall?

I've seen a lot in my life, in the last decade I can honestly say, and this will not be very Christian-like; more whiny, soft, thin skinned, busy body Atheists than anytime in my life. It's possible it's never been worse anytime in North America. We are talking about outright wimps, liars and creampuffs.

The result? See the conclusion of the 2016 election.
Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Atheists are the same sort of people. they just don't push the same crap.

I don't see that at all. I consider myself a Christian and a strong economic and social libertarian, with a decent understanding of other religions and beliefs. I have never been offended by someone who believes something different than I do, why would I? I'm not an insecure, small man. As I've said before, I'm the one who has to die when I die, I will realise my own fate, as others will realise theirs. So I'm in no position to judge, or, to try and suppress their views. That's between them and their maker, or lackthereof.

This is where I have noticed some Atheists take a stronger stance. A guy could shake my hand tomorrow and tell me "Happy Hanukkah" and I would nod and reply the same back to him. Or someone could wish me a safe Ramaddan, or what have you. If I see a star of David, I wouldn't be offended, in fact, quite the opposite. I inherently feel more comfortable around people of faith because I assume their faith guides them to be good human beings.

I lived in Toronto most of my life, a multi cultural city with many religions and beliefs. Sometimes by osmosis you learn about these other faiths and traditions, other times it's in a store window or a businesses flyer, or you read about an upcoming faith related celebration. In my lifetime the only people who have been upset by this have been people who didn't believe in God.
It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

Why do atheists think their viewpoint is the only one that matters? I'm an agnostic but I have to say the only time I get into an argument with a religious nutter is with a militant atheist. You guys are truly obnoxious. Why don't we try this. You respect the religious viewpoint of others. Acknowledge that it is every bit as valid as your own viewpoint, and leave it at that? Why must you impose your world view on others?
Reread the first two paragraphs. If it were just a questrion of you have your beliefs, and I have mine, I would agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, theists are satisfied with that. They are constantly trying to use the government to impose those beliefs - or at least dictate behaviour based on those beliefs - on everyone, including those who do not share those beliefs.

I do not wish to dictate that anyone believe, or not believe as it were, the same as I do, or that anyone must, as a matter of law, behave the way I do. I do not want anyone else to be allowed to do that, either.

Let me give you a clue. So do atheists.

Sure, everyone wants to be in control, but who would you rather be in a position of authority determining right from wrong and establishing laws and customs waging or refraining from war?

Someone who believes that a three in one God diddled a virgin to father himself so he could become fully human without a human father while remaining fully God? The person who thinks rock and roll is evil and marijuana is demon weed? The person who thinks that eating or abstaining from certain food is the way to holiness and anyone who eats a cheeseburger is unclean? The person who believes that homosexuality is an abomination of the damned? The person who thinks that Mohammed is the greatest prophet, role model, and child rapist who ever lived? Any believer of any so called faith who thinks that all unbelievers are evil and deserving of condemnation?

Or the person who doesn't believe in and whose mind is not addled by any of that crap?
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IMO atheists (i'm agnostic with atheist leanings) that whine about being offended by a religious symbol or whatever are nothing but pussy pantywaist crybabies who walk around looking for reasons to be offended
IMO atheists (i'm agnostic with atheist leanings) that whine about being offended by a religious symbol or whatever are nothing but pussy pantywaist crybabies who walk around looking for reasons to be offended

I may not have put it exactly the way you did, well at least not today but I might tomorrow. However, you speak with wisdom.

We have become so focused on suppressing and chasing rabbits, when REAL issues arise where is the attention being pointed? What are the courts presiding over? A Christmas tree in the town square...

Some have become like the Boy Who Cried Wolf, soon or a later it is ignored or outright rejected. Again I will point to the latest outcome of the election, people are outright enraged by the overdoing of political correctness, which has sometimes just been a disguise for attacking Jews, Christians and the average working family trying to make ends meet. They spoke at the ballot box to the astonishment of those in their bubble.
I don't see that at all. I consider myself a Christian and a strong economic and social libertarian, with a decent understanding of other religions and beliefs. I have never been offended by someone who believes something different than I do, why would I? I'm not an insecure, small man. As I've said before, I'm the one who has to die when I die, I will realise my own fate, as others will realise theirs. So I'm in no position to judge, or, to try and suppress their views. That's between them and their maker, or lackthereof.

This is where I have noticed some Atheists take a stronger stance. A guy could shake my hand tomorrow and tell me "Happy Hanukkah" and I would nod and reply the same back to him. Or someone could wish me a safe Ramaddan, or what have you. If I see a star of David, I wouldn't be offended, in fact, quite the opposite. I inherently feel more comfortable around people of faith because I assume their faith guides them to be good human beings.

I lived in Toronto most of my life, a multi cultural city with many religions and beliefs. Sometimes by osmosis you learn about these other faiths and traditions, other times it's in a store window or a businesses flyer, or you read about an upcoming faith related celebration. In my lifetime the only people who have been upset by this have been people who didn't believe in God.

What I said was >>>>>
Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Atheists are the same sort of people. they just don't push the same crap.
Yes, I call it crap.

1). Jews believe (through superstition) that the Messiah is yet to come. But when He does ...... yada, yada, yada. Pure superstition.
G_d DOES exist!

2). Christians believe (through superstition) that the Messiah has already come in the form of Jesus Christ but rather than Him fufuling the profecies, he just came by "to die for our sins" (talk about superstitious crap!) and He'll come back again some day.
G_d DOES exist!

3). Muslims believe (though superstition) that the earth is for the poor but we die we (men, in any case) will be pampered by 72 virgins.
G_d DOES exist!

4). Atheists (in distain of superstition) believe that there is no G_d and two molecules from nothing (Ah! Superstition again!) collided with one another and created something from nothing (except for those damned molecules!)
G_d DOES NOT exist!

NOTE: None of the above have any proof that G-d exists ..... or doesn't exist. Yet they believe that "they know" anyway!
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It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

Why do atheists think their viewpoint is the only one that matters? I'm an agnostic but I have to say the only time I get into an argument with a religious nutter is with a militant atheist. You guys are truly obnoxious. Why don't we try this. You respect the religious viewpoint of others. Acknowledge that it is every bit as valid as your own viewpoint, and leave it at that? Why must you impose your world view on others?
Reread the first two paragraphs. If it were just a questrion of you have your beliefs, and I have mine, I would agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, theists are satisfied with that. They are constantly trying to use the government to impose those beliefs - or at least dictate behaviour based on those beliefs - on everyone, including those who do not share those beliefs.

I do not wish to dictate that anyone believe, or not believe as it were, the same as I do, or that anyone must, as a matter of law, behave the way I do. I do not want anyone else to be allowed to do that, either.

Let me give you a clue. So do atheists.
Really? Name a single law that demands that theists behave as if they are atheist.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Name a law in the western world that does the same vis a vis religion.
It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

Why do atheists think their viewpoint is the only one that matters? I'm an agnostic but I have to say the only time I get into an argument with a religious nutter is with a militant atheist. You guys are truly obnoxious. Why don't we try this. You respect the religious viewpoint of others. Acknowledge that it is every bit as valid as your own viewpoint, and leave it at that? Why must you impose your world view on others?
Reread the first two paragraphs. If it were just a questrion of you have your beliefs, and I have mine, I would agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, theists are satisfied with that. They are constantly trying to use the government to impose those beliefs - or at least dictate behaviour based on those beliefs - on everyone, including those who do not share those beliefs.

I do not wish to dictate that anyone believe, or not believe as it were, the same as I do, or that anyone must, as a matter of law, behave the way I do. I do not want anyone else to be allowed to do that, either.

Let me give you a clue. So do atheists.

Sure, everyone wants to be in control, but who would you rather be in a position of authority determining right from wrong and establishing laws and customs waging or refraining from war?

Someone who believes that a three in one God diddled a virgin to father himself so he could become fully human without a human father while remaining fully God? The person who thinks rock and roll is evil and marijuana is demon weed? The person who thinks that eating or abstaining from certain food is the way to holiness and anyone who eats a cheeseburger is unclean? The person who believes that homosexuality is an abomination of the damned? The person who thinks that Mohammed is the greatest prophet, role model, and child rapist who ever lived? Any believer of any so called faith who thinks that all unbelievers are evil and deserving of condemnation?

Or the person who doesn't believe in and whose mind is not addled by any of that crap?

I don't care what a persons religious beliefs are as they go about the job they are supposed to do. I only care that they do that job to the best of their ability and that they do it in accordance with the laws of the land. Some of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen have been extremely religious. Some of the best scientists likewise. The same can be said of atheists. And, some of the worst of both types have been atheists and theists.

It is the PERSON, not their belief system, that matters. You ignore that at your peril.
It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

Why do atheists think their viewpoint is the only one that matters? I'm an agnostic but I have to say the only time I get into an argument with a religious nutter is with a militant atheist. You guys are truly obnoxious. Why don't we try this. You respect the religious viewpoint of others. Acknowledge that it is every bit as valid as your own viewpoint, and leave it at that? Why must you impose your world view on others?
Reread the first two paragraphs. If it were just a questrion of you have your beliefs, and I have mine, I would agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, theists are satisfied with that. They are constantly trying to use the government to impose those beliefs - or at least dictate behaviour based on those beliefs - on everyone, including those who do not share those beliefs.

I do not wish to dictate that anyone believe, or not believe as it were, the same as I do, or that anyone must, as a matter of law, behave the way I do. I do not want anyone else to be allowed to do that, either.


Like that?
As a matter of fact I was rather disappointed when Obama did that.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Reread the first two paragraphs. If it were just a questrion of you have your beliefs, and I have mine, I would agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, theists are satisfied with that. They are constantly trying to use the government to impose those beliefs - or at least dictate behaviour based on those beliefs - on everyone, including those who do not share those beliefs.

I do not wish to dictate that anyone believe, or not believe as it were, the same as I do, or that anyone must, as a matter of law, behave the way I do. I do not want anyone else to be allowed to do that, either.

Let me give you a clue. So do atheists.
Really? Name a single law that demands that theists behave as if they are atheist.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Law? Demand? What in hell are you talking about?
Which part didn't you understand?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Your English not too good? Where do find the absurd conclusion that "law" and "demand" have anything to do with it?
Really? You see no laws that dictate that people behave in accordance with religious ideology? Seriously? Or do you find the idea that laws dictate behaviour to be absurd?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

You are attempting to marginalize their moral and ethical beliefs, because they are religious based, while maintaining the right to interject YOURS into law.

You are engaging in discrimination.
Care to offer any examples of atheists attempting to dictate individual behaviour?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

You are attempting to marginalize their moral and ethical beliefs, because they are religious based, while maintaining the right to interject YOURS into law.

You are engaging in discrimination.
Care to offer any examples of atheists attempting to dictate individual behaviour?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Here's two. How many hundreds more do you need? The one where the atheist pricks demanded the mother remove the cross from where her son was killed is particularly egregious.

Zealous Atheists Demand Removal Of Cross From War Veterans Memorial

Read more: Zealous Atheists Demand Removal Of Cross From War Veterans Memorial

Mother Removes Cross Memorial After Dispute With Atheist Rights Group

Crosses Removed From Memorial
IMO atheists (i'm agnostic with atheist leanings) that whine about being offended by a religious symbol or whatever are nothing but pussy pantywaist crybabies who walk around looking for reasons to be offended
Those of you who are talking about "offended atheists" are rather missing the point. I am not offended by religious symbology, or faith-based morality - in one's personal life! I could care less if you want to plant a 50-foot tall cross in your front lawn (Your HOA might have something to say about that, but that's between you, and them).

My problem is when that symbology, and and those faith-based ethics creep into our government. "In God We Trust". Just an innocuous little phrase, right? What kind of a whiny little c*nt would make such a big deal about that, right? But, here's the thing. The very first part of the First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." - and, make no mistake, the inclusion of "In God We Trust" on our currency required an act of Congress (that would be a law, for those of you who are not real clear on what a law actually is). Now, Theists will try to confuse the issue by insisting that "God" is generic, and does not apply to any particular religion, so that makes it okay. Except that is just colouring around the stain. Is there a single person - theist, agnostic, or atheist - who would argue that "God" is not a religious concept? Note I didn't ask if it was a concept that was unique to any particular religion. I asked if it was a religious concept. If the answer to that question is "Yes", then it is a violation of the First Amendment. You see, the First Amendment didn't just promise not to endorse one religion over another; it promised not to endorse religion. Period. And it all progresses from there - "...under God...", "First Amendment Protection Act" to protect businesses ability to engage in faith-based bigotry against homosexuals, abortion bans, bans on gambling, bans on prostitution; these are all faith-based intrusions on the individual choices of citizens.

You want to make it appear as if I am whining about someone wishing me a "Merry Christmas". Guess what? I don't give a shit. I happen to love Christmas, even as an atheist. Why? Because fuck tons of presents motherfuckers!!! It's the only "birthday" (yes I put that in quotations for a reason) of someone else where you get presents! How fucking cool is that?!?! So, see? I am not an atheist who hates religion, or shits himself over religious symbology, or faith-based ethics; I'm an atheist who wants religious symbology, and faith-based ethics kept out of my government, slowly trying to turn it into a theocracy!
IMO atheists (i'm agnostic with atheist leanings) that whine about being offended by a religious symbol or whatever are nothing but pussy pantywaist crybabies who walk around looking for reasons to be offended
Those of you who are talking about "offended atheists" are rather missing the point. I am not offended by religious symbology, or faith-based morality - in one's personal life! I could care less if you want to plant a 50-foot tall cross in your front lawn (Your HOA might have something to say about that, but that's between you, and them).

My problem is when that symbology, and and those faith-based ethics creep into our government. "In God We Trust". Just an innocuous little phrase, right? What kind of a whiny little **** would make such a big deal about that, right? But, here's the thing. The very first part of the First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." - and, make no mistake, the inclusion of "In God We Trust" on our currency required an act of Congress (that would be a law, for those of you who are not real clear on what a law actually is). Now, Theists will try to confuse the issue by insisting that "God" is generic, and does not apply to any particular religion, so that makes it okay. Except that is just colouring around the stain. Is there a single person - theist, agnostic, or atheist - who would argue that "God" is not a religious concept? Note i didn't ask if it was a concept that was unique to any particular religion. I asked if it was a religious concept. If the answer to that question is "Yes", then it is a violation of the First Amendment. You see, the First Amendment didn't just promise not to endorse one religion over another; it promised not to endorse religion. Period. And it all progresses from there - "...under God...", "First Amendment Protection Act" to protect businesses ability to engage in faith-based bigotry against homosexuals, abortion bans, bans on gambling, bans on prostitution; these are all faith-based intrusions on the individual choices of citizens.

You want to make it appear as if I am whining about someone wishing me a "Merry Christmas". Guess what? I don't give a shit. I happen to love Christmas, even as an atheist. Why? Because fuck tons of presents motherfuckers!!! It's the only "birthday" (yes I put that in quotations for a reason) of someone else where you get presents! How fucking cool is that?!?! So, see? I am not an atheist who hates religion, or shits himself over religious symbology, or faith-based ethics; I'm an atheist who wants religious symbology, and faith-based ethics kept out of my government, slowly trying to turn it into a theocracy!

All that hasn't crept in it's been part of the fabric of the country since its inception.
There is no creeping theocracy if there were abortion would not be legal there would be no gay rights etc

A cross on a tree in a small town is not a violation of the constitution nor is it creeping theocracy in fact as the population becomes more secular so will government and it's already happening
It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

Why do atheists think their viewpoint is the only one that matters? I'm an agnostic but I have to say the only time I get into an argument with a religious nutter is with a militant atheist. You guys are truly obnoxious. Why don't we try this. You respect the religious viewpoint of others. Acknowledge that it is every bit as valid as your own viewpoint, and leave it at that? Why must you impose your world view on others?
Reread the first two paragraphs. If it were just a questrion of you have your beliefs, and I have mine, I would agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, theists are satisfied with that. They are constantly trying to use the government to impose those beliefs - or at least dictate behaviour based on those beliefs - on everyone, including those who do not share those beliefs.

I do not wish to dictate that anyone believe, or not believe as it were, the same as I do, or that anyone must, as a matter of law, behave the way I do. I do not want anyone else to be allowed to do that, either.

Let me give you a clue. So do atheists.
Really? Name a single law that demands that theists behave as if they are atheist.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Name a law in the western world that does the same vis a vis religion.

Prostitution bans, gambling bans, abortion bans, The Blue Laws in Alabama, Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia...

Shall I go on?
It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

You are attempting to marginalize their moral and ethical beliefs, because they are religious based, while maintaining the right to interject YOURS into law.

You are engaging in discrimination.
Care to offer any examples of atheists attempting to dictate individual behaviour?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Here's two. How many hundreds more do you need? The one where the atheist pricks demanded the mother remove the cross from where her son was killed is particularly egregious.

Zealous Atheists Demand Removal Of Cross From War Veterans Memorial

Read more: Zealous Atheists Demand Removal Of Cross From War Veterans Memorial
Two problems with this story. First, Really? So they were wrong? The War Memorial wasn't a memorial for Veterans? It was a religious shrine? Would the lck of a cross made it less possible for people to have remembered, and paid their respects to fallen war vets? Second, what law was passed by congress over this? None? Oh, then this rather fails to be a case of atheists passing laws to dictate behaviour, now doesn't it. Still waiting for an example of a law, passed by either the federal government, or a state government, that requires religious people to behave as if they are atheists.

Mother Removes Cross Memorial After Dispute With Atheist Rights Group
And, again, while i think the atheist in question is overly sensitive, I failed to see, in the linked report where the atheist succeeded in having the government pass any laws. It appears you need to go back, and reread the OP, again. Allow me to be clear, I have not a single problem with religious protesters. You, and a bunch of your religious friends wanna come to my friend's gay wedding, and pull a Westboro Baptist? Feel froggy. I. Could. Give. A. Shit! It's a First Amendment thing, baby! You have the right to spew whatever stupid shit you want out of your mouth!

My problem is when you theocrats, and religious zealots get the government to pass laws dictating that the rest of us have to act like we agree with your religious nonsense!
IMO atheists (i'm agnostic with atheist leanings) that whine about being offended by a religious symbol or whatever are nothing but pussy pantywaist crybabies who walk around looking for reasons to be offended
Those of you who are talking about "offended atheists" are rather missing the point. I am not offended by religious symbology, or faith-based morality - in one's personal life! I could care less if you want to plant a 50-foot tall cross in your front lawn (Your HOA might have something to say about that, but that's between you, and them).

My problem is when that symbology, and and those faith-based ethics creep into our government. "In God We Trust". Just an innocuous little phrase, right? What kind of a whiny little **** would make such a big deal about that, right? But, here's the thing. The very first part of the First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." - and, make no mistake, the inclusion of "In God We Trust" on our currency required an act of Congress (that would be a law, for those of you who are not real clear on what a law actually is). Now, Theists will try to confuse the issue by insisting that "God" is generic, and does not apply to any particular religion, so that makes it okay. Except that is just colouring around the stain. Is there a single person - theist, agnostic, or atheist - who would argue that "God" is not a religious concept? Note i didn't ask if it was a concept that was unique to any particular religion. I asked if it was a religious concept. If the answer to that question is "Yes", then it is a violation of the First Amendment. You see, the First Amendment didn't just promise not to endorse one religion over another; it promised not to endorse religion. Period. And it all progresses from there - "...under God...", "First Amendment Protection Act" to protect businesses ability to engage in faith-based bigotry against homosexuals, abortion bans, bans on gambling, bans on prostitution; these are all faith-based intrusions on the individual choices of citizens.

You want to make it appear as if I am whining about someone wishing me a "Merry Christmas". Guess what? I don't give a shit. I happen to love Christmas, even as an atheist. Why? Because fuck tons of presents motherfuckers!!! It's the only "birthday" (yes I put that in quotations for a reason) of someone else where you get presents! How fucking cool is that?!?! So, see? I am not an atheist who hates religion, or shits himself over religious symbology, or faith-based ethics; I'm an atheist who wants religious symbology, and faith-based ethics kept out of my government, slowly trying to turn it into a theocracy!

All that hasn't crept in it's been part of the fabric of the country since its inception.
There is no creeping theocracy if there were abortion would not be legal there would be no gay rights etc

A cross on a tree in a small town is not a violation of the constitution nor is it creeping theocracy in fact as the population becomes more secular so will government and it's already happening
Bullshit! "In God We Trust" wasn't added to our currency - by an act of Congress - until 1956! "...under God..." wasn't added to the Pledge until 1954 - again, by an act of Congress.

Most of the Blue Laws in the United States weren't enacted until Prohibition, which was, itself, a faith-based morality attempt. Laws criminalising prostitution didn't start cropping up until the late 19th century - right around the same time the Suffragette movement was trying to criminalise alcohol. Gee what a coincidence. Don't misunderstand me; there were laws regulating prostitution, prior to that, but the criminalisation of the act did not begin until the religiously self-righteous suffragettes decided they had the right to decide for other people how they should behave, and went about getting state governments to pass laws doing such.

So, please do not insult my intelligence, by suggesting that this religious creep into our government has been "going on since day one".
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Let me give you a clue. So do atheists.
Really? Name a single law that demands that theists behave as if they are atheist.

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Law? Demand? What in hell are you talking about?
Which part didn't you understand?

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Your English not too good? Where do find the absurd conclusion that "law" and "demand" have anything to do with it?
Really? You see no laws that dictate that people behave in accordance with religious ideology? Seriously? Or do you find the idea that laws dictate behaviour to be absurd?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I think you've lost grip on the subject.
e Trust
Really? Name a single law that demands that theists behave as if they are atheist.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Law? Demand? What in hell are you talking about?
Which part didn't you understand?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Your English not too good? Where do find the absurd conclusion that "law" and "demand" have anything to do with it?
Really? You see no laws that dictate that people behave in accordance with religious ideology? Seriously? Or do you find the idea that laws dictate behaviour to be absurd?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I think you've lost grip on the subject.
Nope. That was the subject. I'm sorry that you were incapable of grasping that when you read the OP. That would explain your nonsensical responses, though...
It all comes down to politics. Were politics not infused with religious ideology, I would not give so much as a single shit what any individual's personal theology was. We could live, and let live. I like blue, you like red, mix nox.

However, when governments create, and are encouraged to create, laws that incorporate the religious views of one group of citizens into the enforced policies that affect the entire population, then it becomes a concern for me, and other atheists. Now, your beliefs affect me. Government creates a problem when it imposes, through enforced laws, your religious positions on me. I'm certain that Christian, Muslim, or other theists would very much understand this position

The United States, in spite of the First Amendment designed to separate Church and state, is a highly religious country, ruled by increasingly aggressive religious political leaders. The globe is littered with examples of failed attempts to incorporate religion with governance. My concern is that one day America might be counted among them.

It is for this reason that, as an atheist, the beliefs, and actions of theists concern me.

You are attempting to marginalize their moral and ethical beliefs, because they are religious based, while maintaining the right to interject YOURS into law.

You are engaging in discrimination.
Care to offer any examples of atheists attempting to dictate individual behaviour?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Your complaint about was not limited to laws or policies "dictating individual behavior".

You can discuss it as a generality or use specific examples.

YOU are the one who is looking to marginalize those who are different than you, and to cast aspersions on their involvement in the political process because their belief system is different than yours.

If someone supports laws against theft based on religious grounds, is that less valid than the godless heathen standing next to him that is opposed to theft on the grounds of fairness?

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